
    How Social Media And AI Impacts Our Mental Health: Reclaiming Our Minds And Hearts And Healing A Divided World with Tobias Rose-Stockwell

    enNovember 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power and Responsibility of Social MediaSocial media's ability to instantly share our thoughts comes with great responsibility, as it has led to increased polarization, misinformation, and mental health issues. It is crucial to recognize the impact and manage it responsibly.

      Social media has given us the superpower of hyper virality, the ability to instantly share our thoughts and feelings with the world. While this may seem magical and exciting, it also comes with great responsibility and potential harm. The last decade has been marked by the chaos caused by this new superpower, leading to increased polarization, misinformation, and fabricated content. It has become difficult to determine what is true and what is not. This has serious consequences for our mental health, leading to anxiety, increased suicide rates, and other issues. It is important for us to recognize the power and impact of social media and take steps to manage it responsibly.

    • The Impact of Social Media on Traditional JournalismSocial media has disrupted traditional knowledge systems, leading to the spread of unverified information and conspiracy theories. Despite its flaws, journalism provides a more reliable understanding of the world compared to biased content on social media. Support improved knowledge systems for a better grasp of reality.

      Social media has disrupted our traditional knowledge management systems, particularly journalism. In the past, we relied on a few trusted news channels and journalists who fact-checked and verified information. However, with the rise of social media, instant sharing and confirmation bias have taken over. We now have access to an overwhelming amount of information, much of which is unverified or based on personal beliefs. This has led to the proliferation of conspiracy theories and a loss of trust in traditional institutions. While journalism may have its flaws, it still provides a more reliable and informed understanding of the world than the viral shares and biased content we find on social media. We need to recognize this and continue to support improved knowledge systems for a better understanding of reality.

    • The importance of trusting journalists and navigating through misinformation in the digital age.Journalists, despite their flaws, often provide more accurate information than social media or acquaintances. Developing strategies to determine what is true is crucial in today's world.

      Truth can be hard to find and trust in a world full of misinformation. It's important to remember that journalists, despite their flaws, often have more accurate information than the average person. While they may not have the best possible information, they are usually more reliable than what we see on social media or hear from our acquaintances. However, it's crucial to have tools to sift through the real and fake news. We can learn from past chaotic periods and develop strategies to determine what is true. This understanding comes from Tobias Rose-Stockwell's experience working in Cambodia, where he witnessed the devastating effects of a civil war and the power of social media to spread his message.

    • Navigating the Dark Valley: The Double-Edged Sword of Virality and Social MediaAs social media's influence grows, it is crucial to acknowledge its potential harm and responsibly manage its usage. Social media algorithms should prioritize collaboration, understanding, and promoting our shared humanity.

      The power of virality and social media is a double-edged sword. While it can be a force for good, as seen during the Arab Spring, it can also be used for harm, like the coordination of the Capitol attack on January 6th. The influence of social media and its potential for hidden harm creates a "dark valley" that we must navigate with caution. This is especially relevant as artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly powerful. We need to recognize the inherent dangers of these tools and manage their usage responsibly. At the same time, we must not lose sight of our common humanity and the importance of valuing each other despite our differences. The algorithms behind social media platforms should not be designed solely for addiction and engagement, but rather to foster collaboration, understanding, and a sense of shared humanity.

    • The harmful effects of social media algorithms and the need for conscious engagement.Social media algorithms prioritize negative content, contributing to stress and anxiety. To counter this, we must prioritize elevated consciousness and healthier engagement on social media.

      Social media algorithms are designed to increase user engagement by appealing to our worst instincts and stimulating our dopamine receptors. This has harmful effects on our mental health and contributes to high levels of stress and anxiety. One major issue is that social media has become our primary source of news and information, and these platforms tend to prioritize emotionally-charged and negative content. This leads to a vicious cycle where we are constantly exposed to alarming posts and news stories, fueling a sense of helplessness and learned helplessness. To address this problem, it is crucial to consider different business models that prioritize elevating our consciousness and promote healthier engagement with social media.

    • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health and the Importance of SensemakingIn the digital age, navigating social media requires critical thinking and discernment to avoid negative mental health effects. While skepticism is important, reputable sources play a vital role in separating fact from fiction.

      Social media can have a detrimental impact on our mental health if we feel overwhelmed and helpless in addressing the problems and issues it presents. The abundance of information and the difficulty in discerning truth from falsehoods can lead to extreme depression and confusion. We have become like characters in the movie "The Matrix," constantly plugged in and desperately needing to unplug to regain a sense of reality. Sensemaking is crucial in navigating this digital age, and we must be cautious of the misinformation and disinformation that can cause disruption and even violence. While skepticism towards authority is a healthy American disposition, we should also recognize the value of reputable media sources in helping us distinguish truth from fiction.

    • The Importance of Well-Cited and Scrutinized Information in the Age of Social MediaSeeking out diverse perspectives and avoiding the echo chamber of our own biases is crucial in today's society where social media amplifies tribal instincts and threatens the reliability of information.

      Good information has a fingerprint. It tends to be well-cited and has gone through layers of refutation, peer review, and fact-checking. In contrast, information that comes from a single source or lacks scrutiny is less likely to be true. Free speech and open criticism play a crucial role in improving the available knowledge for everyone. However, social media presents a unique challenge in today's society. It exposes us to a multitude of threats, amplifying our tribal instincts and emphasizing our affiliations and differences. This heightened sense of threat leads to an increase in ingroup-outgroup behavior and the need to protect what we hold dear. It is essential to recognize this dynamic and actively seek out diverse perspectives to avoid getting caught in the echo chamber of our own biases.

    • The Threat of AI and Social Media to Reality and SocietyThe combination of AI and social media can blur the line between truth and fiction, allowing politicians to manipulate information and eroding trust in reality, emphasizing the need for skepticism and regulation.

      The rise of artificial intelligence combined with social media poses a significant threat to our perception of reality and our ability to cohere as a society. AI has incredible potential and can be a powerful tool for economic growth and advancements in medicine. However, when AI is used to generate deep fakes and false narratives, it becomes difficult to distinguish truth from fiction. This erodes our trust in reality and allows politicians to operate with impunity, denying facts and creating their own version of events. It is crucial for us to be skeptical of information on social media, especially during elections, as AI becomes increasingly adept at creating convincing false content. Without proper regulation and moderation, the coupling of AI and social media can undermine democratic discourse and norms.

    • The impact of social media on information processing and the need for better toolsApproach information with skepticism, prioritize critical thinking, and rely on reliable sources for accurate understanding of the world.

      Social media platforms are designed to prioritize quick, emotional, and reactive information processing, known as system one thinking, rather than thoughtful and reflective thinking, known as system two thinking. This design leads to the rapid spread of content lacking context and often false information. While platforms like Wikipedia and Google have their own issues, they are better at parsing the truth due to their emphasis on references and citations. However, there still exists a need for better tools and improvement in existing platforms to ensure accurate understanding of the world. It is important to approach information with skepticism and critical thinking, especially when it comes to emotionally charged content.

    • The Harmful Effects of Social Media on Young Girls and the Need for Government InterventionIncreased social media usage among teenage girls has led to higher rates of depression and suicide. Governments should enforce age limitations and revisit laws to hold social media platforms accountable for their negative impacts.

      Social media has clear and harmful effects, particularly on young girls. Increased social media usage has been linked to higher rates of depression and suicide among teenage girls due to social comparison and the creation of social hierarchies. There is a pressing need for governments to step in and enforce age limitations on social media use, as it becomes a coordination problem for girls who may be ostracized if they don't participate. In terms of addressing this crisis, three key buckets need to be considered: individual actions, government interventions, and platform responsibilities. Governments should focus on revisiting laws like Section 230, which currently shields platforms from liability for the negative impacts of their tools.

