
    How to Spread Your Message | A 2016 Keynote

    enOctober 17, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • From selling lemonade to baseball cards: Gary Vaynerchuk's journey to becoming a sales and business expertIn a competitive market, good sales and business skills are invaluable. Gary Vaynerchuk's experience selling lemonade, flowers, and baseball cards taught him the importance of hard work and effective selling.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, the entrepreneur and CEO of VaynerMedia, emphasizes the importance of being a good salesperson and businessperson in today's competitive market. He shares his humble beginnings, starting from selling lemonade as a child, to ripping flowers out of people's yards and selling them back to them, and eventually selling baseball cards in malls. He believes that in a sea of bad marketing and selling, good marketing and selling have become disproportionately valuable. However, he also stresses that hard work is essential for success, and he believes that many people are not working hard enough. He encourages everyone to continue improving and getting better. Despite his tough love approach, his background story provides context and insight into his perspective and expertise in digital marketing and entrepreneurship.

    • Lessons from a young entrepreneur's journeyValuable experiences from hardships and financial success can shape future goals. Taking opportunities to learn and grow can lead to unexpected success and a deep sense of gratitude.

      Even at a young age, having financial success and experiencing hardships can shape one's perspective and goals. The speaker, who made thousands of dollars a weekend as a teenager but was later forced to work in his father's liquor store, learned valuable lessons about business and gratitude. When a customer asked for a coveted wine that was out of stock, the speaker took a back order, leading to a large sale and the realization that he wanted to focus on selling high-end wine instead of mass-market products. Despite his desire to improve the business, he felt guilty for wanting to help and was grateful for the opportunity to come to America and pursue entrepreneurship. This experience instilled in him a deep sense of appreciation and a determination to succeed.

    • From D and F student to successful entrepreneurFollowing passions and seizing opportunities can lead to success, even for those who struggle in traditional academic areas.

      Failure in traditional academic areas doesn't necessarily mean failure in life. The speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk, shares his personal story of being a D and F student but going on to build a successful business in the wine industry and later, one of the first e-commerce wine businesses in America. He emphasizes that his lackluster performance in school allowed him to stay away from the computer and discover the potential of the internet at a time when few were using it. By focusing on his passion for wine and seizing an opportunity on the internet, he was able to turn things around and achieve success. This story highlights the importance of following one's passions and being open to new opportunities, even if they don't fit the traditional path of academic success.

    • Patience is key to successSuccess requires patience, hard work, and talent. Focus on getting people's attention before showcasing your offerings.

      Patience is a crucial factor in achieving success. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal experiences of working tirelessly in his father's liquor store and building it into a $60 million business, emphasizing that he was patient and didn't focus on material possessions. He also mentioned how the Facebook feed change brought about the greatest advertising product in recent history, but many people cried instead of taking advantage of it. Gary stressed that attention is the only thing we all fight for and that he makes a living by following and trading attention. He encouraged everyone to focus on getting people's attention before showcasing their systems, products, or abs. In the end, patience, hard work, and talent matter, but patience sets apart those who will truly win.

    • Capitalizing on emerging trends and underpriced marketing channelsRecognizing the potential of emerging trends and underpriced marketing channels can lead to significant business success. Stay ahead of competition by understanding unique qualities of each platform and tailoring content to resonate with audience.

      Identifying and capitalizing on emerging trends and underpriced marketing channels can lead to significant business success. Gary Vaynerchuk's early success in email marketing came from recognizing its potential before others did, and he later applied this strategy to Google AdWords, YouTube, and eventually Wine Library TV. By understanding the unique qualities of each platform and tailoring his content to resonate with his audience, Vaynerchuk was able to build a loyal following and grow his business. It's essential to keep an eye on emerging trends and be willing to adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the competition.

    • Provide value and build relationships through social mediaSuccess in business relies on giving value to audience through social media before asking for their business (jab, jab, jab, right hook) and ignoring these platforms is a risky move for businesses.

      Providing value and building relationships through social media is key to success in business. Gary Vaynerchuk, a successful entrepreneur and business strategist, emphasizes the importance of giving value to your audience before asking for their business. He calls this approach "jab, jab, jab, right hook," where you give, give, give, and then ask. Vaynerchuk's career took off when he saw the potential of social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, and he invested in them early on. He now runs a $100,000,000 a year agency, VaynerMedia, which works with major brands like Under Armour and Toyota. In today's world, where people spend over 50% of their time on their phones on social networks, ignoring these platforms is a risky move for businesses. The future of marketing and sales lies in capturing and keeping people's attention online.

    • Staying Open-Minded in a Changing Communication LandscapeAdapt to new platforms despite initial reservations, prioritize engagement over numbers, and stay open-minded to future communication trends.

