
    Podcast Summary

    • Recognize and control your brain's behaviorLearn to manage your thoughts and emotions by recognizing they're products of your brain, not fixed facts, and consider joining a free coaching group for additional support.

      You have the power to control your brain, but many people don't realize or attempt to do so. Our brains can sometimes behave unpredictably, like an out-of-control hand, but if you noticed such behavior in any other part of your body, you would seek to understand and address the cause. Similarly, by recognizing that your thoughts and emotions are products of your brain, you can learn to manage them. Don't accept your brain's behavior as fixed; instead, strive to take control. To help you do so, consider signing up for Rob Dial's free five-day challenge coaching group at coachwithrob.com, starting June 4th, where he will provide lessons on mindset, motivation, money, and transformation. Subscribe to the MWF Motivation Podcast for more life-changing content.

    • Control your mind and bodyPracticing mindfulness and meditation helps increase awareness and control over thoughts and actions, improving overall quality of life.

      You have control over your body and mind, even if it doesn't always feel that way. Your brain, which is responsible for your thoughts and actions, is part of your body and under your control. However, much of what we do daily is on autopilot, controlled by our automatic brain. This is why practicing mindfulness and meditation can be beneficial, as they help us become more aware of our thoughts and take control of our mind. Your brain, which consumes a significant amount of energy, is crucial to your overall health and well-being. By focusing on controlling our mind and being present in the moment, we can improve our overall quality of life. Remember, you are in the driver's seat of your body and mind, even if it sometimes feels like you're on autopilot.

    • The Brain Goes on Autopilot After Intense Mental ActivityAfter long thinking sessions, the brain conserves energy by going on autopilot, creating unconscious patterns. Identify unwanted patterns and take conscious control to create new, desired ones.

      The brain is an energy-consuming organ, and conscious thinking requires a lot of energy. After long periods of intense mental activity, the brain goes on autopilot to conserve energy, creating unconscious patterns and reactions. While this is beneficial for energy conservation, it can also lead to unwanted habits and reactions. The good news is that these patterns are changeable. To begin, identify the patterns you want to change and take conscious control of your brain to create new, desired patterns. Remember, you have the power to shape your thoughts and actions.

    • Rewiring our patterns for positive changeYou can't control your first thought, but you can control your second thought, leading to more mindful and positive responses.

      Our brains are wired to operate on autopilot about half the time, and this can lead to unwanted reactions and behaviors. However, it's possible to rewire our patterns and create new habits by becoming aware of our thoughts and feelings, and consciously choosing alternative responses. This process takes time and practice, but it's worth it to avoid reacting in ways we don't want to. For example, when faced with stress, instead of reacting impulsively, we can pause and choose a calmer, more thoughtful response. The key phrase to remember is "you cannot always control your first thought, but you can control your second thought." By being mindful of our thoughts and feelings, and deliberately choosing our responses, we can break free from autopilot and create positive changes in our lives.

    • Train your brain like a dogThrough conscious effort and repetition, we can change our automatic thought patterns and develop new, healthier ways of thinking.

      Just like training a dog, you can't always control your initial thoughts, but you can train your brain to change its automatic response through conscious effort and repetition. The analogy of training a dog was used to illustrate this concept. When a puppy makes a mistake inside the house, it is taken outside to learn that certain behaviors are not acceptable there. Similarly, when we catch ourselves thinking or behaving in ways we don't want, we can use mental cues and repetition to retrain our brains to respond differently. Our initial thoughts may be instinctual or habitual, but with consistent effort, we can change our automatic patterns and develop new, healthier thought processes. This is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement.

    • Recognizing and interrupting negative thought patternsTo live peacefully and fulfillingly, we can retrain our brains to interrupt negative thought patterns and replace them with positive or productive ones, even if it takes time and effort.

      Our thoughts and behaviors, even those that no longer serve us well, can become automatic over time. This can be seen in patterns of anger and control, for example, where we may have learned as children that getting angry gets us what we want. However, as we grow older, these patterns can hold us back. The good news is that we have the power to retrain our brains and change our thought patterns. This involves recognizing when we're about to go down a familiar path and interrupting the thought process to replace it with a more positive or productive one. It may take time and effort, but the payoff is a more peaceful and fulfilling way of living. As the speaker suggests, it's like training a dog to go outside instead of pooping inside - it may take many repetitions, but the end result is worth it. So next time you find yourself getting angry or stuck in a negative thought pattern, take a deep breath, interrupt the thought, and redirect it towards a more positive outcome. Your brain is a powerful tool, and with practice, you can learn to harness its potential for your own growth and happiness.

