
    How To Identify And Correct Nutrient Deficiencies

    enFebruary 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Nutritional deficiencies and the importance of testing for optimal healthMany people have nutritional deficiencies that can lead to various health issues. The recommended dietary allowance is not designed for optimal health, and testing for nutrient deficiencies can be difficult, but it's crucial for promoting optimal health.

      Nutritional deficiencies are widespread and can contribute to a range of symptoms, from fatigue to autoimmune disease. Most people do not get adequate levels of all essential nutrients, with many deficiencies being common. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) was designed to prevent serious problems, but it's not designed for optimal health. Most RDAs haven't been updated in decades, even as the average body weight has increased, leading to underestimation of nutrient deficiencies. Testing for nutrient levels can be challenging, as each nutrient needs to be tested differently. Despite the challenges, it's important to test for nutrient deficiencies to promote optimal health.

    • The Importance of Nutrient Deficiency TestingRegular nutrient deficiency testing is essential for maintaining good health. Testing for B12 deficiency should include methylmalonic acid or homocystine levels. Essential nutrients like Vitamin D, magnesium, B12, folate, zinc, copper, calcium, and selenium should be regularly tested to avoid deficiency.

      Nutrient deficiency testing is complicated and often inaccurate when using standard serum tests. To get a more accurate assessment, it's important to test methylmalonic acid or homocystine for early B12 deficiency. Vitamin D, magnesium, B12, folate, zinc, copper, calcium, and selenium are essential nutrients that should be regularly tested. Omega-3 fatty acid testing can also be helpful to determine if a person is deficient in essential fatty acids. It's important to rely on a combination of tests and to pay attention to symptoms and other risk factors as well. These tests are commonly available in most doctor's offices and labs.

    • The Importance of Nutrient Testing and Functional Medicine for Optimal HealthDoctors may lack knowledge about interpreting nutrient levels, which can lead to deficiencies and long-term health problems. Functional medicine takes a holistic approach, considering nutrient interactions in the body. Function Health provides comprehensive testing and education, while a varied whole food diet is also essential for optimal health.

      Doctors often lack knowledge about diagnostic testing for nutrient levels and how to interpret them. This can result in deficiencies leading to long-term health problems. Nutritional guidelines are often focused on deficiency diseases rather than optimal functioning, which is where functional medicine comes in. Functional medicine looks at nutrient levels and how they interact with each other in the body, rather than in isolation. Function health is a diagnostic testing company that empowers individuals to take control of their own health by providing comprehensive testing and education on optimal nutrient ranges. Eating a varied whole food diet is also important, as food contains multiple nutrients that work together for optimal health.

    • How Our Bodies Process Nutrients & Why Too Much of Some Nutrients is RareOur bodies are usually deficient in nutrients rather than taking too much. Vitamin D and K2 increase the toxicity threshold of vitamin A while calcium supplements can increase the risk of kidney stones and heart disease.

      The human body is super smart and knows what to do with the compounds it receives, including the hundreds of molecules in the food we eat. While it's true that some nutrients can cause toxicity at high amounts, most people are deficient in them rather than taking too much. Adequate levels of vitamin D and K2 can increase the toxicity threshold of vitamin A, and most people don't get enough vitamin D. Calcium supplements can increase the risk of kidney stones and heart disease, so it's better to focus on how much calcium is being absorbed and used rather than how much is being taken in.

    • The Importance of Nutrient Synergy for Optimal HealthA proper balance of vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin D, K2, and magnesium, is crucial for regulating calcium and preventing osteoporosis. Be cautious with certain nutrients and avoid unnecessary supplementation.

      Nutrient synergy is crucial for optimal health. Vitamin D, K2, and magnesium work together to regulate calcium and prevent osteoporosis. Those with optimal levels of DK2 and magnesium may only need 500mg of calcium a day instead of the recommended 1000-1200mg. It's important to be cautious with certain vitamins and minerals, such as iodine for those with Hashimoto's and selenium, which has a goldilocks range. Iron overload is a common issue, and supplementation should be avoided unless necessary. Not all vitamins and minerals are toxic in higher doses, as some like B vitamins simply get excreted, while others such as potassium are essential and often lacking in the diet.

    • The Importance of Potassium and Nutrient DeficienciesPotassium is crucial for muscle and heart function, but over-supplementing is risky. Most Americans are deficient in key nutrients like omega-3, magnesium, iron, and zinc, which can impact overall health. Personalized health platforms like Inside Tracker can help optimize nutrition.

      Potassium is important for muscle contraction, including the heart's contraction and action potential, as well as cellular communication. Our ancestors got up to 10,000 milligrams of potassium in their diet with no problem, but if you're supplementing, you should not be taking gram level quantities. According to the Haines study, 90% of Americans are deficient in something and the major deficiencies are omega-3 fats, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Nutrients have multiple functions, unlike drugs, and deficiencies can have a big impact on health. Personalized health platforms, like Inside Tracker, can analyze your blood, DNA, and lifestyle to give you personalized recommendations for better health.

