
    How To Eat Like A Genius w/ Max Lugavere

    enMarch 29, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Personal struggles leading to profound discoveriesMax Lugar's personal experience with his mother's dementia led him to unlock a newfound genius and dedication to helping others live healthier lives through his podcast and new book, 'Genius Kitchen'.

      Max Lugar's passion for nutrition and wellness stems from his personal experience with his mother's rare form of dementia, Lewy body dementia. This tragedy led him on a journey to understand and help his mother, as well as prevent the condition from affecting himself and others. His experiences and knowledge have culminated in his successful podcast and new book, "Genius Kitchen," which combines cooking and nutritional guidance. Through this work, Lugar has unlocked a newfound genius and dedication to helping others live healthier lives. It's a reminder that personal struggles can lead to profound discoveries and impactful contributions.

    • The stomach growling sound is a sign of the body's housekeeping mechanism at workThe body's natural process of sweeping debris from the small intestine to the large intestine is disrupted by overconsumption of ultra-processed foods, leading to health issues like obesity and cardiovascular disease.

      The stomach growling sound is not a sign of an empty digestive system, but rather a signal that the body's housekeeping mechanism, called the migrating motor complex, is at work. This process sweeps debris, dead bacteria, and undigested food particles from the small intestine to the large intestine, preventing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. However, constant eating can disrupt this essential process. Regarding food in the kitchen, the major issue is the overconsumption of ultra-processed foods, which are packaged, shelf-stable, minimally satiating, and highly calorie-dense. These foods, including sugar-sweetened beverages, are the root cause of many modern health issues, such as obesity and cardiovascular disease, due to their lack of nutritional value and ability to satiate hunger.

    • Fast food beverages get bigger, focus on water, fiber, and protein for fullnessChoose water, fiber-rich foods, and protein for satiety instead of large sugary beverages at fast food joints

      The size of sugary beverages at fast food joints continues to increase due to their addictive nature. To feel full and satisfied after eating, focus on foods rich in water, protein, and fiber. Water is essential for hydration and can help curb hunger. Fiber, though not essential, has numerous health benefits including LDL particle removal and hormone regulation. Protein is the most satiating macronutrient, but many processed foods lack sufficient amounts due to their high cost. It's important to strike a balance and not become overly obsessed with protein intake.

    • Maximizing Protein Intake for Optimal HealthFor optimal health, especially for active individuals, aim for 1.6g of protein per kg of lean mass or goal weight. Plants have beneficial compounds like sulforaphane, only formed when they're chewed or crushed.

      Our bodies have innate mechanisms to regulate protein intake, but the recommended daily allowance is insufficient for optimal health, especially for active individuals. To maximize gym gains, aim for 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of lean mass or goal weight. Protein supplements, such as whey protein, can be beneficial and are not considered processed foods. Plants also have defense mechanisms and create compounds like sulforaphane, which become beneficial to us when we consume the crushed plants. Sulforaphane is a powerful cancer fighter, neuro-protectant, and cardio-protectant, but it's only formed when the plant cells are chewed or crushed.

    • Eating certain toxins and stressors in small doses can benefit our healthConsuming beneficial compounds from plants like cruciferous veggies and mushrooms can promote robustness and longevity

      Small doses of certain toxins or stressors, like sulforaphane from cruciferous vegetables or hormesis-inducing practices like exercise, can actually benefit our health by promoting robustness and longevity. Plants, including cruciferous vegetables and mushrooms, contain these beneficial compounds that impart their stress-resilience to us when we consume them. For instance, mushrooms are nutrient-dense and low in calories, offering various immune-supporting compounds like beta-glucans and detoxifying agents like glutathione. The key is to avoid rinsing mushrooms before cooking, as they already contain a lot of water, and instead, sauté them in a hot pan with oil or butter to bring out their delicious flavors. This symbiotic relationship between plants and humans highlights the interconnectedness of all living things and the benefits we can derive from nature.

    • The Power of Food PreparationCooking mushrooms enhances their health benefits, observing, smelling, and chewing food slowly initiates digestion, and certain foods like beets contain essential nutrients for cardiovascular health and sexual function.

