
    How to Stop Self-Sabotage

    enOctober 23, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Self-Sabotage: Limiting Beliefs, Inadequacy, Fear, and EscapismSelf-sabotage is a natural instinct but can prevent us from reaching goals by activating our avoid threat response. Identify causes like limiting beliefs, inadequacy, fear, and escapism to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors.

      Self-sabotage is a universal experience rooted in our biology, specifically the instincts to attain rewards and avoid threats. However, when the avoid threat switch gets turned up too high, it can prevent us from reaching our goals, often subconsciously. Dr. Judy, a clinical and forensic neuropsychologist, explains that self-sabotage can occur in various areas of life, including career, relationships, and health. She also introduces an acronym, L.I.F.E., which stands for Limiting Beliefs, Inadequacy, Fear, and Escapism, as factors that contribute to self-sabotage. By understanding these underlying causes, we can become more aware of our self-sabotaging behaviors and work to overcome them.

    • Identifying Self-Sabotaging Patterns with L.I.F.E.Understanding the root causes of self-sabotage through L.I.F.E. - low self-esteem, internalized childhood beliefs, fear of change, and excessive need for control - can help recognize and address negative triggers and make positive changes.

      Our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors can be influenced by various factors, and understanding these factors can help us identify and address self-sabotaging patterns. The acronym L.I.F.E. can be used to identify some common reasons for self-sabotage: L for low self-esteem, I for internalized childhood beliefs, F for fear of change or the unknown, and E for excessive need for control. Self-sabotaging triggers are the negative thoughts that lead to negative feelings and actions. These triggers can be subtle and go unnoticed, but they can significantly impact our lives. Recognizing and addressing these triggers is important for breaking the cycle of self-sabotage and making positive changes.

    • Recognizing Self-Sabotage TriggersUnderstanding and addressing self-sabotage triggers, such as catastrophizing, discounting the positive, mind reading, shoulds, and black-and-white thinking, can help improve relationships and overall well-being.

      Self-sabotage triggers can negatively impact our lives and relationships without us even realizing it. These triggers, such as catastrophizing, discounting the positive, mind reading, shoulds, and black-and-white thinking, often occur when we're stressed or feeling overwhelmed. For instance, after a disappointing experience like not getting a second date, we might fall into a cycle of catastrophizing and black-and-white thinking, leading us to delete our dating profile and believe we'll never find love. Similarly, in a relationship, constantly questioning a partner's feelings and acting insecure can push them away, despite their reassurances. It's essential to recognize these patterns and work on developing a more balanced perspective to break free from self-sabotage and improve our overall well-being.

    • Challenging Negative ThoughtsPay closer attention to self-sabotaging thoughts, question their validity, and focus on positive evidence to reframe your mindset and break free from negative patterns.

      Self-sabotaging thoughts can lead us to ignore positive evidence and focus on negative narratives, often through the lens of personalization. This can manifest in various ways, such as discounting the good things in our relationships or comparing ourselves unfavorably to others. To combat these self-sabotaging thoughts, it's essential to start paying closer attention to our thinking and questioning the evidence behind our negative thoughts. By challenging the validity of our negative thoughts and focusing on the positive evidence, we can learn to reframe our mindset and break free from self-sabotaging patterns.

    • Managing negative thoughts: Acknowledge, create, and shiftIdentify false thoughts, use 'yes, but' for positivity, label thoughts, avoid comparison, and practice perspective shifting for a positive mindset

      Managing negative thoughts involves not only identifying what's true and what's not, but also creating new thoughts and changing the way we relate to our thoughts. When faced with negative thoughts, instead of getting stuck in them, we can use techniques like "yes, but" to acknowledge the negative while focusing on the positive, or labeling our thoughts as just mental events. Comparison can be a major trigger for negative thoughts and self-sabotage, as it often leads us to focus on others at the expense of our own agendas and can result in an unhealthy fixation on being the best. However, it's important to remember that comparison is subjective, and there's always room for improvement and growth, no matter where we are in life. By practicing these techniques and shifting our perspective, we can learn to break free from the cycle of negative thoughts and live more positively and mindfully.

    • Comparisons and Procrastination: Two Common Forms of Self-SabotageComparing oneself to others and putting off tasks can hinder growth. Focus on living a valued life and starting projects despite imperfections to overcome these self-sabotaging behaviors.

      Comparisons and procrastination are common forms of self-sabotage that can hinder personal growth and goal pursuit. Comparisons, fueled by social media, can lead to an unstable self-esteem and a dangerous spiral of feeling good one day and bad the next. To mitigate this, focusing on living a life aligned with one's values can help foster a sense of pride and progress, regardless of external comparisons. Procrastination, on the other hand, can stem from a desire to do one's best, but can ultimately result in self-sabotage. Understanding that perfection is unattainable and allowing oneself to start projects despite imperfections can help overcome this hurdle. In essence, recognizing and addressing these self-sabotaging behaviors is crucial for achieving personal growth and success.

