
    How To Overcome Embarrassment & Reach Your Goals Faster w/James Altucher EP 1104

    enApril 30, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Choosing yourself and having a growth mindsetFocus on generating ideas and being open to new opportunities for success, rather than fixating on the end result or amount of money involved.

      That success is not about conditions or following a specific formula, but rather about choosing yourself and having a growth mindset. James Altucher, a successful entrepreneur who has faced financial ruin, emphasizes the importance of having an abundance mindset and continuously experimenting to achieve your goals. He encourages developing a rich mindset by focusing on generating ideas and being open to new opportunities, rather than fixating on the end result or the amount of money involved. By adopting this perspective, one can become the top 1% in their field and monetize their dreams.

    • Sharing Ideas Freely Leads to Opportunities and RelationshipsEmbrace an abundance mindset, share ideas freely, build a strong network, and execute ideas to unlock new opportunities and relationships.

      Having an abundance mindset and freely sharing ideas can lead to valuable opportunities and relationships. The speaker shares how he's sent ideas to notable figures like Charlemagne the God and even Google, resulting in invitations to visit and collaborations. He emphasizes that ideas are not a finite resource and that sharing them can lead to verification of their worth and potential for growth. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of having a strong network and executing ideas, which can be achieved by being generous with your ideas and helping others. The "Google technique," or sharing information and sending people to other resources, is a powerful way to create value and build a trillion-dollar company like Google. Overall, the speaker encourages embracing an abundance mindset and sharing ideas freely to unlock new opportunities and build a strong network.

    • Cultivating a Positive Mindset for Personal GrowthThrough generating ideas and taking action, individuals can overcome challenges, let go of negative experiences, and focus on present moment for personal growth in areas of physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual health.

      Having a positive mindset and continuously working on personal growth in areas of physical health, emotional health, creative health, and spiritual health can help individuals bounce back from challenges and improve overall well-being. The speaker shares her experience of losing money and feeling depressed, but through the practice of generating ideas and taking action, she was able to come out of a long period of depression and feel like a new person. She emphasizes the importance of letting go of negative experiences and focusing on the present moment to be able to build and grow. By making small improvements every day in various aspects of life, individuals can increase their chances of happiness, health, and wealth.

    • Provide unique and practical advice in your writing to resonate with readers and generate effective word-of-mouth marketingOffer unique and practical advice in your writing to create a compelling book, foster effective word-of-mouth marketing, and influence others' perspectives using persuasive techniques like the 'advice technique' and frame control methods.

      Creativity can emerge from challenges, and writing a book that resonates with readers can lead to effective word-of-mouth marketing. To write a compelling book, it's essential to provide unique and practical advice rather than relying on academic studies or generic techniques. The "advice technique" is an example of a persuasive method that can help in various situations, such as negotiating a company sale. By asking for advice and giving the other person status, you can influence their perspective and avoid negotiating around a specific number. This technique, along with other frame control methods, can be valuable in various high-stakes situations.

    • Focus on the 1% that creates 50% of the value or successIdentifying and mastering the unique 1% can lead to significant improvements and even skipping the line in various areas of life.

      Identifying and focusing on the 1% of knowledge or skills that create 50% of the value or success can lead to significant improvements and even skipping the line in various areas of life. This concept, known as the 51 rule, can be applied to various aspects of life by finding and mastering that unique 1% that sets you apart. The 80-20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is a well-known concept that 20% of inputs often result in 80% of the outputs. However, when applied to itself, it can be narrowed down to find the 1% of inputs that create 50% of the outputs. For instance, in a business setting, only a few employees might be responsible for a majority of the revenues. By identifying and focusing on those key employees or areas, productivity and success can be maximized. The comedian in the example found his unique 1% by incorporating a rap element into his comedy act using random audience-provided words. This differentiating factor allowed him to stand out and be welcomed at any club in the world, even though he might not be the best comedian overall. In essence, the 51 rule encourages individuals to experiment and find their unique 1% that can lead to significant progress and success.

    • Leveraging experiences for faster growthBorrow hours or skills from one domain to accelerate progress in another. Focus on unique strengths and experiences to maximize impact. Face fears and step out of comfort zones for significant growth.

      We can leverage our experiences and skills from one area to accelerate growth in another. The speaker shared his personal experience of using his background in making money and losing millions to skip the line in stand-up comedy. He also mentioned how improving public speaking skills through comedy helped him excel in public speaking. This concept of borrowing hours or skills from one domain to another can help us save time and make progress faster. The use of the 51 rule, or focusing on unique strengths and experiences, is a powerful tool to achieve this. Additionally, facing our fears and stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to significant growth. The speaker's example of watching stand-up comedians to improve public speaking demonstrates the power of learning from experts and applying their techniques to our own goals.

