
    How the Digital Landscape is Radically Changing in 2021 | Real Vision Finance

    enSeptember 18, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • From Immigrant to Entrepreneur: Gary Vaynerchuk's JourneyImmigrant Gary Vaynerchuk defied odds, turning a family liquor store into a $65M business and building a global communications agency despite adversity and lack of resources.

      Gary Vaynerchuk's background is a testament to the power of determination, entrepreneurship, and resilience. Born to a family from Belarus in the former Soviet Union, Gary came to the United States as an immigrant and faced numerous challenges in his early years. Despite adversity from teachers, peers, and societal expectations, Gary's passion for business and desire to make an impact on his family's liquor store led him to build a multimillion-dollar business from the ground up. He started with humble beginnings, shoveling snow and working at his father's store, and developed a passion for entrepreneurship at a young age. Despite the naysayers and lack of resources, Gary persevered and turned his father's business into a $65 million a year enterprise. He then embarked on his own ventures, including a client service business, which some considered a risky move, but ultimately led to the creation of VaynerX, a global communications agency, and various successful businesses and investments. Gary's story is a reminder that with hard work, determination, and a clear vision, one can overcome adversity and achieve great success.

    • Understanding Consumer Behavior and Identifying TrendsStay informed and open to new trends and technologies to build a successful business and make profitable investments.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, an entrepreneur and marketing expert, has built a business, VaynerX, which serves as a foundation for his continued growth and the creation of satellite opportunities. He has shown uncanny understanding of consumer behavior and was an early influencer in the influencer marketing space, as described in his book "Crush It." Vaynerchuk's success in identifying trends, such as influencer marketing and NFTs, comes from putting in the time and research to become an expert. He was introduced to cryptocurrency in 2011 by Aaron Battalion, a technologist, during a gathering at South by Southwest. Although Vaynerchuk's initial interest was in the concept of decentralized servers rather than finance, he bought some coins for a very low price. This early investment in cryptocurrency, and later in NFTs, demonstrates the importance of staying informed and being open to new trends and technologies.

    • Recognizing Ethereum's Potential as a Central Brand and NFTs as Social Signaling ToolsThe speaker sees Ethereum as a potential central brand like Apple, and NFTs as valuable social signaling and communication tools, but warns of the risks in the current NFT market and emphasizes the importance of supporting diversity in the space.

      The speaker's initial interest in Ethereum was sparked during a jam session years ago, and he saw potential in it becoming a central brand like Apple, while Bitcoin was seen as more of a currency like Android. He made a significant investment in Ethereum and later became interested in NFTs, recognizing their value as social signaling and communication tools. However, he cautions that the current NFT market is risky, with many projects likely to be negative investments, and that the greatest intellectual properties have yet to enter the space. He emphasizes the importance of supporting diversity in the NFT space and is excited about the potential of female and minority-led projects. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the potential of NFTs as a new form of social signaling and communication, but also the risks involved in the current market.

    • Taking the first step into the NFT space with courage and commitmentSuccess in new ventures requires courage, commitment, and creating community value. Avoid extracting value without giving back.

      Success in new and uncertain ventures requires a significant amount of courage and a strong commitment to building value for the community. The speaker shares his personal experience of taking the first step into the NFT space with a clear vision, a long-term perspective, and a willingness to put the community's interests above his own. He emphasizes the importance of creating meaningful community value and avoiding the temptation to extract value from the community without giving anything in return. The speaker's business model, based on the principle of giving more than asking for in return, has been instrumental in building a strong reputation and a loyal following. Despite the initial cynicism and criticism from the community, the speaker remained committed to his vision and was eventually rewarded with the recognition and appreciation of those who took the time to understand his work.

    • Creating Value, Building Community, and Maintaining TrustGary Vee's approach to NFTs is about more than just financial gain. He's focused on creating value, building a community, and maintaining trust, putting his reputation on the line and prepared to financially backstop the project if necessary.

      For Gary Vaynerchuk, the success of his NFT project, VeeFriends, is not just about financial gain, but also about reputation and trust. He put himself on the line, putting his reputation at stake, and was prepared to financially backstop the project if things went wrong. This approach not only incentivized him to ensure the project's success but also won over critics and skeptics. For Gary, NFTs represented an opportunity to create a valuable network and intellectual property, giving him and his token holders the power to extract value in various forms, such as merchandise, media deals, and more. The ability to support his community and potentially reward them with a share of future successes was an attractive proposition for him. Ultimately, Gary's approach to NFTs is about creating value, building a community, and maintaining trust and reputation.

