
    How to Sell "Ghost" Products Strategically | Ep 438

    enSeptember 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Leverage existing habits for sales successBy aligning sales pitches with customers' habits, Absa Rosie closed sales with ease. Utilizing this tactic builds trust and increases chances of success in sales and life.

      Understanding and leveraging existing habits is a powerful sales tactic. Absa Rosie, the founder of AppExys.com, shared her experience of accidentally discovering this concept while selling supplements at her gym. When she ran out of a key product, she had to adapt on the spot and found that by aligning her sales pitch with her customers' existing habits, she was able to close sales with nearly everyone who walked in the door. This approach not only made her a better salesperson but also a more effective coach. By piggybacking on people's existing habits, we can build trust and increase our chances of success in sales and other areas of life. This tactic can be particularly effective in retail environments, but it can be applied to various industries and situations. Overall, understanding and utilizing the power of habits can help us become more successful in our sales endeavors and build businesses worth owning.

    • Using a 'sacrificial lamb' strategy to build trustRecommending a product the customer doesn't need to buy from you, but can get cheaper elsewhere, builds trust and leads to more sales.

      Using a "sacrificial lamb" or "ghost product" strategy in sales can help build trust and ultimately lead to more sales. By recommending a product that the customer doesn't need to buy from you, but can get for cheaper elsewhere, you demonstrate that you have their best interests in mind. This approach shifts the focus from making a sale to providing value and building a relationship. Once trust is established, the customer is more likely to purchase other recommended products with confidence. However, it's essential to remember that manipulation becomes manipulation regardless of intent. The key is to approach sales with a positive intent and belief in the products you're selling. By acting in the customer's self-interest, you create an environment where they feel comfortable trusting you and ultimately making a purchase.

    • Offering a low-margin product builds trustProvide a low-cost item to establish credibility, then introduce high-margin offerings. Share valuable content to encourage word-of-mouth growth.

      Building trust with potential customers can be achieved by offering them a low-margin product or a "sacrificial lamb" before introducing them to your high-margin offerings. This strategy, which can be thought of as a form of pre-suasion, helps establish credibility and trust. The podcast that shares this advice, which relies on word-of-mouth growth, encourages listeners to pay it forward and share the content with others. When selling other products, it's essential to give customers a clear vision of the benefits and provide instructions on how to use the product effectively. By placing the product next to a daily routine item, such as a toothbrush, you can help ensure that the customer makes it part of their routine. Trust is the foundation of any successful sale, and these tactics can help build that trust.

    • Maximizing sales through customer-centric sellingSales success involves coaching customers, utilizing ghost products, understanding habits, and offering flexible solutions to build trust and long-term relationships.

      Creating a productive and efficient sales process involves a combination of prescriptive closing techniques, utilizing ghost products to build trust, and associating the usage of the product with existing habits. During the sales interaction, the salesperson acts as a coach by showing the customer how to incorporate the product into their routine. This approach not only results in a successful sale but also builds trust and establishes the salesperson as a valuable resource for the customer. By understanding the customer's habits and needs, the salesperson can tailor the selling process to maximize the chances of a sale while also providing value to the customer. Additionally, if the customer expresses budget concerns, the salesperson can offer a prioritized product selection based on importance and benefits. This flexible and customer-centric approach to selling not only leads to increased sales but also fosters long-term customer relationships.

    • Address customer needs and solve problemsExplain benefits, cost of inaction, and eliminate old habits for effective selling. Gain experience and learn from high-volume sales processes.

      Effective selling involves addressing the customer's needs and solving their problems. When presenting a solution, it's essential to explain the benefits and the cost of not making the change. If the customer is hesitant, reintroduce the problem and remind them of the benefits. Additionally, identifying and eliminating old habits can create room for new ones and increase the perceived value of the product or service. A great way to improve selling skills is by gaining experience through repetition, even if it means starting with low-ticket items. Incorporating oneself into an existing sales process of a high-volume business can provide valuable insights and practice, preparing individuals for more significant sales in the future.

    • Using ghost products and prescriptive closes to build trust and influenceSalespeople can offer additional services or solutions (ghost products) and guide customers towards specific decisions (prescriptive closes) to build trust, appear helpful, and ultimately close sales.

      Using "ghost products" and prescriptive closes can help salespeople shift the dynamic of a conversation with a potential customer, ultimately putting them in a more trusted and influential position. Ghost products refer to additional services or solutions that a salesperson can offer, but which aren't their core capabilities. By mentioning these options and connecting the customer with a trusted third party, the salesperson can appear helpful and supportive, while also keeping the focus on the primary sale. Prescriptive closes involve guiding the customer towards a specific decision by providing them with clear and persuasive information. By using this approach, salespeople can build trust and confidence, making it more likely that the customer will make a purchase. The ultimate goal is to move from across the table to shoulder to shoulder with the customer, so that both parties are looking at the decision together with the same information. This not only helps to ensure that the best decision is made, but also strengthens the relationship between the salesperson and the customer. By using these techniques, salespeople can create a more collaborative and effective sales process.

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    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    (18:41) BONUS!

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    Apply for a free 1 on 1 “Lead Your Best Life Breakthrough Session” with me and we’ll discuss your struggles and goals with business, teams, relationships and life.

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    Stop getting so frustrated with missing out on sales you should be getting.

    Learn how to be a door opener so you can close more deals.

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    Want to find out more or discuss the content of this podcast with me? How to apply the content of this podcast to you, your business, your career and your life?


    Apply for a free 1 on 1 “Lead Your Best Life Breakthrough Session” with me and we’ll discuss your struggles and goals with business, teams, relationships and life.


    We’ll also create an actionable roadmap to get you to those goals in the quickest, easiest way possible.


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    #success #empowerment #coaching #podcast #useful #practical #easy #proven #life #business



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    Unlocking Sales Success: Strategies to Open Doors, Close Deals, and Dominate Your Market

    Stop pitching for business and start Buyer Faciltiation..

    This podcast shows you the difference between wasting precious time and energy with pitching the wrong way at the wrong time.... and following a step by step process to create a gap into which you then pitch = solve problems.

    Stop getting so frustrated with missing out on sales you should be getting.

    Learn how to be a door opener so you can close more deals.

    Ready to Transform Your Life?

    Let's Connect! Schedule a Free 1-on-1 'Lead Your Best Life Breakthrough Session' with Me and Begin Your Journey to Success. Visit www.leighfarnell.com for More Details and Book Your Exploratory Meeting Now!

    Want to find out more or discuss the content of this podcast with me? How to apply the content of this podcast to you, your business, your career and your life?


    Apply for a free 1 on 1 “Lead Your Best Life Breakthrough Session” with me and we’ll discuss your struggles and goals with business, teams, relationships and life.


    We’ll also create an actionable roadmap to get you to those goals in the quickest, easiest way possible.


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    “Also, I will never compromise on my ethics, and I think people respect this,” he said.

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    “I also get a great thrill when I help somebody achieve something that really matters to them.”

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    Want to find out more or discuss the content of this podcast with me? How to apply the content of this podcast to you, your business, your career and your life?

    Apply for a free 1 on 1 “Lead Your Best Life Breakthrough Session” with me and we’ll discuss your struggles and goals with business, teams, relationships and life.

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    ACCESS THE FULL WORKSHOP - www.contentquality.co.uk/blog

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