
    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of perspective in our happiness and satisfaction with lifeFocus on living by our principles and making a positive impact, rather than complaining and lacking perspective. Recognize the immense progress and opportunities available to us for a more optimistic and fulfilling outlook.

      Perspective plays a significant role in our happiness and satisfaction with life. Gary Vaynerchuk, during his conversation with Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory, shared his belief that people have become too focused on complaining and lacking perspective, especially in the context of the enormous prosperity and advancements in the US and the world. He emphasized that it's an exciting time to be alive, with the Internet maturing and enabling new ways of connecting and sharing information. Instead of complaining, we should focus on living by the principles we believe in and making a positive impact on the world. The ease and convenience of modern life, such as unlimited Uber rides for teenagers, can lead to a lack of perspective and an overemphasis on minor inconveniences. By recognizing the immense progress and opportunities available to us, we can cultivate a more optimistic and fulfilling outlook on life.

    • Staying Ahead of the Curve: Identifying Emerging TrendsStay informed about cultural shifts, be open to new technologies, and conduct research to identify emerging trends. Timing and practicality are key.

      The internet and technology are transforming the way we connect and interact, and those who can identify and capitalize on emerging trends early have the potential for significant success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying attuned to cultural shifts and being open to new technologies, even if they seem unconventional or non-mainstream. He also stresses the significance of timing and being practical in one's approach. The speaker's method for identifying trends involves a combination of observing everyday life, engaging in conversations, and conducting research. He cautions against giving advice that relies on intuition or unique talents that can't be easily replicated. Overall, the speaker's perspective is optimistic, viewing the current technological landscape as an exciting and rapidly evolving space.

    • Identifying trends and capitalizing on themSuccess often requires early identification of trends and consistent hard work to capitalize on them. Work ethic is a learned behavior that can be controlled and is essential for success.

      Being successful often involves identifying trends early and putting in the hard work to capitalize on them. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his experiences with social media platforms like Socialcam and Vine, and how his early involvement and advocacy led to the rise of influencer marketing, now a billion-dollar industry. He emphasizes that while intuition plays a role, hard work is a learned behavior that can be controlled and is essential for success. He believes that work ethic is something that can be taught and emphasizes the importance of accountability and commitment to achieving goals, even if they don't come naturally.

    • Actions Matter More Than WordsBe true to yourself, align words and actions, prioritize values, and lead by example. Instill kindness, perspective, and authenticity in children and consider the impact of choices on the environment.

      Actions speak louder than words. It's easy to talk about our goals and aspirations, but it's crucial to put in the work and effort to achieve them. The speaker shares his observations of friends, some content with their lower-paying jobs but happy with their work-life balance, while others are wealthy but still complain about not having enough time for their families. He emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and not just appearing successful on the surface. The speaker also highlights the need to instill values such as kindness, perspective, and authenticity in our children, and to avoid hypocrisy in our actions. He encourages us to consider the impact of our choices on the environment and to strive for consistency in our values and actions. In essence, it's essential to align our words and actions and lead by example.

    • Embracing Contradictions and AuthenticityAllow yourself to be true to your complex character, even if it means revealing flaws and imperfections. Embrace contradictions and encourage self-acceptance.

      It's essential to embrace contradictions and allow ourselves to be authentic, even if it means revealing our flaws and imperfections. The speaker, in this case, shared his competitive nature and his conflicting feelings about wanting his kids to succeed but not wanting to be outshined by them. He acknowledged this as a flaw but also emphasized the importance of being true to oneself and encouraging self-acceptance. Additionally, the speaker's vulnerability and willingness to share his emotions, such as his attachment to memories with his father, added depth to his persona and showed that even the most seemingly inconsistent aspects of our character can reveal our true selves. Ultimately, the speaker's message encourages us to embrace our complexities and recognize that our strengths and weaknesses are interconnected, allowing us to be more authentic and compassionate with ourselves and others.

    • Embracing self-love and belief for growthEmotionally stable, buy into others, positive perspective, selfless actions, own outcomes, human resilience, stay true to self, positive mindset

      Self-love and belief in oneself are crucial for personal growth and success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being emotionally stable, buying into others before they buy into you, and maintaining a positive perspective. He also shares the idea that our actions and responses should come from a place of selflessness and ownership, rather than dwelling on external factors or blame. The speaker's admiration for human resilience and his belief in taking full responsibility for outcomes are also notable themes. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and maintaining a positive mindset, even in the face of challenges.

