
    How To Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer with Dr. William Li

    enMarch 22, 2023
    What did the study by Herman Ponder focus on?
    How does food affect our metabolism according to the study?
    What role does our pancreas play in energy regulation?
    What are the benefits of red light therapy?
    How does cold therapy impact brown fat activation?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Link Between Metabolism and Body Fat: A Global StudyA study of 6,000 people across 20 countries shows that our body fat and metabolism are closely related. We can boost our metabolism by loving the right foods, promoting overall health and weight management.

      In a recent study by Herman Ponder and 90 other researchers, they looked at 6,000 people from 20 countries to study human metabolism in the same way.They gave them water with slight changes in hydrogen and oxygen, which could be detected in their breath, blood, and urine.This research shows that our body fat and metabolism are closely related and important for our overall health.The good news is that we don't need to fear our food, we can actually love it and increase our metabolism.Eating foods that love us back is important for our health and weight management.

    • The Four Phases of Human MetabolismOur metabolism goes through four phases in our lifetime, peaking in the first year and declining until adulthood, where it remains constant until old age. Controlling body fat can increase metabolism, giving us control over our body's processes.

      A study of 6,000 people from birth to old age revealed that all humans go through only four phases of metabolism in their entire lives.Everyone is born with the same metabolism, which skyrocket in the first year of life and then progressively decreases till adulthood, and then remains unchanged from 20 to 60 years.From 60 to 90, metabolism declines only by 17%.If you control your body fat, your metabolism rises because that's the hard wiring in our body.Therefore, being overweight slows down metabolism, not the other way around.This discovery leads us to have a new ability to control our metabolism.

    • How Excess Body Fat Slows Down Your Metabolism and What You Can Do About ItYour body size doesn't determine your metabolism's efficiency. Overloading your fuel tank with food leads to excess body fat, which disrupts your metabolism. Listen to your body and stop fueling up when you've had enough.

      Excess body fat can slow down your metabolism, which is like the operating system in your body that gives you energy to function.Your body size doesn't determine your metabolism's efficiency, as even Olympians in different weight classes can have a healthy metabolism.Think of your metabolism like filling up your car with gas.When you eat, you're filling up your fuel tank, but if you don't stop when you feel full, you can overload your tank, which leads to excess body fat that disrupts your metabolism.So, listen to your body and stop fueling up when you've had enough.

    • Understanding How our Body Stores Energy as FatEating nutrient-rich foods like plants and high-quality protein can prevent excess fat cells from forming, while body fat plays important roles in growing bodies such as providing cushioning and shaping during puberty.

      When we eat food, our pancreas creates insulin to help draw energy into our cells.If we eat too much food, our body stores the extra fuel in fat cells, which can expand up to 100 times in size.If we continue to overeat, our body has to create more and more fat cells to store the extra fuel.We can avoid this by eating high-quality, nutrient-rich foods like plant-based foods and high-quality sources of protein.Our body fat is not the enemy, and it has important roles in our body as we grow up, such as providing cushioning and shaping our bodies during puberty.

    • The Important Functions of Body Fat ExplainedBody fat not only stores excess energy but also acts as a cushion, an endocrine organ and even helps produce warmth. Appreciating its functions can help fight against unhealthy fat.

      Body fat serves four important functions in the human body.Firstly, it functions as a cushion that protects our organs from harm during accidents.Secondly, it acts as a storage space for excess energy, much like a fuel tank.Thirdly, body fat also works as an endocrine organ, producing important hormones that contribute to metabolic processes.Lastly, brown fat, a special type of fat, acts like a space heater, burning energy from other fat cells to produce warmth.Understanding these functions of body fat can help people appreciate its importance and even use it to fight against unhealthy fat.

    • The Science behind Red Light and Cold Therapies to Boost Energy and Burn FatRed light therapy and cold therapy are natural ways to improve energy levels and burn calories by activating cells and brown fat. Juve's modular design allows for easy and quick treatments at home.

      Dr. Mark Hyman discusses the benefits of red light therapy, which increases our cells' potential to produce energy when absorbed through the skin.However, in today's modern indoor lifestyle, it can be difficult to get enough red light exposure.That's where Juve comes in, offering modular design options and treatments that can be done in as little as 10 minutes.On another note, Dr. William Li talks about brown fat and its activation with cold therapy.Brown fat was discovered in humans through PET scans, with a signature found in about half of the adults studied.Cold temperatures fire up brown fat, which is present in adults all over the body.

