
    Podcast Summary

    • Explore and enhance your summer sexual experiencesEmbrace summer with pleasure-enhancing products, authentic online dating, and staying fresh. Try Promescent's delay spray, warming arousal gel, and the magic wand. Be true to yourself online and open to new experiences. Stay fresh with Down Under Comfort's cream to powder formula.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration, and there are various ways to enhance your sexual experiences. Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten pleasure for both men and women. Additionally, the magic wand, a cult-favorite sex toy, continues to be an iconic symbol of unapologetic pleasure and power. When it comes to online dating, it's essential to be authentic in your profile and communication, and be open to new experiences. And don't forget to stay fresh and dry during the hot summer months with products like Down Under Comfort's cream to powder formula. Overall, embrace the summer season and all the opportunities it brings for self-discovery and pleasure.

    • Discovering an alternative to talcum powder for men's personal hygieneDown Under Comfort, a multi-purpose body powder, prevents sweat stains, chafing, and maintains freshness in sensitive areas. It's a healthier alternative to talcum powder and is recommended by men's health enthusiasts.

      Men and women can benefit from using Down Under Comfort, a multi-purpose body powder that prevents sweat stains, chafing, and maintains freshness in areas where talcum powder might not be suitable. This product, which has gained popularity among men's health enthusiasts, offers an alternative to traditional talcum powder, which has been linked to health concerns. The hosts shared personal experiences of using Down Under Comfort and recommended it to their listeners. Additionally, they mentioned a special offer for a free Down Under Comfort with any Menage a Trois candle purchase using the code "fresh" on Diner Comfort's website. The conversation also touched upon the connection between healthy relationships and overall well-being, emphasizing the importance of addressing various aspects of wellness, including personal hygiene.

    • Hinge vs Tinder: Different Approaches to Online DatingHinge offers a curated dating experience with fewer matches and Facebook connections, while Tinder provides a larger pool of potential matches and a more casual approach.

      While both Tinder and Hinge are dating apps with similar interfaces, they have distinct differences. Hinge focuses on providing a more curated experience by limiting the number of daily matches and requiring mutual Facebook connections. This approach aims to encourage more thoughtful consideration of potential matches, reducing the compulsive swiping behavior. However, the app's messaging system can lead to cluttered inboxes and difficulty keeping track of conversations. Meanwhile, some users might find the Facebook connection requirement intrusive or limiting. Ultimately, the choice between the two apps depends on personal preferences and dating goals. Some people might appreciate the curated experience and deeper connections offered by Hinge, while others might prefer the larger pool of potential matches and more casual approach of Tinder.

    • Unexpected encounters in online datingOnline dating can lead to coincidental meetings and misunderstandings. Communication with friends is crucial to avoid awkward situations.

      Online dating can lead to unexpected encounters and coincidences. During a recent barbecue, two friends, Anna and Jeff, helped each other review their potential matches on Hinge. They confirmed there was no crossover in their matches to avoid awkward situations. However, later that night, Jeff ended up messaging someone who was on Anna's list without realizing it. Meanwhile, Anna went on a date with someone she found uninteresting but later ran into him at a bar, where she was on a different date. The small town feeling made both of them keep quiet about the coincidental encounters. Jeff's second date was a disaster, and he ended up meeting someone new later that same evening. The moral of the story is that online dating can lead to unexpected meetings and misunderstandings, and it's essential to communicate openly with friends to avoid any awkward situations.

    • Unexpected connections through shared dating experiencesRecognizing shared disappointing dating experiences can lead to meaningful connections and similar perspectives. Duty dating and using dating apps with clear intentions can also lead to surprising discoveries.

      Sometimes, the most unexpected connections can be made in the most unlikely places, even in the world of dating. Anna and the speaker had the same disappointing date with a man they didn't intend to marry, and they both recognized each other years later when they became relationship experts. This shared experience led them to have similar perspectives on dating and relationships. Another key takeaway is that duty dating, or going out with people who may not be your usual type, can lead to surprising discoveries and connections. Additionally, the speaker emphasized that dating apps like Tinder are not limited to hookups, and users have the power to make their intentions clear. Overall, the importance of being open to new experiences and people, even in the context of dating, was a recurring theme in their conversation.

