
    How to Gain the Perspective Needed to Reach Your Fitness Goals

    enAugust 30, 2023

    About this Episode

    What if I told you that the bad things that happen to you - the things that get you down, the things that get in the way of you achieving your goals and being the person you want to be - could disappear in an instant?


    And that YOU could make them disappear?


    Or that you could blink and all of a sudden be where you want to be with your goals...for fitness, health, life, love, even money.


    You may be surprised to hear that all of this is absolutely possible. I'll tell you why and how in this episode.

    Recent Episodes from The TD Fitness Podcast

    Balance Work and Fitness – Part 3: The Right Perspective

    Balance Work and Fitness – Part 3: The Right Perspective

    Self-care isn't selfish.

    What I’ve come to learn while leading military formations consisting of thousands of people is that when I take time for my fitness, my work decisions are clearer, my demeanor is better, I'm more rested and less stressed, and I’m a better husband and father.

    It's not working longer and harder that makes me a better leader. It's better balancing work and fitness that makes me a better leader. 

    Balance Work and Fitness – Part 2: A Winning Approach

    Balance Work and Fitness – Part 2: A Winning Approach

    In the last episode of the TD Fitness Podcast, we kicked off a three-part series on balancing work and fitness.

    We started by discussing the mindset required to balance the two.

    This week, we’re going to dive into practical approaches to actually strike that balance. What are the areas you want to achieve this in? It’s your life and you get to plan, prioritize, and practice the habits that will lead to a more balanced lifestyle. 


    Balance Work and Fitness – Part 1: It Starts with Mindset

    Balance Work and Fitness – Part 1: It Starts with Mindset

    Life is a constant exercise in competing priorities. There are so many important things that we can do, should do, or must do. And oftentimes, there's tension between what we consider urgent and what we consider important.


    The balance between work and your health is no different.


    In this episode, I’m sharing the things that I consider when approaching competing priorities in my own life.

    How to Gain the Perspective Needed to Reach Your Fitness Goals

    How to Gain the Perspective Needed to Reach Your Fitness Goals

    What if I told you that the bad things that happen to you - the things that get you down, the things that get in the way of you achieving your goals and being the person you want to be - could disappear in an instant?


    And that YOU could make them disappear?


    Or that you could blink and all of a sudden be where you want to be with your goals...for fitness, health, life, love, even money.


    You may be surprised to hear that all of this is absolutely possible. I'll tell you why and how in this episode.

    The Mindset for Reaching Your Dream Goal No Matter Your Fitness Level

    The Mindset for Reaching Your Dream Goal No Matter Your Fitness Level

    This week, I’m taking us back to 2015, the year that I set out to complete a full Ironman race - a 2.4-mile swim, followed by a 112-mile bicycle ride and a 26.2-mile marathon.


    It was a huge feat, but what this experience taught me is that before we get to the "doing" part, we have to start with the thinking part. Every goal, from the simplest to the most challenging, starts with your mindset.


    I’m discussing the mindset that will allow you to reach your dream goal, no matter your fitness level. 

    Start Where You Are and Use Your Strengths

    Start Where You Are and Use Your Strengths

    It's important to approach growth by focusing on the starting point of where you are right now.


    What strengths do you already have that you can build better habits upon?


    Remember that YOU are the most important person and the one with the biggest impact on your growth journey. Not your doctor, not your spouse, not your trainer or coach…it’s you! 

    Be Consistent, Not Perfect

    Be Consistent, Not Perfect

    The most important thing in personal growth is practicing consistent habits. Habits define who we are and how we are. You’ll see, over time, just how much your habits will grow you.

    Start small with your habits…small enough to create psychological wins but large enough to be a slight challenge. It’s not about being perfect all the time. It’s about being consistent over time.

    Is Now the Best Time for Growth?

    Is Now the Best Time for Growth?

    ​​If you’re avoiding change and growth, is it out of fear or procrastination? 


    Or are you being prudent and simply waiting for a better time?


    Determining your level of readiness for change is critical before approaching a goal. Assessing the external stressors and circumstances in your life can help you discern the answer to these questions. 


    Get Out of Your Way – Let the Past Go

    Get Out of Your Way – Let the Past Go

    I want to remind you that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be. 

    Only YOU define who you are and how you view yourself. That means you have the power to change the reflection of who you see in the mirror right now, regardless of your past. 

    Don’t dwell on the past. Learn from it. Your mindset controls what you can do. Your past does not.