
    How to Turn Your Struggle Into Your Strength | Tea With GaryVee

    enMay 16, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • GaryVee's daily live show 'Tea with GaryVee' connects him with fansGaryVee's live daily show on social media platforms allows him to engage with fans in real-time, providing a valuable and interactive experience.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as GaryVee, is currently hosting a daily live show called "Tea with GaryVee" across all his social media platforms, including Twitter, at 9 AM Eastern Time. He encourages his followers to join him for engaging conversations and interactive experiences. Additionally, Gary emphasizes the importance of following him on Twitter, as it is the best platform to catch "Tea with GaryVee" consistently. The show has been ongoing for about a month and has been well-received by his audience. During the show, Gary also engages with his viewers through text messages, answering questions and acknowledging their presence. Overall, "Tea with GaryVee" provides an opportunity for Gary to connect with his audience in a more personal and interactive way, making it a valuable experience for his fans.

    • Childhood Memories and FriendshipsChildhood friendships and shared memories create lasting bonds and shape our relationships

      The speaker and the interlocutor share a long-standing friendship that was forged during their childhood, and they reminisce about various memories they have shared, including watching WrestleMania together and playing soccer and hockey on the sidewalk. One notable memory is when the speaker intervened and prevented a fight between the interlocutor and another classmate, saving him from getting beaten up. Another memory is their shared addiction to a sidewalk game using a rock and a can, which sometimes led the speaker to come home late from school, much to his mother's disapproval. Overall, their conversation highlights the significance of childhood friendships and the memories that shape our relationships.

    • The Power of Kindness in Creating Meaningful ConnectionsSmall acts of kindness can create profound impacts and meaningful connections, staying with individuals for decades. Giving from a place of generosity and being resourceful are essential during challenging times.

      Kindness, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can have a profound impact on people and their lives. This was evident in a story shared by Sean Courtney about a childhood encounter with Eric Godfrey. The memory of stopping a fight out of kindness stayed with both individuals for decades. Similarly, Sarah and Gary's connection started with a kind gesture on social media four years ago, which led to their current meeting. Yesterday, Sarah reached out to Gary, and they finally met, demonstrating the power of kindness in creating meaningful connections. The speakers also emphasized the importance of giving from a place of generosity and being resourceful, even during challenging times. Overall, the discussion highlighted the ripple effect of kindness and the importance of being kind to others.

    • Navigating Challenges with Intent and ConnectionFocus on progress, not negativity. Connect with influencers, build community, and learn new platforms through immersion and consistent content creation.

      Intent and connection are key in navigating challenges, whether in personal or professional life. The speaker shares their experience of trying to connect with influential figures, and how they've turned negative situations into opportunities for growth and community building. They emphasize the importance of focusing on one's own progress and not dwelling on negativity, as it can harm relationships. The speaker also shares their advice on learning new platforms, encouraging immersion and consistent content creation. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying positive, persistent, and open to new experiences.

    • Managing a business during chaotic times: Transparency, adaptability, and persistenceStay transparent with customers, adapt to new challenges, and persist through mistakes to grow a business. Use various platforms to find new hires and outsource tasks to simplify processes.

      Transparency, adaptability, and persistence are key to growing a business, even during chaotic times. The speaker shared her experience of managing a farm market and home delivery service in upstate New York, which saw exponential growth due to the pandemic. She emphasized the importance of not beating oneself up over mistakes and being transparent with customers. She also mentioned the challenges of hiring and scaling the business, suggesting using various platforms like Facebook, Craigslist, LinkedIn, and emailing customers to find new hires. Outsourcing and simplifying processes were also mentioned as strategies for managing workload. The speaker's goal was not to scale hugely but to find ways to handle a larger number of deliveries while focusing on her strengths in marketing and customer relations. She encouraged persistence and learning from experiences to overcome challenges in business and life.

    • Calculated risks, optimism, and authenticity in entrepreneurshipEmbrace calculated risks, stay optimistic, and focus on authenticity and transparency in entrepreneurship. Don't fear failure or setbacks, build relationships, and hire trustworthy people. Every 'no' brings you closer to a 'yes,' and every mistake is a learning opportunity.