    • Finding joy in diverse activities and overcoming challengesExperimenting with new activities and facing challenges can lead to personal growth and resilience. Finding joy in various experiences, even on difficult days, can have a positive impact on our lives and help us grow.

      Experimenting with various activities and experiences, even those that bring challenges or discomfort, can lead to personal growth and resilience. The speaker shares his love for comedy, particularly Dave Chappelle, and how it helps him in public speaking. He also discusses his diversified activities and how he finds joy in each of them, even on difficult days. The speaker's recent experience with a viral article and the subsequent backlash serves as an example of overcoming fears and insecurities, leading to a larger impact and helping others. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of finding joy in various activities and using challenges as opportunities for growth.

    • Intense reactions to unique ideasExpressing authentic ideas can lead to backlash, but prioritizing emotional and mental health is essential.

      Expressing unique ideas can lead to intense reactions, both positive and negative. The speaker, a writer, shared his experience of writing an article criticizing New York City and facing intense backlash from its residents. Despite his intentions and the article's valid points, the negative responses left him feeling punished and unable to write or engage on social media. This experience led him to take a break and reevaluate his priorities. In the end, it's important to remember that expressing ourselves authentically can be challenging, but taking care of our emotional and mental health is crucial during these times.

    • Balancing self-improvement and relationshipsContinuous improvement doesn't mean neglecting relationships. Seek a coach, learn from peers, and surround yourself with training mates to enhance abilities and maintain emotional, physical, and social connections.

      Caring about the opinions of others and continuously improving oneself are not mutually exclusive. The speaker shares his personal experience of neglecting relationships due to his focus on his writing, leading to the loss of friends and family members. He realized that indifference to criticism can sometimes indicate an unhealthy state, and it's essential to maintain emotional, physical, and social connections. To regain balance, the speaker decided to take a break from writing and apply the techniques from his book "Skip the Line" to improve his chess skills, which he had neglected for decades. By seeking a coach (plus), learning from peers (equals), and surrounding himself with training mates (training mates), he was able to enhance his abilities and reach a new level of expertise. This experience underscores the importance of striking a balance between self-improvement and maintaining meaningful relationships.

    • Explaining concepts to others deepens understandingEffective learning involves gaining practical experience, deep understanding, and continuous growth through collaboration, mentoring, and helping others.

      Learning and mastering a skill involves both gaining expertise through practice and understanding the underlying concepts. The speaker shares his experience of teaching chess to a former dean who threw him out of graduate school, emphasizing the value of explaining basic concepts to others. He also mentions the importance of the "plus-minus equals" approach, which includes learning from a mentor, collaborating with peers, and helping others. Additionally, the speaker challenges the popular "10,000 hour rule" and shares his personal experience of mastering salsa dancing in a shorter timeframe. Overall, the key takeaway is that effective learning requires a combination of practical experience, deep understanding, and continuous growth.

    • Happiness is not the primary goal during learningFocus on improving and reaching the top of the learning curve for efficient progress, not on being the best or seeking happiness.

      While pursuing something worth doing, happiness is not the primary goal, and it may even bring some unhappiness due to the challenges and resistance encountered during the learning process. Moreover, striving to be the best in the world is not necessary, as the difference between a good performer and an exceptional one might not be noticeable to the average audience. Instead, focusing on improving and reaching the top of the learning curve can lead to significant progress in a more efficient manner. The speaker's experiences in salsa dancing, chess, and stand-up comedy illustrate this concept.

    • Experimentation is key to mastering non-traditional skillsThrough constant experimentation and learning from failures, one can accelerate their growth and mastery of non-traditional skills

      The 10,000-hour rule, which suggests that becoming an expert in a field requires 10,000 hours of deliberate practice, can be challenging to apply to non-traditional fields like stand-up comedy or salsa dancing. The speaker, in his pursuit of mastery in these areas, found that experimentation was a more effective approach. By constantly trying new things and learning from failures, one can accelerate their learning and growth. The speaker's experience resonates with Thomas Edison's famous quote about his failed attempts to invent the light bulb – he didn't fail 10,000 times, but rather learned 10,000 different ways not to make a light bulb. In the case of salsa dancing, the speaker experimented with private and group lessons, mental rehearsal, and practicing at clubs, constantly refining his approach based on feedback and observation. Even in his current pursuit of learning Spanish, he is approaching it as an experiment, recognizing that the process will be painful but ultimately worthwhile.

    • Experimenting with new learning methodsContinuously experimenting with new approaches to learning and skills can lead to improved retention, refined abilities, and unlocking new perspectives.

      Continuous learning and experimentation are key to overcoming challenges and improving skills. The speaker shares their experiences with learning a new language, where they found that changing the time of practice and incorporating movement helped them retain information better. They also experimented with performing comedy in hostile environments, such as a subway, to improve their crowd work and tighten up their punchlines. In writing, business, sales, persuasion techniques, and chess, the speaker consistently experiments with new approaches to expand their knowledge and refine their abilities. By pushing beyond comfort zones and trying new methods, one can unlock new perspectives and enhance overall performance.