    • Habits shape 47% of our thoughts and actionsRecognize the power of habits to change limiting patterns and consciously work towards improvement

      Our thoughts and actions are largely influenced by habits, 47% of which are on autopilot. By recognizing this, we have the power to consciously work towards changing limiting thought patterns and habits. It won't be easy, but the effort put in now can lead to a significant improvement in the quality of the rest of your life. If you find this message valuable, please share it with someone who could benefit from it. Remember, making someone else's day better is a mission we can all embrace. For more resources and updates, follow us on Instagram and Facebook at mwfmotivation. Let's continue spreading positivity and motivation. Go forth and make your dreams a reality.

    Recent Episodes from The Mindset Mentor

    Stop Worrying And Replace It With This!

    Stop Worrying And Replace It With This!

    In today's episode we're tackling how to kick worrying to the curb and use that energy to create the life you want. Did you know that 85% of what we worry about never even happens? Instead of wasting mental energy on those "what ifs," I'll show you how taking action—any action—can not only stop the worry in its tracks but also boost your motivation and confidence. Whether it’s going for a run, tackling a small task, or just dancing around your house, you’ll learn how to replace worry with progress and keep moving forward. Tune in and let's transform that anxious energy into positive momentum together!

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJuly 04, 2024

    4 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

    4 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

    I'm excited to share a super practical four-step process to help you manage stress and anxiety. We'll explore how to identify and avoid stressors, alter tough situations, accept what we can't change, and adapt by developing solid coping mechanisms. I'll also share some fantastic tips from the Mayo Clinic and explain how journaling can be a game-changer for your mental health.

    So, grab a pen and paper, and let's work together to build a more peaceful, stress-free life! Tune in and let's make this journey to better mental health a collaborative effort!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJuly 03, 2024

    Stop Trying To Fix Yourself

    Stop Trying To Fix Yourself

    In today's episode, I'm sharing a game-changing perspective: stop trying to fix yourself as if you're broken and start embracing all parts of who you are—the good, the bad, and everything in between. After 17 years in self-development, I realized that constantly viewing myself as an unfinished project only created inner conflict. Instead, integrating and accepting every part of me has been the key to true self-love and growth. Tune in to discover how to embrace your whole self and transform your relationship with yourself.

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJuly 01, 2024

    What Are You Addicted To?

    What Are You Addicted To?

    In today's episode, I'm taking a deep dive into how we can reclaim our brains from addictive living and stop numbing those tough emotions and past traumas. We’ll explore the fascinating world of our nervous system, understanding the difference between the stressed-out sympathetic state and the restful parasympathetic state. I'll share my personal journey with addiction, the common ways we numb ourselves (hello, workaholics and Netflix binge-watchers!), and how to develop better self-regulation and coping strategies. Let’s increase our self-awareness and start healing from the inside out, so we can truly create the life we want.

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 28, 2024

    Your Perception Is Not Reality: Cognitive Distortions

    Your Perception Is Not Reality: Cognitive Distortions

    Today, we're exploring how our thoughts can sometimes trick us into seeing the world in a negative light. We're uncovering cognitive distortions—those sneaky ways our minds twist reality based on past experiences and beliefs.

    Join me as we uncover common distortions like All or Nothing thinking, Overgeneralization, Negative Mental Filters, Labeling, and Catastrophizing—ways of thinking that can keep us stuck in negativity without us even realizing it. Together, we'll learn how to spot these patterns, challenge them, and ultimately reframe our thoughts to lead more positive, fulfilling lives. If you're ready to take control of your mindset and break free from these mental traps, hit play and let's explore together!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

    How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

    Today, I'm exploring how our early experiences and surroundings shape who we become—and more importantly—how we can rewrite those scripts to create the life we truly want. Think of our minds like super-complex computers; they run on programs we pick up from childhood onward. These programs influence everything from our behaviors to how we think about ourselves and the world.

