
    ‘I haven’t been flirted with for 20 years’ Abbeys Shocking Revelations

    enApril 30, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Considering significant choices in life: Engagement rings, high-quality items, and everyday actionsMake thoughtful choices for significant moments in life, customize engagement rings online, invest in high-quality items for long-term satisfaction, and prioritize everyday actions for overall well-being. Use promo codes to save.

      For significant moments in life, such as proposing or improving one's lifestyle, it's essential to make thoughtful and considered choices. For instance, when selecting an engagement ring, consider the unique options available at websites like blue Nile, where you can customize your diamond and setting. Meanwhile, investing in high-quality items, like Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets, can lead to long-term satisfaction. Additionally, remember that small everyday actions, like working out or enjoying a night out, can contribute to overall well-being. Use promo codes like "listen" at blue Nile and "buttery" at Boll and Branch to save on your purchases. Lastly, don't hesitate to take charge and make improvements, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

    • Balancing Indulgences and Fitness GoalsEven small indulgences can hinder fitness goals, but everyone deserves a break. Focus on balance, enjoy life, and have a support system.

      Even small indulgences, like an extra drink or two, can lead to unhealthy food choices and hinder efforts towards fitness goals. However, it's important to remember that everyone deserves a good time and a break from the routine. The speaker mentions her desire to look like Love Island contestants, indicating a focus on appearance, but also acknowledges the importance of enjoying life and having a great night. Another key point is the importance of having a support system, as the speaker mentions her best friend Chloe and their collaborative work. Lastly, the speaker expresses admiration for individuals who have led impressive lives and treated everyone with respect, regardless of their circumstances. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of balance and appreciating the little things in life, while also striving for personal growth and self-improvement.

    • From Negative to Positive: A Mindset ShiftFocusing on positivity and gratitude can help manage stress and improve mood. Turn negative thoughts into positive ones and find joy in work and life's little pleasures.

      Shifting your mindset towards positivity and gratitude can significantly improve your mood and reduce stress. The discussion revolves around a podcast collaborator, Moe, who shared this practice with Pete. Moe suggested turning negative thoughts into positive ones and focusing on the good aspects of life when faced with stressors. Pete shared an example of a chaotic morning and how he applied this technique, leading to a more positive outlook. He acknowledged that this practice takes effort but believes it's worth it, as it makes him a happier person. Additionally, they touched upon the importance of finding joy in work and enjoying the little things in life. The conversation also included light-hearted moments, such as their shared love for Humantra Electrolytes and their frustration with Instagram not having an undo button. Overall, the key takeaway is the power of positive thinking and gratitude in managing stress and improving overall well-being.

    • Unintended consequences of social media and homework challenges for parentsSocial media can lead to embarrassing moments, while technology advances can make homework more complex for parents, but it's crucial to adapt and learn from mistakes

      Social media can lead to unintended consequences, such as accidentally liking old photos and potentially embarrassing situations. This can cause feelings of self-pity and regret. Additionally, the evolution of technology and teaching methods can create challenges for parents in helping their children with homework. Despite these challenges, it's important to keep trying and adapt to new methods, even if it means feeling out of your depth at times. Overall, it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and it's how we handle them that matters most.

    • The complexities of everyday life and finding joySmall moments of joy can be found in everyday tasks, but they can also be challenging. AI can help make tasks more manageable, and conversations with strangers can lead to unexpected connections.

      The simple pleasures in life, like a calm dinner at home with the kids and a good meal, can bring great joy, despite the challenges and monotony of everyday tasks. The use of AI for help with homework can make these tasks more manageable and efficient. Small talk and conversations with strangers can be awkward and draining, but they can also provide unexpected connections and opportunities for empathy and understanding. The line between gossip and sharing secrets can be blurry, but it's important to respect people's privacy and trust. Overall, the conversation touched on the complexities of everyday life, the importance of connection, and the value of finding joy in the mundane.

    • Understanding Complex Concepts Despite LimitationsDespite our limitations, we strive to understand complex concepts like AI, acknowledging forgetfulness and the need for ongoing learning and adaptation in a rapidly changing world.

