
    The Phone Is Ringing... How Fast Response Closes More Deals

    enJune 17, 2019

    About this Episode

    In this episode, Chris and Michael discuss the importance of implementing systems for answering phone calls and other inbound messages in a quick and effective manner to win more business.

    In this episode, we cover:

    Why failing to answer the phone is detrimental to business.
    Common reasons businesses don’t always pick up the phone (busy, not enough resources, anxiety, etc.)
    How to manage newer forms of inbound contact (Facebook messenger for business, SMS, Instagram, etc.) to gain online sales leads.
    How to disrupt the consumer’s “scanning mode” to generate new leads.
    The utility of trackable phone numbers.
    Why call center services are still useful, and who should consider using them.
    The advantages of using a call recorder system or service.
    The importance of identifying credentials on the front end.

    For more information on the tools and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit:
    SearchPrimer: https://www.searchprimer.com/

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    For more information on tools, techniques, and resources discussed in this episode, please visit:

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    For more information about the tools, techniques, and resources discussed in this episode, please visit:

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    • Creating a Culture Deck
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    • Describing culture clearly and modeling it in leadership

    For more information on what we discussed in this episode, visit https://www.searchprimer.com.







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    • Avoiding common mistakes
    For more information on what we discussed in this episode, visit https://www.searchprimer.com.



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    • How to avoid "burying the lead" so customers stay interested
    • 3 Landing page best practices for engagement and lead generation
    For more information on the tools and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit:



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    For more information on the tools and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit:



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    For more information on the tools and techniques in this episode, please visit:

    Grow Your Painting Business
    enDecember 18, 2019

    Make Your Website Convert More Traffic into Leads - Part 2

    Make Your Website Convert More Traffic into Leads - Part 2

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    • How to choose a hosting service that helps you convert
    • Simple steps that help more mobile users convert

    For more information on the tools and techniques discussed in this episode, please visit:


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    • Where to put CTA and other action-oriented tools on your website
    • How live chat can help
    • How to tie content and SEO into your conversion strategy

    For more information about the tools and techniques discussed in this website, please visit 

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    • Are you presenting your content in a way that connects with your target audience?
    • How can an editorial schedule help you set a pace for content production?

    For more information on the tools and techniques discussed in this episode, please visit http://www.searchprimer.com/.