
    Humanistic Psychology in the myth of King Midas

    enDecember 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Unpredictability of AnimalsGenerous gestures towards animals may not always result in desired outcomes and it's important to consider potential consequences on neighbors and peace.

      Attempting to gain popularity or respect through generous gestures may not always go as planned. The speaker in this podcast episode tried to give his stray cat, Napper Tandy, a Christmas feast of chicken breasts to attract other stray cats and potentially gain respect from them. However, things took a chaotic turn when the cats couldn't decide who should eat the chicken breasts first, leading to a noisy and disruptive scene. The episode highlights the unpredictability of animals and the challenges of trying to control their behavior. It also shows the importance of considering the potential consequences of our actions, especially when they involve neighbors and their peace. Ultimately, the speaker learned that gaining respect and popularity is not always within our control and that sometimes, the best we can do is provide for those around us and let things unfold naturally.

    • The human desire for more and the myth of King MidasConstantly striving to portray a fake or exaggerated reality on social media can be detrimental to mental health. Finding meaning and contentment in being authentic is more valuable.

      The human desire for more, whether it's wealth, status, or possessions, can sometimes lead us to fake or exaggerate our reality. This is evident in the ancient Greek myth of King Midas, who longed for the riches of wealthier kings and was willing to go to great lengths to obtain them. King Midas can be seen as a metaphor for micro influencers today, who strive to portray a lifestyle on social media that is not reflective of their actual reality. This constant need to manufacture and portray a level of success, wealth, and leisure can be detrimental to one's mental health. The chaos and embarrassment of a chaotic Christmas Eve led the speaker to reflect on this myth and its relevance to the human condition. It serves as a reminder that finding meaning and contentment in being our authentic selves is more valuable than trying to keep up with the Joneses or the influencers.

    • Desire to emulate success can be motivational but becomes unhealthy with resentment and jealousyAcknowledge and appreciate others' success, learn from them, and maintain a productive mindset to grow alongside them.

      Both mythological and historical figures, like King Midas, felt the pressure to display wealth and success, even if they didn't truly possess it. This desire to emulate the achievements of others can be motivational and aspirational, but it becomes unhealthy when it leads to resentment and jealousy. It's essential to acknowledge and appreciate the success of others, rather than focusing on tearing them down or feeling angry or bitter. This mindset not only benefits our mental well-being but also allows us to learn from and grow alongside successful individuals. Additionally, as artists or influencers, it's crucial to eradicate any begrudgery or resentment towards others' success to maintain a creative and productive mindset. Failure is inevitable, but it's essential to view it as a necessary part of the process and not a reason for self-destructive thoughts or actions.

    • Appreciate and be inspired by others' successTrue wealth lies in love, joy, and gratitude, not material possessions. Be kind and hospitable to others, regardless of their circumstances.

      Instead of resenting others for their success, we should learn to appreciate and be inspired by it. King Midas, despite his wealth, valued his garden and his relationship with his daughter above all. When an unexpected guest appeared in his garden, Midas showed kindness and hospitality, even though the guest consumed his resources excessively. This story teaches us that true wealth lies not in material possessions, but in our ability to give and receive love, and to find joy in the present moment. Instead of focusing on what we don't have, we should focus on what we do have and be grateful for it. Additionally, the story illustrates the importance of hospitality and treating guests with kindness and generosity, regardless of their circumstances.

    • Unexpected blessings from acts of kindnessSmall acts of kindness can have profound impacts and lead to unexpected blessings, but be thoughtful in your desires

      Kindness and generosity can lead to unexpected blessings. In the story, King Midas, who initially found Salinas as an old and smelly stranger, showed him kindness and hospitality for 10 days. This act of kindness led to an unexpected encounter with the Greek god Dionysus, who was impressed by Midas' generosity and granted him a wish. However, Midas' wish for everything he touched to turn to gold ultimately brought him more trouble than joy, highlighting the importance of being thoughtful and considerate in our desires. The story serves as a reminder that small acts of kindness can have profound impacts and lead to unexpected blessings.

    • The Burden of Unchecked GreedGreed can lead to wealth but also to immense suffering and loss. Being kind and compassionate is a worthy pursuit.

      Unchecked greed can lead to great wealth but also to immense suffering and loss. In the story of King Midas, every touch of his turned things to gold, but when he realized he couldn't eat or even touch his loved ones without turning them into gold, he was left with an unbearable burden. Even with infinite wealth, he was miserable and longed for simple pleasures like smelling roses with his daughter. The god Dionysus appeared in his dream to remind him that being kind and compassionate was a worthy pursuit, and that Midas's downfall was a result of his own greed and jealousy.

