
    How to Make Better Videos with The Head of Culture & Trends at YouTube | Interview w/ Kevin Allocca

    enJuly 31, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding YouTube Trends and BehaviorsTo succeed on YouTube, businesses and creators must understand why audiences engage and the diverse range of content and creators on the platform, beyond assumptions and value judgments.

      Understanding the trends and behaviors on YouTube, as the platform continues to grow and influence culture, is essential for businesses and creators alike. Kevin Allaca, the head of culture and trends at YouTube, shared his insights on this topic during a podcast interview at Cannes. He's been tracking YouTube trends for almost a decade and has written a book, "Videocracy," on the subject. Allaca emphasized that it's no longer enough to simply recognize the presence of an audience on YouTube; businesses and creators must also understand why people are there and what they're engaging with. This requires moving beyond assumptions and value judgments and truly understanding the diverse range of content and creators on the platform. Allaca grew up in South Florida and Ontario before moving to New York to pursue a career in media. His unique perspective and expertise make him a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the ever-evolving world of YouTube and digital culture.

    • Growing up shaped our interests and identitiesOur past experiences inform our present and future pursuits, and what was once considered uncool can later become influential.

      Our experiences growing up shape our interests and identities in profound ways. The speaker, who grew up between different cultural backgrounds in Miami, shares how they were drawn to counter-cultural music like metal and later came to appreciate hip hop. They also had a passion for speech and debate, which they once considered nerdy but now sees as valuable. These experiences have played a significant role in their current position as an influencer at YouTube, where they use their understanding of audiences to create content. The speaker's journey illustrates how our past experiences can inform our present and future pursuits, and how what was once considered uncool can later become influential. It's a reminder to embrace our unique backgrounds and the experiences that make us who we are.

    • Learning from setbacks and adapting to new technologiesEven iconic figures and successful businesses face challenges and setbacks, but it's crucial to learn from these experiences and adapt to new technologies and trends to thrive in the ever-changing media landscape.

      Even iconic figures and successful businesses face challenges and setbacks, but it's important to learn from these experiences and adapt to new technologies and trends. The speaker shared their personal journey from working as a comedy writer and editor at various media companies to their current role at YouTube, where they've witnessed the evolution of pop culture and technology. They mentioned Barry Diller's attempt at a political satire show called 20 3 6, which didn't succeed despite deep pockets due to timing and economic factors. The speaker also touched on the importance of staying open to new ideas and technologies, such as deep fakes, and finding ways to adapt to them instead of being afraid of the potential closeness of the internet. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of resilience, adaptability, and continuous learning in the ever-changing media landscape.

    • Deepfakes challenge the authenticity of visual contentDeepfakes can manipulate footage, causing harm and perpetuating prejudices, but also lead to innovative applications and require vigilance and critical thinking

      We are on the brink of an era where the authenticity of visual content is being challenged like never before, thanks to deepfake technology. For decades, we've relied on the assumption that if it's on film, it's true. But now, that assumption is being shattered. This new reality has significant implications, particularly in the context of international news where there might not be a free press. It also means that people can manipulate footage to fit their narratives, potentially causing harm and perpetuating prejudices. However, there's a silver lining. The rise of deepfake technology is also leading to innovative applications, such as virtual YouTubers in Japan, where creators can express themselves in ways they couldn't before. As we navigate this new landscape, it's crucial that we remain vigilant and critical of the content we consume.

    • Identifying and capitalizing on cultural trends through connections and collaborationUnderstanding cultural shifts requires a deep contextual knowledge and the ability to make meaningful connections between seemingly unrelated things, as well as a willingness to challenge established norms through collaboration and data analysis.

      The power of identifying and capitalizing on cultural trends lies in the ability to make meaningful connections between seemingly unrelated things. This was evident during the early days of YouTube when the speaker, who was a key figure in the platform's growth, was approached by mainstream media outlets for insights on the platform's potential. At the time, many questioned the value of long-form content on YouTube, but the speaker's unique perspective led to groundbreaking collaborations. This process of drawing connections and verifying insights through conversation and data analysis is crucial in understanding the ever-evolving digital landscape. Despite the challenges in quantifying creativity, the speaker emphasizes the importance of human intuition and collaboration in uncovering trends and opportunities. Ultimately, the ability to identify and capitalize on cultural shifts requires a deep understanding of the context and a willingness to challenge established norms.

    • The importance of unique vision and human connections in media creationFocus on your own creative vision, build human connections, and be an early adopter to stand out in the media landscape.

