
    Podcast Summary

    • Discover valuable resources for businesses and home projects with Squarespace and FergusonSquarespace offers businesses effective analytics tools for growth through Insights, while Ferguson assists homeowners and professionals with product selection, order facilitation, and delivery coordination.

      Both Squarespace and Ferguson offer valuable resources for businesses and home projects, respectively. Squarespace provides business owners with effective analytics tools to help grow their companies through Insights, while Ferguson offers expertise and assistance in product selection, order facilitation, and delivery coordination for home builders, remodelers, designers, and homeowners. For businesses using Squarespace, Insights can be utilized to analyze site visits, sales, and effective marketing channels, enabling businesses to improve their websites and marketing strategies based on popular keywords and products. To try it out, visit squarespace.com/stuff for a free trial and use the offer code STUFF to save 10% on your first purchase. At Ferguson, their team of experts ensures a successful project, from start to finish, for homeowners and professionals working on new homes or remodels. Their extensive knowledge of bath, kitchen, and lighting products, among others, makes them an invaluable resource for product selection and coordination. To get started, visit Ferguson.com/build. Whether you're running a business or working on a home project, both Squarespace and Ferguson offer essential tools and expertise to help ensure success.

    • Unexpected encounters and career stressDespite personal challenges and lack of experience, one can persevere and discover new passions, like Cryer's successful acting career and the speaker's fascination with x-ray history.

      Even during challenging times, there's a chance for survival and potential success. This was evident during the Charlie Sheen meltdown when the speaker unexpectedly encountered John Cryer at a McDonald's, who seemed stressed about his career. However, Cryer went on to have a long and successful acting career. Another topic discussed was the speaker's lack of experience with broken bones and x-rays, leading to a conversation about the invention and discovery of x-rays. The speaker had only encountered x-rays for dental purposes and was intrigued by the history behind them. Despite the monotone explanation from a source they found, the speaker remained engaged and expressed a desire for more information. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of perseverance and the fascination of learning new things.

    • Röntgen's Discovery of X-rays in 1895Röntgen discovered X-rays in 1895 while testing cathode rays, leading to the first medical imaging technology. Despite no profit or patent, X-rays revolutionized medicine with numerous life-saving applications.

      Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen's discovery of X-rays in 1895 revolutionized medicine with its immediate practical application. While testing cathode rays, Röntgen noticed fluorescence from a screen even with a barrier meant to block light. He discovered that various objects, including bones, produced this fluorescence when placed between the tube and the screen. Excited by this discovery, Röntgen quickly recognized the potential of X-rays for medical imaging. He named them "x-rays" as a placeholder, assuming future scientists would name them properly. X-rays were not patented by Röntgen, and he made no profit from them. Tragically, his wife later developed hand cancer from exposure to X-rays. X-rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, falling between gamma rays and ultraviolet rays. Their discovery and use marked a significant milestone in medical history, leading to numerous life-saving applications.

    • Photons and Atoms: Interaction of Light and MatterPhotons, particles of light, interact with atoms by transferring energy when their energy matches the difference between atomic orbitals. If the energy is less, no interaction occurs, and if it's more, excess energy is wasted.

      All forms of electromagnetic radiation, including x-rays and radio waves, are made up of photons, which are particles of light. The energy of a photon is determined by the frequency or wavelength of the radiation, and this energy can be absorbed by atoms, causing electrons to jump to higher energy levels. The energy of the photon must match the energy difference between the two atomic orbitals for the absorption to occur. If the energy of the photon is less than the required energy difference, it cannot transfer its energy to the atom. If it is more, the excess energy is not utilized and the photon passes through the atom unaffected. This interaction between photons and atoms explains how different forms of electromagnetic radiation interact with matter.

    • Photons and Atoms: Energy Determines InteractionLower energy photons pass through matter, higher energy ones interact and reveal structures, while Zigazoo offers a safe platform for kids' interactions, and Squarespace's Fluid Engine simplifies website creation and management.

      The energy of a photon determines its ability to interact with atoms. Lower energy photons, like radio waves, cannot move electrons between atomic orbitals and pass through matter. Higher energy photons, such as X-rays, have the power to penetrate through substances and are particularly effective in revealing dense structures like bones due to their ability to be absorbed by larger, denser atoms. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the benefits of using the social media platform Zigazoo for safe and fun interactions among kids. Zigazoo offers a moderated environment where children can upload content, engage with friends, and explore trends without the presence of bots, trolls, or artificial intelligence. Lastly, the conversation highlighted the capabilities of Squarespace's Fluid Engine, a next-generation website design system that makes it easy for users to create and customize websites, sell merchandise, and manage content from a single asset library.

    • Selective absorption or transmission of materials for image creationCave painting and x-ray imaging use the selective absorption or transmission of materials to create images, with cave painting using pigment and cave walls, and x-ray imaging using radiation and bone density.

      Both cave painting and x-ray imaging involve the use of various materials to create an image. In the case of cave painting, a stencil is made by applying pigment to the hand and pressing it against the cave wall, leaving an outline. The hand absorbs the pigment, while the pigment that passes through creates the image. With x-rays, denser bones absorb the radiation, while softer tissue allows the radiation to pass through, creating a negative image of the bones on a plate. Both processes rely on the selective absorption or transmission of materials to produce an image. Additionally, x-ray machines use lead to shield the area not being imaged from radiation, while focusing the radiation into a narrow beam to create the image. This historical cave painting technique shares a fundamental principle with modern x-ray technology.

