
    Podcast Summary

    • Sell the desirable outcome or 'vacation'Focus on highlighting the benefits and value of your product or service to create a compelling sales pitch, emphasizing the desirable end result rather than the less appealing aspects of the process.

      In sales, it's essential to focus on selling the desirable outcome or the "vacation," rather than the less appealing aspects of the process, like the plane flight. This concept, as shared by Dana Derry, a top copywriter, emphasizes the importance of highlighting the benefits and value that your product or service offers to customers. The analogy of selling the vacation instead of the plane flight illustrates that the ultimate goal is to deliver an appealing and desirable end result. Customers have various options to reach their desired outcome, but the way you present your sales process can significantly impact their decision-making. By focusing on the benefits and value, you can create a compelling sales pitch that resonates with your audience and increases the likelihood of closing a sale. Remember, you're not just selling a product or service; you're selling the transformation, the solution, or the outcome that your customers are seeking. So, in essence, keep the focus on the vacation and make the journey to getting there an enjoyable and seamless experience.

    • Comparing high-end and low-end offeringsStarting with a high-priced option can help anchor perception of value and make lower-priced options seem attractive. Effectively communicating a clear promise sets businesses apart in competitive industries.

      When it comes to selling a membership or a service, the goal and the value proposition remain the same, regardless of the specific offering. The difference lies in the level of service or support and the speed at which the goal is achieved. This can be compared to the difference between taking a commercial flight and a private jet. Both get you to your destination, but the experience and the time it takes vary greatly. Similarly, in a business context, the core offering may be the same, but the customer experience and the level of support can differ. When selling, starting with a high-priced option can help anchor the customer's perception of value and make lower-priced options seem more attractive. Another key concept discussed was the importance of making a clear promise to your customers. Every business in a given industry makes a similar promise, and it's essential to communicate that promise effectively to stand out from the competition.

    • Effectively communicating the worth of resultsSuccessful salespeople understand the importance of justifying the investment by focusing on both delivering impressive results and effectively communicating the worth of those results.

      While the promises made by marketing experts and agencies to gym owners may seem similar, the key to selling more lies in addressing the second question in sales: Is the potential benefit worth the investment? Most focus solely on the transformative results they can deliver, but few acknowledge the importance of justifying the price tag. By doing so, they risk appearing unrealistic or even dishonest. Instead, successful salespeople understand that the value proposition must be compelling enough to warrant the investment. It's not just about delivering impressive results, but also about effectively communicating the worth of those results. By focusing on both aspects, salespeople can differentiate themselves from the competition and build trust with their clients.

    • Making effective sales through genuine customer reviews and addressing customer needsEffective sales require a compelling proposition, promising desirable outcomes, and addressing objections. Genuine customer reviews and testimonials build trust and credibility. Understanding customer perspective and addressing specific needs increases conviction in the value of the product or service.

      Effective sales involves making a compelling proposition, promising a desirable outcome, and then addressing any objections or doubts the potential customer may have. The speaker emphasizes the importance of genuine customer reviews and testimonials in building trust and credibility. He also highlights the significance of understanding the customer's perspective and addressing their specific needs to increase their conviction in the value of the product or service being offered. By focusing on these key elements, sales can be an effective tool for helping people improve their lives and achieve their goals. Remember, if you believe in the value of what you're offering, and can address any concerns potential customers may have, then you're well on your way to making a successful sale. And don't forget to check out Jim's testimonials at IDon'tHateMoney.com for inspiring examples of people who have transformed their lives using his system.

    • Stay informed and engaged in tech trends for business growthStay updated on AI, machine learning, and blockchain to streamline ops, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge. Collaborate and innovate to stay ahead in a rapidly changing business landscape.

      Learning from today's discussion is the importance of staying informed and engaged in the latest technology trends to drive business growth. We heard from our guest about the potential impact of emerging technologies like AI, machine learning, and blockchain on various industries. By staying updated and adaptable, businesses can leverage these technologies to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge. Additionally, collaboration and innovation are key to success in today's rapidly changing business landscape. Whether it's partnering with other companies or investing in research and development, businesses must be willing to take risks and embrace new ideas to stay ahead of the curve. So, keep learning, keep innovating, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. That's all for today, folks. Have an awesome day, and we'll catch you on the next podcast!

