
    ‘I Thought I Was Going to Die’: A Capitol Police Officer Recounts Jan. 6

    enMarch 10, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • A Capitol Police Officer's Personal Account of the January 6th InsurrectionDespite the Capitol Police's major failures in preparation and conduct during the January 6th insurrection, one officer shares his unique perspective on the events as a rank-and-file member.

      Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn, in an exclusive interview, shares his personal experience during the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol. Raised in Maryland and drawn to the Capitol Police by its benefits, Dunn was awed by the historic significance of the Capitol, especially as a black man considering its history. However, on January 6th, despite leadership awareness of potential violence, Dunn expected a normal day of protests. But when the crowd turned violent, he realized the danger and took a position on the west side of the Capitol. Despite the major failures in the Capitol Police's preparation and conduct exposed in recent congressional hearings, Dunn's story provides a unique perspective on the events of that day from the perspective of a rank-and-file officer.

    • Officer Dunn's precarious position during the Capitol riotsAmidst chaos and danger, officers worked together to restore order during the Capitol riots, putting their lives on the line for the democratic process

      During the Capitol riots, Officer Dunn was in a precarious position with a clear view of the large, armed crowd below him. He was a target and had to leave his position to help fellow officers who had been attacked. The situation grew chaotic as breaches happened on the east side of the Capitol, and officers responded in teams to assist those in need inside the building. The scene inside was chaotic with calls for help, gas attacks, and shots fired. Despite the surreal and unsettling experience, officers had to restore order in the sacred democratic space.

    • Officers faced a tough decision during Capitol riotsDespite chaos and fear, officers chose not to use excessive force during Capitol riots, understanding the complexities and consequences of using deadly force.

      During the Capitol riots, the officers present were faced with an overwhelming number of rioters and had to make a decision on whether to use force. Despite the pressure and fear, they chose not to shoot unless absolutely necessary. The speakers emphasized that there were no clear instructions given about the use of force, and they could only discuss their personal experiences. The situation was chaotic and dangerous, with rioters showing extreme intent and stubbornness. The officers were terrified but understood that they couldn't use force against everyone. The decision to use deadly force is a complex one, and fear for one's life is not an adequate reason alone.

    • Officer Warren's Isolation Amidst the Capitol RiotsDuring chaotic situations, survival is the priority, with a focus on ensuring safety for oneself and others, regardless of personal circumstances or logistical challenges.

      During the Capitol riots, Officer Warren felt extremely outnumbered and outmatched, with a sense of isolation amidst the chaos. He recounted the viral image of Officer Eugene Goodman bravely facing off against a large mob, and shared his own experience of comforting a colleague amidst the mayhem. When asked about the availability of backup, Officer Warren couldn't definitively answer due to the noise and confusion, but emphasized the importance of survival in the moment. He didn't have time to consider logistical solutions or worry about his identity as a black man amidst the racist rhetoric of the crowd. Instead, his focus was on ensuring the safety of himself and his fellow officers.

    • The emotional toll of racial discrimination and microaggressionsRacial discrimination and microaggressions can leave individuals feeling exhausted and numb, with long-term impacts including anger and fatigue.

      Racial discrimination and microaggressions can occur in various forms and can be experienced collectively, leaving individuals feeling exhausted and numb. The story shared highlights an instance where a person of color was called a racial slur in a group setting, but due to exhaustion and the overwhelming situation, the impact of the slur did not fully register at the moment. The incident serves as a reminder of the pervasive nature of racism and the emotional toll it can take on individuals. The shared experience resonated deeply with another black coworker, leading them to question, "Is this America?" The story also underscores the bravery and resilience of those who stand up for justice, even in the face of adversity. The long-term impact of such experiences can leave individuals feeling angry and tired, with the weight of the events taking time to fully process.

    • Employees found solace in informal conversations in the aftermath of the Capitol eventsDespite the traumatic events of January 6th, employees found comfort in each other and informal conversations, while formal counseling and support groups were available within a week.

      The aftermath of the traumatic events of January 6th at the Capitol was not as straightforward as one might assume. Instead of formal meetings or counseling sessions, employees leaned on each other for support, having informal conversations that served as therapy in the immediate aftermath. While counselors and support groups were available within a week, the initial days were marked by a sense of unity and mutual understanding as everyone processed their own traumatic experiences. Despite tensions and investigations into officers' actions, there was a shared sense of resilience and determination to move forward. I had the opportunity to speak with a colleague who knew Officer Brian Sicknick, one of the officers killed in the line of duty, and we shared a cordial friendship despite our different shifts. The events of that day left a deep impact on all those present, shaping their responses and interactions in the days that followed.

    • January 6th Capitol attack's impact on officers' mental healthOfficers affected by the January 6th Capitol attack emphasized the importance of seeking therapy and talking about feelings, acknowledging the complexity and uniqueness of each person's emotional experience.

      The January 6th Capitol attack was a traumatic experience for all involved, and it's essential to acknowledge and address the mental health consequences. The officer being interviewed shared his experience of working alongside colleagues who were deeply affected, with two tragically taking their own lives. He emphasized the importance of seeking therapy and encouraged everyone to talk about their feelings, despite any stigma that may exist. He also acknowledged the complexity and uniqueness of each person's experience, making it almost impossible to fully understand another's emotions. The officer expressed gratitude for the opportunity to discuss his experiences and encouraged open dialogue about mental health.

    • Capitol security recommendations and labor rights expansionThe Capitol task force suggests hiring 800 new officers, constructing mobile fencing, and changing procedures for quicker National Guard backup. Simultaneously, the House passed a labor rights expansion bill, but its progress in the Senate is uncertain due to Republican opposition.

      The Capitol security review task force, appointed by Congress, has proposed significant enhancements to secure the Capitol complex. These recommendations include hiring over 800 new officers, constructing mobile fencing, and changing procedures to allow for quicker backup from National Guard. Meanwhile, in labor news, the House of Representatives passed a bill expanding workers' rights, but its advancement in the Senate faces opposition due to unanimous Republican opposition. This labor rights expansion is the most significant since the New Deal and includes greater union protections and increased government powers to penalize companies violating workers' rights.

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    . Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.