    • Addressing the harms of algorithmic content amplification on social media platforms.Updating regulations and implementing interventions can improve content quality, reduce addiction problems, and address the harmful business model of social media platforms.

      Algorithmic amplification of content on social media platforms is not a neutral system and can cause real harm in the world. Focusing on updating regulations, such as section 230, to hold platforms more liable for the content they serve is crucial. Implementing interventions, like using AI to identify and pause harmful content before it is shared, can significantly improve the quality of content on these platforms. Adding frictions and choice for users at key intervals can help reduce engagement and addiction problems, making social media a less toxic place. However, addressing the perverse incentive of social media's business model, where inflammatory and disturbing content spreads easily, may require deeper changes to the economics of these platforms.

    • Promoting Healthy Influence and Disconnecting from Social MediaRecognize the impact of social media, take responsibility for the content we post, and prioritize real-world relationships to overcome the challenges of extreme engagement and misinformation online.

      The internal structures of social media platforms are promoting extreme engagement. To address this issue, it is crucial for enough users to voice their dissatisfaction with the extreme content being served. However, coordinating collective action is challenging due to the flood of pressing issues and misinformation. As individuals, we need to recognize the concept of healthy influence online, understanding that we are both influencers and being influenced by these platforms and our communities. Taking responsibility for the content we post and considering its impact on others is essential. Social media should be seen as real-life communities, and we should approach our online interactions as we would in-person relationships. Additionally, being mindful of our usage and finding ways to disconnect from social media, such as using content blockers, can help reclaim our time and energy. Ultimately, reconnecting with each other in person and prioritizing real-world relationships is crucial, especially when considering the mental health challenges faced by the younger generation growing up in the social media era.

    • Maintaining a Healthy Digital EnvironmentBeing mindful of our digital habits, using supportive apps, and implementing content blockers can help us take intentional breaks and manage our time spent online. Additionally, platforms must invest in trust and safety teams to protect users from harmful content.

      We need to be mindful of our digital habits and take intentional breaks from social media platforms. Apps like the one mentioned in the conversation can help us pause and consider our intentions before mindlessly scrolling. Content blockers and time limit settings can also be effective tools in managing our time spent online. Furthermore, it is crucial for platforms to invest in trust and safety teams to protect users from harmful content. The moderation decisions made internally by these teams have a significant impact on the information we see or don't see. Platforms like TikTok, with their powerful algorithms, have the potential to influence elections, highlighting the importance of regulating and moderating such influential tools. Finding a balance between authoritarian control and a free-for-all is key in creating a healthier digital environment.

    • Escaping the Dark Valley: Overcoming Social Media Addiction and Regulating Platforms for Mental Well-beingJust as we regulate harmful food substances, government intervention is needed to protect our mental well-being from the harmful effects of social media addiction, and history shows that we can overcome such challenges.

      Our addiction to social media and the information overload it brings is comparable to our addiction to fast food. Similar to how fast food has harmful effects on our physical health, social media feeds our brains with junk information, causing confusion, violence, and a loss of critical thinking skills. Just as the government has stepped in to regulate harmful food substances, it needs to play a role in regulating social media platforms to protect our mental well-being. By looking at the history of media disruptions, we can find hope that we have overcome similar challenges in the past. It's time for us to find our way out of this dark valley and create a better world where technology serves us instead of exploiting our vulnerabilities.

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    | Lee McIntyre |

    ► Website | https://leemcintyrebooks.com

    ► Twitter | https://twitter.com/leecmcintyre

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    ► Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/in/lee-mcintyre-73112489

    ► On Disinformation Book | https://amzn.to/3JOREIo


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    | Dr. Daniel Jolley |

    ► Website | https://www.danieljolley.co.uk

    ► Twitter | https://twitter.com/DrDanielJolley

    ► Youtube Channel | https://bit.ly/3HYFqMz


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