    • The Myth of King Midas: Cherishing What Truly MattersThe fixation on external ideals and material possessions can lead to a loss of authentic self and happiness. Embrace and value your true self for a more meaningful life.

      The myth of King Midas serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of cherishing what truly matters in life. Midas' obsession with gold led him to lose sight of his daughter and authentic self, but upon regaining his former state, he realized that his garden and daughter were his true riches. This myth echoes the principles of humanistic psychology, which emphasizes the significance of our real, authentic selves and the potential harm of fixating on external ideals. Influencers on social media often peddle an ideal self, promising followers that acquiring certain products or lifestyles will lead to happiness. However, this pursuit can lead to negative emotions like jealousy, resentment, and anger. By recognizing and valuing our authentic selves, we can live more meaningful and enjoyable lives.

    • The constant chase for external validation and material wealth can lead to unhappinessTrue happiness comes from within, focusing on authentic self and simple joys can bring meaning and fulfillment

      The pursuit of an idealized self, driven by external achievements, can lead to feelings of anxiety, sadness, and anger. This constant comparison to others and the belief that happiness can be found through material wealth or external validation creates an unattainable and never-ending chase. The story of King Midas serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us that true happiness and worth come from within, and that the present moment and the ability to love and be loved are the most essential needs. By focusing on our authentic selves and embracing the simple joys of life, we can find meaning and fulfillment, rather than chasing after an unattainable ideal.

    • Embrace your authentic self for true wealth and happinessPrioritize self-acceptance to find meaning and happiness, despite societal pressures and external validation.

      True wealth and happiness come from accepting and embracing one's authentic self, rather than chasing external validation or societal expectations. King Midas, in the myth, was so focused on accumulating wealth and being a powerful king that he overlooked the joy and love in his own life. However, it's essential to understand that our worth is intrinsic and unchanging, and we don't need external validation to be happy or meaningful. We all have unique passions and desires that make us who we are, and it's crucial to prioritize them in our lives. It takes effort to challenge societal messages that tell us our worth comes from external sources, such as possessions, appearance, or external validation. But by practicing self-acceptance and self-compassion, we can learn to value and appreciate our authentic selves. It's essential to acknowledge that jealousy, resentment, and insecurity are natural feelings, but we have the power to challenge them through evidence of our achievements and the understanding that everyone has inherent worth. The journey to living authentically and finding meaning in our lives begins with self-acceptance.

    • Authenticity and HappinessTrue happiness comes from being true to ourselves and connecting with others on a deeper level, rather than seeking external validation.

      Our sense of worth and happiness often stems from external validation, but true happiness comes from being authentic to ourselves and connecting with others on a deeper level. The speaker shares how meeting Johnny Marr, a musical hero, did not bring him the deep happiness he expected, but rather left him feeling empty. Instead, a genuine conversation with Johnny about their shared love for art and music brought him true joy. The story of King Midas illustrates this idea, as the king's authenticity and generosity towards a stranger brought him happiness, not his golden touch. The speaker encourages examining our ideal selves and questioning where we derive our sense of self-worth, and striving to live authentically in the present moment.

    • Finding Happiness Through Authenticity and Personal GrowthYour worth isn't defined by external accomplishments or validation. Focus on personal growth and passion for true happiness.

      Our self-worth should not be defined by external accomplishments or validation, no matter how significant they may seem. The speaker in this podcast reflects on his experience of having the Irish President on his podcast, which he had imagined would bring him eternal happiness, but instead realized that his worth comes from being true to himself, enjoying the present moment, and creating authentic work. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on personal growth and passion, rather than external success or popularity, in order to find true happiness. Additionally, the speaker encourages listeners to support him through Patreon to enable him to continue creating and living authentically as his full-time job.

    • Speaker announces tour dates and Mother's Day promotionThe speaker is going on a tour in April and encourages listeners to celebrate Mother's Day by giving back to their moms through 1-800-Flowers, where they can save up to 40% on Mother's Day bestsellers.

      The speaker is going on a tour in April with stops in Newcastle, Glasgow, Nottingham, Cardiff, Brighton, Cambridge, Bristol, and London. He recorded this podcast unexpectedly and made a mistake with the Ocarina Pause. Before signing off, he encouraged listeners to celebrate Mother's Day by giving back to their moms through 1-800-Flowers, where they can save up to 40% on Mother's Day bestsellers. The speaker will be back with a new podcast next week. In the meantime, he encouraged listeners to show appreciation to their mothers and signed off with some unusual phrases.

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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as to who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Josh Sorenson on Pexels.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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        and this is their vindication from me,”
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