
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Change and Staying AdaptableStay open to new technologies and projects, prepare for the future, and use the right tools to streamline tasks and focus on development.

      Whether you're a developer working on new projects or creating content for a podcast, it's important to stay adaptable and open to change. In the discussion, Scott mentioned his initial reluctance to use Redux but later found himself loving it. Wes shared his plans to create a new segment for their podcast, "Syntax, Where Are They Now," to update past episodes and discuss any changes in perspective or implementation. Additionally, the importance of preparation and being proactive was emphasized, as Scott shared his experience of getting snow tires installed before the winter weather hits. Both Scott and Wes also highlighted the value of continuing to learn and work on new projects, with Scott currently focusing on Redux, server-side rendering, and testing, and Wes on his CSS Grid and advanced React courses. Furthermore, the episode sponsor, FreshBooks, showcased the importance of having the right tools to make tasks like accounting easier and more efficient, allowing developers to focus on their projects and not get bogged down by administrative tasks. In essence, this episode emphasized the importance of staying adaptable, being prepared, and utilizing the right tools to help you succeed in your projects and daily life.

    • Sharing Knowledge and Building Networks at Web Development ConferencesSpeaking at web development conferences allows you to share expertise, expand your network, enhance personal brand, learn from others, and boost career opportunities. Prepare effectively to make the most of the experience.

      Having snow tires is essential for safe driving in snowy conditions, especially in areas with strict laws requiring them. Speaking at conferences can be an enriching experience, but it can be intimidating for beginners. Here are some reasons why you might want to speak at a web development conference: 1. Share your knowledge: Conferences provide a platform to share your expertise and insights with a wider audience. 2. Build your network: Speaking at conferences can help you meet other professionals in your field and expand your professional network. 3. Enhance your personal brand: Speaking at a conference can help establish you as a thought leader in your industry. 4. Learn from others: Attending conferences as a speaker also gives you the opportunity to learn from other industry experts and gain new insights. 5. Boost your career: Speaking at conferences can help you stand out in the job market and potentially lead to new opportunities. To prepare for speaking at a conference, it's important to research the event, practice your presentation, and be prepared for any questions from the audience. It can also be helpful to connect with other speakers and attendees beforehand to build relationships and establish a sense of community.

    • Speaking at Tech Conferences: Travel and Networking OpportunitiesSpeaking at tech conferences offers free travel, networking opportunities, and potential job offers or collaborations

      Key takeaway from speaking at tech conferences is the opportunity for free travel and the ability to make valuable connections. Conferences often cover travel and accommodation costs, allowing speakers to explore new cities and meet people from around the world. These in-person interactions can lead to strong bonds and long-lasting friendships. Additionally, speaking at conferences can lead to job opportunities and collaborations with larger companies, providing access to projects and teams that may not be publicly advertised. Overall, the experience of speaking at a tech conference can be a valuable investment in personal and professional growth.

    • Benefits of attending and speaking at web development conferencesConferences offer inspiration, networking, compensation, and exposure opportunities for personal and professional growth in web development.

      Attending and speaking at conferences can significantly benefit both personal and professional growth in web development. The renewed excitement and inspiration gained from hearing new ideas and techniques can help alleviate burnout and reinvigorate passion for the industry. Speaking at conferences can also lead to monetary compensation, increased exposure, and opportunities to sell courses or products. However, it's important to understand the different types of conferences and their associated costs, as some may offer compensation while others rely on volunteers. Ultimately, the decision to speak or attend for free or for pay depends on individual circumstances and priorities.

    • Benefits of Speaking at Tech ConferencesSpeaking at tech conferences can lead to travel, job opportunities, industry recognition, and networking. Begin by identifying passions, creating a call for papers, and utilizing resources to find accepting organizations. Gain experience through local meetups.