    From the moment we're born, we're soaking up information like sponges. It's fascinating to see how much of what we learn comes from observing those around us, especially during those crucial early years. I'll be sharing insights on how to uncover these subconscious programs, challenge them, and ultimately, rewrite them to align with your goals and dreams. If you're ready to take charge of your programming and steer your life in a new direction, this episode is for you!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 26, 2024

    The Mindset To More Peace & Happiness

    The Mindset To More Peace & Happiness

    In today's episode, I'm sharing how you can find more peace and happiness right now, without needing to achieve more or buy the latest thing. I'll talk about breaking free from the societal push for constant achievement, the pitfalls of materialism, and the power of gratitude. Plus, I'll explain why focusing on what truly matters and finding intrinsic motivation can lead to a more fulfilling life. Join me as we explore how to prioritize joy and peace in our everyday lives!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 24, 2024

    Why You Get Triggered

    Why You Get Triggered

    In today’s episode, we're taking a closer look at why just reading books, going to conferences, or hiring a coach isn't enough for real personal growth. I'm here to show you that every moment in your life is a classroom, offering lessons for you to learn and grow. We'll talk about how to turn everyday triggers into opportunities for self-improvement and why it’s crucial to actively engage with life’s lessons. So, join me as we explore how to become more self-aware, curious, and ultimately free from the mental prisons we’ve built over time. Let's get started on this journey together!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    The 7 Step Process To Hit Your Goals

    The 7 Step Process To Hit Your Goals

    With half the year behind us, it's the perfect time to revisit those New Year's resolutions. How are they coming along? Whether you're making great progress or need a boost, these seven steps will keep you on track. Be crystal clear with your goals, identify what you'll sacrifice, set a deadline, create a detailed plan, write a clear statement, use daily affirmations, and find ways to make it easier on yourself. I hope you find these tips helpful! 

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 20, 2024

    Releasing Your Judgement And Anger

    Releasing Your Judgement And Anger

    In today’s episode, I’ll show you how to overcome any anger, judgment, or criticism towards others so you can heal yourself and create the life you want. We’ll explore how unconscious patterns shape our reactions and how unmet needs, as suggested by Marshall Rosenberg, manifest as negative emotions. Plus, we’ll look at how childhood experiences influence our adult behaviors and learn ways to transform negative emotions and build empathy. It’s all about healing and growing into your best self. Don’t miss it! 

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    Related Episodes


    Hello and welcome to Martin Hewlett's Calming Anxiety.

    Book your one on one hypnotherapy with Martin - https://calendly.com/calminganxiety/zoom-hypnotherapy

    This is the start of our month of positive energy affirmations, courage and belief in who we are.
    Don't forget the app and now all our podcasts are also on YouTube.

    Gift the app to a loved one, friend or colleague - https://www.martinhewlett.co.uk/shop/calming-anxiety-gift-subscription/

    Try out the new , beautiful and simple breathing challenge to help you relax.

    Don't forget to download app....
    Calming Anxiety for IOS - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/calming-anxiety/id1576159331
    Calming Anxiety for Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=digital.waterfront.calming.anxiety&hl=en-GB
    Please download and enjoy.

    This is our lovely new visual meditation guide, please do subscribe and like. (it would really help)

    If you have found benefit from my podcast I do have a "buy me a coffee" page which helps to fund the hosting costs and all the time. :)

    I am always open to requests and tips as I try to help as many people as possible .
    My email is calminganxiety@martinhewlett.co.uk
    For those younger listeners struggling with the stress of social media, do check out this amazing website. https://www.icanhelp.net/

    If you feel like you need more help but don't want to see a therapist in person then why not check out our online course - https://courses.martinhewlett.co.uk/courses/banishanxiety
    If you have found benefit in any of our podcasts then it would really help if you could subscribe as well to our YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/martinhewlett?sub_confirmation=1
    Finally, if you are ready to learn more about meditation and self hypnosis we have an eBook - Calming Anxiety - A New Way of Thinking. It comes with 5 guided sessions to listen to and shows you how to learn to relax deeply. https://www.martinhewlett.co.uk/resources/ Its free !!!
    For one on one Zoom hypnotherapy sessions to help with anxiety and insomnia to confidence and coping with bad habits email hypnotherapy@martinhewlett.co.uk
    and , for our range of T-shirts and hoodies. www.martinhewlett.co.uk/shop
    and finally, in everything you do, just be kind .

