
    How to buy an iPad, hike 2,600 miles, and watch free TV

    enMarch 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • New standard for over-the-air broadcasting with enhanced featuresATSC 3.0 is a new broadcast standard offering better resolution, 4K video, HDR support, advanced audio, and data transmission for simple applications.

      ATSC 3.0 is the new standard for over-the-air broadcasting, which turns traditional antennas into more powerful and interactive TV devices. This new standard, which is being gradually rolled out in various markets, offers better resolution, video quality up to 4K, HDR support, advanced audio, and even the ability to transmit data for simple applications. Broadcasters have been wanting to switch to this new format for several years, and it's now available in around 50 markets, including Los Angeles, Washington D.C., and Portland. However, the rollout is complicated, and it's important to note that not all TVs are compatible with ATSC 3.0 yet. The ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) is the organization responsible for creating broadcast standards, and ATSC 3.0 is the latest standard for broadcast television that can be watched with an antenna. This new standard provides better video and audio quality, supports HDR and immersive audio, and even allows for data transmission, enabling simple applications on your TV without the need for internet. The rollout of ATSC 3.0 began in 2017, and it's now available in around 50 markets, but not all TVs are compatible yet.

    • The Value of Broadcast Television in the Age of StreamingBroadcast TV remains relevant with its affordability, local connection, and superior quality for live events and certain channels, despite the rise of streaming services.

      While the internet has made streaming services a popular alternative to traditional broadcast television, ATSC3.0, the next-generation broadcast technology, still holds value. This is particularly important for local communities, expats, and those without reliable internet access. The cost savings and local nature of broadcast television make it an attractive option for many. Additionally, broadcast TV offers a level of quality and control that streaming services cannot match, especially for live events and certain channels. The setup for ATSC3.0 involves a DVR and an antenna, and companies are already exploring ways to make the technology more accessible. Despite the availability of streaming services, broadcast television continues to matter for its affordability, local relevance, and the unique viewing experience it offers.

    • ATSC 3.0 adoption hindered by lack of compatible tuners and high cost of adaptersThe transition to ATSC 3.0 technology for broadcast TV is being slowed down by the absence of affordable and accessible tuners and adapters, creating a chicken-and-egg situation where widespread adoption won't occur until the technology becomes more affordable and accessible.

      The transition to ATSC 3.0 technology for broadcast television is being hindered by the lack of compatible tuners in most TVs and the high cost of adapters. The cheaper TV brands have not yet added ATSC 3.0 tuners due to low demand and thin profit margins. While companies like Tableau are exploring solutions such as DVR software and potential ATSC 3.0 converters, the market is currently stuck in a chicken-and-egg situation where the technology won't gain widespread adoption until it's more accessible and affordable. This is in contrast to the last transition from analog to digital television, which had more industry-wide support and public awareness due to the larger broadcast TV audience at the time.

    • Government benefits from spectrum auctions during digital TV transition, but challenges for ATSC 3.0Despite financial gains from digital TV transition, broadcasters face disincentives to invest in ATSC 3.0 due to lack of spectrum release and consumer demand for 4K content may not justify investment. However, potential opportunities exist in streaming services and ad revenue.

      The transition from analog to digital television brought significant changes and financial benefits for the government through spectrum auctions, but the shift to ATSC 3.0 faces challenges due to the lack of incentives for broadcasters to invest in the new technology, especially since it doesn't free up any spectrum and requires maintaining the old signal. Additionally, consumer demand for higher resolution content like 4K may not be strong enough to justify the investment. However, there could be an opportunity for broadcasters to leverage free streaming services and advertising revenue as more people become price-sensitive in the face of increasing streaming costs.

    • Shifting media consumption trendsYounger generations prefer mobile and on-demand content, leading to the rise of fast channels and streaming services like 2B. The future of media consumption is uncertain, with potential for both on-demand and traditional broadcasting.

