
    How To Start The "Money" Conversation With Your Spouse & Kids

    enJuly 25, 2021

    About this Episode

    Welcome to the Teaching Your Toddler interview with The Money Couple Taylor and Megan Kovar who talk to us about how to start the conversation with your spouse about money and how to start teaching your children about the value of money.    

    Taylor and Megan help counsel couples on their financial personalities and offer SO many resources, available on their website themoneycouple.com. You can also join their Facebook group, once you take their Financial Personality quiz (PS – I’m a “Saver/Risk Taker” which means I’m conflicted – and that doesn’t even take into account my spouse’s personalities! Zoinks!)

    One of the hardest parts of marriage or long-term partnership is talking about finances, let alone actually working together to manage them. It’s estimated, according to the Money Couple’s website, that up to 70% of divorces are caused by money trouble. So how do you even start that conversation?

    Also, what about your kids? How can you start teaching them about money, what it means, what the value is, what the connection is between effort and reward?

    Listen to this episode and find out exactly how to start those tough but super important conversations. The Money Couple have three kids of their own and share some of the helpful ways they are teaching their own kids about money and about how you can too.

    Their mission is to help prevent money-related divorces by helping couple communicate and understand their decision-making as it relates to money. Check this out – it could save your marriage!

    For all the links mentioned in the show, please go to our website for this show here

    For more fun activities, additional interviews and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

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    For more expert interviews, fun activities and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

    Check us out on Facebook at Teaching Your Toddler and on twitter at @TeachingToddler and on Instagram at @teachingyourtoddler 

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    Recent Episodes from The Teaching Your Toddler Podcast

    The New Paradigm of Skills-Based Hiring with Doris Savron

    The New Paradigm of Skills-Based Hiring with Doris Savron

    The workforce market is evolving, and this year we'll see more employers begin to move away from the emphasis on four-year degree requirements to greater recognition of valuable skills. However, there are sizeable skill and opportunity gaps for workers illustrated in the results of the University of Phoenix's recent Career Optimism Index® study.

    The Index showed that while more than half of Americans are seeking their next career move, 70% would prefer to stay in their company if they were given more opportunities to learn and apply new skills.  

    Studies by workforce research leaders McKinsey and Deloitte make the case for focusing on skills as well. 

    In this episode, Doris Savron, vice provost of Colleges, Assessment and Curriculum at University of Phoenix, discusses the transition to skills-based hiring in the workforce. She also talks about how workers can leverage their skills, employers can develop talent, and education leaders can empower learners and job seekers in this new era of skills-based hiring 

    Doris Savron, Vice Provost, Colleges, Assessment and CurriculumUniversity of Phoenix

    Doris Savron has over 23 years of experience in higher education in a variety of settings. Doris serves as Vice Provost overseeing the strategy for University of Phoenix academic programs and curriculum design, institutional assessment and faculty. This includes oversight of strategy for degree, certificate and course offerings, design of curriculum and student learning outcomes for the University.

    She works collaboratively with her team members to innovate academic solutions that enable the University to provide exceptional student experiences and learning environments to support student success. In her tenure with University of Phoenix she has served as associate faculty, campus vice president, regional Vice president of student services, and college operations.   

    Doris is a first-generation college graduate with her parents never finishing high school and saw first-hand the struggles a lack of education creates for some families, and the benefits and opportunities a degree brings to future generations. She understands the unique challenges that older adult students encounter trying to navigate their life responsibilities while also earning their degrees.  

    Doris is passionate about giving back to the community and serves on several boards including Career Connectors and Propenum College in Lusaka, Zambia, and recently completing a six-year term on Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce. 

    Doris is often sought out as a speaker for her expertise on mapping relevant skills in programs and building an infrastructure to support career tools in curriculum design, micro credentialing and other innovations in curriculum (1Ed Tech, PACRAO). Doris’s significant contributions in her profession, mentoring, and community leadership led to being selected as Greater Phoenix Chamber’s Private Sector Athena Finalist in 2020. Her advocacy for women in leadership has led her to project work in India, Zambia and the U.S. supporting women to achieve their potential in their profession. She has designed, led, and presented in several international empowerment conferences.    

    Doris earned her MBA from Cleveland State University and is completing her doctorate in management in organizational leadership. 