    • Community Building and Decentralization in CryptoBringing non-crypto natives into the space through education and community engagement leads to significant token holdings. Community tokens drive network effects and bring people together, promoting products. Patience and creating long-term value are essential. Authentic communities with inherent value are crucial for artists.

      Community building and decentralization are key to the future of the crypto space. The speaker shared his experience of bringing non-crypto native individuals into the space through education and community engagement, resulting in a significant number of them holding tokens from his project. He believes that community tokens, like Facebook's Diem, will drive network effects and bring massive groups of people together, sharing economics and promoting the product. The speaker also emphasized the importance of patience and creating demand and long-term value for projects. He warned artists about the need to build authentic communities with deep inherent value, rather than relying solely on popularity or physical attributes. Overall, the future of crypto lies in the hands of the individuals and communities that create demand and value, disrupting traditional systems and putting power back into the community.

    • New way for creators to build, fund, and monetize projectsNFTs enable creators to provide value to their communities and generate income from their work permanently on the blockchain

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) offer creators and communities a new way to build, fund, and monetize projects, providing a level of control and long-term value that traditional funding methods lack. Dave Chappelle was used as an example of a talented individual who may not have fully leveraged the potential of community building and intellectual property scaling. The speaker shared his own experience of disliking the traditional capital raising process and how NFTs offer an alternative where creators can continue to provide value to their communities even if their projects fail. Additionally, the permanence of NFTs on the blockchain means that creators can continue to generate income from their work long after it was initially created. The speaker expressed excitement about the potential of buying and refurbishing dormant NFTs in the future. Overall, NFTs represent a shift towards a more community-driven and sustainable model for creative projects and businesses.

    • NFTs with historical significance or strong cultural connections could offer immense value in the futureNFT projects like Curio Cards, with their historical significance and strong cultural connections, could become the next big thing, especially for millennials and Gen Z who value authenticity and nostalgia in the metaverse.

      NFT projects, specifically those with historical significance or strong cultural connections, could potentially offer immense value in the future. The speaker suggests that Curio Cards, being one of the first NFT projects, could be the next big thing, comparable to iconic figures in music, sports, or pop culture. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of authenticity on the blockchain and the significance of nostalgia, especially for millennials and Gen Z who have grown up with digital experiences and are now earning their own money. The metaverse is also seen as a natural progression for these digital assets, as characters and identities will live in this virtual world. The speaker encourages a positive and collaborative approach in the NFT community, rather than focusing on negativity towards other projects. Lastly, the speaker expresses admiration for Facebook's efforts in the metaverse and sees potential in their involvement.

    • Don't Jump in Too Early with NFTsApproach NFT investing with caution, don't jump in too early, only invest money you can afford to lose, and do thorough research before investing.

      Timing is crucial in the world of NFTs and investing in new technologies. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of not jumping in too early, as it can lead to significant losses. He uses the example of someone who missed out on potential profits from Axie Infinity due to being too early. Gary also warns about the risks involved in NFTs and encourages people to only invest money they can afford to lose. He advises against blindly following recommendations and emphasizes the importance of doing one's own research. The space is still in its early stages, and many projects will likely fail. However, there are opportunities to invest in more established and promising projects, such as WAX, which has low costs and good nostalgic IP. Ultimately, it's important to approach NFT investing with caution and a willingness to accept the risks involved.

    • Revolutionizing ownership and trading of digital and physical assetsNFTs and blockchain technology have the potential to revolutionize the way we own and trade digital and physical assets, including real estate and intellectual property rights, providing ongoing revenue through royalties and the potential for significant future benefits for early adopters and supporters of artists and creators.

      The world of technology and digital assets is constantly evolving, and it's essential to stay informed and adapt to new trends. Just like how the internet was once considered a novelty but is now an integral part of our lives, NFTs and blockchain technology have the potential to revolutionize the way we own and trade digital and physical assets. This includes everything from real estate to intellectual property rights. For example, owning a piece of a unique home or a share of a pop star's IP rights could provide ongoing revenue through royalties. The potential for innovation in this space is vast, and those who understand and embrace these technologies could reap significant benefits in the future. Additionally, the intangible value of being an early adopter and supporter of artists and creators should not be underestimated. As the speaker mentioned, the only things that truly matter are the unseen aspects of life, such as knowledge, innovation, and the potential for future wealth creation.