    • Embracing Challenges for GrowthBelieve in yourself and seize opportunities for growth by embracing challenges instead of waiting in line.

      Skipping the line and challenging yourself with difficult experiences can lead to valuable growth and skills. This concept was illustrated through the comedian's experience of always going up after the best comedian on the lineup. Despite the initial challenges and nerves, the comedian learned invaluable lessons about audience interaction and focus. This idea can be applied to various aspects of life, including pursuing dreams and careers. When faced with doubts and obstacles, it's essential to believe in yourself and not let others hold you back. So, instead of waiting in line, consider taking the leap and embracing the learning opportunities that come with new challenges.

    • Break down skills into manageable micro skillsFocus on specific techniques, find joy, and overcome fear of embarrassment to make faster progress in any skill or pursuit

      Mastering any worthwhile skill or pursuit requires breaking it down into smaller, manageable micro skills. By focusing on the specific techniques that resonate with us and building proficiency in those areas, we can make faster progress and achieve greater success. Additionally, loving what we do and finding joy in the process can help conserve energy and improve overall performance. This approach, as described in the discussion, is akin to "skipping the line" and can be applied to various domains, from business and negotiation to hobbies like salsa dancing. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding and overcoming the fear of embarrassment as a crucial part of this journey, as it can be a significant barrier to progress.

    • Lifelong Learning: Facing Criticism and Embracing ChallengesDespite criticism and negative reactions, use experiences as opportunities for growth by embracing challenges and learning new skills.

      Learning and growth are lifelong processes with constant nuances, and the impact of one's work can lead to unexpected challenges and reactions. The speaker, who has been writing for 20 years, shares how he has faced criticism and negative reactions from people he knows, even from those he had helped in the past. He acknowledges that these experiences can be hurtful but also recognizes the potential positive impact of his writing. During a period of intense criticism, he decided to use the time productively and learn a new skill - chess - documenting his progress. The speaker encourages embracing challenges and using them as opportunities for growth.

    • Learning Effectively: Rising from Top 10% to Top 1% in ChessUnderstanding fundamentals, memorizing key elements, and practicing consistently can help accelerate learning and improvement in skills like chess or Monopoly. Focused strategies, such as owning orange properties in Monopoly, can lead to quick progress and outperforming peers.

      Effective learning and improvement in skills, such as chess or Monopoly, can be significantly accelerated through focused techniques and strategies. The speaker shares his personal experience of rising from the top 10% to the top 1% in chess rankings by applying methods outlined in a book. He estimates that he could help a beginner reach the top 20% of players in a game, like Monopoly, within a day. The key to success lies in understanding the fundamentals, memorizing key elements, and practicing consistently. For instance, in Monopoly, owning the orange properties and having hotels on them is a lucrative strategy due to the high probability of landing on those squares. By applying this knowledge and focusing on improvement, one can quickly progress and outperform their peers.

    • Mastering specific micro skills can help you excel in various aspects of lifeFocusing on mastering the right micro skills in specific areas can give you a significant advantage and help you reach the top 1% in those domains, even without aiming for the highest levels of competition.

      Mastering the right micro skills in specific areas can help you achieve success and reach the top 1% in those domains, even if you don't aim for the highest levels of competition. For instance, in Scrabble, focusing on learning all the two-letter words can give you a significant advantage over your friends, without the need to memorize every seven-letter word. This strategy is a meta skill that allows you to skip the line and excel in various aspects of life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of choosing the right skills to focus on, rather than trying to become a vocabulary master or master every game. By doing so, you can guarantee your place in the top 1% and consistently beat your opponents in casual settings. This approach is highlighted in the book "Skip the Line" by James Altucher, which offers various experiments and surprising advice for reaching your goals. The speaker also mentions his admiration for the book and encourages listeners to read it. Additionally, the speaker shares his response to a hypothetical conversation with Jerry Seinfeld, stating that he would simply walk away if Seinfeld insulted him, regardless of his fame.

    • Actions impact perceptions, even without personal relationshipsRespect talent, learn from past experiences, and stay true to passions for personal growth

      Actions have consequences, and while respecting someone's craft or talent does not require a personal relationship, the way they handle situations can impact how others perceive them. The speaker shared an experience with a comedian who wrote an article that negatively affected their relationship, but they still respect his comedic abilities and his book. The conversation emphasized the importance of staying true to one's passions and continuing to create, even during challenging times. The speaker encouraged James to keep writing and expressed excitement for his upcoming book. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of personal growth and learning from past experiences.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1625

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Dean Graziosi – https://link.chtbl.com/1620-pod

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