
    How to Become the Person God Designed You to Be w/ Steven Furtick

    enApril 30, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Being authentic and true to oneself is crucial for personal growthProvide genuine, personalized guidance and support to foster authenticity and personal growth, rather than giving generic advice.

      It's important to be authentic and true to oneself, rather than giving or receiving generic advice. Pastor Steven Furtick shares this message in his book "Do the New You," where he reflects on the advice he gave his son before he went off to college. Furtick emphasizes that it's not helpful to simply tell someone to "just do you," as this can come across as insincere or dismissive. Instead, it's crucial to provide genuine, personalized guidance and support. The admiral show host, Ed Mylett, expressed similar sentiments, sharing how he felt pressure when his son asked for advice and how he ultimately realized that the best advice would be to be true to oneself. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of authenticity and personal growth, which can be fostered through resources like Growth Day, a personal development app that offers accountability, journaling, and courses on high performance techniques.

    • Embrace the 'knew you' instead of the 'future you'Instead of constantly striving to be a version of ourselves we think we should be, we should trust in our potential to grow and become the best versions of ourselves as God intended.

      The notion of "just being yourself" can be a trap if it means settling for who you've been instead of striving to become who God intended you to be. The author argues that most people haven't fully realized their potential and that living your life based on a limited understanding of yourself can leave you feeling unfulfilled. Instead, he suggests that we should aim to step off the "treadmill of future you" – the idea of constantly chasing a version of ourselves that we think we should be – and embrace the "knew you" – the true, chosen version of ourselves that God knows and loves. The author encourages us to look within and trust that we have the potential to grow and become the best versions of ourselves.

    • Embrace the love withinAccept and love ourselves as we are, trusting in God's and others' acceptance, enables us to see and pursue our true purpose.

      The true version of ourselves exists within us right now, as God sees us, rather than being something we need to chase or achieve in the future. This idea challenges the common perception that our best selves are distant goals, and instead encourages us to accept and embrace the love and acceptance of God and others in the present moment. The speaker shares a personal struggle with fully accepting this concept, as they have a tendency to focus on earning love from others and themselves, rather than allowing themselves to bask in the love that is already present. This concept is deeply connected to the idea of having a clear vision for our lives, as a lack of acceptance and self-love can hinder our ability to see and pursue our true purpose.

    • Sharing vulnerabilities leads to deeper connectionsEmbracing vulnerability and authenticity can lead to deeper connections, and recognizing our worth in God's eyes can empower us to overcome perceived flaws and failures.

      Vulnerability and authenticity can lead to deeper connections than trying to impress others with our strengths. The speaker shared an experience where they connected with someone on a deeper level by discussing their struggles and vulnerabilities, which led to a surprising invitation to join a conversation with that person. The speaker also emphasized the importance of believing in one's worth and being created in the image of God, despite any perceived flaws or failures. A biblical story about Moses illustrates this idea, as God chose and empowered Moses despite his doubts and perceived inadequacies. The speaker's personal experience of giving his son money before asking for it during a sermon serves as a powerful reminder of God's knowledge and love for us, and the freedom that comes from embracing that truth.

    • Embrace opportunities and trust yourselfBelieve in your abilities, face challenges with confidence, and trust God for strength and resources. Try tools like Growth Day, Armor Colostrum, and Babbel for personal growth.

      Trusting in one's abilities and remembering that God gives us the strength and resources to face challenges is essential for growth and success. Ed Mylett shared a personal story about receiving his father's wallet, which reminded him of this important lesson. He encouraged listeners to believe in their capabilities and step into challenging situations with confidence. Additionally, Mylett promoted Growth Day, a personal development system, and Armor Colostrum, a health supplement, as tools for improving various aspects of life. Another topic he discussed was language learning through Babbel, emphasizing the benefits of immersive learning and offering a discount for listeners. Overall, Mylett's message was about embracing opportunities and trusting oneself to overcome challenges.

    • Embracing Our Perceived LimitationsOur perceived limitations can be transformed into strengths when we embrace them and trust in a higher power. Trusting in God's plan allows us to unlock endless possibilities.

      Our perceived limitations can actually be our greatest opportunities when we trust in God's plan. The apostle Paul, despite his brilliance and eloquence, felt inadequate and unimpressive compared to others. However, it was in his weakness that he became strong, and he went on to write a third of the New Testament. This principle transcends beliefs or religious texts, and it serves as a reminder that our perceived limitations can be transformed into strengths when we embrace them and trust in a higher power. Paul's story shows us that it's not about what we have or don't have, but rather, it's about what we choose to do with what we have. We all have unique gifts and limitations, and when we surrender them to a higher power, we open ourselves up to endless possibilities.

    • Unexpected Strength from Perceived WeaknessesTrust in God's plan and have faith in ourselves to overcome challenges, despite our perceived weaknesses.

      Our perceived weaknesses can be sources of unexpected strength if we lean into them and trust in God's plan for us. Paul, an unimpressive figure in the Bible, serves as a powerful reminder of this truth. Meanwhile, our "lizard brains," which trigger fear and doubt, can be especially loud when we're facing challenges. But as the story of the speaker's daughter Abby illustrates, we can learn to ignore the lizard's loud voice and trust in our abilities instead. Ultimately, the key is to have faith in ourselves and in God's belief in us, rather than constantly seeking external hacks or validation. The sacrifice and love of God have already been given to us, and we don't need to earn them.

    • Everyone, including pastors, faces struggles and doubts in their faith journeyPastors and spiritual leaders are humans who experience challenges and doubts in their faith, but they continue to trust and grow in their relationship with God.