      Food is medicine and the way we prepare and consume it plays a significant role in its health benefits. Cooking mushrooms, for instance, not only neutralizes potential harm but also brings out their natural flavors. Food can prevent conditions like obesity and type 2 diabetes, and it's essential to begin digestion before taking the first bite by observing, smelling, and chewing food slowly. This process initiates the creation of valuable compounds like sulforaphane and allicin, which have detoxifying, cardioprotective, and neuroprotective properties. Nitrates, found in foods like beets, are crucial for cardiovascular health and sexual function. By understanding the importance of food and its preparation, we can make informed choices for optimal health.

    • Converting Nitrates to Nitrites for Cardiovascular HealthChewing food slowly helps oral bacteria convert nitrates to nitrites, boosting nitric oxide in blood vessels for heart health. Antiseptic mouthwash use and consuming fiber too quickly can negatively impact this process.

      The way we chew our food and the bacteria in our mouths play a significant role in converting nitrates into nitrites, which can boost nitric oxide in our blood vessels for cardiovascular health. Chewing food slowly allows oral bacteria to reduce nitrates to nitrites, while frequent use of antiseptic mouthwash can inhibit this process and negatively impact cardiovascular health. Additionally, consuming too much fiber too quickly without properly cultivating the gut microbiome can lead to digestive discomfort and constipation. It's important to note that everyone's tolerance for fiber and food varies, and there's no one-size-fits-all diet. Fish is also crucial for brain health and should be known and chosen carefully.

    • Fish and Olive Oil: Brain and Heart SuperfoodsIngredient choices matter: Fish, especially wild, fatty varieties like salmon, and extra virgin olive oil provide brain and heart health benefits through omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and monounsaturated fats.

      Incorporating fish into your diet, particularly wild, fatty varieties like salmon, can significantly benefit your brain health. The omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants found in fish have been shown to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease in some cases. Any type of fish is beneficial, but opting for wild, fatty fish more frequently is ideal. Extra virgin olive oil is another food that deserves attention due to its heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, specifically oleic acid. This fat helps prevent inflammation and makes LDL particles more resistant to oxidation and adhesion, contributing to both cardiovascular and brain health. Using extra virgin olive oil in cooking and as a sauce is recommended, as it's a healthier alternative to heavily marketed grain and seed cooking oils.

    • Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and GheeExtra virgin olive oil offers anti-inflammatory benefits with oleocanthal, while ghee is well-tolerated and suitable for high-heat cooking, despite butter's disrupted membrane raising LDL levels. Salt is essential for flavor and most sodium comes from processed foods.

      Extra virgin olive oil and ghee are healthy fats with unique properties. Extra virgin olive oil contains the anti-inflammatory compound oleocanthal, providing similar benefits to low-dose ibuprofen without the negative side effects. Ghee, a clarified form of butter, is well-tolerated by those with dairy sensitivities and is great for high-heat cooking. However, butter itself, while delicious and nutrient-dense, can raise LDL levels due to the disrupted milk fat globule membrane during the churning process. Salt, contrary to popular belief, is essential for enhancing flavors in cooking, and the majority of sodium intake comes from processed foods rather than home cooking with a salt shaker.

    • Managing Sodium Intake: Focus on Lean Proteins and VegetablesWhen managing sodium intake, prioritize lean protein and vegetable choices when eating out or avoiding processed foods to make healthier decisions.

      While around 25% of the population, particularly those with hypertension, are salt sensitive and should limit their sodium intake, the majority of people can consume salt without significant impact on their blood pressure. However, it's essential to avoid processed and packaged foods, as they are the leading sources of sodium in most diets. When eating out, focus on lean protein sources like steak, salmon, or chicken, and try to include vegetables in your meal. While it's impossible to control every variable, prioritize lean protein and vegetables to make healthier choices. Remember, enjoying meals out with friends is an essential part of modern life.

    • Dining out for brain health: Focus on protein sources and healthy fats, ask for healthy options, and avoid grain and seed oils.When eating out, prioritize protein sources, healthy fats, and ask for olive oil and flake salt. Avoid grain and seed oils for brain and heart health.