      While some people may view gossiping as a female trait, the discussion around artificial intelligence (AI) revealed that we are all trying to understand complex concepts, like AI, despite not fully grasping them. The speaker acknowledged their forgetfulness when it comes to sharing information, comparing it to a comedian's anecdote about forgetting names. The group also discussed the limitations of AI, such as elevators not having buttons and traffic lights adapting to heavy traffic. The conversation then shifted to the potential future implications of AI, with Moe Gaudet predicting that by 2045, AI would be a billion times more intelligent than humans. This raises questions about the potential consequences of such advanced intelligence and our ability to adapt and coexist with it. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of acknowledging our limitations and the need for ongoing learning and adaptation in a rapidly changing world.

    • The importance of human connection in a technological worldWhile technology offers convenience, it's essential to remember the value of human connection and social interactions in everyday life, even as technology advances.

      While advancements in technology like AI and self-checkout systems can offer convenience, they also have potential downsides such as job displacement and malfunctions. Human interaction and social connections are valuable aspects of everyday life that technology may not be able to replace. For instance, older individuals may struggle to adapt to new technologies, and simple interactions like chatting with cashiers at stores provide social benefits. Despite the inconvenience and frustration that malfunctioning technology can cause, it's important to remember that human connection and social interactions are essential parts of being human.

    • Importance of clear communication during uncertaintyClear communication and understanding are vital during stressful situations at airports. Biases and discrimination in AI systems also need to be addressed for fairness and equality.

      Airports can be stressful and chaotic places, with long lines, strict security protocols, and unexpected delays. During one particular experience, a person was separated from a loved one and placed in a holding pen, causing anxiety and fear. This incident highlights the importance of clear communication and understanding during times of uncertainty. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the issue of bias and discrimination in AI systems, which can learn from biased data and lead to discriminatory outcomes. This can be seen in various areas such as hiring practices, loan approvals, and criminal justice. The prevalence of negativity online can also contribute to this bias, as negative information may be more readily available and influential. It's crucial to be aware of these issues and strive for fairness and equality in all systems and processes.

    • AI's unequal distribution could widen the socioeconomic gapAI's potential benefits are significant but its unequal distribution could widen the socioeconomic gap, making it difficult for those without access to benefit, and addressing its affordability is crucial.

      While AI has the potential to bring significant benefits, particularly in areas like medical research and healthcare, its unequal distribution could widen the socioeconomic gap. AI, which is seen more as a search tool than a full-blown robot, is already being used by some privileged individuals for their advantage, leaving those without access to such technologies behind. The cost of AI is currently high, and many people don't even have basic computing devices, making it difficult for them to benefit from AI. The misconception that AI is a full-blown robot taking over jobs might prevent people from understanding its true potential and the challenges it poses. AI's impact on education is another concern, as some students might use it to cheat, further widening the gap between those who have and those who don't. Overall, it's crucial to acknowledge the potential benefits of AI while addressing the challenges of its unequal distribution and affordability.

    • The Impact of AI on Human IntelligenceAI has the potential to enhance human intelligence, but also raises questions about the future of human jobs and deeper connections.

      The use of AI and technology, while it has its benefits such as education and medical research, also raises questions about the future of human intelligence and the potential for humans to become obsolete. The speaker expresses a confidence in his own intelligence but acknowledges the value of research and rephrasing information for essays. He also discusses the potential for AI to write in one's tone and even create content for one's fantasies. However, he also emphasizes the importance of human touch and deeper connections. The conversation also touches on the idea of AI taking over human jobs, such as writing and even going to the moon. Overall, the discussion highlights the potential and limitations of AI and the ongoing debate about its impact on human society.

    • Balancing the Benefits and Challenges of Artificial RealitiesAs technology advances, we must consider both the benefits and challenges of immersive artificial realities, including potential isolation, loss of authentic experiences, and privacy concerns. Experts in AI should ensure ethical and responsible use.

      As technology advances, we may create increasingly immersive artificial realities that offer escapes from our less-than-ideal realities. However, these advancements come with their own set of challenges, such as potential isolation, loss of authentic experiences, and privacy concerns. It's important to consider both the benefits and drawbacks of these technologies and strive for balance. Additionally, it's crucial for experts in AI to address these issues and ensure that these technologies are used ethically and responsibly. Ultimately, the goal should be to enhance our lives, not replace them with perfect but empty simulations.

    • Personal experiences with fertility struggles and seeking helpSeek a diagnosis early, stay positive, and consider private channels for faster results when dealing with fertility issues. Set clear boundaries and possibly involve HR if needed in uncomfortable situations.

