
    Iain Stirling: Celeb Chataguest

    enNovember 08, 2023
    What is the main topic of Amanda Geraldine's memoir?
    How did the group feel about the memoir's authenticity?
    What challenges did the group face while working from home?
    What are comedians suggested to do for engaging audiences?
    How has fitness helped Joel achieve opportunities in his career?

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the authenticity and quality of a memoir named 'Life and Career' by Amanda GeraldineDespite doubts about a memoir's authenticity and quality, the group remained engaged in their discussion, shifting topics to their podcast setup and challenges of working from home.

      During a conversation, the topic of a memoir named "Life and Career" by Amanda Geraldine came up. The discussion revolved around its unusual length, price, and potential AI generation. The group was unsure about its authenticity and quality. One member, Ian, was believed to have a copy. The conversation then shifted to their work setup, specifically a podcast studio, and the challenges of working from home. Despite the distractions, they continued their discussion, debating the lighting setup for their BBC podcast. The conversation ended with the group trying to figure out the best lighting for their podcast setup. Overall, the conversation showcased the group's casual yet engaging banter and their dedication to their work.

    • The Impact of Small Habits on FinancesSmall daily expenses, like burritos or Uber rides, can add up and significantly impact finances over time. Be mindful of habits and consider the long-term impact of daily choices.

      People's habits and routines, even seemingly small ones like ordering food, can add up and have a significant impact on their finances. In the conversation, one person expressed surprise at a friend's regular daytime burrito orders, which they saw as expensive and potentially unhealthy. The friend defended their habit, noting that it had become a routine and didn't feel like a large expense in the moment. They also compared it to other everyday expenses, like Uber rides or meals out, which can add up over time. The conversation also touched on the idea that certain purchases, like a burrito or a taxi ride, can feel different from spending money on groceries or cooking at home. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of being mindful of our spending habits and considering the long-term impact of our daily choices.

    • Unusual food experiences and discomfortThe speaker shares humorous stories about the discomfort caused by specific food items and the embarrassment of a doctor's appointment, while acknowledging the privilege and ease of their job despite challenges.

      The speaker reminisces about unusual experiences involving specific food items – a burrito and a Cornish pasty from a French delicatessen – and the discomfort they can cause, particularly when suffering from hemorrhoids. The speaker also shares a humorous anecdote about an embarrassing doctor's appointment. Additionally, the conversation touches upon the speaker's experiences working on Love Island and the long hours spent in the recording studio. The speaker expresses a sense of privilege and ease in doing the job, despite the challenges. The conversation also includes a brief mention of the speaker's weight loss journey and subsequent weight gain.

    • Discussing weight, fitness, and body image strugglesThe conversation touched on the challenges and insecurities of weight gain, aging, and body image, with members sharing their own experiences and concerns.

      The conversation between Ian and the group revolved around weight, fitness, and body image. Ian mentioned that he had gained 6 kilograms in two months and was unsure of how much that equated to in stones. The group helped him with the conversion and discussed their own fitness journeys and body concerns. Ian shared that he had once been in great shape but was now concerned about the difficulty of getting back in shape as he aged. The conversation also touched on body shapes and ideal physiques, with some members joking about being "ripped" and others expressing dissatisfaction with their own bodies. The group reminisced about a time when they had to film a scene where one member had to be topless, which had led to a lot of teasing and pressure about getting in shape. The conversation ended with a mention of an award that one of the group members had won, but the details were not shared. Overall, the conversation highlighted the common struggles and insecurities related to weight, fitness, and body image.

    • Privacy, Diversity, and Balancing Acts in ComedyThe interviewee discusses their concerns over sharing personal information due to potential misuse, the importance of diversity in comedy, and the challenges of balancing personal and professional commitments during their comedy career.

      The interviewee, who has a public profile and has experienced media attention in the past, has become wary of sharing personal information, especially about their family, due to potential misuse or exploitation. They also mention their past experiences with comedy competitions during their university days, where they felt the quality of performances varied greatly, and they believe they got selected for a competition due to their Scottish accent as a form of diversity. The interviewee shares that they had to balance their studies with working and performing comedy, eventually leading to a career in kids' TV before graduating. Overall, the conversation touches upon the importance of privacy, the diversity in comedy, and the challenges of balancing personal and professional commitments.

    • Encounters with shoplifters and unusual customers in a clothes shopWorking in a clothes shop involves dealing with shoplifters using creative methods and assisting unusual customers, adding variety to the monotonous tasks.

      Working in a retail environment, specifically in a clothes shop, can involve dealing with various challenges and interesting characters. A notable experience shared was about a notorious shoplifter, known to the security guards, who would steal clothes using a Tesco bag lined with tin foil to avoid triggering the alarm. This anecdote highlights the cat-and-mouse game that can occur between shop staff and shoplifters. Additionally, it was mentioned that stores place desirable items at the front to attract customers, and employees are expected to greet every customer that enters. Another shared experience involved a strange incident in the changing rooms with a man and a bargain bucket of thongs. Overall, working in a clothes shop can be slow and monotonous, but also comes with unexpected events and interesting encounters.

    • Effective communication in everyday situationsClear and positive communication can lead to enjoyable experiences and stronger connections, even in mundane situations.

      Effective communication and engagement, even in seemingly mundane situations, can lead to enjoyable experiences and stronger connections. This was evident in the discussion about a security job at a clove shop and a game called "Two Word Story." The security guard at the clove shop was tasked with creating a friendly atmosphere while maintaining security. Despite his reluctance, he understood the importance of his role and engaged with customers, creating a welcoming environment. This demonstrates the power of clear and positive communication in everyday situations. The game "Two Word Story" was another example of effective communication. The objective was for two people to count to three and then say two words, with the challenge being to find a word that connects the two words. This simple game required focus, creativity, and collaboration, leading to a fun and engaging experience. Both examples highlight the importance of clear and engaging communication in creating positive experiences and strengthening relationships. Whether it's in a professional setting or a casual game, effective communication is key to making meaningful connections.

