
    How to unlock our creative potential with crafting, with Laura Brand

    enAugust 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Celebrating Mother's Day with Whole Foods Market and NoomAppreciate mothers with gifts from Whole Foods Market, enjoy savings on body care, flowers, desserts, and listen to inspiring stories of founders and authors.

      This discussion emphasizes the importance of showing love and appreciation to mothers during Mother's Day, and the best place to shop for thoughtful gifts and treats is Whole Foods Market. Prime members can enjoy significant savings on body care and candles, flowers, and special desserts. Additionally, the podcast shares a success story of a Noom founder and how their personalized weight loss plans cater to various individuals, even those who don't prefer salads. Lastly, the episode features an interview with author and illustrator Laura Brand, who discusses her new book, "The Joy Journal for grown-ups," and the importance of finding joy and creativity in everyday life. Despite having a chaotic household with children and pets, Laura emphasizes the significance of the joy journal in promoting mindfulness and connection.

    • Unexpected sources of joy and creativityDiscover joy and creativity from unexpected places, set aside time for self-care activities, and explore new experiences through journals.

      Finding joy and creativity can come from unexpected places, such as caring for kittens or engaging in homemade crafts during challenging times. The speaker's experience of joy from her kittens inspired her to create The Joy Journal for Magical Everyday Play, which offered families a creative sanctuary during lockdown. The success of the first book led her to create The Joy Journal for grown-ups, providing an opportunity for adults to explore their creativity as a form of self-care. The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting aside dedicated time for oneself to fully disengage from daily responsibilities and engage in activities that bring joy and creativity. These journals offer a way to do just that, whether through nostalgic crafts or new experiences.

    • Exploring creative activities for self-careEngaging in creative hobbies like doodling, coloring, or cooking can help combat burnout and improve well-being by allowing us to relax, focus, and reconnect with ourselves.

      Engaging in creative activities, such as doodling, coloring, or cooking, can serve as effective self-care practices. These activities help us enter a different state of mind, allowing us to relax, focus, and process information better. For Laura, this discovery came after experiencing burnout while working in the hospitality industry. Burnout led her to feel tired, anxious, and detached from the present, but once she began exploring creative pursuits, she found that they recharged her and helped her reconnect with herself. By embracing activities that involve working with our hands and being fully present, we can counteract the negative effects of burnout and improve our overall well-being.

    • Exploring Creativity and Well-BeingSimple practices like Indian head massage and hobbies can ignite creativity and self-care. Support from loved ones, like a partner, is vital in fostering creativity and personal growth.

      Discovering and nurturing personal creativity and well-being can lead to unexpected paths and transformations in life. This can begin with simple practices like Indian head massage or engaging in hobbies like stitching and embroidery. Having a supportive network, including a partner, is crucial in encouraging and coaxing individuals to embrace their creative side. Russell Brand, known for his media persona, plays an essential role in his wife's life by recognizing her untapped potential and providing encouragement and guidance. Their partnership balances each other out, with Brand's imaginative and creative nature complementing his wife's more practical side. Overall, taking time for self-care and creativity can lead to personal growth and a more fulfilling life.

    • Effective communication and active listening in relationshipsPrioritize open and honest dialogue, balance complementary interests, and actively listen to foster strong bonds in relationships

      Effective communication and active listening are essential components of a successful partnership. The speaker shared how she and her husband have complementary interests and personalities, which allows them to balance each other out and provide support in various ways. However, they also prioritize open and honest dialogue, ensuring that each other's feelings and needs are heard and addressed. The importance of active listening extends beyond their relationship, as the speaker emphasizes its significance in her work and with her children. She also acknowledges her own tendency to become less active when anxious or stressed and is consciously working on improving her listening skills to better connect with those around her. By setting aside time for uninterrupted conversation and focusing on truly hearing each other, the couple has fostered a strong bond that allows them to navigate life's challenges together.

    • Engage fully in conversations and creative activities for deeper connectionsActive listening and being present in creative activities foster deeper connections and personal growth

      Active listening and being present in the moment, whether in a conversation or a creative activity, can lead to deeper connections and unexpected beauty. During active listening, fully engaging for the designated time without interrupting or drifting off, allows the speaker to feel truly heard. Similarly, being present in a creative activity, like marbling, allows individuals to let go of self-criticism and embrace the unique outcome, finding joy in the process and the company of others. By admitting vulnerability and sharing imperfections, we create an environment of acceptance and appreciation for each other's efforts.

    • Discover the joy of creating something with your own handsExplore new crafts, connect with nature, and tap into hidden talents for personal growth and potential business opportunities.

      The joy of creating something with your own hands, like marbled paper, can be a rewarding experience. It's easy to talk yourself out of trying new crafts, but the morale boost from a group or the satisfaction of creating something practical can make it worthwhile. Even if not every attempt is perfect, the process can lead to beautiful results, like note cards or gift tags. Crafting can also be a way to connect with nature and find inspiration during warmer weather. Additionally, everyone has creative potential, and platforms like LinkedIn can help connect businesses with talented professionals who might not be actively looking for new opportunities. So, don't hesitate to explore new crafts or seek out hidden talents.