    Backing Music by Chris Collins
    Affiliate links to the gear I use the items that give me a more tranquil life.
    Rode Podmic - https://amzn.to/3LN1JEd
    Zoom Livetrak L8 - https://amzn.to/36UCIby
    Sony ZV 1 - https://amzn.to/3JvDUPT
    GoPro Hero 8 Black - https://amzn.to/372rzFl
    DJI Mini 2 - https://amzn.to/3NQfMdY
    Items I use for a more relaxed way of life :)
    Organic Pure Hemp CBD Capsules - https://amzn.to/3LQlP0u
    Incense Burner - https://amzn.to/3v3EKxJ
    MCT Oil (helps with my Keto Lifestyle) - https://amzn.to/3DLO9y9
    Weighted blanket - https://amzn.to/35NRZKs
    Weighted Bluetooth eye covers - https://amzn.to/3KdpxAJ

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/calming-anxiety--4110266/support.

    Dad to Dad 147 Azim Khamisa - Lost His Son To Gun Violence & Through TKF.org Has Reached Millions About Forgiveness & Teaching Non-Violence

    Dad to Dad 147 Azim Khamisa - Lost His Son To Gun Violence & Through TKF.org Has Reached Millions About Forgiveness & Teaching Non-Violence
    Our guest on this Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad Podcast is Azim Khamisa. Azim was born in Kenya and is a successful international businessman. In 1995, Azim’s world was turned upside down when his 20-year-old son Tariq was murdered by a 14-year-old gang member. Azim now dedicates his life on the concept of forgiveness and helping others to avoid similar violent tragedies. In fact, Azim has befriended his son’s killer and his grandfather. It’s an incredible story about a truly special man and it’s all on this Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad podcast.

    CBS video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBDeFi-04VM

    NBC video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKJSOHigxhI

    Tariq Khamisa Foundation website: https://www.tkf.org

    TKF Program Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaT90zQz8RM
    Azim's website: https://www.azimkhamisa.com

    Email: azim@azimkhamisa.com

    Attend the May 15th SFN Dads Virtual Conference. Register for FREE at https://www.21stCenturyDads.org.

    About the Special Fathers Network -
    SFN is a dad to dad mentoring program for fathers raising children with special needs. Many of the 400+ SFN Mentor Fathers, who all are raising kids with special needs, have said: "I wish there was something like this when we first received our child's diagnosis. I felt so isolated. There was no one within my family, at work, at church or within my friend group who understood or could relate to what I was going through."

    SFN Mentor Fathers share their experiences with younger dads closer to the beginning of their journey raising a child with the same or similar special needs. The SFN Mentor Fathers do NOT offer legal advice or medical advice, that is what lawyers and doctors do. They simply share their experiences and how they have made the most of a challenging situation.

    Go to: https://www21stCenturyDads.org is you'd like to be a SFN Mentor Father.

    Please support the SFN. Click here to donate: https://21stcenturydads.org/donate/

    Episode 71 - Letting Go of Attachment

    Episode 71 - Letting Go of Attachment

    Attachment is defined as a mental affliction, which is a habit that robs causes us suffering. Attachment arises like this:


    We encounter something pleasant + inappropriate attention/exaggerating its good qualities = attachment arises (the feeling we can not be happy without it)


    Sometimes we are attached to people being different than they are, to being right, drugs, alcohol, or unhealthy food. In all these cases, it is not the person or object that makes us unhappy, but our attachment that causes us to suffer.


    What attachment is not:

    Letting go of attachment does not mean that we don’t own things, but that those things don’t own us. 


    Letting go of attachment doesn’t mean that we don’t have love others, but that we love them without attachment. 


    Longing gives rise to grief; 

    Longing gives rise to fear. 

    For someone released from longing 

    There is no grief; 

    And from where would come fear? (212) 


    Affection gives rise to grief; 

    Affection gives rise to fear. 

    For someone released from affection 

    There is no grief; 

    And from where would come fear? (213) 


    Infatuation gives rise to grief; 

    Infatuation gives rise to fear. 

    For someone released from infatuation

    There is no grief; And from where would come fear? (214) 


    Sensual craving gives rise to grief; 

    Sensual craving gives rise to fear. 

    For someone released from sensual craving There is no grief; 

    And from where would come fear? (215) 


    Craving gives rise to grief; 

    Craving gives rise to fear. 

    For someone released from craving 

    There is no grief; 

    And from where would come fear?

    —Buddha, The Dhammapada




    Buddha. The Dhammapada, translated by Gil Fronsdale. (2011). Shambala, pp. 56-57