      When facing challenges in scaling a business, such as delivery infrastructure or hiring, it's important to take calculated risks, remain optimistic, and not let fear hold you back. The speaker shared his experience of starting a social media marketing agency and transitioning to e-commerce, and emphasized the importance of authenticity and transparency in entrepreneurship. He encouraged not to be afraid of failure or setbacks, as they are inevitable on the path to growth. Instead, focus on building relationships and hiring people you trust, even if it means taking a chance on someone who may not have an extensive work history. Remember, every "no" brings you closer to a "yes," and every mistake is an opportunity to learn and improve. So, keep pushing forward, stay positive, and believe in the good.

    • Sharing personal struggles can increase connection and credibilityBeing honest about past struggles, such as addiction, can deepen connections and boost credibility. Embrace experiences as strengths rather than weaknesses.

      Sharing personal struggles, even those related to past addiction, can be a powerful tool for connection and credibility. The speaker, who has overcome heroin addiction, initially held back from sharing this part of his story due to fear of negative judgment. However, he came to realize that his experience could help others and that his honesty could increase his relatability and credibility. The speaker also shared that he had faced stigmas in the past for other aspects of his life, such as cursing or past legal issues, but that he had learned to embrace these experiences as strengths rather than weaknesses. By sharing his truth, the speaker can create a deeper connection with his audience and inspire them with his resilience and determination to overcome challenges. Additionally, acknowledging that addiction is a disease and not a moral failing can help reduce judgment and increase understanding and empathy.

    • Sharing past struggles can be a strengthEmbracing past imperfections and sharing them can help reduce fear of judgment, focus on goals, and inspire growth

      Sharing our past struggles and imperfections can actually be a strength rather than a weakness. The speaker shares an experience of encountering an employee who had a criminal record and felt comfortable enough to open up to him about it. The speaker's response was to encourage him to embrace his past instead of hiding it, as the fear of exposure could potentially sabotage his growth and opportunities. The speaker emphasizes that everyone has their own "shadows" or secrets, and that being open about them can help reduce the need for overthinking and allow individuals to focus on their goals and potential. The speaker also acknowledges the difficulty of sharing personal information and the fear of judgment, but encourages individuals to see themselves as heroes for breaking through their challenges rather than being defined by them. The conversation ends with the speaker expressing admiration and appreciation for the employee's courage in sharing his past and expressing excitement for the opportunities ahead.

    • Adapting to new routines and integrating passions into content creationDuring challenging times, adapting to new routines can lead to unexpected benefits and opportunities for content creation on social media. Stay true to oneself, experiment with different content, and maintain consistency to increase engagement and reach.

      Adapting to new routines and schedules, even during challenging times like the pandemic, can lead to unexpected benefits and opportunities. A person's experiences and passions, such as jiu jitsu, can be integrated into their content creation on social media platforms like TikTok. It's important to find a balance between staying true to oneself and catering to the audience, as well as experimenting with different content to increase engagement and reach. The speaker, a black belt jiu jitsu world champion, shared his experience of juggling multiple roles and passions, including professional athletics, business ownership, and personal growth, while maintaining a presence on TikTok. He emphasized the importance of consistency and experimentation in creating content that resonates with his audience.

    • Creating a strong online presence through consistent content creationInconsistent industries can benefit from a strong online presence, achieved by regularly creating and sharing engaging content on various platforms.

      Creating a strong online presence through consistent content creation can help bring attention and potential opportunities, even in industries that don't typically make a lot of money. The speaker, Kendall, shares her experience in the world of jiu jitsu and wrestling, where sponsorships and earnings can be inconsistent. She was encouraged by Andrew to increase her content output on various social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, and use her charisma and energy to engage with her audience. Kendall's unique handle, "reusing," was discussed, with the idea that it could be turned into a strength rather than a perceived shortcoming. The conversation also touched on the importance of balancing content consumption for strategy and escapism, and the potential pitfalls of getting sucked into the endless content of social media.

    • Mindful Social Media Use: Authenticity, Patience, and ConsistencyBe authentic, put in the work, and develop a strong mindset to overcome insecurities and self-doubt. Applaud others' achievements and be patient and consistent to make progress on social media.