      Even the most successful and spiritual individuals, including pastors, face struggles and doubts in their faith journey. It's a common misconception that these individuals have it all figured out and live perfect lives. However, the reality is that everyone, including pastors, is on a growing journey of faith and experiences ups and downs. It's essential to understand that faith and trusting in God do not exclude experiencing challenges such as anxiety, depression, or feeling disconnected from God. In fact, these experiences can deepen one's relationship with God. It's important to remember that pastors and spiritual leaders are humans and not immune to these struggles. They provide encouragement and guidance to others while dealing with their own challenges. The key is to embrace the ebbs and flows of the faith journey and trust that God is always present, even during the darkest moments.

    • Embracing vulnerability and trusting in faith during difficult timesGod uses imperfect individuals to fulfill His calling. Embrace vulnerability and trust in faith during tough moments, as God's presence and grace can still be felt.

      God uses imperfect and struggling individuals to fulfill His calling. The speaker shared his personal experience of feeling overwhelmed and uncertain in leading a growing church, but was reminded that his availability and willingness to let God in during his low moments were what truly mattered. Leonard Cohen's quote, "There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in," emphasizes the importance of embracing vulnerability and trusting in faith during difficult times. The speaker emphasized that even in moments of doubt and despair, God's presence and grace can still be experienced. This message is why the speaker started his podcast and has conducted over 600 interviews. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the importance of using Indeed for hiring qualified and interested candidates for business positions to save time and energy.

    • Finding Joy in Your Job and Quality Candidates with IndeedIndeed helps businesses find quality candidates within 24 hours and the speaker, John Mylett, encourages listeners to find joy in their jobs by practicing gratitude and recognizing God's presence in their work.

      Finding the right candidates for your business is crucial and Indeed delivers quality matches within 24 hours. The speaker, John Mylett, has had positive experiences with Indeed and recommends it to listeners for increased job visibility. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of finding joy in one's job and shared his personal struggle with embracing this concept. He described feeling stuck and focused on performance, but eventually discovered that practicing gratitude and recognizing God's presence in his job helped him find joy. The speaker also mentioned his book, "Grace Outpaced Me," which explores six mindsets, including the idea that God has given us everything we need for the season we're in and that our joy comes from our job. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of finding joy in work and the role of Indeed in helping businesses connect with qualified candidates.

    • Practicing gratitude to combat anxietyConsistently listing 8 things we're grateful for can help shift focus from fear and anxiety to gratitude and peace.

      Developing a consistent gratitude practice can serve as an effective strategy against anxiety and negativity. The speaker, who struggles with naturally feeling grateful, shares her experience of using the "grateful 8" practice, which involves tracing the outline of the letter "G" in gratitude and listing eight things she's thankful for. This simple act helps her shift her focus from fear and anxiety to gratitude and praise for the giver of the blessings in her life. Gratitude, according to the speaker, is a powerful tool for maintaining a stable heart and countering the "lizard brain" that can contribute to negative thought patterns. By focusing on the source of our blessings, we can find peace and contentment even in the midst of challenges.

    • A profound message from heavenly father boosted self-acceptanceEmbrace your flaws, pray for self-acceptance, and believe in your worth through loved ones' perspective

      Everyone, including successful and inspiring figures, is a real human being with flaws and vulnerabilities. The speaker shared a personal story about a life-changing moment when he prayed and received a profound message from his heavenly father, reinforcing his worth and strengths. This experience helped him accept himself and inspired him to continue growing and improving while embracing his current state. The speaker encourages listeners to ask themselves what they believe their loved ones would say about them, as a means of self-reflection and self-acceptance. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of self-love, self-acceptance, and the ongoing journey of personal growth.

    • Embrace your potentialBy agreeing with God about our potential, we can begin to grow into it, inspiring us to continue striving towards it.

      We all have the potential to grow beyond our current limitations and become the best versions of ourselves, as revealed in the glimpses we receive from God. However, if we argue for our limitations, we risk keeping them. Instead, by agreeing with God about our potential, we can begin to grow into it. These moments of revelation, whether they come through introspection or external validation, serve as valuable reference points that remind us of the greatness within us. While we may not be able to fully actualize this potential at all times, these moments inspire us to continue striving towards it.

    • God sees our true potentialGod values us regardless of our past or beliefs, encouraging us to believe in our inherent worth and trust in His guidance to become our best selves

      God sees the best version of ourselves, the untarnished image of Him inside us, even amidst our traumas, disappointments, and self-doubt. Ed and I want to encourage everyone to embrace this glimpse of their true potential and agree with God about it. We believe that everyone, regardless of their beliefs or past, can find meaning and purpose in their lives by first acknowledging and believing in their inherent worth and value, given to them by God. This belief doesn't mean we have all the answers or that our lives are perfect, but it's a crucial first step towards growing into the person God intends us to be. So, if you're feeling lost or uncertain about the meaning of your life, remember that God sees you in your current state and still loves and values you. The next step is to believe in that love and worth, and trust that God will guide you on your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

    • Belief in Jesus' sacrifice pays for our sinsBy placing faith in Jesus, we're granted forgiveness and welcomed into God's kingdom, a gift from God, not based on works or personal merit.

      According to Steven Furtick, the foundation of a strong and unwavering faith lies in the belief that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross has already paid for our sins, and that by placing our faith in Him, we are granted forgiveness and welcomed into God's kingdom. Furtick emphasizes that this grace is not based on works or personal merit, but a gift from God. He encourages us to have confidence in our faith, both in this life and the next, and to remember that religion is about doing, while Christianity is about done - the price has already been paid. Furtick's message is one of hope, forgiveness, and the assurance that no matter what mistakes we've made or what burdens we carry, by believing in Him, we can be saved.

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