      Speaking at tech conferences offers numerous benefits beyond just the monetary aspect. These benefits include travel opportunities, job prospects, industry recognition, and the ability to meet and learn from other professionals. In fact, many conference talks are recorded and shared online, providing a platform for discovering new experts and resources. To get started with conference speaking, begin by identifying your areas of passion and creating a call for papers (CFP) for potential talks. Submit your CFP to various conferences and be prepared for rejection, as it may take time to find accepting organizations. Utilize resources like weekly CFP newsletters and websites like papercall.io to discover potential conferences. Additionally, consider speaking at local meetups as a stepping stone to gaining experience and building a network within the tech community.

    • Connect, learn, and grow with Meetup.comShare knowledge, attend meetups, and practice talks to expand your network and improve skills in the tech community

      Meetup.com is a valuable platform for developers and tech enthusiasts to connect, learn, and grow. The new logo might be a subjective matter, but the essence of Meetup remains the same - a supportive community where everyone is there to learn and share knowledge. If you have something cool or innovative in web development, consider writing a blog post, making a YouTube video, and sharing it on Hacker News. These actions could potentially lead to conference invitations. However, if you don't have that, attending local meetups and practicing your talks in front of a supportive and ego-free audience is an excellent alternative. When submitting a talk, consider the "lessons learned" or "new concept" approach. The former involves sharing your team's experience in overcoming technical challenges, while the latter introduces new concepts and provides examples of their practical applications. These talks offer unique insights into the developer community and can inspire attendees with new ideas and techniques.

    • Creating Successful Tech Talks: Passion, Simplification, and OpennessChoose a topic that resonates with you and simplify complex concepts to engage and inform the audience effectively.

      Delivering engaging and informative tech talks requires a deep understanding of the topic, the ability to simplify complex concepts, and a genuine excitement for the material. The speaker discussed various approaches to creating successful talks, including introducing new technologies, sharing personal approaches to solving problems, explaining complicated topics, and presenting super interesting, even if not directly applicable, topics. The speaker emphasized the importance of being passionate about the subject matter, as excitement translates to the audience and makes the talk more effective. They also highlighted the value of simplifying complex topics, making them accessible to a wider audience. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the importance of being open to new ideas, even if they initially seem unimpressive or irrelevant. They shared a personal anecdote about dismissing React at its announcement but later coming to appreciate its significance. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to choose a topic that resonates with you and allows you to convey your knowledge and enthusiasm in a clear and engaging manner. This approach will not only make the talk more enjoyable for the audience but also increase the likelihood of a successful and memorable presentation.

    • Start strong and engage your audienceKeep introductions brief, use engaging visuals, and pre-record examples to ensure a smooth presentation

      When creating a conference talk, it's essential to grab the audience's attention right from the start and avoid lengthy introductions or unnecessary history lessons. Instead, dive straight into the topic at hand and keep self-introductions brief. Use engaging visuals, such as short code examples or images, to help illustrate your points and provide context. Pre-recording examples and playing them on loop during your talk can also help ensure a smooth presentation and avoid technical difficulties. Overall, the goal is to hook the audience from the beginning and keep them engaged throughout the talk.

    • Preparation and Troubleshooting for Successful PresentationsTest content offline, adjust resolution settings, carry necessary dongles, minimize external variables, communicate relevance and importance to audience.

      To minimize technical issues and ensure a successful presentation, it's crucial to keep your talk as simple and self-contained as possible. This means testing your content offline, adjusting resolution settings beforehand, and carrying necessary dongles. By reducing the number of external variables, you can avoid potential technical mishaps and focus on delivering your message effectively. Additionally, it's essential to communicate the relevance and importance of the topic to your audience before diving into the details. This way, they'll understand why they should care and be more engaged throughout your presentation.

    • Preparation, promotion, and the right tools for a successful conference talkEffectively promote yourself through social media and email lists, use cloud accounting software for managing finances, and create clear and engaging slide decks with presentation software and syntax highlighting code.