      Fertility struggles are more common than people realize, and it's important to seek help if you're having trouble conceiving. The speakers shared their personal experiences and emphasized the importance of getting a diagnosis as early as possible, even if it means going through private channels due to longer wait times with the NHS. They also advised against panicking and stressed the importance of staying positive. In another situation, a listener named Laura was dealing with a coworker's husband who was being flirtatious, and she didn't know how to handle it without causing trouble. The speakers suggested setting clear boundaries and possibly involving HR if necessary. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of addressing uncomfortable situations and seeking help when needed.

    • Respecting Boundaries in FriendshipsHonesty and respect are crucial in friendships, including not flirting with significant others and acknowledging the importance of actions outside of relationships.

      Friends should maintain respectful boundaries in their relationships. Flirting with each other's significant others can lead to hurt feelings and damage trust. The speaker in the conversation acknowledges the complexity of the situation, as telling a friend about their spouse's infidelity can be difficult, but ultimately believes that honesty and respect are essential. The speaker also notes that there seems to be a double standard when it comes to flirting, with men often being more openly flirtatious than women. The conversation also touches on the idea that people's actions when they're not with their partners can be just as important as their actions when they are. Ultimately, the speaker advises that if someone is consistently disrespecting their partner's feelings, it may be time to reconsider the relationship.

    • Disrespectful actions harm relationshipsDisrespectful actions, like not coming home without notice, can negatively impact relationships and should be avoided.

      Disrespectful actions, such as not coming home without notice, can significantly harm relationships, regardless of the absence of infidelity. This behavior was described as rude, disrespectful, and not kind. The speaker emphasized that respect is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. The discussion also touched upon the use of AI in football, specifically in the context of VAR, and the potential for human error and bias. The speaker questioned the necessity of having human referees monitor VAR and expressed skepticism about the fairness of the system. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of respect and fairness in various aspects of life.

    • The constancy of VAR in football and health insuranceVAR is here to stay in football, and having health insurance is crucial for everyone's well-being. UnitedHealthcare offers flexible TriTerm Medical Plans, and Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets promise a better sleep experience.

      Despite the ongoing debate about VAR in football, the speakers are in favor of it. Moving on, another topic that won't change in the next three years is the importance of having health insurance. UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical Plans offer flexible and budget-friendly coverage for those in between jobs or who missed open enrollment. These plans last nearly three years in some states and provide access to a nationwide network of doctors and hospitals. In the realm of comfort, Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets are known to get softer with every wash, ensuring a great night's sleep that only gets better over time. So, whether it's the future of football or the comfort of your bed, these two things remain constant. For more information on UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical Plans, visit uhone.com. To try out Boll and Branch's soft sheets, use the code "buttery" for a 15% discount at checkout, but remember that some exclusions may apply.

    Recent Episodes from The Therapy Crouch

    Parking Disasters, Crouchy’s Crack-in Time and Father’s Day Festivities!

    Parking Disasters, Crouchy’s Crack-in Time and Father’s Day Festivities!

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch Abbey and Peter are catching up on what has been a busy week in the Crouch household. 

    Peter talks about his recent father’s day festivities which saw Abbey create his own walk in wardrobe…..in the world’s hottest annex!

    Abbey has also been busy, taking the kids down to Global’s Summertime Ball and she has also been working on her golf game after feeling left out of Peter’s fun away days. 

    We also hear from our fed up listeners who have been getting their weekly whines off their chest regarding disastrous drivers, weird night time routines and Agony Ab is on hand to help you handle heartbreak!

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJuly 02, 2024

    Britain’s Next Top Model, Toilet Training Terrors and Poignant Words - Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Britain’s Next Top Model, Toilet Training Terrors and Poignant Words - Therapy Crouch #AMA

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch #AMA Abbey and Peter have more than a few words of wisdom for our listeners this week as they sit down and answer some of your guys’ burning questions that have come up over the past week. 

    One listener question sparks Abbey to revisit her glory days on the set of Britain’s Next Top Model both as a contestant and as a judge, whilst we also get a glimpse into Abbey and Peter’s ideal career paths for their 4 children. 

    We also discuss how the dictionary could make some lovely light reading before bed, and Abbey and Pete give their say on the best city in the UK!

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch #AMA 

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 27, 2024

    The Sidwell’s: Steve and Krysy Sidwell on Marriage, Teenage Tear-Ups and Book Club Blunders

    The Sidwell’s: Steve and Krysy Sidwell on Marriage, Teenage Tear-Ups and Book Club Blunders

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch, Abbey and Peter are joined by some of their oldest and closest friends - Steve and Krysy Sidwell. 