    • Understanding the Roots of ProcrastinationRecognize patterns of self-sabotage, challenge negative self-talk, and develop strategies to avoid triggers to build more productive habits.

      Procrastination often stems from fear and self-doubt. Fears of criticism, failure, or rejection can lead individuals to put off tasks, creating a negative cycle of self-talk and decreased motivation. It's essential to recognize these patterns and challenge the narratives that we tell ourselves about working under pressure. While some people may thrive under stress, research shows that excessive stress can negatively impact performance. Additionally, selective memory can make us forget instances where procrastination did not work in our favor. To break the cycle, it's crucial to identify the antecedents, or triggers, that lead to self-sabotaging behavior and develop strategies to avoid or sidestep them. For example, someone who consistently gives in to unhealthy food cravings at the movie theater can try finding a different route to the theater or bringing a healthier snack from home. By recognizing and addressing the underlying causes of self-sabotage, we can build more productive and healthier habits.

    • Managing Emotions for Better Decision MakingEmotions and experiences can negatively impact decision-making. Manage emotions and find ways to compartmentalize, have a clear plan for achieving goals, and use a blueprint for change to turn goals into reality.

      Our emotions and experiences, even seemingly insignificant ones, can impact our decision-making and self-control. For instance, getting into a fight with someone can put us in a negative emotional state, making it harder to make good decisions and exercise better judgment. To prevent this "cell sabotage," it's crucial to find ways to manage these situations and compartmentalize, rather than dwelling on them. Another key takeaway is the importance of having a clear plan for achieving goals, rather than just visualizing them on a vision board. The blueprint for change, which integrates triggers, common antecedents, and steps to manage them, can serve as a practical and effective tool for turning goals into reality.

    • Create an 'if, when, then' plan to overcome potential barriersAnticipate obstacles, create specific actions to overcome them, and minimize the impact of setbacks to stay on track towards goals

      Creating an "if, when, then" plan can be a valuable tool for achieving goals, especially during challenging times. This plan involves anticipating potential barriers and creating specific actions to overcome them. By visualizing potential obstacles and having a predetermined response, individuals can avoid feeling discouraged or dejected when faced with setbacks. This technique, which can be thought of as a simple recipe for problem-solving, can help build confidence and move individuals incrementally towards their goals. It's important to remember that setbacks are inevitable, but having a plan in place can help minimize their impact and keep progress on track.

    • Understanding and Maximizing WillpowerIdentify peak productivity hours, tackle big tasks then, align goals with values to build and maintain willpower.

      Willpower is not an innate ability, but a skill that can be practiced and developed. It's important to understand that willpower is not an infinite resource and should be used when we are at our best. To harness our current willpower, we should identify when we are most engaged and productive during the day and tackle our biggest tasks during that time. Additionally, having a deep understanding of the reasons behind our goals, and ensuring they align with our values, can help us build and maintain our willpower when faced with challenges. Remember, willpower is a skill that can be learned, and with practice, we can all develop the strength to achieve our goals.

    • Recognizing and Overcoming Self-SabotageUnderstand self-sabotage, practice self-compassion, identify underlying drivers, and implement techniques to build resilience against self-sabotaging behaviors.

      Self-sabotage is a common experience, even among the most accomplished individuals. Dr. Judy Hoe emphasizes the importance of recognizing this pattern and taking the first step towards change. This may involve having self-compassion, understanding the underlying drivers of self-sabotage through a free life quiz, and implementing techniques to build the skill of avoiding self-sabotage. By pausing to reflect on our values and goals, we can create a stronger sense of purpose and motivation to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors. Remember, self-sabotage is not a reflection of personal worth, and with effort and the right tools, it is possible to reverse the cycle.

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          Recognize your negative patterns and triggers

          Create a healthy replacement behavior

          Practice the new behavior until a habit is formed

    Let’s talk about self-sabotage.

    This is a topic that we ALL struggle with! It doesn’t matter what level you are at nor how enlightened, it doesn’t matter how successful you are or how grateful you are for the life that you have: self–sabotage does not discriminate. You are not alone! 

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    • Identify Your Triggers! Is it Steve and his homebrew, binge-watching TV or smoking cigarettes every time you drink? You will lessen the power that your triggers hold over you, just by identifying them!
    • Now that you can recognize what triggers your cycle of self-sabotage, WRITE DOWN what you are replacing this limiting belief or negative behavior with. You can’t expect yourself to choose better at the moment, so you have to start reconditioning yourself before the trigger appears again. Don’t rely on self-discipline. Instead, rely on healthy, practiced habits!
    • Beware the stories you tell yourself.  Stop reliving old chapters and following comfortable, destructive patterns. You are not tied to a label.  You can decide each day. You can CHOOSE, who you are today.

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