      Social media can serve various purposes, from entertainment to learning and self-improvement. However, it's essential to be mindful of how we use it and not fall into the trap of comparison. The speaker emphasized the importance of creating authentic content, putting in the work, and developing a strong mindset to overcome insecurities and self-doubt. The speaker also highlighted the importance of applauding others' achievements instead of comparing oneself to them. Lastly, patience and consistency are key to making progress and breaking into new communities or industries. The speaker's unique perspective on social media and her determination to succeed despite setbacks make for an inspiring message.

    • The Power of Gratitude and HappinessGratitude and happiness boost performance and energy. Persist, adapt, and collaborate for success. Stay positive, committed, and open to new opportunities.

      Happiness and gratitude have a significant impact on performance and energy levels. The speaker expresses his belief that no drug or artificial substance can match the power of genuine gratitude. He encourages persistence and hard work, emphasizing that individuals are still in the beginning stages of their journey, no matter how far they've come. The speaker also highlights the importance of adapting to new platforms, such as TikTok, for promotion, and the potential power of collaborations with popular influencers. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive mindset, staying committed to personal goals, and being open to new opportunities.

    • Exploring new opportunities and interestsEmbrace the unexpected, connect with diverse audiences, and believe in your potential for personal growth and success.

      Embracing new opportunities and exploring various interests can lead to unexpected success and personal growth. During the discussion, the speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the culture and connecting with young audiences on platforms like TikTok. He also shared his own experience of overcoming an eating disorder and pursuing a career in kinesiology, despite initial doubts. The speaker encouraged the listener to explore every curiosity and take action, no matter how random it may seem. He emphasized that everyone, especially the young, have the potential to love and excel in various things. The speaker's enthusiasm and belief in the power of exploration and new opportunities can serve as an inspiration for anyone looking to make a change or start something new.

    • The power of personal storiesSharing personal stories, no matter the size of the audience, can inspire and change lives. Focus on present happiness and growth from experiences.

      It's okay to have crushes on things, but sometimes they fade, and that's normal. Focusing on being happy in the present moment is more important than worrying about the future. The speaker shares her personal experience of being stuck in an eating disorder and missing out on her teenage years. She encourages sharing personal stories to make an impact on others, no matter how small the audience may be. The power of one person's story can change the course of another's life. So, keep sharing, keep being authentic, and remember that every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn and grow.

    • Impacting one life at a timeSelfless content creation, staying authentic, and consistent use of relevant hashtags can reach and help one person, ultimately making a significant impact.

      Creating and sharing content with the intention of helping just one person can lead to a significant impact. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on selflessness and consistency, using relevant hashtags, and staying true to one's authentic voice. It may take time, but eventually, the right person will find the content and be helped by it. The speaker also encourages not comparing oneself to others and their success, but rather focusing on the potential impact on just one life. The speaker's personal experience and belief in the power of reaching just one person is a powerful reminder to keep creating and sharing content, even if it feels like it's not making a difference at first.

    • Appreciation for authentic conversations and inspirationListeners value the inspiring and authentic discussions on 'Tea with Gary V', gaining practical advice and motivation from various professionals. Reviews from satisfied listeners help attract new listeners.

      The podcast "Tea with Gary V" is highly regarded by its listeners for its inspiring and authentic conversations. Gary Vaynerchuk's authenticity sets the tone for listeners' days, inspiring them to think outside the box and work hard. The podcast covers a wide range of topics and offers practical advice from various professionals. The reviews left by listeners on platforms such as Apple and Spotify are greatly appreciated by Gary and his team, as they provide context and a cosign for potential new listeners. One listener, Raven g, left a particularly inspiring review, expressing gratitude for the podcast and the impact it has had on her life. Overall, "Tea with Gary V" is seen as a valuable resource for those looking to elevate their work and mindset.

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    #QOTD, courtesy Andrew: Who you got tonight: Rangers, or Capitals?

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    RSVP TO EPISODE 100: https://www.facebook.com/events/1432361237066830/

    GARY'S NEWEST MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@garyvee/when-you-don-t-celebrate-your-wins-you-hold-your-company-back-c925b99847d1


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