
    How To Live Longer & Grow Rich With A.I. w/ Peter Diamandis

    enSeptember 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • An exceptional time to be aliveAdvancements in science, technology, and access to information add decades to health spans, provide access to knowledge, and create a world of abundant energy.

      Despite the negative news that pervades the media, this is an exceptional time to be alive due to advancements in science, technology, and access to information. Our brains are wired to pay more attention to negative news, but the abundance of positive developments in areas like longevity, education, and energy production are often overlooked. These advancements have the potential to add decades to our health spans, provide access to the world's knowledge, and create a world of abundant energy. Instead of focusing on the fear and scarcity perpetuated by the news, we should embrace the incredible opportunities available to us in the present day.

    • Reaching the point of extending human lifespans beyond current limitsExperts predict reaching longevity escape velocity within the next 10-20 years, enabling people to live beyond 100 with potential advancements in AI, genetic editing, and diagnostics.

      Advancements in science and technology are leading to the possibility of significantly extended human lifespans. Experts believe that longevity escape velocity, the point at which science adds more than a year to a person's life for every year lived, could be reached within the next 10-20 years. This means that someone turning 50 today could potentially live to be over 100, with even more breakthroughs coming during that extended lifespan. The potential causes for this extension include advancements in areas like AI, genetic editing, and better diagnostics. Additionally, some believe that people in their 30s could eventually live to be 130 or even beyond. This concept of extended lifespans is a game-changer, and it's important to consider the implications for individuals, society, and the economy.

    • Advanced Therapeutics for Aging: Peptides and Stem Cell TherapyNew technologies and research in epigenetic reprogramming offer promising solutions to keep genes functioning optimally and potentially even reverse aging. While these advancements are exciting, don't forget the fundamentals of good health: sleep, diet, exercise, and mindset.

      While the fundamentals of sleep, diet, exercise, and mindset are crucial for overall health and wellbeing, there are also advanced therapeutics, such as peptides and stem cell therapy, that can help repair and regenerate the body as we age. As we grow older, our stem cell populations decrease, leading to a loss of the body's ability to repair itself. However, new technologies and research in epigenetic reprogramming offer promising solutions to keep genes functioning optimally and potentially even reverse aging. It's important to note that while these advancements are exciting, the fundamentals of good health should not be overlooked. Our genes remain the same throughout our lives, but which ones are expressed and which are not determine our health and appearance. Humans were not designed to live past the age of 30, but with advancements in medicine and technology, we now have the opportunity to extend our lives and optimize our health.

    • Early disease detection and healthy cultureAdvanced diagnostics, strong company culture, and prioritizing safety are crucial for optimal well-being and growth.

      Understanding the early signs of diseases and maintaining a healthy culture in both personal and professional life are crucial for optimal well-being and growth. The body can hide diseases, and many health issues are not routinely screened for or discovered until late stages. Fountain Life aims to help individuals know their body's status through advanced diagnostics and therapeutics. Meanwhile, having a strong company culture, as Insparity can help establish, is vital for business growth and success. Distractions, such as using phones while driving, can endanger individuals and others, so it's essential to prioritize safety and focus.

    • Advanced health evaluations and innovative therapies at The Fountain Life CenterThe Fountain Life Center provides in-depth health assessments with advanced diagnostic tools and investigates cutting-edge treatments, promoting proactive healthcare through personalized health data and preventative measures.

      The Fountain Life Center offers members comprehensive health evaluations using advanced diagnostic tools and is exploring innovative therapeutic options. The center's deep dive health assessments have uncovered significant health issues in seemingly healthy adults, including undiagnosed cancers, aneurysms, and major findings requiring immediate attention. As diagnostic technology advances, the center recommends a baseline evaluation for younger adults and annual checks for those over 50. The center is also researching advanced therapeutics such as total plasma exchange using umbilical cord plasma, stem cell banking, and exosomes. By combining detailed health data with these advanced treatments and measuring their effectiveness, the center aims to move from reactive to proactive healthcare. The center's health insurance captive, Fountain Health Solutions, offers advanced testing to employees and aims to prevent health incidents rather than just covering costs after they occur. The goal is to flip the healthcare model from post-disease treatment to preventative care.

    • Understanding Health Markers and Early DetectionRegularly check health markers and address issues early through comprehensive diagnostics, such as MRIs, to prevent serious health risks and improve longevity.