      We are witnessing a significant communication shift in society, comparable to the printing press era, and it's essential to adapt to new platforms despite initial reservations. The speaker emphasized that even those who once swore they would never join certain social media platforms have eventually given in. He encouraged the audience to invest time and resources in areas where they may not currently be present but are likely to be in the future. The speaker also highlighted the importance of engagement over following numbers and emphasized the need to listen and respond to comments rather than just posting content. He shared his personal experience of adapting to new platforms and making investments accordingly. In essence, the message was to stay open-minded and proactive in the face of changing communication trends.

    • Learning Facebook Ads for Business GrowthInvest time and resources into Facebook ads for potential large, under-priced audience. Focus on understanding attention under-pricing and solid product before marketing efforts. Facebook offers greatest ROI due to large user base and targeted ads.

      Facebook ads are a powerful tool for businesses looking to grow their revenue. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of investing time and resources into learning how to effectively use Facebook ads, as they have the potential to reach a large and under-priced audience. He urged the audience not to be deterred by the perceived challenges, such as the time commitment required or the perceived saturation of certain platforms. Instead, he encouraged businesses to focus on understanding where attention is under-priced and to trade that attention for growth. He also emphasized the importance of having a solid product before investing in marketing efforts. While other platforms like Instagram and Snapchat can be effective, Facebook currently offers the greatest opportunities for return on investment due to its large user base and targeted advertising capabilities. Overall, the key takeaway is that businesses should be proactive in learning how to use Facebook ads to reach new customers and grow their revenue.

    • Risks of relying too heavily on one platform for business growthExplore alternatives to Google for business growth such as Facebook and Instagram ads, influencer marketing, and emerging platforms. Stay adaptable and invest back into your business instead of hoarding resources.

      Relying too heavily on one platform for business growth can be risky. The speaker emphasized this point by sharing stories of how drastic changes in Google's algorithm had negatively impacted businesses in the past. He then highlighted the opportunities presented by Facebook and Instagram ads, as well as influencer marketing, as strong alternatives or supplements to traditional business strategies. The speaker also touched on the importance of investing back into one's business instead of hoarding resources. Lastly, he discussed the potential of emerging platforms like Snapchat and TikTok, encouraging attendees to stay open-minded and adaptable to new trends. Overall, the message was to not be complacent with current strategies and to be willing to explore new opportunities in order to grow a business.

    • Shifting consumer attention and the future of advertisingBusinesses must adapt to digital advertising as consumer attention shifts towards on-demand services and social media. Act now before competition becomes too fierce.

      The way people consume media is changing rapidly, and businesses need to adapt or risk being left behind. Traditional advertising methods, such as television commercials and billboards, are losing effectiveness as consumers increasingly turn to on-demand services and social media. Instead, businesses should focus on digital properties like Facebook and other social media platforms for advertising. The cost of reaching consumers on these platforms is rising as larger companies enter the market, so it's important for small businesses to act now and educate themselves on how to effectively use these platforms before the competition becomes too fierce. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding where consumer attention is shifting and adjusting marketing strategies accordingly. The future of advertising lies in digital, and businesses that fail to adapt will miss out on reaching their audience effectively.

    • The importance of work ethic for entrepreneurial successSuccess requires dedication and hard work. Invest time and effort into learning new skills, even if they don't yield immediate results. Assess your work ethic and put in the extra hours necessary to make progress towards your goals.

      Work ethic is crucial for entrepreneurial success. The speaker emphasized the importance of putting in the time and effort to learn new skills, even if they don't yield immediate results. He shared his personal experience of investing hours into social media platforms that didn't succeed, but the knowledge he gained from those experiences ultimately helped him succeed on other platforms. The speaker also challenged the audience to assess whether their work ethic aligns with their aspirations and encouraged everyone to put in the extra hours necessary to make progress towards their goals. He emphasized that everyone has the capacity to work harder and that small improvements in work ethic can lead to significant gains. The speaker's message was clear: success requires dedication and hard work, and those who are willing to put in the effort will reap the rewards.

    • The importance of hard work and dedication for business successPut in extra hours, engage with audience, consistently provide value, be grateful, and take action towards goals to build a strong business in America

      Hard work and dedication are essential for success in business. The speaker emphasized that there is no shortcut to achieving success, and relying on external factors like social media algorithms or market trends can be risky. He encouraged entrepreneurs to put in the extra hours, engage with their audience, and consistently provide value to build a strong business. The speaker also highlighted the importance of being grateful and taking advantage of the opportunities available in America, regardless of personal circumstances. He urged listeners to reflect on the rarity of being human and living in a country where success is possible for anyone, and to avoid regret by taking action towards their goals.

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