
    How to Use Age to Your Advantage

    enDecember 28, 2021
    What catalyzed Chip Conley's success in the hotel industry?
    How did Conley raise capital for his motel startup?
    What unique selling points attracted customers to the Phoenix motel?
    Why was Conley considered an underdog in his career?
    What role did Conley play at Airbnb?

    • Believing in oneself leads to success despite oddsStarting a business with little experience and limited funds, Chip Conley believed in himself and raised capital, eventually attracting high-profile guests and growing his hotel chain

      Determination and the belief in oneself can lead to success, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Chip Conley, the entrepreneur in question, started the second largest boutique hotel company in the US at the age of 26 with just $1,100,000 in 1986. This may not seem remarkable now, but at the time, raising such an amount for a startup was a significant achievement. Conley's success story began with buying a run-down motel in San Francisco, despite having no hotel experience. He managed to raise the capital not based on his business plan or the real estate, but on his own potential. The motel, which became known as the Rock and Roll Hotel, eventually attracted high-profile guests such as David Bowie and Linda Ronstadt. This success served as a catalyst for the growth of his hotel chain. Today, the ease of raising capital for startups has made such accomplishments more common, but the lesson of believing in oneself and persevering remains valuable.

    • Identifying unique selling points for specific customer basesSuccessful businesses cater to unique customer needs and offer distinct benefits to attract and retain loyal customers.

      The success of a business often depends on identifying and offering unique benefits to attract specific customers. In the case of the Phoenix, a funky motel in the Tenderloin, it was the availability of a massage studio and free bus parking that drew in tour managers and bus drivers. The founder, who grew up in Long Beach and went to the same high school as Snoop Dogg, saw an opportunity to cater to the needs of his friends visiting San Francisco who found existing hotels either too expensive or boring. By focusing on these unique selling points, the Phoenix was able to establish a loyal customer base for 33 years and eventually become a Hyatt brand. Later in his career, the founder applied the same principle when he joined Airbnb as a mentor and head of global hospitality and strategy, helping the company grow into a global hospitality brand. Despite being labeled a "curious white boy" in high school and a "modern elder" at Airbnb due to his age, he used his experiences and knowledge to make significant contributions to the business world.

    • Embrace humility and openness to remain relevantHumility and openness enable individuals to learn, bridge gaps, and add value despite societal trends of longer lifespans, younger power, and faster change.

      Humility and openness are essential for individuals, especially those in midlife, to remain relevant and contribute effectively in a rapidly changing world. The speaker's experience of joining Airbnb at an older age and serving as a mentor to the CEO illustrates this concept. Humility allows individuals to ask questions, learn, and bridge gaps between industries or generations. However, society's trend of longer lifespans, younger power, and faster change can leave some feeling irrelevant and bewildered. To combat this, individuals must be willing to embrace humility and become beginners again, rather than complaining about younger generations or clinging to outdated notions of reverence. By doing so, they can continue to add value and make meaningful contributions.

    • Intergenerational learning and mutual mentorshipMutual mentorship benefits both teacher and student, fostering progress and innovation, especially in industries that value creativity and experience like advertising.

      Mutual mentorship is the future of learning and development in companies. Both the teacher and the student benefit from this exchange of knowledge. The speaker is a strong advocate for this approach and believes we are entering a golden era for intergenerational learning. He also believes that industries like advertising, which often exhibit ageism, have much to gain from embracing the experience and creativity of older workers. The speaker's personal experience of learning from a diverse range of mentors over the years has influenced his perspective on this topic. He also believes that the mix of young and old minds is essential for progress and innovation. The speaker's upcoming book aims to help those in the 45-72 age range find happiness and purpose in their careers. He notes that happiness tends to dip around age 47, and he is excited to contribute to this conversation as a champion of intergenerational learning and collaboration.

    • The Importance of Age and Experience in the WorkforceNever underestimate the value of age and experience in the workforce. It's essential to challenge the notion that success can only be achieved in youth and recognize the benefits of age diversity.

      Age and experience are valuable assets in the workforce, and it's never too late to make a significant impact. The speaker, Chip Conley, shares his personal experience of being told he would live till 98 when he was 57, meaning he was only at the halfway point of his adult life. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing that people have different timelines and that it's essential to challenge the notion that success can only be achieved in one's youth. Conley also mentions his book, "Wisdom at Work," which explores these ideas further and the establishment of the Modern Elder Academy, a midlife wisdom school, to help individuals in midlife reinvent themselves and make a difference. Age diversity, he argues, is more effective than other forms of diversity, as our brains function differently at different ages. The academy, which has had over 600 attendees from 22 countries, is a social enterprise that offers scholarships and is located in Baja, Mexico. The speaker's passion for this topic is evident, and he encourages everyone to rethink their relationship with time and the value of their experiences.

    • Redefining Midlife as a Stage of GrowthMidlife is no longer a crisis but an opportunity for growth and wisdom. Embrace it as a time for personal exploration and expansion.