      Giving a successful conference talk involves preparation and effective promotion. Building a strong personal brand through social media and email lists can increase your chances of getting accepted into conferences and attracting attendees. For managing accounting tasks smoothly, consider using cloud accounting software like FreshBooks.com. It simplifies tracking income, expenses, and taxes, making tax preparation more efficient. Additionally, for creating visually appealing slide decks, consider using presentation software and syntax highlighting code in your editor to make the content clear and engaging. Remember, the key to a successful conference talk is preparation, promotion, and the right tools.

    • Creating Custom Slide Decks with HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptUse classes and CSS transitions to create custom slide decks with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Explore tools like Keynote, PowerPoint, and Reveal.js for different presentation styles.

      There are various tools and methods for creating engaging and visually appealing slide decks for presentations. The speaker shared his personal experience using a simple yet effective approach with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for creating custom slide decks. This method involves using classes to control slide transitions and using CSS transitions to animate slides. The speaker also mentioned using tools like Keynote and PowerPoint for more polished presentations with fancy animations and transitions. Another option mentioned was Reveal.js, which offers a quick and easy JavaScript solution with pre-existing themes. Ultimately, the choice of tool or method depends on the presenter's preferences, comfort level with technology, and the type of presentation they are giving. The speaker also shared that all of his slide decks are available on GitHub for those interested in exploring his custom setup.

    • Exploring Alternatives to Traditional PowerPoint PresentationsConsider using Reveal JS, React Spectacle, or Prezi for presentations, offering unique features like sub-slides, keyboard support, and React components integration. Transitions and speaker's notes can also enhance presentations. Explore conference trainings as a profitable speaking opportunity.

      There are various tools and approaches to creating engaging and effective presentations, beyond the traditional PowerPoint format. Reveal JS and React Spectacle are two popular options that offer unique features, such as sub-slides, keyboard support, and the ability to integrate React components. Transitions and speaker's notes are other enhancements that can add value to presentations. Prezi, though once popular for its zooming capabilities, has evolved to use Canvas instead of Flash, making the transition to modern web technologies more feasible. Additionally, offering conference trainings alongside speaking engagements can be a profitable opportunity for presenters.

    • Maximizing Your Conference ExperienceRead the code of conduct, bring a clicker, learn hands-on, network, and ensure a positive experience for all.

      Attending tech conferences can be a valuable experience, whether as a speaker or an attendee. However, it requires a significant investment of time and resources. To make the most of your conference experience, be sure to read the code of conduct to ensure a respectful and inclusive environment for all. Bringing a reliable clicker for speakers is also important for smooth presentations. Additionally, conferences offer opportunities for hands-on learning and networking, making them worth the effort. Remember, conferences should be a positive and productive experience for everyone involved.

    • Maximizing Networking Opportunities at Tech ConferencesUse Twitter, plan meals, engage in conversations, wear name badge for successful networking at tech conferences

      Maximizing your networking opportunities at tech conferences can lead to valuable connections and experiences beyond just the professional realm. Here are some practical tips: 1. Use Twitter to connect with attendees and speakers before the conference. 2. Initiate lunch or dinner plans with speakers or other attendees. 3. Avoid being glued to your phone and instead be approachable and open to conversations. 4. Engage in conversations about hobbies and interests to build stronger relationships. 5. Wear your name badge and ensure it's visible to make introductions easier. By following these tips, you'll increase your chances of making meaningful connections at tech conferences and expand your professional and personal network.

    • Maximizing Your Conference ExperienceMake a good first impression with visible name badges, gracefully end conversations, stay open-minded, prepare talk proposals, and use window management tools

      Making a good first impression and effectively navigating conversations at conferences can significantly enhance your experience and potential opportunities. Here are some practical tips: 1. Ensure your name badge is easily visible from both sides to avoid covering up names during conversations. 2. Practice the art of gracefully ending conversations, using phrases like "it was nice to meet you" as a polite way to move on. 3. Be open-minded and approachable, exuding positive energy to attract more conversations. 4. Prepare talk proposals for conferences well in advance to increase chances of acceptance. 5. Utilize window management applications like Spectacle (for Mac OS) to efficiently organize your computer during presentations or discussions. By implementing these tips, you'll be able to make the most of your conference experience, expand your network, and potentially advance your career.

