
    How to Sell Anything on Facebook and Instagram | Throwback 4Ds from 2018

    enMarch 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Expanding Beyond Traditional PR with Social MediaConsistently create content and build a media company on social media for business growth.

      Building a successful business in today's world goes beyond traditional PR and requires a strong personal brand and an active presence on social media. The speaker, who has built a successful studio selling high-end art and furniture, shared his experience of reaching the limit of traditional PR and the need to expand his reach through social media. He emphasized the importance of creating content consistently and building a media company rather than just being an advertiser. The speaker's success story demonstrates that with hard work, consistency, and a strong personal brand, it's possible to grow a business beyond its current limits. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to expand, this takeaway can inspire you to explore new ways to build your brand and reach a wider audience.

    • Investing in paid ads is crucial for business growthFocus on targeted ads to drive sales, even for high-value items. Balance organic content and paid advertising for optimal growth.

      Creating a strong personal brand and producing consistent content are crucial for building a successful business, especially in the digital age. However, organic reach should no longer be the primary focus, as it has become more of a branding and PR tool. Instead, businesses should invest the majority of their time and resources into running targeted ads to drive sales. Even established brands like Sotheby's and Christie's have found significant success selling high-value items on Instagram through paid advertising. While converting customers at higher price points can be challenging, it's not as difficult as many believe, thanks to advancements in ad targeting and messaging platforms. Ultimately, the key is to strike a balance between investing in organic content and paid advertising to build a solid foundation and grow your business.

    • Understanding audience and intent is crucial for effective content marketingFocus on creating valuable content for your audience to build loyalty and drive sales, rather than trying to sell directly or disguise commercial intent.

      Creating highly targeted and specific content with a clear intent is key to effectively reaching and converting high-value customers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding your audience and creating content that resonates with them, rather than trying to reach a broad audience at the expense of depth and relevance. He also warns against disguising commercial intent in content, and instead encourages authenticity and a focus on providing value to your audience. The speaker's experience with creating successful content for a wine project illustrates the importance of understanding your audience and staying true to your intent. He found that when he focused on providing valuable content, rather than trying to sell directly, he was able to build a loyal following and ultimately drive sales.

    • Creating unique experiences to build trust and reduce friction in online salesOffer personal consultations or unique physical spaces to differentiate and increase sales

      Building a successful online business, especially for high-value, custom items, requires building trust and reducing friction in the purchasing process. Instead of trying to eliminate all friction, as some may do, consider leaning into it and offering unique experiences that can't be replicated online. Marketplaces, like 1st Dibs, have found success by providing a platform for buyers and sellers to connect and build trust. People are willing to pay significant prices for items they value, and they're often willing to engage in experiences that add value to their lives beyond what they can find online. So, make your website a gateway to a valuable experience, such as a personal consultation or a unique physical space, and use digital channels to attract potential customers and build interest. By offering something of value beyond the transaction, you'll differentiate yourself from the competition and increase your chances of making a sale.

    • Invest in brand growth for long-term successFocus on content creation, collaborations, and relationships to build a strong brand. Reinvest revenue and go all in on opportunities for growth.

      Focusing on brand development and content creation in addition to a successful sales model can lead to significant growth in a business. The speaker emphasizes the importance of investing in brand, rather than just focusing on sales and numbers, to achieve long-term success. They suggest creating content, collaborating with others, and building relationships as key strategies for brand growth. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of reinvesting revenue back into the business instead of solely focusing on personal gain. They share their own success with Facebook Messenger marketing and encourage going all in while the opportunity is available, despite potential changes or challenges in the future.

    • Maximizing Social Media for Business GrowthStay committed to social media platforms, invest in business growth, and prioritize creating high-quality content to maximize returns.

      It's essential to maximize the use of social media platforms while they're still popular and effective for business growth. The speaker shares his experience of capitalizing on Facebook Messenger and warns against abandoning a platform too soon, even when newer alternatives emerge. He also emphasizes the importance of investing in business growth, especially in areas that may not yield immediate return on investment. The speaker's success story of growing Wine Library from 3 to 60 million in sales demonstrates the power of discipline and long-term commitment. Another crucial point discussed is the impact of content on social media advertising success. The speaker highlights how businesses often reduce their ad spend due to decreased ROI, but the real issue might be the lack of new, high-quality content to engage audiences. Instead of abandoning a platform, businesses should focus on creating more content to stay competitive and maintain their presence. In summary, the key takeaway is to stay committed to social media platforms, invest in business growth, and prioritize creating high-quality content to maximize returns.

    • Effective Communication and Company CultureBuild strong relationships with team and audience, be transparent, and adapt to change for successful business and positive company culture.

      Effective communication and understanding your audience's preferences are key to building a successful business and creating a positive company culture. The speakers discussed their experiences with messaging apps, specifically Messenger, and how they used it to engage with their audience and send them to educational content. They also highlighted the importance of having a good company culture, which they achieved by having regular one-on-one meetings with their team and understanding their individual needs and desires. Another important takeaway is the importance of being transparent and upfront with your audience, as they may have unwanted messages or subscriptions that they're not aware of. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of building strong relationships with your team and audience, and being adaptable and open to change.

    • Transitioning a family business: Understanding each other's goals and prioritiesEmpathize with the previous owner's emotions and efforts, but establish a clear structure and autonomy for the new leader to make decisions and grow the business.

      Effective communication and understanding of each other's goals and priorities are crucial when taking over a family business. The speaker shared his experience of transitioning the business from his father, who had different ideologies and emotional attachments to the business. They faced challenges due to their contrasting approaches, particularly when it came to spending money and making decisions. However, the speaker was able to navigate these challenges by focusing on facts, eliminating subjectivity, and having clear financial goals. It's essential to have empathy for the previous business owner's emotions and efforts, but also establish a clear structure and autonomy for the new leader to make decisions and grow the business.