    • The Power of Brown Fat ActivationEating plant-based foods rich in sulforaphanes and beta-glucans can activate brown fat, help burn more calories, and aid in weight loss. Cold temperatures, stress hormones, and specific foods like chili peppers, walnuts, and mushrooms can also turn on brown fat switches.

      Brown fat is different from the lumpy, bumpy visceral fat that everyone wants to get rid of.It is wafer thin and located deep inside the body, close to the bone.Brown fat helps keep us warm in winter by burning calories.Cold temperatures, stress hormones, and specific foods like chili peppers, walnuts, and mushrooms can activate brown fat by turning on specific switches.Eating plant-based foods that are rich in sulforaphanes, such as broccoli and cauliflower, and beta-glucans from mushrooms can ignite brown fat.Incorporating these foods into your diet can help you burn more calories and lose weight.

    • Certain Foods that Trigger Brown Fat Activation and Reduce Visceral FatEating foods like leafy greens, mushrooms, lentils, and navy beans can help activate brown fat, boosting metabolism and burning body fat. Adding these into your diet could help you reduce dangerous visceral fat and slim your waistline.

      Activating brown fat through certain foods can speed up metabolism and help burn body fat.Foods such as leafy greens, mushrooms, lentils, and dried apples have been shown to activate brown fat in the lab and human research supports this.Adding these foods to your diet can trigger the process of burning extra energy, shrinking fat cells, and unleashing your inner metabolism.Pre-cooked navy beans, ready to eat from a can, have been shown to shrink waist circumference by an inch in a month when eaten three quarters of a cup, five days a week.Visceral fat, the dangerous fat inside the body cavity, can be reduced through dietary changes.

    • Body Fat: Why You Should Pay Attention to Your TongueBody fat, especially in the tongue, can lead to snoring, sleep apnea, liver toxicity, and other health issues. Eat healthy foods in moderation and at the right times to fight body fat and raise metabolism.

      Did you know that the first place you start building body fat, especially visceral fat, is in your tongue? Even skinny people can gain fat in their tongues, which can cause snoring and sleep apnea.Excess body fat is not just about appearance, it can also lead to toxicity in the liver and even act like a tumor.Instead of fearing food, it's important to eat healthy, delicious foods in moderation and at the right times to fight body fat and raise metabolism.While there is a body positive movement, the data shows that excess body fat can increase the risk of death.

    • Balancing Weight and Lifestyle for Optimal HealthMaintaining a balanced weight and lifestyle through healthy habits like nutritious eating, exercise, sleep, and stress management can prevent inflammation-related diseases like diabetes and cancer, promoting sustainable metabolism and weight loss.

      Tumors and fat can cause inflammation in the body if they grow too fast, which can lead to diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative conditions.Being both overweight and underweight can be unhealthy.It's important to find a balance in weight and lifestyle by eating the right foods, staying away from the wrong ones, exercising, sleeping, and lowering stress.There is no one-size-fits-all solution and each individual's metabolism is different.It's possible to improve metabolism and lose weight in a sustainable way with a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.

    • Dr. William Li's Mediterranean & Traditional Asian DietDr. Li recommends consuming nutrient-dense ingredients like dried fruits, mushrooms, chili peppers, and capers that contain quercetin, which helps activate brown fat to reverse biological age. Google can help find unique recipes.

      Dr. William Li follows a Mediterranean-style eating pattern based on his cultural background and preferences.He believes the Mediterranean and traditional Asian diets are among the healthiest in the world, using fresh, local, and seasonal ingredients combined in unique ways and flavored with herbs, spices, nuts, and healthy oils.Dr. Li suggests using Google to search for recipes and videos on how to cook specific ingredients.Some examples of nutrient-dense ingredients he recommends are dried fruits, dried mushrooms, dried chili peppers, and capers, which are high in quercetin, a compound that activates brown fat and can help reverse biological age.

    • The Benefits of Eating Seafood for Weight LossIncorporating oily fish like salmon and other seafood with omega-3s such as cod, shrimp, oysters, and halibut can help burn away visceral and brown fat, leading to weight loss. Seafood is healthy and can add great flavor to dishes.