    • A mother's strategic use of praise and accountabilityMaking a big deal out of small acts of kindness and holding accountable for mistakes reinforces empathy and hard work, shaping self-esteem and resilience.

      Our experiences, both positive and negative, shape us into who we become. Gary Vaynerchuk, a successful entrepreneur and businessman, shared how his mother's strategic use of praise and accountability played a significant role in building his self-esteem and emotional intelligence. By making a big deal out of small acts of kindness and holding him accountable for his mistakes, she reinforced the importance of empathy and hard work. This approach helped Gary develop a strong sense of self and resilience, which he credits for his success in business and life. Ultimately, our experiences, whether good or bad, can provide valuable lessons and help us grow.

    • Valuing intangible qualities for personal growth and relationshipsPrioritize kindness, leadership, and employee happiness for personal development and building strong relationships. Create a positive work environment to prevent the 'grass is greener' syndrome.

      Focusing on intangible qualities like kindness, leadership, and employee happiness is just as important as academic achievements for children's development. The speaker shares her personal experience of being valued for these traits and observing their importance in a workplace culture. She also emphasizes the significance of creating a positive work environment where employees feel appreciated and enjoy what they do, to prevent the "grass is greener" syndrome. The appointment of a "Chief Heart Officer" in her company is an example of prioritizing these values. Modern parents, according to the speaker, often overlook these traits and instead focus on academic achievements due to insecurity and the desire for external validation. However, it's crucial to remember that these intangible qualities are essential for personal growth and building strong relationships.

    • The power of selfless actions driven by karmaSelfless actions towards others can lead to positive outcomes, such as hiring talented individuals and creating a harmonious work environment.

      Doing good for others can lead to positive outcomes, both for the giver and the receiver. This concept, known as karma, is a simple yet powerful idea that can guide our actions in both personal and professional relationships. In the discussed scenario, the speaker went above and beyond to help his ex-girlfriend by creating a new role for her in his company, not just as a head of HR but as a Chief Emotion Officer. This unconventional move not only benefited his ex-girlfriend but also brought positive changes to the company. The speaker's selfless actions, driven by the belief in karma, led to the hiring of talented individuals and a more harmonious work environment. This example highlights the importance of putting others' needs before our own and trusting that good things will come our way in return.

    • Identifying and seizing unconventional opportunitiesEntrepreneurs see opportunities differently and act on them before they become mainstream, setting them apart from traditional business leaders.

      Being an entrepreneur involves seeing opportunities from an oblique angle and having the belief and courage to rally a team behind your vision, even when it seems unconventional or unlikely to others. The entrepreneur's role is not to be reckless, but to identify and capitalize on trends and shifts in the market before they become mainstream. This requires a unique perspective and a willingness to take calculated risks. The ability to see the world differently and act on it is what sets entrepreneurs apart from traditional business leaders. As the speaker shared, he saw the potential in the shift towards streaming services and influencer marketing years before they became mainstream, and he acted on it. Entrepreneurship is not about being a commodity or following the crowd, but about identifying and seizing opportunities that others may overlook. You can find the speaker online at [insert link here].

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's Aspiration: To Inspire Kindness in BusinessGary Vaynerchuk, also known as GaryVee, aspires to inspire young entrepreneurs to build successful companies while treating employees well and promoting kindness in the business world.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as GaryVee, is most active on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook under the handle @garyvee. He aspires to leave a positive legacy by inspiring young people to build successful companies while treating employees well. Contrary to the popular narrative of successful business leaders being mean, Gary aims to "trick" the business world into becoming kinder. He wants to become a "rock star" and a symbol of positivity and good in the business world, inspiring others to follow suit. Despite facing challenges and adversities, Gary intends to maintain a positive outlook and use his influence to promote kindness and success.

    Recent Episodes from The GaryVee Audio Experience

    Tips For Being A Better Entrepreneur

    Tips For Being A Better Entrepreneur

    On today's episode of the podcast Im sharing an episode of Tea with GaryVee That took place 2 years ago, but the advice is still strong. I answer questions ranging from balancing professional life with family, The power of LinkedIn, and much more! I hope you all enjoy this one!