    Recent Episodes from The Game w/ Alex Hormozi

    9 Things Top Sales People Do Differently | Ep 730

    9 Things Top Sales People Do Differently | Ep 730

    "The perfect salesperson would take maximum calls, have maximum conversion rate, and have maximum consistency." In this episode, Alex (@AlexHormozi) breaks down the 9 things that top salespeople do differently. These are observations from building multiple 7 and 8 figure sales teams across his companies and the Acquisition.com portfolio.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (00:39) - Maximise Hours (#1)

    (2:53) - Pull Up Calls (#2)

    (5:47) - The 2 Sop’s (#3)

    (6:40) -  BAM FAM (#4)

    (10:18) - Multiply Your Leads (#5)

    (12:50) - Pre-Call Prep (#6)

    (16:16) - Take Notes (#7)

    (17:17) - Talk Less Sell More (#8)

    (22:13) - Breathe The Script (#9)

    (26:10) -  Kill The Zombies (#10)

    (34:03) - Ask Hard Questions (#11)

    (36:55) - Ask Again (#12)

    (41:17) - See Everything As A Skill (#13)

    (42:07) - Kill For Sport (#14)

    (44:47) - Track Data (#15)

    (49:23) - Never Blame Circumstances (#16)

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    7 Obscenely Easy Ways to Get New Customers This Week | Ep 729

    7 Obscenely Easy Ways to Get New Customers This Week | Ep 729

    "These have made me millions of dollars." In this episode, Alex (@AlexHormozi) breaks down 7 different tactics for getting customer referrals, which are an incredible way of getting leads because they close at higher rates, stay longer, buy more, and also are usually FREE.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (00:23) Ask customers who else they know after a sale

    (7:54) Offer a discount to customers in exchange for introductions

    (10:28) Offer more free services

    (11:07) Offer them money

    (12:52) Referral at success

    (15:02) Handwritten card

    (17:28) "Spouse program"

    (18:41) BONUS!

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    Are You Being Insulting Without Realizing It? | Ep 728

    Are You Being Insulting Without Realizing It? | Ep 728

    "Instead of talking sh*t behind someone's back, talk it to their face." In this episode, Alex (@AlexHormozi) shares the valuable distinction between insult and critique and breaks down how to have tough conversations with your team when you're trying to get better together.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:44) Life changing concept

    (2:06) How do you give feedback without being insulting?

    (4:30) Mock critique conversation

    (7:10) Real story of someone who became an *sshole

    (13:45) How this can make organizations stronger

    (16:41) Closing remarks

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Maybe You're Not Good Enough (Yet) | Ep 727

    Maybe You're Not Good Enough (Yet) | Ep 727

    In this episode, Alex (@AlexHormozi) shares a brutally honest truth that you should consider. If you've been doubted, if you've lost a sale, if a conversation didn't go your way... That maybe it's not someone else's fault. Or the circumstance. Or a bias someone has against you. If you want to have the impact you say you want, maybe you need to get better.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:40) Examples of "needing to get better"

    (3:17) It might not be because of bias

    (4:35) Examples from when I needed to get better

    (8:17) Get honest with yourself

    (15:58) "What would it take?"

    (21:30) Beat your victim mentality away

    (22:00) Closing remarks

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    How to Build a Valuable Business You Can Sell Someday | Ep 726

    How to Build a Valuable Business You Can Sell Someday | Ep 726

    "Keep the Goose, Sell the Eggs." Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) shares a valuable framework for understanding if your business is sellable, and if it has multiple components of it, which could be the most valuable aspects of it to sell.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (00:24) - Story of someone trying to sell his business

    (01:16) - The Golden Goose

    (03:24) - The Big Picture You Have to Understand

    (06:21) - How to Verify What Your "Goose" Is

    (9:56) - Mrbeast Holdco Example

    (14:38) - How Rollups Work

    (18:42) - Closing Remarks

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    This Isn't Fun But it Will Make You So Much Money | Ep 725

    This Isn't Fun But it Will Make You So Much Money  | Ep 725

    "You can't be busy and be broke. Pick one." Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) speaks about one of the core ways to scale as a small business - do the unscalable. It's a belief that holds many back that are scared of doing work that won't be feasible at a different revenue number.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:43) - People being scared of doing the scalable

    (4:06) - You can't be busy and be broke. Pick one

    (4:40) - Two most powerful questions to ask your customers

    (11:30) - Don't copy the time management of rich people

    (13:30) - Doing the unscalable

    (20:13) - Closing remarks

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Your Business Is NOT What You Think It is | Ep 724

    Your Business Is NOT What You Think It is | Ep 724

    “People don’t know the actual business they’re in.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) dives into the core elements driving business success, emphasizing the significance of sales, marketing, brand, media, and distribution. Using real-world case studies, he illustrates strategic pivots and the importance of recognizing unique business challenges, offering invaluable insights for entrepreneurs, gym owners, software developers, and supplement companies.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:22) - Understanding the gym business

    (2:54) - Lessons from the software industry

    (5:12) - The cleaning business revelation

    (8:52) - Scaling service-based businesses

    (12:48) - The hard truths of entrepreneurship

    (20:23) - Maximizing enterprise value

    (23:48) - Case study: The canned cocktail business

    (26:21) - The importance of repeat customers

    (30:42) - The hail mary strategy

    (36:13) - Confronting the real problem

    (38:09) - Concluding thoughts

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    How to Recover From Huge Mistakes in Business | Ep 723