      Eating seafood, specifically oily fish like salmon, can help burn away visceral fat and shrink brown fat, leading to weight loss.However, even non-oily fish like cod can also aid in weight loss due to their omega-3 fatty acid content.You don't need to eat a lot of seafood to get adequate omega-3s, as small amounts in different types of seafood, such as gulf shrimp, oysters, and halibut, can also provide the same benefits.Adding capers to savory dishes can also enhance their flavor.Overall, seafood can be a tasty and healthy addition to one's diet.

    • Enjoyable Ways to Improve Metabolism and Lose WeightDr. William Li recommends incorporating delicious recipes from the Mediterranean and Asia into your diet while practicing intermittent fasting to naturally burn fat and improve metabolism. His book offers practical tips on achieving weight loss and overall health.

      Dr. William Li suggests that eating for weight loss and a healthy metabolism can be enjoyable and not a chore.He recommends looking at recipes from the Mediterranean and Asia to find delicious options.Additionally, intermittent fasting can be helpful for fat burning and metabolism.Dr. Li suggests giving the body as much time as possible to burn fat naturally, such as not eating after dinner and waiting an extra hour before breakfast.This can lead to gaining extra hours of fat burning and improving metabolism.His book, Eat to Beat Your Diet, provides practical tips and scientific research on how to achieve weight loss and improve overall health.

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    I'd also like to thank my sponsor 8DaysAWeek Supplements, please support them the way they support the show. https://coach-adam-cobb.myshopify.com

    Last but certainly not least, I'd like to Thank You the listener. This show wouldn't be possible without you and your support. Look forward to hearing what speaks to you in this episode, remember to Subscribe so you get an invite to listen each week https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/8-days-a-week-with-coach-adam-cobb/id1207978261?mt=2

    Cheers with water, 

    Coach Adam Cobb

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    If you enjoy the episode, share it with a friend! :)



    Metabolism and Aging (00:00:00) Discussion about the common belief of metabolism slowing down with age and challenging the myth.

    Understanding Metabolism (00:01:15) Explanation of metabolism as a complex set of chemical processes, influenced by age, activity level, genetics, muscle mass, and body fat.

    Metabolism Study Findings (00:03:26) Sharing findings from a study on metabolism, including the peak age of metabolism, gradual decline, and minimal annual decline after age 60.

    Behavioral Impact on Metabolism (00:05:49) Discussion on how lifestyle changes, such as reduced physical activity and altered eating habits, can impact metabolism and lead to weight gain.

    Strategies for Supporting Metabolism (00:06:51) Recommendations for increasing movement, strength training, monitoring food intake, getting enough sleep, and managing stress to support metabolism.

    Awareness and Intentional Changes (00:08:59) Emphasizing the importance of being mindful about nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management, and making intentional changes for overall health and wellness.

    Empowerment and Taking Control (00:11:01) Encouragement to take control of behaviors, start monitoring food intake, and engage in physical activity, emphasizing the power to make progress.

    Conclusion and Call to Action (00:13:28) Encouragement to take action now, not waiting for perfect circumstances, and to share the podcast with others.



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    Activating Fat to Make it Metabolically Active! Brown & Beige Adipose Tissue (BAT) & "Browning" White Adipose Tissue; Wasting Energy with Mitochondrial Uncoupling and UCP1

    Activating Fat to Make it Metabolically Active! Brown & Beige Adipose Tissue (BAT) & "Browning" White Adipose Tissue; Wasting Energy with Mitochondrial Uncoupling and UCP1

    Hi friends!! This episode is about Activating Fat to Make it Metabolically Active! Brown & Beige Adipose Tissue (BAT) & "Browning" White Adipose Tissue; Wasting Energy with Mitochondrial Uncoupling and UCP1

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    Prior to beginning a new diet you should undergo a health screening with your physician to confirm that a new diet is suitable for you and to rule out any conditions and contraindications that may pose risks or are incompatible with a new diet, including by way of example: conditions affecting the kidneys, liver or pancreas; muscular dystrophy; pregnancy; breast-feeding; being underweight; eating disorders; any health condition that requires a special diet [other conditions or contraindications]; hypoglycemia; or type 1 diabetes. A new diet may or may not be appropriate if you have type 2 diabetes, so you must consult with your physician if you have this condition. Anyone under the age of 18 should consult with their physician and their parents or legal guardian before beginning such a diet. Use of Ketogenic Girl videos are subject to the Ketogenicgirl.com Terms of Use and Medical Disclaimer. All rights reserved. If you do not agree with these terms, do not listen to, or view any Ketogenic Girl podcasts or videos.