      The media consumption habits of younger generations are drastically different than those of older generations, with a growing trend towards mobile and on-demand content. This shift is leading to the rise of fast channels and streaming services like 2B, which now account for 1% of all TV viewing in the US despite being virtually unknown just a few years ago. While linear television still holds significance, the future of media consumption is uncertain, with some predicting a continued shift towards on-demand and interactive content, while others see potential in traditional broadcasting's ability to reach new audiences through new technologies like ATSC 3.0. Ultimately, the ability to seamlessly integrate traditional and new media offerings will be key to meeting the evolving needs of consumers.

    • The future of TV and video streaming is complexDespite efforts to make TV watching more convenient, unifying all content and making it accessible on demand remains a challenge. The market for DVR-like solutions has not been successful, and broadcasters may push for the elimination of old standards. Viewers may continue to navigate multiple apps and platforms to access their favorite content.

      The future of TV and video streaming is complex and fraught with challenges. While there are potential solutions like Tableau and UI that aim to make TV watching more convenient and personalized, the reality is that unifying all content and making it accessible on demand is a difficult task. The market for DVR-like solutions has not been successful in the past, with companies like Amazon and SimpleTV discontinuing their products due to low sales. Broadcasters are also pushing for the elimination of the mandate to carry old standards, indicating a potential shift in the industry. However, it remains to be seen what the next move will be and whether it will provide the dream solution for consumers. In the meantime, viewers may continue to navigate multiple apps and platforms to access their favorite content.

    • Challenges to the Widespread Use of ATSC 3.0Despite FCC's progress, lack of affordable adapters, broadcaster adoption, clear industry messaging, and investment in accessibility hinder the widespread use of ATSC 3.0. Backers need to focus on making it accessible and valuable to consumers.

      The implementation of ATSC 3.0, a new broadcast technology, is facing challenges due to a combination of factors. The FCC's progress is encouraging, but the lack of affordable adapters and broadcaster adoption, particularly in major cities, hinders its widespread use. Additionally, the industry's messaging and rollout have been criticized for being unclear and expensive. Ultimately, someone needs to invest in making the technology accessible to consumers or incentivize broadcasters to adopt it. In the meantime, people are losing interest due to the ongoing wait. Mitchell Clark's upcoming hike on the Pacific Crest Trail serves as a metaphor for the ATSC 3.0 situation. Like the trail, the technology holds potential, but the journey to reach its full potential is long and uncertain. Mitchell plans to approach his hike with a minimalist approach, focusing on the experience rather than documenting it for an audience. Similarly, the ATSC 3.0 backers need to focus on making the technology accessible and valuable to consumers without the distraction of external validation or profit.

    • Hiker's Prioritized Gear for Capturing High-Quality ImagesHiker chooses a Canon G5X camera with a zoom lens and a compact tripod for superior image quality, while using an old iPhone mini 12 and UNHAZT Titan for everyday use and long emails.

      The hiker prioritizes capturing high-quality images during his hike, opting to bring a Canon G5X camera with a zoom lens and a compact tripod, despite the added weight. He values image quality and the physical zoom lens capability, which he believes modern phones lack. He also plans to use an old iPhone mini 12 for everyday use and a UNHAZT Titan pocket phone for long emails, as it offers a better typing experience and is more affordable. Overall, the hiker is bringing modern technology but prioritizing specific functionalities for his unique needs.

    • Advantages of dedicated devices for wilderness tripsDedicated devices offer expanded storage, headphone jack, and reliable satellite communication for safety and tracking during long wilderness trips, making them a preferred choice over smartphones for extended adventures.

      While smartphones like iPhones offer convenience and versatility, dedicated devices like the one being discussed have advantages, particularly for long adventures in the wilderness. These advantages include expanded storage capacity through SD cards, a headphone jack, and dedicated satellite communication for safety and tracking. Although iPhones can also offer some of these features, such as satellite connectivity through newer models, the dedicated device's longer battery life and specific features catered to outdoor adventures make it a preferred choice for those embarking on extended wilderness trips. Additionally, the user's experience of limited cell coverage and the importance of being able to check in with loved ones frequently emphasizes the importance of having reliable communication methods during such adventures.

    • Staying Connected on Long-Distance HikesUtilize apps, social media, and trail communities for valuable info, real-time advice, and power management. Connect with trail angels for support.