    • How X-rays are produced by human-made machinesX-rays are produced by human-made machines using vacuum tubes, where electrons collide with a tungsten anode to create x-rays, and can also cause a chain reaction of electron emission.

      X-rays are not naturally occurring phenomena from outer space, but rather are produced by human-made machines using a process involving an electrode pair in a vacuum tube. The tube, which allows electrons to travel at the speed of light, heats up a filament (cathode) to emit electrons, which then collide with a tungsten anode, creating x-rays through a chain reaction. The process is surprisingly old-school, with some machines still being handcrafted, and the best results coming from vacuum tubes, despite the availability of solid-state alternatives. Additionally, x-rays can cause other electrons to be knocked off atoms, leading to a self-propagating chain reaction. A photon, a particle of light, can also influence an atom by altering its orbit, leading to the emission of an electron and the creation of more x-rays.

    • X-rays produced by ejected electrons from atomsX-rays reveal internal body structures through ejected electrons, managed heat, recorded by camera, advanced tech offers more detailed images, contrast media enhances visualization.

      X-rays are produced when an electron is ejected from an atom after absorbing energy from a high-energy photon. This process can generate a significant amount of heat, which is managed by rotating the anode and using a cool oil bath. The resulting pattern of light is recorded by a camera on the other side of the patient, producing a negative image. Advanced technologies like CT scans and fluoroscopy offer more detailed images by taking x-rays in slices or creating moving images, respectively. For better visualization of certain areas, contrast media is used to enhance the radiological density of the tissue being examined. Overall, X-ray technology plays a crucial role in medical diagnosis by providing valuable insights into the internal structures of the body.

    • Safe alternatives for kids: X-rays vs Social MediaWhile x-rays have risks but are essential in many medical situations, social media platforms like Zigazoo offer a safer alternative for kids with moderated content and parental consent.

      While standard radiography, such as taking X-rays of the skull or lungs, is a common medical procedure, it involves the use of radiation. This ionizing radiation can cause cellular damage or mutation, leading to cancer. However, the risks are generally outweighed by the benefits when the procedure is necessary and done in moderation. Regarding social media use for kids, a platform like Zigazoo stands out as a safe alternative. Zigazoo is a social network specifically designed for kids, with moderated videos, no comments or messaging, and parental consent required for joining. This prioritizes data safety and provides a space for kids to share their creations with others. It's important to remember that while x-rays have risks, they are essential in many medical situations. Similarly, while social media can have potential dangers, platforms like Zigazoo offer a safer alternative for kids. Always consult with medical professionals for any concerns regarding x-rays, and ensure your kids use age-appropriate and safe online platforms.

    • Understanding Radiation ExposureMinimize radiation exposure during medical procedures, as excessive exposure can lead to health issues, but necessary for diagnosis and monitoring healing processes.

      While we are exposed to radiation naturally and through medical procedures like x-rays, excessive exposure can lead to health issues such as cancer, birth defects, and cellular death. It's important for medical professionals to use the minimum amount of radiation necessary for diagnostic purposes. For example, a dental panorama exposes a person to only 0.01 millisieverts, while a full CT scan can expose them to up to 10 millisieverts, which is equivalent to two to three years' worth of natural radiation exposure. Overexposure can be problematic, but x-rays are still essential for injury diagnosis, disease confirmation, and monitoring healing processes.

    • Weighing the Risks and Benefits of X-raysDespite potential health risks, X-rays remain safer than alternatives and offer numerous applications. Consider alternatives, but overall benefits outweigh risks. Poppy recommends Neurotrophic Stimulation Therapy for trauma and PTSD.

      While X-rays are known to have potential health risks, they are still considered safer than the alternatives they replaced, such as exploratory surgery. X-rays have various applications beyond medical use, including in the food industry, archaeology, and space exploration. It's important to consider alternatives to X-rays when possible, but overall, their benefits outweigh the risks. Additionally, a listener named Poppy recommended Neurotrophic Stimulation Therapy (NTSD) as an alternative approach for treating trauma and PTSD. This therapy uses ear acupuncture and electro-acupuncture to promote neuroplasticity in the brain and help it heal itself. Poppy, a registered acupuncturist in Vancouver with specialized training in trauma and addictions, has had success using this method for several years.

    • A new approach to treating PTSD using transcranial-electromagnetic stimulation (tCS)TCS is a non-invasive therapy that promotes neuroplasticity and enhances the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapies for PTSD. A program called Lastdoor Recovery Society uses tCS to help veterans in Canada and the US.

      Transcranial-electromagnetic stimulation (tCS) is a promising new approach to treating PTSD. This non-invasive therapy, which involves applying electrical currents to the scalp, promotes neuroplasticity and makes cognitive behavioral therapies more effective. Poppy, a PTSD treatment advocate, shared his experience using tCS in a program called Lastdoor Recovery Society, which aims to help veterans in Canada and the US. The results of this program could be further validated with scientific measurements using a brain scanner. Another interesting topic discussed was Zigazoo, a social network for kids where they can post and share moderated videos without the risk of social trolling. Parents can have peace of mind knowing their children's online interactions are safe and positive. Lastly, Easter is coming up, and CVS is offering free in-store pickup for all your Easter shopping needs. From toys and decorations to pre-filled eggs, you can get everything you need for a brilliant basket and happier hunts. For more information on these topics and thousands more, visit HowStuffWorks.com. To connect with us, follow us on Twitter @SYSKpodcast, join us on Facebook.com/StuffYouShouldKnow, or send us an email to stuffpodcast.howstuffworks.com. And don't forget to check out our website stuffyoushouldknow.com for more great content.

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