
    How to stop caring what other people think | Keynote in Sydney

    enNovember 03, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Attention and Timing in the Digital AgeIn the digital age, success requires accountability, understanding the value of attention, and navigating opportunities effectively in B2B, B2C, or corporate settings.

      In today's digital age, attention and timing are the two crucial factors that bind us all, regardless of our career goals or circumstances. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that in this Internet era, the opportunity to achieve our desired outcomes is greater than ever before, with the Internet acting as a democratizing force. However, most people fail to reach their goals due to their own limitations rather than external factors. Accountability and understanding the true value of attention are essential for success. Whether you're in B2B, B2C, or work for a company, mastering these concepts can help you navigate the digital landscape and make the most of the opportunities available.

    • Historically correct underpriced digital marketingDuring this time, reach vast audiences at underpriced costs on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for business growth.

      During this remarkable time, investing in digital marketing through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube is a cost-effective strategy for businesses and individuals alike. The speaker emphasizes that the underpriced execution of these ads during this era will be looked upon as historically correct in the future. He believes that reaching audiences through these channels is essential, regardless of industry or profession. Despite the availability of education on the subject, many people are not utilizing these resources due to personal reasons such as judgement, insecurities, or upbringing. The speaker encourages everyone to overcome these obstacles and take advantage of the underpriced media to grow their businesses or ambitions. The data shows that between Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, it is possible to reach a vast audience, and the prices are remarkably under priced. Therefore, it is a significant mistake not to run ads on these platforms at scale.

    • Delivering value and focusing on othersEmpathy, understanding others, and delivering value are key to success. Don't waste time being negative or impatient, focus on growing and learning instead.

      Context is more important than content, and focusing on delivering value to others rather than seeking personal gain can lead to success. The speaker emphasized the importance of empathy and understanding others, and how valuable time is, especially for younger generations who will likely live multiple lives. He encouraged the audience not to waste time being negative or impatient, but instead to focus on growing and learning. The speaker's perspective on the significance of time and the importance of delivering value to others is a powerful reminder to focus on the bigger picture and prioritize positivity and growth.

    • The importance of time, patience, and communication for successRecognize the value of time, stay patient, and consistently communicate to build a strong and lasting business.

      Understanding the power of time, patience, and communication are key to success. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal story of starting from humble beginnings and eventually building a successful business through hard work and a deep understanding of the importance of these principles. He emphasized that everyone, regardless of age, is still learning and figuring things out, and that patience and the ability to communicate effectively with the world are essential for building a strong foundation for success. He also warned that those who are currently experiencing success but are not actively communicating with their audience are vulnerable to being surpassed by others. In essence, it's important to recognize the value of time, stay patient, and consistently communicate with the world to build a strong and lasting business.

    • Understanding Yourself for SuccessBe self-aware, find happiness in what you do, and leverage the long tail of the internet for opportunities.

      Self-awareness and happiness are crucial elements in achieving success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding one's own communication style and preferences, and not relying too heavily on one platform like Instagram. Video content is valuable, but not necessary for everyone. Happiness and success are interconnected, and success is not just about net dollars in, but also about personal fulfillment. The speaker encourages individuals to be self-aware and understand what brings them happiness, whether that's making a large income or finding joy in small transactions. Additionally, the long tail of the internet provides opportunities for individuals to start their own businesses and work towards financial independence. However, many people will not get there if they waste their money on unnecessary things. Success is not about making a certain amount of money or living a certain lifestyle, but rather about being happy with who you are and what you do.

    • Cycle of societal expectations and financial decisionsFocus on long-term opportunities, prioritize personal happiness, and leverage the internet for financial growth

      Many people are trapped in a cycle of trying to impress others and keep up with societal expectations, leading them to make financial decisions that don't align with their happiness or long-term goals. The speaker emphasizes the importance of practicality and focusing on the long tail opportunities, such as selling items on Ebay, to improve one's financial situation. He also criticizes the pressure put on individuals by parents and society to conform and succeed in traditional ways, often at the expense of personal happiness. The internet, with its potential for financial opportunities outside of the traditional workforce, is highlighted as a potential solution to this problem. Ultimately, the speaker encourages individuals to prioritize their own happiness and goals over societal expectations.

    • Creating Authentic Content Brings Fulfillment and ImpactEmpathy, understanding what's in it for others, is key to winning in life and building a strong organization. Lean into things others aren't willing to and communicate effectively.

      Creating and sharing content with authenticity and a focus on helping others can bring immense fulfillment and positive impact on people's lives. The speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk, emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive perspective and understanding the opportunities available in the current era, especially through the internet. He encourages humility, patience, and empathy, and warns against hypocrisy and judgment. The most successful people are those who lean into things that others aren't willing to and communicate effectively with their audience. Empathy, understanding what's in it for them, is the key to winning in life and building a strong organization.

    • Building a successful social media presence requires genuine engagement and providing value to your audienceTo build a meaningful social media community, focus on creating value, engaging with followers, and responding to comments and messages. Don't overlook the importance of influencer marketing and be prepared to invest time and effort. Stay ahead of trends and adapt to new technologies to remain effective.