      Effective communication and community connection are essential for a successful long-distance hike, such as the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). While carrying noise-canceling headphones like the Bose QC 35s might seem appealing for solitude, it may hinder the ability to stay informed and connected to the trail community. Instead, utilizing apps like Throwout or AllTrails can provide valuable information about campsites, water sources, and trail conditions. For real-time interaction and advice, joining Facebook groups and subreddits dedicated to the PCT can be beneficial, even if it means having Facebook on the phone for the hike. Power management is another crucial aspect of long-distance hiking. Bringing multiple charging cables and a powerful battery bank can help ensure devices like phones, GPS, and flashlights stay charged. The industry could benefit from producing hiking gear that utilizes a universal charging standard, like USB-C, to simplify the hiker's packing list. Lastly, trail angels, who offer assistance and support to hikers, can often be found and contacted through these online communities, making them an invaluable resource for hikers. Overall, staying connected and informed through various channels can significantly enhance the hiking experience and ensure a safer journey.

    • Running out of power on a hike can cause stressProperly prepare for hikes by bringing enough power for communication and consider alternatives like solar chargers, but be aware of their limitations. Bring a large, water-resistant bag, carry a bear canister, and anticipate potential challenges like running out of power or wildlife encounters.

      Experience and proper preparation are crucial when it comes to hiking and managing battery power. A hiker shared his personal experience of running out of power on a long hike, emphasizing the importance of having enough power to communicate with family and the stress it caused. He also mentioned that solar chargers might not be practical due to their weight and limited effectiveness. The hiker is bringing a large, water-resistant, and expandable bag from the brand Waymark, which is made of recycled materials. He also mentioned the importance of carrying a bear canister to keep food safe from bears and avoid potential conflicts. Lastly, the hiker expressed his anticipation for the release of "Breath of the Wild 2," which he will miss during his hike.

    • Finding Comfort with TechnologyRegret over modern comforts, struggle with using iPad for writing due to glass surface, using matte screen protector for better writing experience, ongoing debate about iPad's classification, importance of making technology more user-friendly and comfortable.

      The importance of convenience and comfort, especially when it comes to technology, was a common theme in the conversation between Mitchell Clark and Dan Seifert on The Verge Cast. Clark shared his regret over leaving behind modern comforts like running water and air conditioning, while Seifert discussed his struggle with using an iPad for writing due to its glass surface and the difficulty of using a stylus on it. To address this issue, Seifert started using a matte screen protector, which provides a textured surface that makes writing on the iPad more comfortable and enjoyable. The conversation also touched on the ongoing debate about what the iPad truly is and whether its classification matters. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of finding solutions to make technology more user-friendly and comfortable, enhancing the overall experience.

    • Enhances writing experience on iPad with paper-like feelUsing a paper-like screen protector on an iPad can improve writing control, reduce glare, and make the screen feel more like paper, but may decrease color vibrancy and responsiveness.

      Using a paper-like screen protector on an iPad can significantly enhance the writing experience by providing more control and resistance, making it feel closer to writing on paper. The matte finish of the protector also reduces glare and reflections, making reading on the iPad more comfortable. Additionally, the texture of the protector helps disperse light and reduces fingerprints. However, there are trade-offs to consider. Some users have reported that the protector can decrease the color vibrancy of the screen, making movies less enjoyable to watch. Others have suggested that the protector may make the screen feel less responsive. Overall, the decision to use a paper-like screen protector comes down to personal preference and the specific use cases for the iPad.

    • Impact of Screen Protectors on iPad DisplayWhile screen protectors may slightly affect contrast and sharpness, their benefits like protection and reduced glare often outweigh the drawbacks for most users. Cheaper alternatives to Apple Pencil exist but functionality and preference determine the choice.

      Screen protectors on iPads can add an extra layer of abstraction between users and their devices, potentially affecting contrast and sharpness. However, for many users, including the speaker, the benefits of using a screen protector, such as protection and reduced glare, outweigh the detrimental effects. The speaker also noted that the difference in screen quality without a protector is not as significant as going from a high-resolution screen to a low-resolution one. Regarding the Apple Pencil, the speaker discovered the existence of cheaper, knockoff alternatives that function similarly to the original, but looks exactly the same. The decision to use an authentic Apple Pencil or a knockoff ultimately depends on individual preferences and budget.

