
    How To Close Everyone: Downselling like a Pro | Ep 201

    enApril 28, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective Downselling through ReciprocityUse a step-down approach to downselling by offering lower-priced alternatives through reciprocity, maintaining control and providing value to the customer.

      Understanding how to effectively downsell is crucial for increasing your close rate in sales. When done improperly, downselling can come across as desperate and aggressive, potentially ruining the sale. However, by using a step-down approach through reciprocity, you can maintain control in the agreement and ultimately provide value to the customer. Everyone buys something, and it's essential to find a way to help them to a certain degree, even if it means offering a lower-priced alternative. Remember, the key is to have a set of cards or options ready to present as you go down, ensuring a successful exchange for both parties.

    • Use reciprocity to make salesOffering a small favor or concession first can make customers more likely to agree to a larger request, fostering a positive relationship between seller and customer.

      Reciprocity is a powerful tool in persuasion and can be effectively used in a downselling environment. By offering a small favor or concession first, people are more likely to reciprocate and agree to a larger request. In a sales context, this could mean offering a lower price or additional bonuses if the customer takes certain actions, such as leaving a testimonial or bringing a friend. By making these requests, sellers can ethically lower the price without appearing to offer different deals to different customers. This approach not only makes the sale more likely, but also fosters a positive relationship between the seller and the customer.

    • Making multiple offers to increase salesEffectively downsell by offering a product at progressively lower prices and with fewer requirements, maintaining a light tone, and using 'fair enough?' to encourage agreement. Provide additional resources to help potential customers make a decision.

      Effective downselling involves making multiple offers with decreasing commitments to increase the likelihood of a sale. This strategy was discussed in detail, with examples given of offering a product at progressively lower prices and with fewer requirements. The speaker emphasized the importance of maintaining a light tone and using the phrase "fair enough?" to encourage agreement. He also suggested providing additional resources, such as a video version of the presentation or a free trial, to help potential customers make a decision. The ultimate goal is to make the offer seem reasonable and attractive, without being pushy or insistent. By using this approach, sellers can build trust and rapport with their customers, while also increasing their chances of making a sale.

    • Effective phone communication goes beyond wordsCollaborate and find solutions, maintain rapport, and avoid aggression to increase sales over the phone

      Effective communication, especially over the phone, goes beyond just the words spoken. The tone, inflection, and overall approach can significantly impact the outcome of a conversation, particularly in sales. Instead of pushing for a yes or no answer, try to collaborate and find a solution that works for both parties. By using a conversational and accommodating tone, you can make potential customers feel understood and appreciated, making it harder for them to say no. Additionally, if someone consistently says no, it may not be a pricing issue, but rather a disengagement or unwillingness to continue the conversation. In-person interactions offer more flexibility, but over the phone, it's crucial to maintain rapport and avoid aggression to increase the chances of a successful sale.

    • Effective communication and addressing objections early onBeing direct and honest, offering alternatives, and accommodating customers can lead to successful sales by building trust and providing value

      Effective communication and addressing objections early on in a sales process can lead to increased success. This means being direct and honest with customers, even if it involves delivering difficult truths, in order to help them and ultimately provide value. Downselling, or offering a lower-priced alternative, can also be a useful tool in gaining a customer's trust and getting your foot in the door. It's important to do this ethically and without coming across as pushy or begging. By being flexible and accommodating, you can help customers feel heard and valued, ultimately leading to a successful sale. Remember, the goal is to provide value and build trust, which will pay off in the long run.

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    A men’s clothing store offers free pressing for suits bought in their store. This creates a sense of obligation among their customers, who when they next decide to buy another suit are more likely to buy it from the store that offered the freebie.  Offering a free inspection or free estimate also will create obligation.  Remember this does not guarantee they will do business with you.  They will be more willing to listen and puts you higher on the list.

    An interesting side effect to obligation is what is does to the giver.  Those that help you or give you something feel more positive and have higher self-esteem.   The other bonus is that the giver also feels more committed to the recipient. Which means always let them reciprocate back to you.

    Link to article: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0022103171900254

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