      Building a successful social media presence requires genuine engagement and providing value to your audience. Don't focus on superficial metrics like followers or likes, but instead consider what your followers gain from your content. To build a meaningful community, put in the work to create value and engage with your audience. Additionally, don't overlook the importance of responding to comments and messages, as this helps foster a strong connection with your followers. The speaker emphasized the importance of this strategy during his early days on social media, and it remains relevant today. Remember, there's no shortcut or hack to success – it's all about putting in the work. Another important point is the value of influencer marketing. Influencers can help sell your product or service, but pricing can vary. Make sure you're not leaving opportunities on the table by not investing enough in influencer marketing. To do it at scale, be prepared to spend significant time and effort reaching out to influencers and negotiating prices. Lastly, the speaker warned that social media's golden era will eventually pass, but it will still remain an effective tool for marketing. Stay ahead of the curve by understanding the trends and adapting to new technologies. Don't get left behind – take action now.

    • Negotiating and Experimenting are Key to Business SuccessSuccessful entrepreneurs negotiate constantly, experiment with new strategies, and build brands through marketing and branding. Instagram story swipe-up ads offer quick returns, but content creation should be tailored to specific audiences.

      Successful businesspeople are constantly negotiating and trying new things, whether it's a product or marketing strategy. Negotiating is like a garage sale where you always offer less than asked and see what happens. Instagram story swipe-up ads are a powerful tool for businesses, especially for salespeople looking for a quick return on investment. However, building a brand through marketing and branding is crucial for long-term success. Content creation is essential, but it should be tailored to the specific demographic and psychographic groups you're targeting. The current digital landscape offers an abundance of opportunities for businesses to reach their audience at an underpriced cost. So, don't just talk about theories and strategies; get into the rhythm of doing and experimenting. Remember, every successful business started with someone taking the first step and trying something new.

    • Educate yourself on running ads and creating content at scaleFocus on audience needs and opportunities in niches to succeed in the next decade, rather than personal desires.

      To succeed in the next decade, individuals should educate themselves on running ads and creating content at scale across various platforms. This strategy, which involves focusing on the audience rather than personal desires, can lead to success due to the abundance of opportunities in niches and passions. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of this approach, expressing disappointment that not everyone is taking advantage of it. He also shared insights on the importance of both personal and business brands, the significance of hard work, and the importance of staying focused on goals rather than daydreaming about success. Additionally, he advised waiting until a new social platform has a large following before considering it as a potential platform for growth.

    • Be authentic and add value to your audienceAuthenticity and value additions are crucial for success in content creation and business. Don't fake it or chase trends without understanding them, focus on your audience and deliver value.

      Being authentic and focused on adding value to your audience is key to success, whether in building a large following or running a business. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that he wasn't the first to podcast or have a large following, but he won by being there for his audience and delivering value. He also warned against faking it or chasing trends without understanding them, as it can lead to losing credibility with those who truly matter. In response to a question about speaking English in content creation, Gary suggested that subtitles and transcribing content into multiple languages can help reach a broader audience without sacrificing the authenticity of speaking one's native language. Regarding balancing family and hustle, Gary emphasized the importance of being happy and passionate about one's work in order to be a good partner and family member. Lastly, Gary shared that he always feels the pressure of potential failure as an entrepreneur, but he finds inspiration in the fact that everyone takes losses and that resilience is key to success.

    • Embracing the challenges of entrepreneurshipStay grounded, focused, and humble in the face of uncertainty and challenges. Offer free advice to build a reputation and help others.

      Entrepreneurship comes with immense responsibility and vulnerability. Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk shares his experience of being the last line of defense for his business, always prepared for unexpected challenges. He emphasizes the importance of staying grounded and not getting delusional with success, no matter how small. Vaynerchuk also explains his decision to offer business advice for free, believing in his unique talent and ability to build a successful business from scratch with no resources. He encourages young entrepreneurs to stay humble and focused, recognizing that they have not faced significant challenges yet. Overall, Vaynerchuk's message is to embrace the uncertainty and challenges of entrepreneurship, while maintaining a strong sense of self-awareness and humility.

    • Embrace positivity and self-confidenceFocus on loving and believing in yourself, ignore negative self-talk, and share unique perspectives

      Self-doubt and negative opinions, whether they come from others or ourselves, can be detrimental. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his experience of growing a business from nothing to $150 million and emphasized the importance of self-confidence and positivity. He encouraged individuals to understand that the negative opinions they have about themselves are often instilled by external influences and to focus on loving and believing in themselves. He also emphasized the value of sharing perspectives and opinions, even if they may not be perfect or popular, as everyone's unique perspective is valuable. Overall, the key takeaway is to embrace positivity, love yourself, and share your perspectives with the world.

    • Embrace transparency and authenticity for personal growthBeing open and vulnerable can eliminate negativity and lead to personal growth. Early adoption of emerging artists and innovative ideas offers unique perspectives and potential rewards. Make the most of your one life and do something meaningful.

      Embracing transparency and authenticity, whether it's in art or business, can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of the world around us. Gary Vaynerchuk believes that by being open and vulnerable, we can eliminate negativity and breathe easier. He also emphasizes the importance of being early adopters and associating with emerging artists and innovative ideas, as they offer a unique perspective and the potential for great rewards. Ultimately, he encourages everyone to make the most of their one life and do something meaningful with it, especially during significant moments like the current evolution of the internet.

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