    • Improve window management with Spectacle's keyboard shortcutsSpectacle is an open-source tool that lets users manage windows on macOS using keyboard shortcuts, improving productivity and workspace organization.

      The use of specific keyboard shortcuts, like those offered by the open-source tool Spectacle, can significantly improve window management in macOS. Spectacle allows users to easily snap windows to various corners and sides of the screen using only the keyboard, making it a valuable tool for organizing and optimizing workspace layout. While other tools like BetterTouchTool and Divi offer similar functionality, Spectacle's focus on keyboard shortcuts sets it apart. Learning these shortcuts may require an initial investment of time, but the resulting ease of use and increased productivity make it a worthwhile endeavor. For those interested in learning more about JavaScript and its underlying concepts, such as event loops and callbacks, the conference talk "How What the Heck is the Event Loop Anyway?" is a recommended resource. This 26-minute video provides a clear and engaging explanation of these concepts, making it an excellent starting point for those looking to deepen their understanding.

    • Streamline financial operations with FreshBooksFreshBooks simplifies financial management for freelancers and small businesses with user-friendly interface, automation features, and integration capabilities. Send professional invoices, set up recurring payments, track expenses, and integrate with payment processors for easy payments.

      Key takeaway from today's discussion is that the use of FreshBooks for managing invoices and expenses can significantly streamline a business's financial operations. The platform's user-friendly interface, automation features, and integration capabilities make it an efficient solution for freelancers and small business owners. The ability to send professional invoices, set up recurring payments, and track expenses in real-time can help save time and reduce errors. Additionally, the integration with other tools like PayPal and Stripe makes it easy to receive payments from clients. Overall, FreshBooks can help simplify financial management, improve cash flow, and provide valuable insights into a business's financial health.

    Recent Episodes from Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

    788: Supabase: Open Source Firebase for Fullstack JS Apps

    788: Supabase: Open Source Firebase for Fullstack JS Apps

    Scott and CJ chat with Paul Copplestone, CEO and co-founder of Supabase, about the journey of building an open source alternative to Firebase. Learn about the tech stack, the story behind their excellent documentation, and how Supabase balances business goals with open-source values.

    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 Who is Paul Copplestone?
    • 01:17 Why ‘Supa’ and not ‘Super’?
    • 02:26 How did Supabase start?
    • 08:42 Simplicity in design.
    • 10:32 How do you take Supabase one step beyond the competition?
    • 12:35 How do you decide which libraries are officially supported vs community maintained?
      • 15:17 You don’t need a client library!
    • 16:48 Edge functions for server-side functionality.
    • 18:51 The genesis of pgvector.
    • 20:59 The product strategy.
    • 22:25 What’s the story behind Supabase’s awesome docs?
    • 25:26 The tech behind Supabase.
    • 35:46 How do you balance business goals with open source?
    • 42:01 What’s next for Supabase?
    • 44:15 Supabase’s GA + new features.
    • 48:24 Who runs the X account?
    • 50:39 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

    Sick Picks

    Shameless Plugs

    Hit us up on Socials!

    Syntax: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Wes: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Scott: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    CJ: X Instagram YouTube TwitchTV

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

    787: You Should Try Vue.js

    787: You Should Try Vue.js

    Scott and CJ dive deep into the world of Vue.js, exploring what makes this frontend framework unique and why it stands out from React and Svelte. CJ gives a comprehensive tour, covering everything from getting started to advanced features like state management and Vue’s built-in styles.

    Show Notes

    Vue.js: The Documentary.

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    786: What Open Source license should you use?

    786: What Open Source license should you use?