    In a friendship spanning two decades which has seen the couples share career paths, holidays and some outrageous nights out, this podcast is full of laughs and a behind the curtain, sneak peak into what it’s like being best friends with your favourite pair of podcasters! 

    Steve and Krysy discuss what they think has made their 20 year marriage stay rock solid after all these years and how they are navigating having three teenage boys who have developed of penchant for knocking seven bells of sh*t out of each other on a regular basis. 

    In the Agony Ab section, we hear from a listener who has some concerns about his wife’s recent fashion choices as well what to do in the awkward situation when someone likes you more than you like them - so stay tuned for that!! 

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch!

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 25, 2024

    Bonk Beats, Argentine Tangos and GUEST APPEARANCES! Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Bonk Beats, Argentine Tangos and GUEST APPEARANCES! Therapy Crouch #AMA

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch #AMA Abbey and Pete are back in the driving seat answering all your serious-ish questions that you are dying to know the answer to. 

    After Abbey’s recent Veto on our ‘would you rather’ questions, the gang have decided to dig a little bit deeper and are looking at some more thought provoking topics. 

    We discuss if couples dance classes are ever a good idea, how to stop you kids getting spoilt and what to do when your boyfriend just cant seem to get his priorities straight…

    We also have a lovely guest appearance from Abbey and Peter’s FAVOURITE people on the planet so if you are a fan of the pod you won’t want to miss this!

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch #AMA 

    If you want your question read out on the pod, hit the link below


    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 20, 2024

    LA DOLCE VITA: Abbey and Pete’s Sicily Shenanigans

    LA DOLCE VITA: Abbey and Pete’s Sicily Shenanigans

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch, your favourite couple are back fresh off the heels of a romantic getaway in Sicily. 

    In classic Crouch fashion, worries about the weather, stylish cardigans and a cameo appearance from airport ab all made an appearance on this romantic getaway!

    But it’s not all doom and gloom, Abbey and Peter also found time to reconnect by having a joint listen to their latest audio book whilst out and about and child free - what a pair of crazy cats!

    We also get your guys’ opinions on who was truly to blame for iPad-gate and we also hear from a listener whose in-laws eating habits are forcing her to reevaluate her whole relationship..

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch!

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 18, 2024

    Therapy Crouch Jingles, Holiday Advice, Favourite Music Genres & More: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Therapy Crouch Jingles, Holiday Advice, Favourite Music Genres & More: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Therapy Crouch fans, join us back on the sofa for another exciting, tantalising, provocative, thought provoking & mind expanding AMA with the nation’s favourite twosome!

    After we put out the call asking for some jingles, we play two of our favourites so far, Abbey & Pete discuss which genre they’d choose if they could only listen to one for the rest of their lives, they give some holiday advice & why Pete gets 99% off sunglasses…

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch #AMA !!!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 13, 2024

    Peter’s New Stylist, Ghosting Horror Stories and NAKED Attraction! The Therapy Crouch

    Peter’s New Stylist, Ghosting Horror Stories and NAKED Attraction! The Therapy Crouch

    On today’s episode of The Therapy Crouch, Abbey and Peter are filling us in on what has been a very busy week for the pair! Peter attended his first ever life drawing class that has given him a new lease of life, whilst Abbey has been on the hunt for gardening inspiration at the Chelsea Flower Show, all right for some!

    Abbey and Pete give their thoughts on why men run for the hills once they take a relationship to the next level and we also hear from a husband who is fed up of men taking a lot of heat on the pod and wants to set the record straight. 

    In the Agony Abs, we hear from a listener whose friends constant complaining is leaving her feeling down in the dumps about her own body image as well as from a listener who made the age old mistake of asking his new girlfriend about the dreaded body count

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 11, 2024

    Brits Abroad, 5 A Side Dream Team & Peter’s Real Depths: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Brits Abroad, 5 A Side Dream Team & Peter’s Real Depths: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Therapy Crouch fans! Come back to the sofa with us as this week our tremendous twosome are tackling some of the more important questions we’ve received…

    Satisfying Abbey’s search for deeper questions, the two discuss what Ronaldo, Ashley Cole & Alisson Becker have in common, their top tips for making the most of this summer’s travelling, how they explain fame & being asked to take pictures to the kids & most importantly just how deep Peter can go…

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch #AMA !!!

