
    How To Thrive In An Economic Winter w/ Dean Graziosi

    enJuly 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing the importance of adding value and caring for othersFocus on adding value and caring for others, even in uncertain times, to make a positive impact on the world.

      Despite economic uncertainty and potential recession, it's essential to stay positive and focus on adding value. Dean Grassi, a dear friend and trusted advisor, emphasizes the importance of caring for others and bringing value to their lives. He shares how he has made a significant impact on people's lives through his gracious hosting and generous donations. In the face of economic instability, Grassi encourages listeners to remember that uncertainty is a part of being human and to focus on what they can control, such as their attitude and actions. By continuing to add value and care for others, even in uncertain times, we can make a positive impact on the world.

    • Anticipate the economy's directionUnderstanding past recessions and anticipating future economic shifts can help businesses and individuals adapt and thrive during uncertain times.

      Anticipating and preparing for changes in the economy, rather than reacting to them, is crucial for businesses and individuals during uncertain times. The average recession lasts 18 months, and it's essential to understand the past to know what's coming. Wayne Gretzky's quote, "I skate to where the puck is going," emphasizes the importance of anticipation. The last few years allowed some reaction, but as we enter a new window, reacting could leave you behind. Dean, with his diverse business background, encourages us to anticipate the economy's direction and adapt accordingly.

    • Prepare for economic downturnCapitalize on opportunities during economic downturns by taking uncomfortable actions, protecting families, and seizing opportunities when others are frozen in fear.

      We may be entering a prolonged economic downturn, and it's essential to mentally prepare for it by adopting a mindset of resilience and innovation. This is a time for action, not waiting. Successful businesses and individuals have historically thrived during economic downturns by capitalizing on the opportunities that arise when competition shrinks and lanes open up. But remember, no one is coming to save us. It's up to each of us to take uncomfortable actions, protect our families, and change our own destinies. As Dean Graziosi emphasizes, this might be the time to be the one who steps up and seizes the opportunity when others are frozen in fear.

    • Invest in yourself during economic downturnsDuring economic downturns, focus on personal growth and invest in yourself to separate from the crowd. Seize opportunities to acquire assets at discounted prices.

      During economic downturns and inflation, it's essential to invest in oneself and focus on personal growth rather than freezing or playing it safe. Buffett's advice to get better at what you do than anyone else and find the gold in the downtime resonates. This is a season for separating yourself from the crowd and accelerating, rather than following the collective group think. Additionally, these economic cycles present opportunities to acquire assets at deeply discounted prices, creating a double multiplier effect. So, instead of panicking and buying into fear, unfreeze yourself and take advantage of the opportunities that come with these separation seasons.

    • Invest in personal growth during challenging timesRead, journal, visualize, seek out problems to solve, surround yourself with positivity, and learn from experts to grow during difficult periods

      During challenging times, it's essential to invest in personal growth and development. This can include reading, journaling, visualizing, and seeking out problems to solve. Surrounding oneself with positive influences and learning from experts in one's field can also lead to significant growth. Opportunities may arise when least expected, and being mentally and emotionally prepared is crucial. The Time to Thrive challenge, which is free this year, offers an excellent opportunity to learn from Tony Robbins and other experts for five days, with a focus on taking action and thinking differently.

    • Navigating feelings of unworthiness and self-doubtRecognize money as a tool for freedom and improvement, rather than a source of problems, to overcome self-limiting beliefs and achieve success.

      Many people, including successful individuals, struggle with feelings of unworthiness and self-doubt. This can be influenced by societal perceptions of success and money. Tony Robbins, a renowned life and business strategist, encourages people to attend his free five-day event, Thrive215.com, designed to help individuals navigate these challenges and thrive in a shifting world. The conflict arises when we view money as the source of our problems rather than a tool for freedom and improvement. By recognizing that money is a byproduct of service and embracing it as a means to better ourselves and our lives, we can overcome self-limiting beliefs and achieve success.

    • Recognizing and shifting limiting narrativesIdentifying and challenging limiting beliefs can lead to significant progress in personal growth and development. Every action, no matter detrimental, serves a purpose, and recognizing this can help shift the narrative towards positive change.

      The stories we tell ourselves, whether they serve us or not, often hold us back. During a conversation, the speaker shared how he was compelled by the generosity of another individual and the impact it had on his life. He also discussed the importance of identifying and challenging limiting beliefs, using the example of a woman who held onto the identity of a heavy person despite wanting to be healthy and vibrant. The speaker emphasized that every action we take, no matter how detrimental it may seem, serves a purpose, and often, we hide in those stories or beliefs. By recognizing and shifting the narrative, we can make significant progress in our personal growth and development. The speaker's upcoming show aims to help individuals make these breakthroughs in their own lives.

    • Using fear as motivation to change our storiesIdentify limiting beliefs, acknowledge costs, amplify pain, and gain momentum to shift our stories and make positive changes.