    Scott and CJ dive into the world of open source, breaking down its meaning, benefits, and the various types of licenses you’ll encounter. From permissive licenses like MIT and Apache 2.0 to copy-left licenses such as GNU GPLv3, they’ll help you choose and apply the right license for your project.

    Show Notes

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    Scott: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

    785: What’s Next for NextJS with Tim Neutkens

    785: What’s Next for NextJS with Tim Neutkens

    Scott and Wes dive into the world of Next.js with special guest Tim Neutkens from Vercel. They explore the latest updates, including the React Compiler and React Server Components, discussing their impact on developer workflows and the future of Next.js development.

    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 What does the React Compiler do?
    • 05:04 Will React Compiler help with managing Context?
    • 06:39 What happens if you’re not using a React Compiler?
    • 09:30 Will this work on any NextJS version?
    • 12:18 What are React Server Components?
    • 16:28 Shipping all the data inside an encapsulated component.
    • 20:17 Clearing up the frustrations around retrofitting server components.
    • 23:13 Handing migration.
    • 28:30 Is this just a fetch request with props?
    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
    • 45:31 Turbopack.
    • 57:51 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

    Sick Picks

    Shameless Plugs

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    Syntax: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Wes: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Scott: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

    784: Logging × Blogging × Testing × Freelancing

    784: Logging × Blogging × Testing × Freelancing

    In this Potluck episode, Scott and Wes tackle listener questions on modern blogging, website environmental impact, and using LangChain with LLMs. They also cover CSS hyphens, unit vs. integration testing, and balancing web development with new parenthood.

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    Scott: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

    783: How We Built a Netflix Style “Save for Offline” Feature Into Syntax

    783: How We Built a Netflix Style “Save for Offline” Feature Into Syntax

    Scott and Wes dive into the world of browser caching for audio files, exploring the File System API and the Cache API. They discuss size restrictions across different browsers, how tools like Riverside.fm leverage IndexedDB, and walk through code examples for creating, retrieving, and managing cached audio data.

    Show Notes

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    Scott:X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

    782: The Developer’s Guide To Fonts with Stephen Nixon

    782: The Developer’s Guide To Fonts with Stephen Nixon

    Scott and CJ are joined by Stephen Nixon of ArrowType to delve into the world of fonts and type for developers. They explore the intricacies of font creation, the utility of variable fonts, and offer tips for making visually appealing typography on the web.

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    781: Potluck - The Value of TypeScript × Vue vs Svelte × Leetcode

    781: Potluck - The Value of TypeScript × Vue vs Svelte × Leetcode

    In this potluck episode of Syntax, Scott and CJ serve up a variety of community questions, from the nuances of beginner vs. advanced TypeScript to the pros and cons of SvelteKit. They also discuss falling out of love with React, shipping private packages via NPM, and the eternal struggle of always starting but never finishing projects.

    Show Notes

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    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

    780: Cloud Storage: Bandwidth, Storage and BIG ZIPS

    780: Cloud Storage: Bandwidth, Storage and BIG ZIPS

    Today, Scott and Wes dive into cloud storage solutions—why you might need them, how they use them, and what you need to know about the big players, fees, and more.

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    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

    779: Why SQLite is Taking Over with Brian Holt & Marco Bambini

    779: Why SQLite is Taking Over with Brian Holt & Marco Bambini

    Scott and CJ dive into the world of SQLite Cloud with special guests Brian Holt and Marco Bambini. They explore why SQLite is gaining traction, its unique features, and the misconceptions surrounding its use—let’s get into it!