    • Embracing creativity and curiosityDiscovering creativity in childhood can lead to lifelong personal growth and self-expression. Embrace new experiences and continue learning for joy and peace.

      The power of creativity and exploration, discovered in childhood, can serve as a lifelong source of refuge, inspiration, and personal growth. The speaker shares her experiences of finding solace in the art room during her academic struggles, and how creativity, in various forms like painting, collage, bracelet making, and even learning new skills as an adult, has been a constant companion and a means of self-expression and self-care. Her experiences underscore the importance of embracing creativity and curiosity, and the potential for continuous learning and personal development that it offers. The speaker's journey highlights the transformative power of staying open to new experiences and the joy and peace that can be found in the process of learning and creating.

    • Explore nature and create through crafting activitiesConnect with nature, express creativity, and make sustainable decorations, gifts, and celebrations

      The discussed book offers a comprehensive, timeless guide for connecting with nature and creating joyful, sustainable experiences through various crafting activities. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crafter, this book provides an invitation to explore nature and create your own decorations, gifts, and celebrations. The activities range from simple nature journaling to more complex projects like painted pebbles and beeswax food wraps. The author emphasizes the importance of self-expression, creativity, and sustainability, encouraging readers to try new things and rediscover old favorites. The joyful anticipation of making and using these creations adds to the overall experience, making them perfect for personal use or as thoughtful gifts. Many of these projects can be kept and reused, creating a lasting connection to nature and crafting.

    • Creating and sharing handmade decorations and traditional craftsCrafting brings joy, personal growth, fosters social connections, and contributes to mental well-being. Passing down heirlooms creates a meaningful connection to the past.

      Creating and sharing handmade decorations and traditional crafts, such as quilting, knitting, crocheting, and embroidery, can bring immense joy and create lasting memories for generations. These activities not only provide an opportunity for personal growth and learning new skills but also foster social connections and contribute positively to mental well-being. The act of gathering and crafting together in groups, like local craft clubs, encourages a sense of community, mindfulness, and even allows individuals to discuss difficult topics in a more relaxed setting. The pleasure derived from these experiences can be passed down as family heirlooms, creating a meaningful and comforting connection to the past.

    • Embrace a relaxed mindset for flow in lifeEmbracing a relaxed mindset allows for flow in conversations, creativity, and daily experiences, letting go of self-criticism and analytical thinking, and accepting mistakes as part of the creative process. Practically, connecting with nature and collecting trinkets can foster flow while traveling.

      Embracing a more relaxed and present mindset can lead to a state of flow in various aspects of life, including conversations, creativity, and daily experiences. This mindset involves letting go of self-criticism and analytical thinking, allowing the day to unfold, and accepting mistakes as part of the creative process. From a practical standpoint, when traveling or away from home, one can still connect with nature and explore new environments by collecting trinkets, herbs, or other natural elements, and using them to engage with the local culture and landscape. This simple practice can help foster a sense of flow and mindfulness, even in new and unfamiliar surroundings. Flow is not about being careless or hippie, but rather about trusting the journey and the present moment.

    • Exploring simple sensory experiences for joy and calmEngage with nature, use scents, and get creative with materials to find peace and joy in everyday life. Be present, mindful, and open to new experiences.

      Creating simple, sensory experiences can help bring calm and joy in everyday life, even in unexpected places. This can be achieved through engaging with nature, using scents like rosemary and lavender, or getting creative with materials like clay. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being present and open to new experiences, whether at home or on vacation, and suggests that mindfulness and connection to nature are effective ways to find peace amidst chaos. Additionally, the speaker encourages trying new things, like making a scented bowl or creating art with clay, to add meaning and enjoyment to daily life. Overall, the key is to be creative, mindful, and open to the world around us.

    • Explore Joy with Laura through Books, Workshops, and Social MediaSign up for Laura's newsletter, check Instagram for workshops, shop for gifts on CelebrationsPassport, and discover authentic items on eBay with peace of mind

      Laura, the creator of The Joy Journal, is an inspiring artist and writer who shares her joy and creativity through her books and workshops. She can be found on Instagram @thejoyjournal, where she announces upcoming events. If you're interested in attending one of her workshops, be sure to check her Instagram for dates and locations. In addition to her Instagram, she recommends signing up for her free weekly newsletter on lizellewell-being.com for more tips on living well and creating joy. For those looking for gift ideas, Laura mentioned her love for shopping on celebrationspassport.com for free shipping and rewards on gifts for every occasion. Another interesting fact shared was that crocodiles cannot stick out their tongues, and for those in need of short-term health insurance, UnitedHealthcare's plans offer flexible and budget-friendly coverage with access to a nationwide network of doctors and hospitals. Lastly, eBay's authenticity guarantee ensures that every purchase is the real deal, providing peace of mind when shopping for desirable items.

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