      The concept of midlife crisis, which emerged in the 1960s, is no longer relevant given the increased longevity and new life stage called middle essence or middle age, which is the stage between adulthood and elderhood. This stage, which was once considered a crisis, can instead be seen as an opportunity for growth and wisdom. The speaker expressed his excitement about this new perspective and his desire to create a midlife wisdom school to help people navigate this stage of life. The idea of a midlife wisdom school resonated with the speaker as he had spent the last few years focusing on a particular conversation for a specific demo, but now he was eager to explore new possibilities and expand his horizons. The speaker also mentioned that he was fascinated by the idea of a retreat that offered both personal growth and vacation-like experiences. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of redefining midlife and embracing it as a time of potential growth and exploration.

    • Midlife Wisdom Schools: A Space for Sharing WisdomCreating a space for individuals in midlife to share wisdom can add up to 7.5 years to their lives.

      There is a need for programs and communities that cater to individuals in midlife who want to press the reset button on their lives and shift their perspective on aging from negative to positive. Such a shift can add up to 7.5 years to their lives, according to a study by Becca Levy at Yale. The creation of midlife wisdom schools, inspired by institutions like Burning Man and Esalen, could fill this gap and help individuals tap into their growing emotional intelligence and wisdom. The power of these schools lies not in teaching wisdom, but in creating a space where it can be shared among a diverse group of individuals. An anecdote from the beta period of one such school illustrates this, as a retired wealthy investment banker and a social worker with a strong sense of purpose formed a meaningful connection despite their differences.

    • Learning from unconventional entrepreneursUnconventional entrepreneurs, like Chip Conley, can inspire and influence larger businesses with their innovative ideas and consistent success, even when they're underestimated.

      Successful entrepreneurs, like Chip Conley, can inspire and intrigue larger businesses, even when their ventures seem unconventional. Conley, a pioneer in the boutique hotel industry, has built a social enterprise, a midlife wisdom school, despite skepticism from some in the industry. His success and previous innovative endeavors, like joining Airbnb early, have given him credibility, but it's the mid-level employees and executives who may be more intrigued and influenced by his latest venture. Conley enjoys being an underdog and an underestimated figure, but his consistent wins have brought him a level of recognition that makes people take notice. The potential for profit and the intrigue of his latest venture have global hospitality companies watching closely.

    • Expecting an increase in older workers in the workforceEmbrace the trend of modern elders in the workforce and view it as an opportunity for positive impact

      We can expect to see a significant increase in the number of older workers, or "modern elders," in the workforce over the next decade. Chip Conley, a leader in this movement, encourages embracing this trend and views it as an opportunity. He is the author of "Wisdom at Work: The Making of a Modern Elder," and his website can be found at modernelderacademy.org or chipconley.com. This topic is particularly relevant for our younger audience, as many may have older parents or loved ones who could benefit from this conversation. So, I encourage you to share this podcast with them. I believe that positively impacting the happiness of even one older worker or family member is a worthwhile investment.

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    • People no longer order from restaurants because they like that specific restaurant's food; they are ordering based on the mode they are in - productivity, relaxing, etc. 
    • With the creation and use of UberEats and DoorDash, the people ordering the food are not the restaurant's customers; they are the customers of third-party brands. So it’s essential to create a new brand to draw customers back to your restaurant. 
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    Roger Beasley’s LinkedIn


    Roger Beasley’s Twitter



    Roger Beasley has been a key contributor to the development of successful business, brand and marketing strategies for some of the most recognized companies in America. Throughout his 28-year career, he has served a broad range of B2C and B2B industries, developing strong, lasting relationships with the leadership of his clients by demonstrating a deep understanding of their business and an unwavering commitment to helping them achieve sustainable success.


    A versatile, inquisitive strategist and leader, some of Roger’s most noted accomplishments include helping to develop the brand positioning for a regional consumer finance company that has grown into the nation’s largest retail lending chain; leading the successful turnaround of a golf management brand that ultimately led to its multi-million dollar acquisition; helping identify the brand strategy for the successful turnaround of one of America’s most popular 24-hour restaurant chains; and co-founding a thought leadership conference featuring some of the world’s leading innovators focused on inspiring organizational change.


    Roger frequently speaks on the topic of brand building and strategy development. He is also an adjunct professor at Clemson University where he brings real-world perspective to the training of America’s next generation of business and brand strategists.

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    Key Topics:

    • The Uncertainty Around Midlife Growth (03:56)
    • The Beauty Industry is Selling Us Wrong (08:45)
    • Self-Care and Pivoting in Life (13:43)
    • How Much Resistance to Change is Internal vs External (18:49)
    • Pushback on the Idea of Selfishness (21:38)
    • Saying No to Harmful Brands (26:14)
    • "We’re Not Ageless, We’re Agefull” (30:52)
    • Supporting The Right Brands and People (34:41)






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    You can find the transcript and more information about this episode at www.takebackretirement.com.


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