    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:20 Who is Brian Holt?
    • 02:26 Who is Marco Bambini?
    • 05:12 Why are people starting to talk so much about SQLite now?
    • 08:47 What makes SQLite special or interesting?
    • 09:46 What is a big misconception about SQLite?
    • 11:13 Installed by default in operating systems.
    • 12:03 A perception that SQLite is intended for single users.
    • 13:36 Convincing developers it’s a full-featured solution.
    • 15:11 What does SQLite do better than Postgres or MySQL?
    • 17:30 SQLite Cloud & local first features.
    • 20:38 Where does SQLite store the offline information?
    • 23:08 Are you typically reaching for ORMs?
    • 25:00 What is SQLite Cloud?
    • 27:29 What makes for an approachable software?
    • 29:18 What make SQLite cloud different from other hosted SQLite options?
    • 32:13 Is SQLite still evolving?
    • 34:40 What about branching?
    • 37:37 What is the GA timeline?
    • 40:04 How does SQLite actually work?
    • 41:19 Questions about security.
    • 44:28 But does it scale?
    • 45:52 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

    Sick Picks

    Brian: Trainer Road
    Marco: Tennis

    Shameless Plugs

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    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

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    Vanessa Van Edwards (@vvanedwards) is a recovering awkward person who teaches people how to be more successful with people.

    Vanessa was a great student, but, she says, she was terrible with people. Until one day she discovered that she could study people and interacting with people the same way she studied math and science.

    In fact, she used math and science to break down social interactions. She set up a lab and started running experiments on everything from conversation starters to reading facial expressions.

    She shares everything she’s learned in her hit book, Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People. This book breaks down social interaction so you can succeed, whether that’s thriving in networking events, or having a more fulfilling dating life.

    You’re going to learn:

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    Show notes: http://kadavy.net/blog/posts/vanessa-van-edwards-podcast/

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    Click here to connect with Fiona on LinkedIn.

    E126: Anti-Racism, and Being Black in America

    E126: Anti-Racism, and Being Black in America

    YOU WANNA DO WHAT?! celebrates 3 years! Each episode delivers practical motivation for living, inspiring stories, and useful strategies to do more, want more & be more. 

    In today's episode, I invited 4 guests to tell their stories and share their experiences of being Black in America.

    • Dr. Donna Granville, sociologist of race, immigration, and culture
    • Sir Wilkins, a former teacher turned personal trainer and co-host of The Jobber Tears podcast
    • Natalie Charles, Kenyan born, IT Security professional
    • Scott Hale, ambitious entrepreneur and docuseries director

    We discuss:

    • Reactions to George Floyd's death
    • Personal stories of racism
    • Collective pain of the Black community
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    • Protecting your mental wellness through self-care and restorative practices
    • Required reading, videos, and resources to educate yourself or others on systemic, institutional and other forms of racism
    • How to unlearn behavior
    • What progress means in our communities

    As a Latina and a woman of color born and raised in New York City, I am in solidarity with my brothers and sisters. 


    For a full list of resources from today's episode: Visit >> www.youwannadowhat.com/podcast

    Episode Resources:

    Book Recommendations:

    1. How to be Less Stupid About Race by Crystal Marie Fleming 
    2. How to be Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
    3. Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi
    4. So You Wanna Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
    5. White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin Diangelo  

    Video Recommendations: 

    TEDxHampshireCollege - Jay Smooth - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race


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    E86: How to Talk to Anyone (11 Tricks for Success)

    E86: How to Talk to Anyone (11 Tricks for Success)

    The question I'm asked most often is, "How do you talk to a stranger?" People assume you must be an extrovert to be successful at networking, but that's a myth!

    I share 11 tricks you can start using today that work in professional settings like business conferences, events, and meetings or social gatherings like parties or your next happy hour. 

    In this episode we discuss: 

    • Creating a meaningful connection with every interaction
    • Channeling your inner Tom Cruise
    • Nailing the 80% of an impression that happens before you even speak a word
    • Remembering personal details like Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) in The Devil Wears Prada
    • Answering the question, "What do you do for work?" in a way that drives connection


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    Need to jump start your weight loss or fitness goals? Join the #BetterMe Fitness Transformation Challenge. 

    Check out this week's Wordspiration (#wordspiration) and be sure to give them a follow and tell them @youwannadowhat sent ya!


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