    • Efficient dating and authenticityChoose appropriate photos, prioritize first dates as drinks, and be authentic to increase chances of successful dating experiences.

      Being efficient in dating and putting yourself out there can lead to trying multiple people outside your type, but it's important to ensure that you're not setting yourself up for disappointment. The best first date is often considered to be a drink, as it allows for a shorter time commitment if things aren't going well. When it comes to online profiles, it's important to choose appropriate photos that accurately represent you and avoid using excessive selfies or pictures with celebrities or red carpet events, as they can come across as trying to show off social currency. Overall, the key is to be authentic and genuine in your dating experiences and online presence.

    • Showcasing yourself authentically on dating appsChoose a balanced selection of authentic photos, avoid excessive selfies, and limit the number to six or fewer.

      When creating a profile on dating apps like Hinge, it's important to be mindful of the images and content you share. Overdoing selfies, excessive drinking, and too many shirtless or provocative photos can be turnoffs for potential matches. Instead, aim for a balanced selection of full-body shots, engaging activities, and authentic representations of yourself. Avoid obnoxious or excessive displays of awards or hobbies, such as guitar playing or tiger photos. Remember, the goal is to showcase who you are in a genuine and appealing way. Additionally, limit the number of photos to six or fewer, and make sure they accurately represent you and your interests.

    • Showing authenticity and personality in online dating profilesBe genuine, use good writing skills, add humor, avoid cliches, and focus on showcasing your unique personality and genuine intentions to increase chances of success in online dating.

      Authenticity and personality shine through in online dating profiles. According to an eharmony study, popular profile picks include landscape pictures that show at least the upper body with a background. Emotions are expressed more on the left side of faces, and most men prefer happy women, while women look for men who display pride. When creating a profile, it's essential to avoid cliches and be genuine while adding a sense of humor. Good writing skills and engaging text can also increase the chances of success. A catchy opening line can grab attention, but avoid being too cheesy. Remember, online dating is about connecting with people, and effective communication, whether through writing or texting, is crucial. Additionally, be mindful of the language used, as certain phrases, such as "I can't believe I'm online dating," "I'm tired of the games," and "I want the total package," have been linked to failure in studies. Instead, focus on showcasing your unique personality and genuine intentions.

    • Presenting Yourself Authentically on Dating AppsBe authentic, put your best foot forward, be specific in compliments, avoid cliches, and ensure accuracy in profile information to create genuine and engaging interactions on dating apps.

      When using online dating apps, the way you present yourself through your profile pictures and messages can significantly impact your chances of making a connection. While it's important to be authentic, taking the time to put your best foot forward and be specific in your compliments can show confidence and self-awareness. However, it's also crucial to avoid generic or cliched comments and ensure that your profile information is accurate to avoid any misunderstandings or awkward situations. Ultimately, the goal is to create a genuine and engaging interaction that reflects who you are as a person.

    • Embracing vulnerability in datingBeing authentic and vulnerable can make one more attractive in dating. Men who seem less threatening and less like 'players' may be more appealing. Personal messaging preferences vary, but being true to oneself is key.

      Vulnerability and authenticity can be attractive qualities in dating. The speaker shared an anecdote about someone jokingly questioning her use of another woman's photos, and how it showed that the person knew her. She also discussed research suggesting that men who appear vulnerable and awkward may be more appealing due to being less threatening and less like "players." The conversation then shifted to messaging in dating, with the speaker expressing her personal preference for not being the one to message first, but acknowledging that some men appreciate it. The conversation also touched on the topic of male masturbation aids, specifically Fleshlight, with the speaker sharing her experience and encouraging men to try it as an alternative to hand jobs. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being true to oneself and embracing vulnerability in the dating scene.

    • Communication and planning are key in getting to know someoneEffective communication and making plans for in-person meetings are crucial for building connections. Be creative, pay attention, ask for a date, and don't wait for perfect circumstances. In-person interactions are valuable and increase your chances of meeting authentic people.