    How to Recover From Huge Mistakes in Business | Ep 723

    "Messing up is a part of business.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) discusses the significance of managing business mistakes effectively and transforming negative customer experiences into positive ones. He highlights strategies such as prompt accountability, issuing refunds, and delivering exceptional service, fostering loyal customers and boosting business reputation.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (1:11) - Story 1: The bent gym equipment

    (2:41) - Story 2: The Ritz-Carlton experience

    (5:07) - Principles for handling mistakes

    (10:49) - The angry boat concept

    (11:54) - Going above and beyond

    (16:41) - Empowering employees to fix mistakes

    (20:50) - Turning mistakes into opportunities

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    This Idea Will Make Your Business Unstoppable | Ep 722

    This Idea Will Make Your Business Unstoppable | Ep 722

    “It’s not that you have anxiety, it’s that you didn’t do the work that you know you should have done.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) highlights the crucial role of thorough preparation in achieving success in various fields like sales, marketing, and customer success. By reshaping views on effective preparation, Alex provides valuable insights to help alleviate anxiety and imposter syndrome, ultimately enhancing performance and enabling listeners to excel in their endeavors.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:37) - The importance of preparation

    (2:01) - Types of preparation

    (5:33) - Consulting and preparation

    (8:35) - Ad preparation and scaling

    (18:40) - Preparation for one-time events

    (25:12) - Final thoughts on preparation

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    How 1 Woman Turned 5800 Followers into $1 Million Per Year | Ep 721

    How 1 Woman Turned 5800 Followers into $1 Million Per Year | Ep 721

    ”You can make an absolute killing just talking about what you're really good at. Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) shares how a dietitian successfully monetized a small, niche Instagram audience, earning nearly a million dollars annually. Highlighting the value of targeted, value-driven content over vanity metrics, this episode reaffirms that genuine engagement and a dedicated audience lead to significant financial gains.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:15) - A surprising encounter: the dietitian's story

    (3:43) - The importance of niche content

    (6:36) - Lessons from personal experience

    (9:31) - The value of a dedicated audience

    (13:32) - Followers make you famous, business makes you rich

    (18:02) - Focus on business metrics, not vanity metrics

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Modes Series, Episode 1: A Revolutionary Way to Manage Restaurant, CX, and Brand

    Modes Series, Episode 1: A Revolutionary Way to Manage Restaurant, CX, and Brand

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    • [1:35] Introduction to Roger Beasley
    • [3:37] What are modes, jobs, ques, and how do they work together?
    • [8:39] How to connect the brand to the consumer.
    • [12:13] Roger talks about how technology shifted the mode people are in and how the restaurant chains need to shift their focus.
    • [17:50] We discuss the top modes found in restaurant customers and how they relate to the different channels. 
    • [21:50] How the rise of virtual brands came about (DoorDash, UberEats, etc.)
    • [28:25] The need to customize your brand with the situation of why people will order.
    • [31:46] The different requirements for different channels/modes, moving away from loyalty programs.




    • People no longer order from restaurants because they like that specific restaurant's food; they are ordering based on the mode they are in - productivity, relaxing, etc. 
    • With the creation and use of UberEats and DoorDash, the people ordering the food are not the restaurant's customers; they are the customers of third-party brands. So it’s essential to create a new brand to draw customers back to your restaurant. 
    • As the number of delivery channels increase, companies need to focus on modes to excel with customer experience. Why is the customer ordering? How can you make it more convenient for them by meeting them in the mode they’re in?  




    Roger Beasley’s LinkedIn


    Roger Beasley’s Twitter



    Roger Beasley has been a key contributor to the development of successful business, brand and marketing strategies for some of the most recognized companies in America. Throughout his 28-year career, he has served a broad range of B2C and B2B industries, developing strong, lasting relationships with the leadership of his clients by demonstrating a deep understanding of their business and an unwavering commitment to helping them achieve sustainable success.


    A versatile, inquisitive strategist and leader, some of Roger’s most noted accomplishments include helping to develop the brand positioning for a regional consumer finance company that has grown into the nation’s largest retail lending chain; leading the successful turnaround of a golf management brand that ultimately led to its multi-million dollar acquisition; helping identify the brand strategy for the successful turnaround of one of America’s most popular 24-hour restaurant chains; and co-founding a thought leadership conference featuring some of the world’s leading innovators focused on inspiring organizational change.


    Roger frequently speaks on the topic of brand building and strategy development. He is also an adjunct professor at Clemson University where he brings real-world perspective to the training of America’s next generation of business and brand strategists.