      Sometimes we need pain or discomfort to motivate us to change the story we tell ourselves about our lives. Ed Millet shares his personal experience of using the fear of ending up like his struggling parents as a catalyst to push himself towards success. He suggests identifying the limiting beliefs that have held us back and acknowledging the costs we've already incurred due to those beliefs. By amplifying the pain and using it as fuel, we can gain the momentum needed to shift our stories and make positive changes. Remember, the first few feet in starting a new endeavor can be the hardest, but once we get past that initial hurdle, we can soar.

    • Recognizing and Preparing for Personal Stories that Hold You BackUnderstanding your motivations can help you identify and overcome past stories that prevent growth in a shifting economy. Embrace and leverage these motivations to achieve goals and overcome obstacles.

      Understanding your personal motivations, whether it be pain avoidance or pleasure seeking, can help you identify and overcome the stories that have held you back in the past. These stories, which can be thought of as your "enemy," can prevent you from thriving in a shifting economy. By recognizing and preparing for these challenges, you can fortify your position and prevent these stories from re-entering your life. Additionally, recognizing which motivator drives you can help you better understand your behavior and how to change it. Whether you grew up in a painful or blissful environment, embracing and leveraging your motivations can help you achieve your goals and overcome obstacles.

    • Using pain as a motivator for successPain can drive growth and achievement, but it's important not to let it become a permanent source of motivation. Setting ambitious goals can help make a meaningful impact.

      Pain can be a powerful motivator for success. The speaker shares how they have used their own experiences of pain and discomfort to drive their work, including putting in long hours to create content and make an impact on people's lives. They emphasize that pain can serve as a launching pad for growth and achievement, but it's important not to let it become a permanent source of motivation. The speaker also touches on the idea that people may underestimate the effort and dedication required to achieve success, and the importance of setting ambitious goals to make a meaningful impact. Ultimately, the speaker encourages using pain as a catalyst for positive change, rather than letting it hold one back.

    • Transformative times: Leverage opportunities and build resilienceEmbrace emotional resilience, focus on goals, and discover strategic byproducts during transformative times to set up for future success

      This is a crucial time in our lives and in the economy, and we should use every leverage we have to move forward, explore new opportunities, and not let limiting stories hold us back. The next two years could be transformative, with potential multipliers of wealth, happiness, and personal growth. To get through this period, it's essential to build emotional resilience, stay focused on our goals, and not be swayed by negative influences. We may discover strategic byproducts along the way that are even more significant than our initial objectives. Ultimately, taking action now and staying in motion will set us up for greater success in the future.

    • Avoid things that drain confidence and energyFocus on self-improvement, positive relationships, and avoiding negative influences to build a strong foundation and thrive during uncertain times.

      To thrive during shifting times, it's essential to identify and avoid things that rob your confidence and energy. This includes people who bring you down, negative thoughts, and time-wasting activities like watching the news or surfing the internet. Instead, focus on building a strong foundation by investing in yourself through learning, challenges, and positive relationships. High energy and a positive mindset will help you stand out and succeed in an uncertain world. Additionally, be mindful of your personal relationships, particularly your marriage, as they can significantly impact your energy and overall well-being.

    • Recognizing and improving personal shortcomings for successful relationshipsIdentify your needs and work on self-improvement to attract high-quality partners, and strong relationships contribute to overall success and happiness.

      Personal growth and self-awareness are crucial in building successful relationships, whether it be in business or in personal life. The speaker shares his experience of recognizing his own shortcomings in past relationships and taking steps to become a better person in order to attract a high-quality partner. He emphasizes the importance of identifying what you want and need in a relationship and working on yourself to become the best version of yourself to attract that. The speaker also highlights the significant impact of a strong relationship on overall success and happiness. He admires the speaker for his exceptional relationship with his wife and believes it contributes to his remarkable business success.

    • Letting go of keeping score in relationshipsFocus on giving love and treating every relationship as new can lead to passionate and intimate connections

      Maintaining a healthy and loving relationship requires letting go of keeping score and focusing on giving and receiving love. Imagine never keeping score in a relationship and instead, feeling love when you give it rather than when you receive it. This approach can lead to a passionate and intimate connection, as both partners try to outdo each other in expressing love. Additionally, treating the end of a relationship like the beginning and giving it your all can lead to a renewed and fulfilling situation. Confidence and success in other areas of life can also positively impact relationships.

    • Living an authentic life for true wealthAligning personal and professional areas leads to happiness, success, and fulfillment. Authenticity brings deeper connections and personal growth beyond financial success.