      Effective communication and making plans for in-person meetings are crucial in the early stages of getting to know someone, whether online or in person. Sending generic compliments or prolonging texting without making a plan for a date can lead to feelings of disconnection or even rejection. It's important to be creative, pay attention, and ask for a date when you feel a connection. First dates can be short and casual, such as a coffee or drink, and it's okay to leave if you feel it's not going well. In-person interactions are valuable, and you don't have to wait for a bar or club to meet someone new. Be present in your daily life and try new experiences to increase your chances of meeting someone authentic. Online dating sites can be depressing due to the screening process and the focus on pictures and messaging, but they can also lead to meaningful connections if approached with intention and respect.

    • Connecting with Others and Overcoming AnxietyQuiet negative self-talk, pay attention to opportunities to connect, and approach new experiences with confidence.

      No matter where you are or what you're going through, there are opportunities to connect with others and overcome anxiety. Emily, a relationship expert, encourages people to pay attention to their surroundings and engage with others, even in seemingly mundane situations like waiting in line at a grocery store. She also emphasizes the importance of quieting the negative self-talk and replacing it with positive affirmations. Mike, a listener who wrote in with his own struggles, shared his anxiety about approaching women and feeling like he was missing out on a fulfilling sex life. Emily empathized with him and offered advice to quiet the self-defeating thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. She also suggested that he try new experiences and approach women with confidence, starting with small talk. Overall, the key takeaway is to quiet the negative self-talk, pay attention to opportunities to connect, and approach new experiences with confidence.

    • Overcoming negative thoughts in social situationsThrough consistent practice and effort, we can change our brain's reactions to rejection, build confidence, and improve our ability to connect with others.

      Overcoming negative thoughts and reactions, especially in social situations like dating, requires consistent practice and effort. The brain is malleable and can change through our reactions, but it takes time and persistence. Rejection is a natural part of life, and it's essential not to let it devastate us. Instead, we should view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Practicing social skills, such as striking up conversations, can help build confidence and improve our ability to connect with others. It's important to remember that rejection is not limited to dating but is a common experience in various aspects of life. Ultimately, with determination and resilience, we can overcome negative thoughts and reactions, making us stronger and more capable of building meaningful relationships.

    • The natural part of life: dealing with rejection in datingRejection is a common experience in dating, but it can make you stronger. Normal conversations can also spark attraction, and there's no shame in online dating. Persistence is key to finding success.

      Rejection is a natural part of the process in various aspects of life, including dating. Even those who have achieved success, such as being a dating expert on a show, have faced numerous rejections beforehand. It's essential to remember that not everything happens immediately and that rejection can make you stronger. Moreover, attraction can be sparked without flirting through normal conversations between adults. Flirting is simply a playful and lighthearted form of conversation. It's not necessary to attend flirting boot camps or view it as a childish act. Lastly, there is no stigma attached to online dating, and it can be an effective way to connect with people. It's essential to find the right platform that suits your preferences and start practicing talking to people in your daily life. Remember, not every attempt will be successful, but persistence is key.

    • Understanding Individual Differences in Sexual ExperiencesStudies on average orgasm times may not be accurate for all women. Personal experiences and solutions like Promescent can help improve sexual satisfaction for both partners.

      The length of time it takes for a woman to reach orgasm varies greatly from person to person. Contrary to popular belief, studies suggesting an average of 20 to 40 minutes for women may not be accurate. The speaker shares her personal experience of improving her ability to reach orgasm, while acknowledging that for some women, it may indeed take longer than 40 minutes. For men, the average time to reach orgasm is around 6 to 8 minutes. For those looking to last longer in bed and close the orgasm gap, Promescent is a delay spray designed to help men last longer during sexual activity. The spray, which can be applied 10 minutes before intercourse, allows men to control their ejaculation without their partner's knowledge. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding individual differences in sexual experiences and exploring solutions to enhance sexual satisfaction for both partners.

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    About Sex Ed with DB:

    Sex Ed with DB is a feminist podcast bringing you all the sex ed you never got through unique and entertaining storytelling, centering LGBTQ+ and BIPOC experts. We discuss topics such as birth control, pleasure, LGBTQ+ health and rights, abortion, consent, BDSM, sex and disability, HIV, sex in the media, and more. 


    Sex Ed with DB, Season 7 Team:

    Creator, Host, Executive Producer: Danielle Bezalel (DB)

    Producer and Communications Lead: Cathren Cohen

    Social Media Intern: Sarah Kelly