
    How to worry less in midlife, with Brigid Delaney

    enMarch 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering Inner Peace through Ancient Greek PhilosophyFocus on what's within your control and let go of external factors for inner peace and resilience in today's world, inspired by Stoicism

      Stoicism, an ancient Greek philosophy, encourages individuals to focus on what they can control and let go of things outside their sphere of influence. As Bridget Delaney, a journalist and author, discovered while researching for her book "Reasons Not to Worry," Stoics lived in chaotic times similar to ours, yet they found tranquility through their philosophy. The name Stoicism comes from the Stoa, a painted porch in Athens where philosophers gathered. It's not about being emotionless or stiff-upper-lip, but rather about practicing rationality and accepting the world as it is. Bridget became interested in Stoicism after receiving a press release about living like a Stoic for a week. By focusing on what's within our control and letting go of external factors, we can find inner peace and resilience in today's unpredictable world.

    • Practicing Stoicism with FriendsJoining an online Stoicism community and engaging in the practice with friends can deepen connections and help respond better to adversity.

      Joining an online stoicism community and engaging in the practice with friends can lead to deeper connections and a greater ability to support each other through adversity. Stoicism, an ancient philosophy, emphasizes achieving tranquility or ataraxia, a calm and relaxed state of mind, which can help individuals respond better to adversity and maintain emotional balance. This philosophy encourages preferred indifference towards external factors, focusing instead on inner peace and calmness. By practicing stoicism together, individuals can create a positive impact on their own lives and those around them, fostering a sense of peace and reducing the likelihood of negative emotions spilling over to others.

    • Embrace Indifference for Inner PeaceFocus on what's within control and let go of attachment to outcomes beyond reach for emotional stability

      Accepting preferred indifference towards things outside of our control, such as events, success, or possessions, can help minimize suffering and emotional turmoil. This concept, rooted in Stoicism, encourages focusing on what we can control and letting go of the attachment to outcomes beyond our reach. By doing so, we can reduce the impact of highs and lows on our emotional wellbeing and maintain calmness in a chaotic world. The preference for wealth, health, and reputation, while desirable, should be met with indifference as they are ultimately beyond our control. Embracing this philosophy can lead to a more peaceful and resilient mindset.

    • Finding peace through equanimityEquanimity allows for a more balanced emotional state, missing out on intense highs and lows but finding joy in simpler things. Ignore excessive praise and criticism for a balanced view of self and work.

      According to the speaker, achieving a state of equanimity or stoicism means missing out on the intense highs and lows of life, but also finding joy in simpler things and having a more balanced perspective. The speaker acknowledges the potential limitation of this approach, but believes it allows for a more peaceful and stable emotional state. Additionally, the speaker suggests that this philosophy can be applied to external validation, encouraging a rejection of both excessive praise and criticism to maintain a balanced view of oneself and one's work. The speaker, who is a journalist and podcaster, shares that they have had to learn to ignore online comments due to the intensity of feedback and the potential for self-consciousness.

    • Embrace Stoicism: Focus on what's within your controlPractice Stoicism by focusing on virtues like courage, wisdom, temperance, and justice, accepting adversity with courage, and habituating to small hardships to appreciate life's pleasures

      As creators or performers, we have control over our reactions and actions towards our work and how we treat others, but not over people's reactions or the outcome of our work. The ancient philosophy of Stoicism emphasizes the importance of living virtuously, focusing on the aspects within our control, such as courage, wisdom, temperance, and justice. By embodying these virtues, we can face adversity with courage and practice moderation in various aspects of life, including overindulgence or addiction. Seneca, a prominent Stoic philosopher, even advocated for the benefits of habituating to small hardships, like fasting, to appreciate the value of food when we do indulge. Ultimately, the Stoic perspective encourages us to focus on what we can control and accept the uncontrollable aspects of life with indifference.

    • Practicing Negative Visualization for Resilience and TranquilityImagine worst-case scenarios to appreciate present, engage fully with loved ones, and cultivate resilience and tranquility

      The Stoic philosophers believed in preparing for adversity by practicing negative visualization – imagining the worst-case scenarios. This practice was meant to help individuals appreciate the present moment and fully engage with their loved ones and experiences, as life is short and unpredictable. By acknowledging the possibility of loss, Stoics aimed to cultivate a sense of resilience and tranquility (ataraxia) when misfortune struck. This practice is different from manifestation and should not be taken to an extreme, but rather used as a tool to enhance presence and savor life's moments.