      In today's media landscape, having a unique voice and independent perspective is crucial for creators to stand out. The speaker, who has found success in the music industry, emphasizes the importance of focusing on one's own creative vision rather than following trends or growth hacking. The speaker also highlights the role of human connections and curation in discovering new content, as well as the value of being an early adopter. The speaker shares their personal experience of being a consumer of music before it became popular and credits their success to this approach. They also mention the importance of Twitter as a platform for discovery, as it allows for more direct engagement and interaction with other creators and fans. Ultimately, the speaker encourages creators to trust their instincts and stay true to their vision, rather than trying to fit into a predetermined mold or algorithm.

    • Authentic content creation leads to YouTube successStaying true to oneself and creating authentic content can lead to success on YouTube, even if not always recognized or rewarded in traditional ways.

      Creating content authentically, without being overly formulaic or focused on algorithms, can lead to success on YouTube. Some creators who started off in the makeup industry are now eschewing makeup and finding success by making videos that resonate with them personally. Mister Beast is an example of a creator who has achieved great success not just through thumbnails, but by being creative and authentic in his content. Another observation is that for those looking to make it on YouTube, it's important to focus on creating content rather than just listening to motivational speakers. The speaker in this conversation emphasized the importance of taking action and not just using motivational content as a substitute for doing something. Additionally, the speaker made a comparison between the YouTube "hall of fame" and other institutions, implying that there is value in striving for authenticity and creativity, even if it's not always recognized or rewarded in traditional ways. Overall, the key takeaway is that staying true to oneself and creating authentic content can lead to success on YouTube.

    • Authenticity and Passion Matter More Than Production ValueFocusing on authentic content and genuine passion for a subject leads to success, regardless of production value. Choose a topic you can be deeply invested in for an extended period.

      Creating authentic content and being deeply passionate about a subject are more important than having high production value. Gary Vaynerchuk, a pioneer in content creation, shared his experience of starting Wine Library TV with minimal production value and focusing on his genuine passion for wine. He learned that if one isn't deeply invested in the subject, they'll likely quit. Vaynerchuk also emphasized the importance of choosing a topic that one can be obsessed with for an extended period. He recommended reading "Crush It" by Gary Vaynerchuk (his book from 2008) as it aligns with this idea. In essence, focusing on the content and the passion behind it will help creators succeed in the long run.

    • Focusing on authentic content for YouTube successCreating engaging content that resonates with audiences is crucial for YouTube success, not just optimizing for views and clicks.

      Focusing on what matters most for your YouTube channel is crucial for success. While optimizing for views and clicks is important, retention and watch time are key indicators of YouTube's algorithm. Creators who excel in thumbnail and title creation but lack authentic and engaging content will ultimately fail. Emma Chamberlain and Joanna Ceddia are recent examples of young creators who have gained popularity by rejecting traditional content and offering authentic, fun voices that resonate with their audiences. YouTube prioritizes end-user satisfaction, and creators who can deliver engaging content will thrive. In the end, it's not just about growth hacking but also about creating content that resonates with your audience and keeps them engaged.

    • Embracing the Power of Individual CreatorsIndividuals of all ages can create and connect with audiences through multi-faceted content production and distribution. Engaging with older generations can lead to valuable intergenerational connections and meaningful content for a wider audience.

      The power to create and connect with audiences lies in the hands of individuals, regardless of age. The speakers in this discussion emphasized the importance of being a multi-faceted creator, controlling all aspects of content production and distribution. They also highlighted the potential for engaging and learning from older generations, who may not have grown up with technology but are increasingly embracing it. The idea of starting an incubator for elderly creators in retirement homes was proposed as a way to tap into this untapped demographic and create meaningful content for a wider audience. The speakers' personal experiences and anecdotes underscored the value of intergenerational connections and the importance of respecting the wisdom and experiences of older individuals.

    • Global streaming platforms are breaking down cultural barriersNetflix, YouTube, and other global streaming services are promoting cultural diversity by making international hits accessible, challenging American pop culture dominance, and broadening our horizons with new perspectives

      We're living in an increasingly interconnected world where culture and creativity are no longer confined to specific regions. This was highlighted in the conversation about how global streaming platforms like Netflix and YouTube are breaking down the dominance of American pop culture and giving rise to hits from different parts of the world. For instance, the success of shows like "Dark" in Germany and the popularity of Spanish music on YouTube are evidence of this trend. The global appeal of hip hop music was also discussed as an example of a genre that transcends borders. Additionally, the importance of staying informed and open to new perspectives was emphasized. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of embracing diversity and looking beyond our own cultural bubbles to appreciate the richness and complexity of the global cultural landscape.

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