      Focusing on preventative health measures and early detection through comprehensive diagnostics is crucial for longevity and vitality. The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing your health markers, such as cholesterol levels and genetic predispositions, and taking action to address any issues before they become serious. He also suggests regular imaging, such as full body MRIs, to identify potential health risks, like aneurysms or plaques, that may not present symptoms until it's too late. The speaker encourages everyone to prioritize their health beyond just eating well and exercising and to consider more exhaustive diagnostic testing and preventative measures, such as those offered by companies like Fountain Life and My Life Force. The speaker's own experiences highlight the importance of being proactive about one's health and the potential life-saving benefits of early detection and intervention.

    • Exploring AI's Role in Advancing Longevity and HealthAI's potential in advancing longevity, health, and wellness is immense due to its ability to process vast amounts of data. However, it's crucial to address potential risks and challenges, including misuse by humans and the potential for advanced AI to become a threat to humanity.

      AI is a powerful tool with immense potential for advancing longevity, health, and wellness. It is expected to be the single greatest contributor to breakthroughs in these areas due to the vast amount of data it can process. However, it's important to address the potential risks and challenges that come with the increasing intelligence of AI. While some may fear advanced AI becoming a threat to humanity, others, like the speaker, believe that AI will be more pro-life and supportive as it becomes more intelligent. However, the near-term concern is the misuse of AI by humans for nefarious purposes, such as taking down infrastructure or spreading false information. It's crucial to navigate these challenges and harness the benefits of AI responsibly.

    • Entrepreneurs can solve global problems and become billionaires, but authenticity is crucial with AI's helpEntrepreneurs can address significant issues while earning billions, but authentic AI solutions are essential. Teach ethical values to AI and use it to overcome cognitive biases. Seek therapy for personal growth, and hiring platforms can streamline the recruitment process.

      The world's most significant problems can also serve as the biggest business opportunities. Entrepreneurs should aim to become billionaires while helping a billion people. However, there are challenges in distinguishing truthful solutions from deep fakes or echo chambers. Cognitive biases in our brains can hinder our ability to assess information accurately. AI can help mitigate these biases and ensure authenticity. It's crucial to teach AI ethical values and align it with humanity's interests. Therapy, such as what BetterHelp offers, can help individuals work through personal issues and improve mental well-being. In the next few years, our actions will shape AI's moral compass. Lastly, using platforms like Indeed for hiring can save time and resources by connecting businesses with qualified candidates.

    • Adapting to a Changing Labor MarketAs technology advances, new industries may emerge, but maintaining purpose and meaning in work is crucial for individuals to adapt to the changing labor market

      As technology advances and automation becomes more prevalent, the labor market may face significant changes. While there are concerns about the displacement of jobs and the impact on people's ability to earn a living, there is also the potential for new industries to emerge. However, the bigger challenge may be maintaining purpose and meaning in people's lives as they transition to new roles or industries. The speaker highlighted the declining birth rate and the upcoming peak in global population, suggesting that the workforce may not be large enough to maintain current standards of living in the future. He emphasized the importance of cultivating a positive mindset and finding meaning in one's work to help individuals adapt to these changes. Overall, the discussion underscores the need for ongoing efforts to prepare the workforce for the future and help individuals develop the skills and mindset necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

    • Revolutionizing healthcare with AI collaborationAI will transform diagnosis in medicine, freeing up healthcare professionals for more compassionate patient care, while a growth mindset is essential for navigating the challenges of the future.

      The future of human-AI collaboration will revolutionize industries like medicine, where AI will become essential in diagnosis, freeing up doctors and nurses to focus on the human aspect of patient care. This partnership between automation and humanization will lead to more effective and compassionate healthcare. Additionally, having a growth mindset, as discussed in the book "Abundance," is crucial for leaders and individuals in navigating the challenges of the present and future, as we continue to develop more powerful tools to solve complex issues.

    • From scarcity to abundance: A shift in mindsetTechnological advancements have transformed our mindset from scarcity to abundance, enabling instant access to food, energy, and information, and providing comprehensive business solutions

      Our mindset has shifted from fear and scarcity to abundance, thanks to technological advancements. This transformation from scarcity to abundance is evident in various aspects of our lives, including access to food, energy, and information. For instance, we can now get any fruit instantly, have an abundance of energy from the sun, and access a wealth of information at our fingertips. Businesses have also benefited from this shift, with tools like NetSuite by Oracle providing comprehensive solutions for financial management, inventory, HR, and more. The abundance mindset encourages us to create more, rather than hoard resources, and technology is the key to unlocking the abundance in areas once considered scarce. Ultimately, we live in a world of abundance, and the real scarcity lies in our ability to fully harness the potential of technology.