      When dining out, focusing on protein sources like meat, fish, or chicken, and asking for healthy options like extra virgin olive oil and flake salt for vegetables, can help ensure a brain-healthy meal. Avocados and eggs are two specific foods that are beneficial for brain health due to their high concentration of fat-protecting antioxidants and nutrients like choline. Conversely, it's important to avoid grain and seed oils like canola, corn, and soybean oil, which have been linked to an increase in damaging fats in adipose tissue and the production of trans fats and oxidative byproducts. From a heart health standpoint, focusing on whole foods and healthy fats, like those found in avocados and olive oil, is also key.

    • Fiber from foods like cilium husk reduces LDL cholesterol absorptionEating fiber-rich foods, especially viscous fiber, helps lower LDL cholesterol levels and improve heart health. Whole fruits, despite containing sugar, are still beneficial due to their fiber and nutrients. Be mindful of high sugar tropical fruits and opt for coarsely ground whole grains instead of processed options.

      Consuming fiber, especially viscous fiber from foods like cilium husk, helps reduce the absorption of LDL cholesterol in the body by trapping it and preventing its reabsorption in the intestines. This is beneficial for heart health. Regarding fruit, while it contains sugar, whole fruits are still beneficial due to their nutritional content and fiber. However, it's important to acknowledge that not all fruits are created equal, and high sugar tropical fruits should be consumed in moderation, especially for those with glucose tolerance issues. Fruit's fiber and water content help regulate the physiological effects of the sugar in the fruit. Additionally, a study found that finely ground wheat porridge had a higher glycemic impact and insulin release compared to coarsely ground wheat porridge, highlighting the importance of whole, unprocessed foods.

    • Eating habits impact blood sugar and healthCoarsely ground porridge slows digestion, maintaining stable blood sugar. Late-night meals negatively impact health, while time-restricted eating can regulate hunger and improve blood sugar control.

      The way we consume our food, including the type and timing, significantly impacts our blood sugar levels and overall health. Coarsely ground porridge, for instance, digests more slowly and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, while consuming the same amount of sugar found in fruit as a juice can lead to a rapid spike and crash. Additionally, the timing of our meals, specifically avoiding late-night eating, can have cardiometabolic benefits. Time-restricted eating or feeding windows, as some call it, can help regulate hunger patterns and improve blood pressure and blood glucose control, regardless of caloric intake.

    • Linking Overeating and Poor Sleep to Portion Sizes and Food TypesFocus on whole, minimally processed foods for feeling full while consuming fewer calories, and avoid the influence of cultural norms and large portion sizes.

      The issue of overeating and poor sleep quality can be linked to portion sizes and the types of food we consume. Our cultural norms of cleaning our plates and the increasing sizes of restaurant portions contribute to this problem. Focusing on whole, minimally processed foods can help us feel full while consuming fewer calories. These foods have a lower calorie density but a higher volume, allowing us to eat a large amount without overconsuming. The struggle with self-regulation is not a moral failure but rather a result of the food environment and the availability of ultra-processed foods.

    • Considering Lifestyle Factors for Healthy EatingFocus on whole foods, mindful eating, sleep quality, and reducing toxins for improved health and wellbeing.

      Focusing only on portion size when trying to maintain a healthy diet may not be effective. Our lifestyle factors, such as sleep quality and eating speed, also play a significant role in our food intake and overall health. Additionally, the types of foods we eat and their sources can impact our health by introducing environmental toxins. To improve our eating habits, it's essential to consider these factors and make conscious choices to reduce our exposure to toxins, eat mindfully, and focus on whole, unprocessed foods. By becoming more aware of our food sources and reducing our reliance on plastic packaging, we can make a positive impact on our health and wellbeing.

    • Minimize exposure to harmful chemicals in food packagingChoose whole foods and support informed sources to reduce intake of endocrine disruptors like phthalates.

      Many of the foods we consume today, particularly those with packaging, can contain harmful chemicals like phthalates. These chemicals, which are known endocrine disruptors, can leach into the food from the packaging and negatively impact our health. To minimize exposure to these toxic chemicals, consider consuming whole foods like fresh meat and produce, rather than processed foods that have traveled through complex plastic systems. Additionally, following authors and experts like Max Lugavina and supporting shows that bring you information from the best in their field can help spread awareness and promote healthier choices.

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