    Find out more here: https://www.phoenix.edu/career-institute.html

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    For more expert interviews, fun activities and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

    Check us out on Facebook at Teaching Your Toddler and on twitter at @TeachingToddler and on Instagram at @teachingyourtoddler 

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    How To Raise Happy Humans With Era The AI-Driven Parenting App With CEO Josh Iwata

    How To Raise Happy Humans With Era The AI-Driven Parenting App With CEO Josh Iwata

    What if you could leverage a parenting expert anytime, any day and that expert would remember everything you've talked about to help you build your knowledge and process your thoughts?

    Well, now you can with the app called Era from Parent Lab. Our guest today is Josh Iwata, the CEO of Parent Lab who tells us how this app can help parents not just with expert advice but also with help journaling and processing your thoughts. 

    Parent Lab, the industry leader in holistic parenting, announces the launch of their AI-enhanced product called Era, the first app offering parents immediate, personalized support based on the distinctive identity of their children.

    Era closes the gap between learning a parenting framework and implementing their new understanding by personalizing the application of proven strategies to their child or different children in the same family. With foundations grounded in attachment theory, mindfulness, and behavioral science, Era empathetically and efficiently processes parents' goals and struggles in real-time.

    Get the app here: https://getera.onelink.me/evQM/teachyourtoddlerpodcast

    Find out more about the Era app here: https://getera.app/

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    Subscribe to our podcast by sending an email to subscribe@teachingyourtoddler.com 

    For more expert interviews, fun activities and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

    Check us out on Facebook at Teaching Your Toddler and on twitter at @TeachingToddler and on Instagram at @teachingyourtoddler 

    To support great future content, please click here and help us out with a $5 gift: glow.fm/teachingyourtoddler

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    How Play Benefits Both Your Child and You with Dr. Jacqueline Harding

    How Play Benefits Both Your Child and You with Dr. Jacqueline Harding

    Did you know that when you engage in play with your child that not only is it helping your child's brain, but it's also helping YOUR brain? 

    In this very special episode you will learn how important it is to play with your child, not just because it's good for your child's development but also because it will help you as well. 

    Our guest today is Dr Jacqueline Harding. She is recognised as an international child development and education expert and author of The Brain that Loves to Play. She is a former BBC Education Editor, Government Consultant, and Headteacher.

    Find out more about Dr. Harding here:




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    For more expert interviews, fun activities and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

    Check us out on Facebook at Teaching Your Toddler and on twitter at @TeachingToddler and on Instagram at @teachingyourtoddler 

    To support great future content, please click here and help us out with a $5 gift: glow.fm/teachingyourtoddler

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    How to Get Your Toddler Talking with Jessie Kensey

    How to Get Your Toddler Talking with Jessie Kensey

    What is the biggest mistake parents make when they're trying to help teach their child to talk? And what are the 3 best ways to help your child talk? Find out today when we talk to Jessie Kensey.

    Jessie is a pediatric speech language pathologist and toddler mom. She owns a private practice called Simply Speech Therapy in Southern California and provides parent coaching to families of late talkers. Prior to becoming a speech therapist, she was a high school English teacher. Her mission through speech therapy and parent coaching is to celebrate children's unique strengths and interests while helping them communicate successfully at home and in the community.

    Find Jessie here:

    website: simplyspeechtherapy.org

    instagram: simplyspeech_

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    For more expert interviews, fun activities and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

    Check us out on Facebook at Teaching Your Toddler and on twitter at @TeachingToddler and on Instagram at @teachingyourtoddler 

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    The Vital Link Between Breathing Exercises and Overall Health and Wellness

    The Vital Link Between Breathing Exercises and Overall Health and Wellness

    Dr. Steve from The Joint Chiropractic will discuss the transformative power of conscious breathing. He'll explain how simple, yet effective breathing techniques can significantly enhance both physical and mental well-being. He'll also talk about how these techniques tie into chiropractic care for a holistic approach to wellness in the new year.

    Steven Knauf, D.C. is Vice President of Chiropractic and Compliance at The Joint Chiropractic. Dr. Knauf began working at The Joint in 2011. After spending four years as a chiropractor in-clinic, he took the role of Senior Doctor of Chiropractic for 13 of The Joint Corp. clinics and, subsequently, was elevated to a director position at the corporate office.