    • Adopting a moonshot mindset for business and personal growthTo succeed in today's world, entrepreneurs and individuals must embrace abundant thinking, aim for exponential growth, and adopt a longevity mindset.

      Linear thinking, focusing on incremental growth, can leave businesses behind in the face of exponential technologies and market disruptions. To thrive in today's world, entrepreneurs and individuals must adopt a moonshot mindset, aiming for 10x growth, and be open to discarding old ways and starting from a clean sheet of paper. Elon Musk's success with SpaceX is a prime example of this mindset in action. In personal growth, having a longevity mindset, believing in and actively pursuing extended healthy life, is crucial to intercepting future breakthroughs in health technology. These mindsets, abundant thinking, exponential growth, and longevity, are essential for thriving in the current decade.

    • Thinking exponentially for greater successEmbrace an exponential mindset, set big goals, evaluate limiting mindsets, and adapt to technological disruptions for personal and professional growth

      Adopting an exponential mindset can significantly change one's life and lead to greater success. The speaker, who values the abundance mindset, reflects on the importance of thinking exponentially, particularly with the resources and access he possesses. He shares the concept of setting big goals, like traveling around the world 125 times, as a way to believe in and pursue the seemingly impossible. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of evaluating one's mindset and considering how it may be limiting growth. Additionally, he touches on the disruption and reinvention of industries due to technological advancements and encourages individuals and companies to embrace an exponential mindset to stay competitive.

    • Clarify your Massive Transformative Purpose and moonshotsDefine your MTP: who to serve, big impact, action verb. Moonshots: specific, measurable objectives. Stay focused, make a significant impact, and inspire others.

      Having a clear and inspiring Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) and moonshots can help individuals navigate the abundance of opportunities in today's world and make decisions that align with their passions. An MTP is a short phrase that clarifies who you want to serve, the big impact you want to provide, and the action verb. It's driven by positive emotion and serves as a canvas for your moonshots, which are specific, measurable objectives. By developing an MTP and moonshots, individuals can stay focused on what truly matters and make a significant impact. Peter Diamandis, the speaker in the discussion, has created tools like Moonshot Planner to help people develop their MTP and moonshots. The process of defining an MTP and moonshots can lead to a deeper sense of purpose and motivation, and can even inspire others. So, identify your MTP and moonshots, and use them as a guide to create a hopeful, compelling, and abundant future for yourself and the world.

    • The Future of Consciousness UploadingBy 2033, technology may enable humans to upload consciousness into the cloud, making us virtually immortal. This is inspired by Ray Kurzweil and being developed by various companies.

      Advancements in technology, particularly in brain-computer interfaces, are progressing rapidly and could potentially lead to the ability to upload consciousness into the cloud, making humans virtually immortal. The speaker, Peter Diamandis, believes this could become a reality by 2033 and is inspired by mentors like Ray Kurzweil. While this may seem unimaginable, the technology is already being developed by various companies. Diamandis encourages everyone to follow him and share this information, as he hopes to bring back similar discussions every year.

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    Challenging the Data Barrier in Bioinformatics


    To gain research info regarding healthcare, companies must first collect data. Data collection gives us the opportunity to detect certain diseases, their properties, and how the human body reacts to these.

    Perhaps the biggest obstruction that bioinformaticians face are the privacy and ethical concerns when collecting data. Because health institutions aren’t able to disclose and share data regarding their patients, research slows down.

    With TARTLE, you have the chance to purchase datasets to help your bioinformatics research or any study for that matter. Data that is being collected by TARTLE is consensually gathered, as users share their information for financial incentives.

    Data collection through TARTLE is also ethical because companies are buying ownership from consenting owners. Through this, the privacy and ethical barrier brought on by HIPAA is no longer an issue.

    TARTLE benefits everybody. It gives users the power and knowledge on selling their data while paying them for doing so. It also offers companies massive amounts of datasets that they’re able to use, like medical research.

    Insurance Companies and Their Impact on Data Collection


    In the podcast, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby listen to a video of David Sinclair discussing his checkup with a doctor. Through this, we discover that proactively collecting data about one’s self gives doctors better insight into your health, more than they ever could with a simple consultation.

    In addition to this, we find out that doctors may opt to not perform lab tests that are not immediately needed, or if you do not have a family history for a particular disease. They are disallowed by insurance companies who do not want to spend on anything preventive. Insurance companies only shell out money when someone is already sick.

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    A Proactive vs. Reactive Approach on Healthcare Development

    The TARTLE marketplace is one of the means for preventative healthcare to grow and develop. Because insurance companies aren’t incentivized from giving away data, nor are hospitals allowed to.