    • Affordable alternatives to Apple PencilsThese alternatives offer a similar experience to Apple Pencils, charge on the side of the iPad, support tilt functionality, and provide accurate tracking for writing or drawing, all at a lower price point.

      There are affordable alternatives to Apple Pencils that offer a similar experience, despite not having the same seamless integration with iPads. These knockoff pencils can be identified by their lack of the Apple logo and the lower price point. While they may not have the same level of integration and features as Apple Pencils, they can still charge on the side of the iPad, support tilt functionality, and offer responsive and accurate tracking for writing or drawing. These alternatives are a great option for those who are unsure about investing in an Apple Pencil or who want to save money without sacrificing too much functionality. The user in the discussion was surprised by the quality and performance of the knockoff pencil, especially considering its low cost. He also mentioned that the fact that it sticks to the side of the iPad makes it more convenient to use than the Apple Pencil, which he had often forgotten to charge or left behind. Overall, these affordable alternatives provide a significant portion of the Apple Pencil experience for a fraction of the cost.

    • Considering different iPad models and screen protectors for specific use casesInvesting in a higher-end iPad model or a more expensive screen protector can enhance the overall experience, depending on the specific use case.

      Both the Apple Pencil 2 and cheaper screen protectors can get the job done, but for a better experience, investing in a more expensive screen protector or a higher-end iPad model may be worth it. The speaker shared their personal experience of using both the iPad Air and the larger iPad Pro, concluding that while the iPad Air is a versatile option, having multiple iPads catering to different needs can enhance the overall experience. The iPad Pro, with its larger size and productivity features, is ideal for those who require a computer-like experience, while the iPad Mini is perfect for casual use, such as reading or watching videos. The speaker acknowledged that this might be a personal problem, but emphasized the importance of considering the specific use case before making a purchase.

    • IPad Air vs iPad Mini: Different Needs, Different DevicesThe iPad Air is great for productivity and multitasking with features like Face ID and faster refresh screens. The iPad Mini is ideal for consumption due to its portability and size. Understanding individual needs is crucial before purchasing.

      IPads, specifically the iPad Air and iPad Mini, serve different needs and use cases for users. The iPad Air, with its larger size and better features like Face ID and a faster refresh screen, is ideal for productivity and multitasking. On the other hand, the iPad Mini is perfect for consumption, such as reading or watching videos, due to its portability and size. The user shared their personal experience of using both devices for different purposes, highlighting the importance of understanding one's specific needs before making a purchase. The user also suggested a potential solution to the fragmentation of iPad models: a foldable iPad that could transform into different sizes and devices. Overall, the iPad Air and iPad Mini cater to distinct user preferences and use cases, making it essential for individuals to consider their needs before deciding which one to buy.

    • Choosing Between iPad Air and iPad ProFor most, iPad Air offers similar features at a lower cost, but advanced users may need iPad Pro's advanced capabilities and larger price tag.

      When it comes to choosing between the iPad Air and the iPad Pro, the decision largely depends on the specific features and capabilities that are most important to the user. For most people, the iPad Air offers a great value with its lower price point and similar weight and size, while still providing access to many of the same features as the iPad Pro. However, for those who require more advanced features like external display support or the ability to use Stage Manager, the iPad Pro may be a better choice. Additionally, considering purchasing a refurbished or older model iPad Pro could save significant money while still offering a capable processor. The decision also depends on the user's budget and whether they're willing to do some research to find the best deal. The iPad Mini, despite not being the most powerful option, is a favorite among some due to its compact size.

    • Journey of Jabbar and other artists in their milestone tourThe documentary showcases the passion and dedication of artists as they celebrate two decades of music and entertainment, with a nod to Jack Daniels in Lynchburg, Tennessee.