    • The Importance of Nutrients and Enzymes for HealthNutrients are essential for activating enzymes in our body that regulate various functions such as metabolism and mood. Due to soil depletion and exposure to toxins, nutrient deficiencies can lead to severe illnesses.

      Our cellular machinery requires nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients to activate enzymes which play a critical role in our biology. Enzymes are catalysts that change one chemical to another in our body to perform a variety of functions such as making happy-mood chemical serotonin, activating thyroid hormones, and regulating metabolism. One-third of our entire DNA codes for enzymes, underscoring their importance for our health. However, our food supply today is less nutritious than it was 50 years ago due to hybridization and soil depletion, and our bodies require more nutrients to deal with chronic stress and exposure to environmental toxins. Nutrient deficiencies can lead to severe illnesses like scurvy and pellagra.

    • The Importance of Foundational Nutritional Support and the Risks of Incomplete SupplementationNutrients work together and incomplete supplementation can lead to chemical imbalances and worse problems. A balanced diet with essential supplements like multivitamins, fish oil, and vitamin D should be considered for foundational nutritional support.

      People need foundational nutritional support now more than ever, based on scientific data. It's important to note that nutrients work as a team, and not having all of them can lead to chemistry issues and worse problems. An example of this is the Carrot Study, where giving high doses of beta keratine as a supplement to high-risk smokers actually led to more cancer. This is why having a good diet with all the necessary antioxidants, co-factors, and co-enzymes is vital. A multivitamin, fish oil, and vitamin D are foundational supplements that everyone should consider, focusing on bioavailability and therapeutic products from trusted companies.

    • Why Three Supplements and a Healthy Diet are Essential for Improved Overall HealthTaking a multivitamin, omega-3s, and vitamin D can help regulate inflammation, blood sugar, and more. Doctors can determine nutritional deficiencies through physical exams and history-taking. A balanced diet and these supplements can add years to life.

      According to Dr. Mark Hyman, there are three key supplements that everyone should be taking – a multivitamin, omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oil), and vitamin D. These supplements are essential for life and help to regulate inflammation, metabolism, blood sugar, and more. Additionally, magnesium and probiotics may be helpful as well. To determine nutritional deficiencies, doctors can conduct a physical exam, look for signs of deficiencies, and take a detailed history. Overall, these supplements and a healthy diet can significantly improve overall health and potentially add years to one's life.

    • Importance of Personalized Testing for Nutrient DeficienciesPersonalized testing, such as blood and urine tests or the ION panel, can identify nutrient deficiencies and genetic variations that impact supplement effectiveness. Take a functional medicine approach to determine specific nutrient needs.

      It's important to know if you're deficient in certain vitamins and minerals such as zinc, vitamin D, magnesium, and folic acid. Questionnaires and analyzing your diet can provide some insight, but comprehensive testing such as blood tests, urine tests, and the ION panel can give more detailed information about nutrient levels and functional markers. Not all supplements are created equal and some may not be effective for everyone due to genetic variations, such as the MT-HF gene's impact on folate utilization. It's essential to take a functional medicine approach and personalized testing can help identify specific nutrient needs.

    • Importance of Choosing Quality Vitamins and Nutrients for Proper Absorption and UtilizationChoosing the right form of vitamins and nutrients, such as methyl folate and chelated magnesium glycinate, can greatly benefit the body's absorption and utilization. Magnesium is especially important for overall health and chronic stress and certain medications can deplete magnesium levels.

      Choosing the right vitamins and nutrients is important for the body's proper absorption and utilization. Good quality vitamins, such as methyl folate, are more easily utilized by the body. When taking magnesium, it is important to choose the right form, such as chelated magnesium glycinate, which is better absorbed by the body than magnesium oxide or citrate. Magnesium is important for overall health, affecting 300 different enzymes and can help with issues such as depression, anxiety, constipation, muscle cramps, high blood pressure, and more. Chronic stress can lead to a depletion of magnesium, making it even more important to ensure proper intake. Certain medications, like proton pump inhibitors and diuretics, can also deplete magnesium levels.

    • The Importance of Magnesium in a Balanced DietAlcohol, smoking, coffee, and processed foods can deplete the body of essential nutrients like magnesium that can lead to a range of health issues. Include magnesium-rich foods like nuts, seeds, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet and seek guidance from a healthcare practitioner if you have concerns.

      Alcohol, smoking, coffee, and a diet lacking in magnesium are all factors that can deplete the body of essential nutrients like magnesium and B vitamins. Many processed and refined foods are also low in magnesium, which can lead to deficiencies. Magnesium deficiency is a common but often undiagnosed problem in many people, and it can lead to a range of health issues. It's important to have a balanced diet that includes foods rich in magnesium, such as nuts, seeds, vegetables, and whole grains, and to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare practitioner if you have concerns about nutrient deficiencies.

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    Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

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    Instagram: @theguthealthmd

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    Chuck Carroll

    Instagram: @ChuckCarrollWLC

    Twitter: @ChuckCarrollWLC

    Facebook: http://wghtloss.cc/ChuckFacebook

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    Barnard Medical Center




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