    • Navigating emotionally charged situations in businessStay focused on practical solutions and clear communication to grow the business, separate emotion from practicality, have a team willing to put in hard work, and set clear expectations and consequences in family businesses.

      Focusing on practical solutions and clear communication can help navigate through emotionally charged situations in business. The speaker shared an experience of dealing with theft in their business and how they learned to separate emotion from practicality. They also mentioned the importance of having a team that is willing to put in the hard work, even if it involves repetitive tasks, to grow the business. Another key point was the observation of a shift in business dynamics, where kids are taking money from parents to start businesses without feeling the need to pay them back. The speaker expressed the importance of setting clear expectations and consequences for performance in a family business. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying focused on practical solutions and clear communication to navigate through challenges in business.

    • Balancing personal touches and scalability in businessInvest time and energy into building personal relationships and trust, while also scaling up and leveraging brand reputation to sell to larger companies.

      Scaling a business involves balancing the unscalable personal touches with the scalable aspects of the industry. The speaker, who runs a business that sources CBD from native American farmers, emphasizes the importance of building personal relationships and trust, even as the industry rapidly grows and becomes more corporate. He shares how he engages with followers on social media and offers a personalized sommelier service to customers. However, he also recognizes the need to scale up and leverage his brand's reputation to sell CBD to larger companies. The speaker advises investing time and energy into the business rather than personal expenses and shares his regret of missing investment opportunities in the past due to financial commitments. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of balancing personal relationships and trust with scalability and industry trends to build a successful business.

    • The importance of building a brand early onFocusing on long-term brand-building and growth can lead to financial security and success. Utilize various marketing channels to reach audiences and expand gradually.

      Focusing on building a business and personal brand early on, rather than trying to make quick money, can lead to long-term financial security and success. The speaker shares a cautionary tale of a young man who lost a significant amount of money trying to make a quick buck, and emphasizes the importance of patience and dedication to building something sustainable. The speaker also suggests utilizing various marketing channels, such as Instagram DMs, podcast pre-rolls, email, and personal branding through videos, to reach audiences and grow a business. The speaker's own success story involves starting small and gradually expanding over 18 years, and experimenting with franchising. Overall, the message is to prioritize long-term growth and brand-building over quick gains.

    • Empowering Employees to Build a Successful BrandStaying relevant and scaling growth while maintaining product/service quality requires a long-term focus on empowering employees and building a strong brand.

      Entrepreneurship is a long-term game that requires a shift in focus from personal gain to building a successful brand and empowering employees. The speaker, who has been in business for 18 years, emphasizes the importance of staying relevant and scaling growth while maintaining the quality of the product and service. He also highlights the value of having long-term employees and considering them as potential business partners through franchising or other means. The speaker's personal experience and observations of successful entrepreneurs, including his father, demonstrate the importance of power and influence in the industry and the potential benefits of investing in employees. In essence, the game of it is about becoming a leader who empowers others to succeed while maintaining the integrity of the brand.

    • Embrace unconventional ideas for business successBeing open to new ideas and building relationships can lead to business success, even if it means challenging the status quo or taking unconventional approaches.

      Thinking outside the box and being open to new ideas, even if they seem unconventional, can lead to success in business. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being a "bad student" in the sense of being willing to challenge the status quo and explore new possibilities. He also discusses the value of building relationships and using content to engage with audiences, whether through collaborations or targeted advertising. The speaker shares his experience with using a "mass contest strategy" to gain exposure and grow his business, but cautions the importance of transparency and authenticity in such endeavors. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that being open to new ideas and building meaningful connections can lead to success in business, even if it means breaking the rules or taking unconventional approaches.

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    On his podcast, he discusses all sorts of topics, including what made him successful and some of his core tenants for living life and managing successful businesses.
    ➡️ He is often joined by Chris Connel and Colt Amidan who are dear friends and successful business people in their own right.

    The Power Move podcast stands to be one of the top sources of knowledge and insights, specifically into real estate and entrepreneurship out there! Not to mention tons of coverage of topical events and insights into our non-commercial lives as well…
    ➡️ Learn and burn Entrepreneurship from serial entrepreneur John Gafford and his band of mayhem makers. From stripper poles to the oval office, business lessons are everywhere.

    If that sounds interesting to you, make sure to subscribe to my channel and don't forget to hit the bell icon to never miss a Podcast! 🔔

    💯 About John Gafford:

    After appearing on NBC's "The Apprentice", John relocated to the Las Vegas Valley and founded several successful companies in the real estate space.
    ➡️ The Gafford Group at Simply Vegas, top 1% of all REALTORS nationwide in terms of production.
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    ➡️ Streamline Home Loans - An independent mortgage bank with more than 100 loan officers.
    The Simply Group, A national expansion vehicle partnering with large brokers across the country to vertically integrate their real estate brokerages.

    ✅ Follow The Power Move with John Gafford on social media:

    Instagram ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/thejohnmgafford
    Facebook ▶️ https://www.facebook.com/gafford2/

    🎧 Stream The Power Move Podcast with John Gafford Episode here:
    Listen On Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7cWN80gtZ4m4wl3DqQoJmK?si=70ad5ca4f51e4acc
    Listen On Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-power-move-with-john-gafford/id1582927283

    ☑️ Featuring:

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    Colt Amidan - Director of Commercial Real Estate at Simply Vegas - https://www.amidangroup.com


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    Facebook: @KhalaSimmonsOfficial

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    LinkedIn: Khala Simmons

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    2:25 - the reality of the internet

    5 - this era will go away

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