      The documentary "AB&L's 20th Anniversary Tour" showcases the journey of Jabbar and other featured artists as they prepare for their milestone tour, entertaining thousands of fans at each performance. This tour is now available to stream with art beats in the lyrics on Hulu. Additionally, the documentary includes a nod to Jack Daniels and Tennessee Honey, with a mention of their distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee. Please remember to drink responsibly as Jack Daniels is a registered trademark with an alcohol content of 35%. The documentary is set to release in 2024, and all rights are reserved by Jack Daniels. Overall, the documentary highlights the passion and dedication of the artists as they celebrate two decades of music and entertainment.

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    Why Microsoft bet on Surface
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    The Vergecast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    MedTech is revolutionizing healthcare and changing the way we approach patient outcomes. From wearables to digital health, technology is playing an increasingly important role in shaping the future of medicine. In this episode, Chris Tremblay, former professional athlete and now a MedTech expert, explores this cutting-edge field and discovers how technology is making a real difference in people's lives. Chris shares his personal journey and how he became involved in this innovative field. He discusses the latest trends and advancements in MedTech, exploring how they are changing the landscape of healthcare. If you're interested in the future of healthcare and the role technology will play in shaping it, then this episode is for you. Tune in as we learn from the experiences of an industry expert and gain valuable insights into the world of MedTech.

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    10 Commandments of Starting a Broadcast Television Media Ministry

    10 Commandments of Starting a Broadcast Television Media Ministry

    Broadcast TV is still a viable way to get your message and story out to the world. Phil Cooke https://philcooke.com offers ten tips to help you launch a media ministry with success. Find out how storytelling, creativity and culturally relevant programming can help you impact the world.


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    Do you have a message or story the world needs to hear? As a Hollywood producer and media consultant, I offer advice for leaders and creatives each week on filmmaking, digital media, publishing, strategy, communication, leadership, culture and faith – to help you get from where you are to where you want to be in your career.


    **More about this episode: ** 10 Commandments of Starting a Broadcast Television Media Ministry

    In most cases, when I receive a call from a pastor, evangelist, or other ministry leader interested in launching a television ministry, their primary concern is usually about equipment. These questions are important, but I’ve discovered over the years that they aren’t nearly as important as these 10 fundamental areas:


    #1 – Understand The Power of Telling a Story – Ultimately, no matter what communications medium we choose, that’s all we’re doing – telling a story. The great Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman said “Facts go straight to the head, and stories go straight to the heart.”


    #2 – Don’t Feel Everything Has to be Explicit – Don’t feel the obligation to tell the entire salvation, healing, and deliverance story with each program. 


    #3 – Be in Touch with the Current Culture – Christian producers often don’t keep up with current programming and graphic styles, and I’m amazed at the number of Christian media professionals who never even watch television.


    #4 – Make Sure your Financing is in Place – I always recommend that you have six months of funding in the bank before you ever began a media outreach.


    #5 – Always be open to change.  The most successful media ministries are ministries who aren’t afraid to change, update, and present a fresh, new approach to an ever-changing audience.


    #6 – Have a Clear Focus – Have a clear purpose and focus for each program you do.  If you’re producing a program on the theme of salvation, then every aspect of that program needs to point in that direction.


    #7 – Don’t Forget Creativity – Exercise those creative muscles… and do it on a regular basis.  Don’t take the easy way out, either in sermon preparation or program production. 


    #8 – Don’t Let Your Vision Stop at Preaching – Preaching is a wonderful thing, however, don’t forget other wonderful program ideas – documentaries, movies, children’s programs, news, animation, music, and other formats. 


    #9 – Don’t Forget Research – I’m convinced one of the most neglected areas of media ministry is research.  Do you really know who’s watching your program and why?  That knowledge should greatly affect what you produce. 


    #10 – Don’t Underestimate The Importance of Quality – Today’s audiences are more technologically sophisticated than ever, and refuse to watch programs that aren’t up to current standards of quality.  Always remember – stewardship isn’t necessarily saving money, it’s using money most effectively. 


    I couldn’t write an article like this without urging you to do something else that I believe is absolutely critical for a media ministry – the need for prayer, and to seek the wise counsel of others. If you will stay near the heart of God in your decision making, and seek the help and counsel of both Godly men and women, as well as experienced media professionals, your chances of success will be greatly increased.



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    Find out about Cooke Media Group here: https://www.cookemediagroup.com

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