    Dr. Knauf has since moved into several leadership positions for The Joint and currently holds the role of Vice President of Chiropractic and Compliance. In August 2017, he was appointed by the governor to serve on the Arizona Board of Chiropractic Examiners, which he held through October 2023. 

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    Subscribe to our podcast by sending an email to subscribe@teachingyourtoddler.com 

    For more expert interviews, fun activities and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

    Check us out on Facebook at Teaching Your Toddler and on twitter at @TeachingToddler and on Instagram at @teachingyourtoddler 

    To support great future content, please click here and help us out with a $5 gift: glow.fm/teachingyourtoddler

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    Holiday Shopping Ideas with Lifestyle Expert Meaghan Murphy

    Holiday Shopping Ideas with Lifestyle Expert Meaghan Murphy

    Pickleball, stuffies and so much more! Check out these amazing ideas for your holiday gift-giving that you can find at your local shops! Shop local and support small busines this holiday season.

    If you or someone you knows runs an online shopping site, check out the amazing products that Faire.com can provide too!

    Lifestyle expert Meaghan B Murphy is an author, on-air personality, lifestyle and health expert, a home-hack master and certified trainer. In her best-selling book, Your Fully Charged Life, now in 3 languages, she shares the secret to finding the yay in every day. Meaghan is also a longtime magazine editor at places like Good Housekeeping, Cosmo, and SELF.

    Meaghan married her younger brother’s best friend and together they live in New Jersey with their 3 young kids and labradoodle Dempsey. 

    About Faire:  Faire is an online wholesale marketplace built on the belief that the future is local — there are millions of independent retailers across North America, Europe, and Australia alone. Faire uses the power of tech, data, and machine learning to connect this thriving community of entrepreneurs across the globe. Picture your favorite boutique in town — Faire helps them discover the best products from around the world to sell in their stores. With the right tools and insights, Faire believes that they can level the playing field so that small businesses everywhere can compete with these big box and ecommerce giants. By supporting the growth of independent businesses, Faire is driving positive economic impact in local communities, globally.

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    Subscribe to our podcast by sending an email to subscribe@teachingyourtoddler.com 

    For more expert interviews, fun activities and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

    Check us out on Facebook at Teaching Your Toddler and on twitter at @TeachingToddler and on Instagram at @teachingyourtoddler 

    To support great future content, please click here and help us out with a $5 gift: glow.fm/teachingyourtoddler

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    How To Find Your Potential Doing What You Love with Author and Entrepreneur Stephanie Nelson

    How To Find Your Potential Doing What You Love with Author and Entrepreneur Stephanie Nelson

    What is NEXT for you? Do you have a dream to do something you've never done before? Something on your heart you just cannot shake?

    Listen to this episode with Stephanie Nelson, the author of the book Imagine More Do What You Love, Discover Your Potential. She helps inspire moms like you to find those new projects, careers or passions you are interested in. 

    Stephanie Nelson is the founder of the Coupon Mom website, which started in 2001 when she had two young children and grew to have 8 million members. As a national savings expert, Stephanie appeared on many national and local television news shows, including Good Morning America, The Today Show and The Oprah Winfrey Show.

    Today she is encouraging others to use what they love to do to help other people, in partnership with God. Her new book, "Imagine More" shares a practical roadmap for readers to get started on their own journeys.


    Instagram: @stephanienelson_cm 

    Amazon book listing: https://tinyurl.com/5n8m5m6f


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    For more expert interviews, fun activities and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

    Check us out on Facebook at Teaching Your Toddler and on twitter at @TeachingToddler and on Instagram at @teachingyourtoddler 

    To support great future content, please click here and help us out with a $5 gift: glow.fm/teachingyourtoddler

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    Making History Fun and Interesting with Bill Stevenson

    Making History Fun and Interesting with Bill Stevenson

    What if you could make history so interesting your kids would beg to hear more about it? That's what Bill Stevenson has done with his book series called "Ricky's Dream Trip" where his grandson and his "PopPop" go on adventures across time and space including to Ancient China, Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt, Colonial America and even Outer Space.

    The illustrations are simple and Bill has sprinkled in fun facts along the way to keep it interesting and educational. Great books for #homeschoolers, especially #classicaleducation focused programs. 