    • Tokenization of Culture: A Revolutionary DevelopmentThe tokenization of culture, including NFTs and community building, could be worth a quadrillion dollars and revolutionize society in the next 30 years. Research and participate regardless of financial situation.

      The tokenization of culture, specifically NFTs and community building, is set to be a revolutionary development in the next 30 years, surpassing even the significance of the crypto industry. The speaker, who has been involved since 2012, emphasizes that this is the most exciting thing they've ever encountered and could potentially be worth a quadrillion dollars. The gray areas of society, which are vast and largely untapped, are also expected to be tokenized, leading to iconic changes in the next three decades. The speaker encourages everyone to do their own research, make informed decisions, and participate in this opportunity, regardless of their financial situation.

    • Listeners' support through podcast reviewsReviews provide positive reinforcement and testimonials to the impact of the podcast, inspiring listeners to pursue their passions

      The support and feedback from listeners through podcast reviews are invaluable to the creators. The host expressed his gratitude towards those who take the time to leave reviews, as they not only provide positive reinforcement but also serve as testimonials to the impact of the podcast. One particular 5-star review was highlighted, where the listener shared how the podcast's content inspired them to pursue their passion for photography despite not following the traditional career path. The host emphasized the importance of choosing happiness and encouraged listeners to leave reviews for a chance to be featured and recognized.

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    The Most Important Question In Business

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    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

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    5 Core Pieces of Value to Get You to Succeed

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    There are so many people racing to earn more money than they can even spend even if they have to sacrifice their happiness and livelihood to do so. The really disturbing part about this is that most of these people only want the money so they can be flashy and show off their overly expensive cars (that they don't even want) and other dumb things to other people. Happiness needs to be the Northstar that we strive towards. If we aren't aiming to be happy, then is it really worth having more money than you can spend and more cars than you can drive? —

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    Related Episodes

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    Why I’m Going to be Involved with NFT’s for the Rest of My Life

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    Follow The Outer Realm:



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    Text Me! 212-931-5731

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    What Will Be The Next REAL WORLD Use For NFTs? | 'Disruptic' w/ Anthony Sartor

    What Will Be The Next REAL WORLD Use For NFTs? | 'Disruptic' w/ Anthony Sartor

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    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought! 

    To watch the full video version of this episode go to: https://www.youtube.com/@disruptic/videos 

    Disruptic Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/46YZNMBWfnGM0zZ84bBKul

    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com 

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends 

    Tweet Me! @garyvee 

    Text Me! 212-931-5731 

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

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    All Things Veecon, NFTs and Community | Twitter Spaces Convo w/ Steve Aoki

    All Things Veecon, NFTs and Community | Twitter Spaces Convo w/ Steve Aoki

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    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

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    DAOs & Cooperatives - Austin Robey

    DAOs & Cooperatives - Austin Robey

    Today we are joined by Austin Robey, Seed Club Alumni, and collaborator, creator of Ampled and DinnerDAO. We dive into Austin's most recent article on what cooperatives and DAOs can learn from each other. We talk about how tokens can be a tool to bootstrap a network effect and create actual collective ownership. We also get into Austin's take on how ownership should be a core value in a society where we ask ourselves, "Who owns this product?"

    The Difference Between Short Term and Long Term NFTs | DCL Blogger

    The Difference Between Short Term and Long Term NFTs | DCL Blogger

    Todays, episode is an interview I did with DCL Blogger on the “We Came From The Future” podcast. I’m really passionate about this episode and am super fired up for you to give it a listen. We go in-depth behind my thoughts on how to play the long game in the NFT space, short-term versus long-term NFT success, and how to navigate the NFT space. I also drop major hints about my NFT project that’s dropping on 5/5/21 ;) If you enjoy the episode I would love to know your thoughts!

    Tweet Me: @garyvee

    Text Me: 212-912-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter 

    P.S. As I mentioned in my intro, here's more info on how to get involved with my NFT project on 5/5/21 https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/how-to-make-a-cryptocurrency-or-nft-wallet/

    For more information on the host/guest of the podcast

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DCLBlogger

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn_tz_81xsEIPjIXVzKahgQ/featured

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