
    Hundreds of Young Trans People Want to Transition Back to Original Sex

    enOctober 08, 2019

    About this Episode

    Hundreds of young trans people are looking for help to return to their original sex. I realize that most people probably hear that and say well that’s not really news we know that’s been happening. I think it’s important to pay attention to this particular story. I think that it points to some of the issues that are happening in the LGBTQIAP community as a whole.

    “I think some of the common characteristics are that they tend to be around their mid-20s, they’re mostly female and mostly same-sex attracted, and often autistic as well.”

    Charlie Evans

    This story is from Sky News. There’s a woman who transitioned to a man at the age of 28 and her name is Charlie Evans. She identified as a male for about ten years before deciding that she wanted to detransition. Detransitioning is when a transgender person changes back to their original sex. If that sounds like a difficult process it’s because it most certainly is. The topic itself is also highly controversial.

    Sky News Story: Charlie Evans, 28, was born female but identified as male for nearly 10 years before detransitioning.

    The number of young people seeking gender transition is at an all-time high but we hear very little, if anything, about those who may come to regret their decision.

    There is currently no data to reflect the number who may be unhappy in their new gender or who may opt to detransition to their biological sex.
    Charlie detransitioned and went public with her story last year – and said she was stunned by the number of people she discovered in a similar position.

    “I’m in communication with 19 and 20-year-olds who have had full gender reassignment surgery who wish they hadn’t, and their dysphoria hasn’t been relieved, they don’t feel better for it,” she says.
    “They don’t know what their options are now.”

    The left portrays itself as this great ally of LGBTQIAP and trans culture. They want to encourage children and everyone else for that matter but the second someone has some regrets the left is nowhere to be found.

    The explosion in people claiming to be transgender will almost certainly lead to more stories like this. The tragic aspect of this is so many will never be able to reverse the damage caused by this decision. Also, children will be left filled with resentment after overzealous parents blocked their puberty and pumped them full of hormones. All of this for a lie.

    Read the full story: https://fortysixnews.com/2019/10/08/hundreds-of-young-trans-people-want-to-transition-back-to-original-sex/

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