      Aligning all areas of your life – personal and professional – leads to increased happiness, success, and fulfillment. The speaker shares his personal experience of struggling with incongruence and living a lie, despite having a thriving business and good relationships. He emphasizes that true wealth goes beyond financial success and includes being true to oneself and having deep connections with others. The speaker also acknowledges that the journey to achieving alignment and living an authentic life can be challenging, but the rewards are worth it. He encourages anyone considering making a change to remember that success without fulfillment is the "brokest" one could be, and that having a role model who has achieved both wealth and personal growth can provide valuable inspiration.

    • Unlocking the potential for unlimited wealth and emotional growthFocus on emotional intelligence, find balance, and embrace challenges for personal growth and financial rewards. Don't miss the Thrive215 opportunity to learn and invest in yourself.

      Everyone has the opportunity to make an unlimited amount of money, but it's essential to focus on emotional intelligence and finding a harmonious balance between wealth and emotional well-being. Problems will always be present, but we will get better at handling them as we grow and tackle bigger challenges for greater rewards. The Thrive215 challenge offers a chance to learn and grow in this shifting world, and it's an opportunity not to be missed. We may only offer it once, and the investment will leave you feeling different and ready to thrive. Don't hesitate, go to thrive215.com and reserve your spot.

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    960 The Voice of Truth

    960 The Voice of Truth

    In your life, where does the voice of truth come from? Whose whispers gain your greatest attention?

    Maybe it's the constant failures and short-comings.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    Maybe it's the faults of your past. 

    Maybe it's your own belief that you're never good enough.

    Why is it that we hang out with our stumbles and failures questioning our worth?

    Never once did God hesitate when He created you; fearfully and wonderfully made, knowing every hair on your head.

    Yet where is the voice of truth?

    Is it the naysayers, the badgers, the mockers? Is that where your voice of truth is being solidified and defined?

    I want you to really think about whom you are putting your trust in.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ The Voice of Truth!

    REFLECTION: Today, I want you to reflect on these three questions.

    1. Where is the voice of truth coming from?
    2. What is the voice of truth telling you?
    3. How are you using the voice of truth in your life?

    If you are hearing God, the only voice of truth, then you know you are loved, given a gift of salvation, and grace for your life's journey.

    That's the voice of truth you need to be listening to.

    Not the negative CRAP, the doubts and drama of others, and not the daily sagas of self-centered mindsets. 

    It's all about control, earthly control. What happened to Heavenly control?

    Let God wash away the torment of lies that threaten your greatness He's creating within you.

    Let it go! Let God have it all!

    Give Him your heart.
    Dedicate your life to glorify Him.
    Rejoice with the voice of truth.

    As you go out this week...

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    May God bless you this week in all your steps, in all your endeavors. Seek His guidance. Praise His name. The voice of truth!


    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT!  

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com

    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

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    2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio

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    4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2

    5. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3

    6. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

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    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Mishka Shubaly On Forgiveness, Authenticity & Life As a Sober Artist

    Mishka Shubaly On Forgiveness, Authenticity & Life As a Sober Artist
    If you're a long-time listener of the podcast, then you’ve treated yourself to several of my conversations with today's guest. You know this guy well as my gravelly voiced, eminently talented, always charming yet generally disheveled, periodically homeless co-host — now back for a record 6th appearance on the RRP. Mishka Shubaly doesn’t care much for formalities. But if you need a resumé, his goes something like this: A self-professed povertarian, Mishka writes true stories about drink, drugs, disasters, desire, deception, and their aftermath. He began drinking at 13 and college at 15. At 22, he received the Dean's Fellowship from the Master's Writing Program at Columbia University. Upon receiving his expensive MFA, he promptly moved into a Toyota minivan to tour the country nonstop as a singer-songwriter, sharing the stage with artists like The Strokes, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs and The Decemberists. At 32, Mishka got sober and shortly thereafter began publishing a string of bestselling Kindle Singles – short non-fiction novellas — through Amazon. His writing has been praised for its grit, humor, fearlessness, and heart. The Long Run*, his mini-memoir detailing his transformation from alcoholic drug abuser to sober ultra-runner is one of the best-selling Kindle Singles in Amazon history. Mishka's third solo album, Coward’s Path — the finest set of miserable and sad songs you might ever hear– will be released on October 2, 2015. His new book, I Swear I'll Make It Up To You: A Life on the Low Road* hits bookstores March 8, 2016. If you're new to this podcast, dig the Mishka vibe and want to hear more, check out RRP episodes 27,31,65,95 & 104. That's about 9 hours of Mishka to keep you busy. Enjoy! Rich

    7 Life Lessons I Wish I Knew Sooner

    7 Life Lessons I Wish I Knew Sooner

    A comprehensive list of lessons you shouldn’t wait too long to learn.

    In this episode, I’m sharing 7 important lessons I learned far too late in life. I’m doing this so that you don’t have to live through as many clusterfucks as I did to find a bit of peace in life.

    Some of these lessons you may already know, some may surprise you. But they’re all guaranteed to help you live a better life.

    This is your one and only chance to not repeat my godawful mistakes. So get into it.