    • Reflecting on mortality enriches relationshipsRecognizing our mortality can help us cherish time with loved ones, cope with loss, and live more meaningfully.

      Acknowledging the finite nature of our relationships and the inevitability of death can make the time we spend with loved ones richer and more present. This perspective, rooted in stoicism, can help us cope with loss and reduce feelings of guilt. However, it's important to remember that everyone's experience with grief is unique, and some may find stoic approaches inhospitable. The universal truth of our mortality calls for us to examine how we live our lives and honor the time we have. Stoicism, Buddhism, and other philosophies all offer insights into this human quest. Time, our most valuable resource, should be used to enrich our lives and relationships rather than solely for earning money. Systems like capitalism can make this challenging, but addressing these issues is crucial for living well.

    • Controlling Emotions with Stoic PhilosophyStoicism teaches us to control emotions by changing our thoughts and focusing on the present moment, helping us find contentment in a materialistic society.

      The Stoic philosophy, which emphasizes controlling emotions by changing how we think about the world, can be a valuable tool for managing desires and finding contentment in today's materialistic society. The Stoics, who lived over 1,000 years ago, believed that emotions are a product of our thoughts and that we can control some emotions, such as anger and desire, to a certain extent. However, they may not have fully understood the complexities of human emotions and patterns that run through families. While it's debatable how effective this philosophy is in practice, especially when it comes to desires that are influenced by external factors, it can help us adopt a preferred indifference and focus on the present moment rather than constantly chasing after the next desire. In a world where social media and consumerism encourage us to desire more, practicing stoicism can be a way to counteract these influences and find happiness in the here and now.

    • Desires and Consumer Habits vs. Personal Growth and StoicismStoicism, an ancient philosophy, offers practical tools for dealing with modern challenges, promoting personal growth and character development through consistent practice and reflection, while contrasting our detrimental desires and consumer habits.

      Our desires and consumer habits, fueled by social media, can have detrimental effects on both our personal finances and the environment. Meanwhile, practices like journaling and gratitude, inspired by ancient stoic philosophers, can help us focus on personal growth and character development. Stoicism, as a philosophy, provides a clear framework for navigating various aspects of life, from relationships to nature, and requires consistent practice and reflection. The uncertain and chaotic times we live in today make the principles of stoicism even more valuable, as they offer a reliable set of tools for dealing with stress, anger, and other emotional challenges.

    • Exploring the timeless wisdom of StoicismThe Stoic philosophy, with its focus on gratitude, indifference, and inner calm, offers valuable insights for living well in modern times. Personal experiences of implementing these principles can lead to self-discovery, personal growth, and improved well-being.

      The ancient philosophies of the Stoics, with their emphasis on gratitude, preferred indifference, and inner calm, offer valuable insights for living well in the modern world. The speakers expressed their gratitude for the Stoic teachings and shared their personal experiences of implementing these principles in their own lives. They emphasized the importance of nourishing ourselves on all levels, especially in midlife, and highlighted the ongoing journey of self-discovery and personal growth. The conversation also touched upon the parallels between the Stoic philosophy and the experiences of individuals like Sarah Wilson, who have sought wisdom from deep thinkers and philosophers throughout history. Overall, the discussion underscored the enduring relevance of the Stoic teachings and their potential to enrich and improve our lives in the present day.

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    “Sean’s beautiful, thoughtful writing reminds you what’s important and calls your attention to a perspective that lifts your spirit each day. Highly recommended.” – Derek Sivers, author, sive.rs

    “In Masterpiece in Progress, Sean DeLaney invites us to become the architects of our own lives. Reading it is like undergoing a transformation, and it offers sustainable inspiration. Sean’s words resonate deeply, urging one to craft a life that is your masterpiece.” – Dr. Tara Swart, neuroscientist, Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan and author of bestseller The Source.

    “Sean masterfully weaves personal stories, evidenced back solutions, and practical application so well that you’re sure to get better if you put in the work to implement all that he’s teaching you. Read this book and then take action. You’ll be better for it.” – Ryan Hawk, Host of The Learning Leader Show, Author of Welcome to Management and The Pursuit of Excellence

    “Sean DeLaney’s Masterpiece in Progress is a playbook for life. Dive in, train hard, and see results.” – Monica Seles, former World No. 1 Tennis Player and Nine-Time Grand Slam Champion