    Because hospitals are a reactive system, we are not able to act on someone or gather data until someone is already sick. That is why preventative care is so important. Sickness is better understood, and hopefully lessened, in a world where we are encouraged to actively look out and test for our own health. 

    Hospitals are part of a system that’s economically driven, forcing people into two-dimensional systems that prioritize money before the well-being of a person. The system views unique individuals not as people, but as numbers and statistics without uniqueness. 

    The metric that medical institutions should focus on is the maintenance of a disease-free population. How long someone is being kept healthy or how long someone lives should be the defining statistic that healthcare systems should prioritize.

    Not only this, but a deeper understanding of preventative measures is a must, that will not only lengthen the life expectancy of every individual, but empower those same individuals with the ability to sell their data. Through a higher volume of data acquisition, researchers and companies can better develop better ways to prevent sickness and disease.


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    The show is hosted by Co-Founder and Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Head of Conscious Marketing Jason Rigby.


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    🚀Join Ryan & David at Permissionless II in September.










    0:00 Intro
    1:30 Wellness vs Longevity

    9:30 The Pursuit of Immortality
    12:30 We Want Choice
    16:30 How Long Would You Live?
    23:20 Now is the Time
    27:00 Health is Longevity
    33:30 Increasing Healthspan
    36:30 The Case Against Death
    41:40 How to Not Die

    46:00 SERGIO RUIZ
    48:45 Healthspan and Lifespan
    52:50 Longevity Research
    57:45 Epigenetic Reprogramming
    1:05:30 Feeling Young
    1:09:30 Longevity Escape Velocity
    1:14:30 Challenges and Obstacles
    1:18:30 The Economic Case

    1:28:00 MICHAEL GEER
    1:31:50 A Billion Years of Health
    1:38:45 Utilizing Technology
    1:43:45 Using AI for Health
    1:46:15 Good Metrics to Track
    1:52:00 Defining Health
    1:55:00 The Humanity App
    2:01:30 More Users, More Wearables
    2:08:45 Get Healthier


    Patrick Linden

    Sergio Ruiz

    Michael Geer

    The Case Against Death


    Animal Free Precision Medicine

    Humanity App

    Not financial or tax advice. See our investment disclosures here: https://www.bankless.com/disclosures⁠ 

    From Massage to Surgery: How Robotics and AI Are Changing Medicine And Beauty

    From Massage to Surgery: How Robotics and AI Are Changing Medicine And Beauty

    This story was originally published on HackerNoon at: https://hackernoon.com/from-massage-to-surgery-how-robotics-and-ai-are-changing-medicine-and-beauty.
    Robots based on AI technology are already helping nurses successfully with many daily tasks.
    Check more stories related to futurism at: https://hackernoon.com/c/futurism. You can also check exclusive content about #robotics, #artificial-intelligence, #ai, #machine-learning, #healthcare, #medtech, #healthtech, #technology, and more.

    This story was written by: @dennisledenkof. Learn more about this writer by checking @dennisledenkof's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com.

    Robots based on AI technology are already helping nurses successfully with many daily tasks. They are equipped with voice and motion recognition, cameras, and microphones that collect data about a person. They then pass it on to artificial intelligence algorithms for processing, which allows robots to recognize not only physical injuries (for example, if patient has fallen out of bed), but even non-verbal signs of depression and anxiety.

    Control Bionics (ASX:CBL): Scott Power, Senior Analyst

    Control Bionics (ASX:CBL): Scott Power, Senior Analyst
    Following their most recent IPO, Morgans Analyst Scott Power has initiated coverage on Control Bionics (ASX:CBL).

    CBL is a health technology company, providing the ability for patients who live with Motor Neuron Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Cerebral Palsy to operate computers and software through the use of visual or neural signals.

    Check out more from Morgans:
    Visit the Morgans website: www.morgans.com.au
    Check out our blog: www.morgans.com.au/Blog

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    Investing in Healthcare to Build Greater Resilience (Part 2)

    Investing in Healthcare to Build Greater Resilience (Part 2)

    While the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy societal and economic toll, and upended nearly every aspect of life, it has ignited the power of innovation and created critical opportunities to navigate and emerge even stronger from this crisis. In the second episode of this two-part series, Mike Alkire (@AlkirePremier), President of Premier, Inc., Mark Cuban (@mcuban), serial entrepreneur, Dallas Mavericks owner, and Shark Tank host, discuss how leaders can balance the need to prioritize public health amid states re-opening their economies, and courageous conversations on structural inequality.