    William (Bill) Stevenson, Ed. D. is an acclaimed children’s book author and a retired award-winning accountant. His doctorate in education along with inspiration from his grandson Ricky, led him to write the Ricky’s Dream Trip book series.

    In this series, PopPop and Ricky go on adventures and discover Ancient China, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Colonial America, and even blast off into outer space and dive under the sea. The most recent book combines three adventures in Ricky’s Dream Trip: The Ancient Worlds of Egypt, Greece, and Rome

    Discover Ricky’s Dream World and learn more about William on his website: PopPopPress.com

    Social media:



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    For more expert interviews, fun activities and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

    Check us out on Facebook at Teaching Your Toddler and on twitter at @TeachingToddler and on Instagram at @teachingyourtoddler 

    To support great future content, please click here and help us out with a $5 gift: glow.fm/teachingyourtoddler

    Leave us some feedback on this show and your ideas for future shows!

    Note: I was provided a review copy of Bill's latest book before recording so I could speak intelligently about this book series. 

    Why You Should Consider A Charter School for Your Child

    Why You Should Consider A Charter School for Your Child

    Charter Schools - What are they? Where are they? Why would you want to consider one for your child's education? 

    Join us for this very helpful episode that can help you find a charter school for your child, and if not, how to possibly get one started. Also, find out the difference between a magnet school and a charter school and what rights you have as a parent in your child's education. 

    Nina Rees is the President and CEO of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, the leading organization committed to advancing the charter school movement. 

    Nina has over 20 years of experience in Washington, D.C., most recently as Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives for Knowledge Universe, a leading global education company with investments in early childhood education, before- and after-school programs, and online instruction.

    Prior to that, Nina was the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation and Improvement at the U.S. Department of Education, overseeing the administration of 28 grant programs and programs and policies advancing school choice, charter schools, alternative routes to teacher certification, and school leadership. Prior to joining the Education Department, Nina served as Deputy Assistant for Domestic Policy to the Vice President at the White House.

    Nina has appeared on various news outlets including CNN, MSNBC's Morning Joe and PBS's NewsHour and her articles and opinions have been published in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. Nina is a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.

    Find Nina Here: 

    Website: Publiccharters.org

    Twitter & Instagram: @CharterAlliance and @NinaCharters


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    For more expert interviews, fun activities and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

    Check us out on Facebook at Teaching Your Toddler and on twitter at @TeachingToddler and on Instagram at @teachingyourtoddler 

    To support great future content, please click here and help us out with a $5 gift: glow.fm/teachingyourtoddler

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    What You Need To Know About Allergens And How To Cook Without Them

    What You Need To Know About Allergens And How To Cook Without Them

    Do you know what the top 9 allergens are? Do you know the "new kid on the block" on the list? Did you know kids can grow out of allergies? Do you know which ones they tend to grow out of and which ones will probably stay with them for life?

    Elizabeth Pecoraro joins the TYT show to discuss living with allergens, what people should know about how to live with them and how to cook without them. Her new cookbook is called The Allergy-Friendly Cookbook, available now and features 60 delicious recipes, all without the top 9 allergens.

    Elizabeth is a New York-based mom of two children with allergies. She shares her stories of how they discovered her kids' allergies, what they did about them and how she learned how to cook healthy foods for them and finally, how she decided to share them through her cookbook.

    Elizabeth is also a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). Currently, Elizabeth owns a private practice, Eating Healthy 4 Life, LLC, in Westchester, NY where she sees patients (adults and children), both with and without food allergies. Elizabeth received her Bachelor’s Degree in Business from Binghamton University and her Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Physiology from Columbia University.

    How to Find Elizabeth:

    Website: eatinghealthy4life.com

    Facebook group: Food Allergy Forum

    Instagram: foodallergyrdmom

    Twitter/X: lizpecoraro


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    Subscribe to our podcast by sending an email to subscribe@teachingyourtoddler.com 

    For more expert interviews, fun activities and story time podcasts, please visit our website at TeachingYourToddler.com

    Check us out on Facebook at Teaching Your Toddler and on twitter at @TeachingToddler and on Instagram at @teachingyourtoddler 

    To support great future content, please click here and help us out with a $5 gift: glow.fm/teachingyourtoddler

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