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    The Most Important Question In Business

    The Most Important Question In Business

    Here’s the problem most people run into when they create content online: They think they have to have something to say. So many of you aren’t putting out content online because you think you need to have the perfect message, or something “valuable” to share (based on your own arbitrary opinion). And what I’m telling you is, you will get more business if you put out literally anything. If you’re an auto dealer, you could put out a 5 min video every afternoon just recapping what happened in your day. If you’re a real estate agent, you could post updates on what your opinions are about the Super Bowl teams. Get on social media and tell your truth … it’s really that simple.

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    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

    On today's episode of the podcast Im sharing something special. With VeeCon coming up I thought I would be appropriate to share the opening Keynote from VeeCon 2023 with all of you. I sit down with my dad and brother and we chat about what we've learned from each other and we tell some fun stories as well. I hope you all enjoy this one, and be sure to get your tickets to VeeCon 2024 in LA. I will see you there!

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    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

    Today's podcast is a throwback fireside talk I gave to the VaynerMedia summer residents. They asked me questions that ranged from personal to business-related. I opened up about what I consider to be my most vulnerable moment and shed some light on the early years of VaynerMedia. Additionally, we discussed the pitfalls of monetizing a brand too early and explored ways to deal with imposter syndrome. This episode is packed with valuable advice for individuals at the early stages of their careers and even those who are already established but seeking clarity. I hope you enjoy it :)

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    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

    Today's podcast is an interview I did with Cody Combs on The National in Abu Dhabi. I share my thoughts on the TikTokification of social media explaining why everyone has higher chances now to go viral, the reason most people struggle to grow on social media, and much more. Hope you enjoy!

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    The Key To Descision Making As A CEO

    The Key To Descision Making As A CEO

    In today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, I am sharing an episode from last year with Nilay Patel, Editor-in-chief of the Verge. We talk about following human attention, how I make decisions, and many other topics. This is a very well-rounded episode that dives deeper than just business. it's about real life and how I handle mine. I hope you all enjoy it!

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    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

    In this business consulting session, Gary meets with a group of business owners and takes questions around decision making, organic reach, how to hire people and plenty of others. Gary gives a great explanation at the beginning of how he values the speed of making decisions over how accurate the decisions are and towards the end he shares what he believes is one of the biggest vulnerabilities to every business. Be sure to check the comments for the timestamps of all the interesting moments... Enjoy!

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    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

    The Single Most Important Asset To Achieve Anything In Life l The Mo Show

    Today's Episode of the Garyvee audio experience is a recent interview I did with Mo Islam on his show The Mo Show during my last visit to Saudi Arabia. We talk about a bunch of very important topics including accountability as a key to happiness and success, the importance of being patient while still being ambitious, the TikTokification of social media, and much more. Would love to hear your thoughts on this one in the comments! Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 2:04 Gary's thoughts on Saudi Arabia 4:09 The power of strong parenting 7:49 Accountability vs beating yourself up 11:34 Optimism vs cynicism 14:42 Empathy is a superpower 18:40 Patience vs complacency 20:48 The correlation between hard work and mental health 23:30 How to have a positive impact on the world 25:29 The TikTokification of social media 27:46 The democratization of attention 29:23 Kids and screens 32:18 Is the education system flawed? 33:42 Adversity is the foundation of success 40:20 Rapid fire with GaryVee

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    5 Core Pieces of Value to Get You to Succeed

    5 Core Pieces of Value to Get You to Succeed

    There are so many people racing to earn more money than they can even spend even if they have to sacrifice their happiness and livelihood to do so. The really disturbing part about this is that most of these people only want the money so they can be flashy and show off their overly expensive cars (that they don't even want) and other dumb things to other people. Happiness needs to be the Northstar that we strive towards. If we aren't aiming to be happy, then is it really worth having more money than you can spend and more cars than you can drive? —

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    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought!

    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com

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    An ALL TIME Interview on Tom Bilyeu's Impact Theory | #TBT

    An ALL TIME Interview on Tom Bilyeu's Impact Theory | #TBT

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    Check out Impact Theory right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lITalyctN4

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    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

    Checkout my new co-hosted podcast with DraftKing’s founder--Matt Kalish on all things sports, business, and alternative investing: https://linktr.ee/propsanddropspod

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    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

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