    To contact us:

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/

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    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 06, 2024

    Summer Loving: (Tent) Erection Disasters, Backstreet Boys and Wardrobe MUST haves!

    Summer Loving: (Tent) Erection Disasters, Backstreet Boys and Wardrobe MUST haves!

    In this lively episode of The Therapy Crouch, hosts Abbey and Peter Crouch continue to take advantage of the gorgeous recent weather and keep the conversations outdoors!

    Today we are getting you in the mood for your upcoming hot girl/boy summer and are giving some of their top tips on how to make the most of it!

    From their struggles with camping and tent erections to their favourite summer tunes and holiday plans we have got you covered to turn this summer up to 11. Abbey is also embracing her fashion icon status and giving you all some style tips for how to turn heads in the coming months!

    In the Agony Abs, we hear from a 20 something singleton who is struggling to get their foot on the dating ladder and the pair have some hilariously blunt advice for someone whose ‘treat them mean keep them keen’ tactics is starting to wear thin. 

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch!

    00:00 - Introduction

    04:42 - Sweat, Botox, and Erection Issues

    09:31 - Ticket Touting 

    23:03 - Lonely Hearts Club

    28:55 - Treat Them Mean Keep Them Keen

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enJune 04, 2024

    Sexy Waiters, Open Relationships and Outrageous Meal Deals: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    Sexy Waiters, Open Relationships and Outrageous Meal Deals: The Therapy Crouch #AMA

    You know what time of week it is! Abbey and Pete are making the most of the recent heatwave and are coming live and direct from the garden, bloody Marys in hand and BBQ on the go, summer is almost upon us!!

    After some questionable low brow questions last week, Abbey and Peter are trying to bring the podcast out of disrepute and are answering harder hitting questions such as ‘what is your favourite meal deal’ and ‘have you ever considered an open relationship’ - Question Time got nothing on us!

    Joking aside, Abbey and Pete discuss their bucket list dreams, cosmetic questions and who dropped the L bomb first!

    00:00 Cosmetic Questions

    03:03 Open Relationships

    17:27 Meal Deal Madness

    21:36 That’s All Folks!

    Enjoy this week’s, Therapy Crouch #AMA !!!

    If you want to submit your questions to The Therapy Crouch then hit the link below! 


    Want to take it one step further and get your voice on the pod? Follow the link below!


    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Therapy Crouch
    enMay 30, 2024

    Related Episodes

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    Life's Changes and Challenges

    Phil and Crystal start the podcast by catching up after being away for a few weeks. They acknowledge going through some recent challenges and changes in life, both personally and in the world more broadly.

    The conversation covers staying positive and resilient even when things get difficult. Phil and Crys emphasize the importance of finding purpose, taking time for self-reflection, learning new skills, and adapting to change.

    They discuss how rapid change can happen, using the example of horses being replaced by cars within 20 years. New technologies inevitably bring change, whether you like it or not. But change can ultimately be for the better.

    Phil and Crys share thoughts on AI and its potential impacts. While some view AI skeptically, they believe it will mostly create new opportunities. Big corporations are investing in AI research and tools. As individuals, we may benefit from free AI resources incorporated into programs by companies like Google and Microsoft.

    Shifting topics, Phil and Crys touch on the role of money and corporate power structures. They joke about enjoying "government rants" but not wanting to affect money flows. Crys notes how figures like Elon Musk pretend to be anti-AI for government approval.

    The conversation covers loopholes used by corporations and wealthy figures like Trump. Even when people seem negatively affected, they find legal workarounds. Phil and Crys express a mix of frustration and grudging respect for how far loopholes can be pushed.

    Crys discusses her own career path, going into higher education with the goal of helping people. She ended up getting counseling and divinity degrees. Her journey shows how we may start out uncertain of our exact direction. What matters is following our interests and passions.

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    They touch on societal expectations and fantasies. People can drain energy while being unaware due to self-absorption. Toxic relationships or family patterns can be accepted out of habit. But we need to reflect carefully on what no longer serves us.

    Overall, Phil and Crys encourage listeners to stay aware, keep growing, focus on purpose and positive impact, and remain resilient through life's ups and downs. With intentionality, we can navigate challenges and changes. The podcast covers many themes relevant to maintaining a positive mindset and being true to oneself.

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    Enjoying TheX? Did we get it wrong? Check us out on YouTube and let us know what you think in the comments! https://www.youtube.com/@thexpodcast

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