    • Sharing memories of denied opportunities and staying true to oneselfPassion for activities, overcoming obstacles, and authenticity are key to success and well-being.

      The speakers in this discussion have a shared enthusiasm for games and reminiscing about their past experiences. They recall memories of being denied the opportunity to play certain games or activities, leading to frustration and a desire to play. The conversation also touches upon the idea of being "in demand" in the entertainment industry and the importance of staying in shape for productivity and overall well-being. The speakers express their admiration for individuals who have achieved success while maintaining a positive and authentic persona. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of having a passion for activities, the desire to overcome obstacles, and the value of staying true to oneself.

    • Staying Fit and Open to OpportunitiesPrioritizing fitness and a positive attitude can lead to opportunities and help individuals navigate through challenges in their personal and professional lives. Being adaptable and open to new experiences is also crucial.

      Maintaining a good fitness level and positive attitude can help individuals navigate through opportunities and challenges in their personal and professional lives. This was a recurring theme in the conversation between the speakers. They discussed how their friend Joel, who prioritizes fitness, has been able to capitalize on opportunities that came his way, such as having his sitcom picked up by a channel. However, they also acknowledged that things can move quickly and not always go as planned, and it's essential to be adaptable and open to new experiences. Additionally, they touched upon the importance of having a strong fan base or following, which can provide opportunities and open doors. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying fit, both physically and mentally, and being open to new opportunities.

    • The importance of collaboration and trusting experts in creative fieldsCollaborating with experienced individuals and trusting their expertise can lead to better understanding, effective feedback, and a more polished final product in creative fields.

      Trusting and collaborating with experts and experienced individuals can significantly improve the quality of your work, especially in creative fields. This can lead to better understanding of the craft, effective feedback, and a more polished final product. The speaker shares his experience in the television industry, emphasizing the importance of having a script supervisor and producer for a successful production. He also mentions his own writing process, which involves pacing around and brainstorming ideas with a partner, and how performing in front of an audience helps him create. However, he admits that even with his stand-up comedy, he still uses a laptop to type out his jokes to ensure he doesn't miss any potential improvements. Overall, the value of collaboration and trusting the expertise of others cannot be overstated in the creative process.

    • Exploring unexpected humor from a word gameEmbrace the unexpected and stay engaged to discover new comedy angles. Writing things down can help, but don't discount the value of spontaneity and improvisation.

      Creativity and humor can emerge from unexpected places, even during a seemingly unrelated conversation. In this discussion, the group engaged in a playful word game, which led to the discovery of a potential comedy angle around the word "conkers." Joe, who was initially just goofing around, came up with the idea of misinterpreting the word as "conquers" and "concord," leading to a humorous misunderstanding. The group found the process intriguing and decided to explore it further, with David improvising off their ideas. The conversation also touched on the benefits and drawbacks of writing things down versus relying on memory and spontaneity. While some argued that writing things down can help ensure that ideas are not forgotten, others believed that the pressure of performing on stage can lead to more authentic and unfiltered humor. Ultimately, the group recognized the value of embracing the unexpected and being open to new ideas, even if they initially seem silly or unrelated to the original topic. By staying engaged and building on each other's ideas, they were able to discover a potential comedy angle that they might not have otherwise considered.

    • Childhood experiences and cultural context shape our perception of the pastOur past beliefs and perceptions can be influenced by personal experiences and cultural context, and it's important to understand these factors to gain a more accurate understanding of history.

      Our perception of the past can be significantly influenced by our personal experiences and the cultural context of the time. The speaker shared a story from his childhood about his father's urine and how it was a source of fear for him due to its color and lack of hygiene practices. He also mentioned how Sunny D, a drink that was once associated with yellowing skin due to a news story, was still being sold despite this misconception. However, the speaker realized that his generation grew up without the awareness of the importance of hydration and water consumption, which could explain why his father never carried a water bottle. He then pivoted to talk about Sunny D and its failed recovery from the yellow girl gate scandal. The conversation also touched on how our trust in news and information has evolved over time, with the speaker expressing surprise that a news story from the past could still be perceived as a myth in the present day. The conversation ended with some light-hearted moments, including a discussion about the weight of a burrito and the speaker's family matters. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding the cultural context of the past and how it shapes our perceptions and beliefs. It also touched on the topic of trust in news and information and how it has evolved over time.

    • The Power of a Unique VoiceHaving a distinct voice can bring attention and make one stand out, but it can also be a challenge to remain inconspicuous.

      The speaker has a distinct and recognizable voice that carries well, and he often finds himself in situations where he stands out, whether it's ordering food or being in a crowded place. He values his unique voice and the attention it brings him, but sometimes finds it a challenge, especially when he wants to remain inconspicuous. The speaker also mentioned his preference for making his own burritos instead of ordering them, and his experience of being recognized in a kebab shop due to his voice. Overall, the speaker's distinct voice and the attention it brings him are significant aspects of his identity.

    • Reminiscing about university comedy days with Jack Hill, Tom Deacon, Jake Campbell, and Tom WrigglesworthIain and Tom shared memories of comedians they saw at university, using unique styles like play on words, storytelling, and observational humor, and performing at renowned venues and competitions.

      The comedy scene in the late 1990s and early 2000s in the UK was filled with talented comedians, some of whom were discovered through various awards and competitions. Iain and Tom reminisced about several comedians they had seen perform during their time at university, including Jack Hill, Tom Deacon, Jake Campbell, and Tom Wrigglesworth. These comedians used unique styles, such as play on words, storytelling, and observational humor, to make their audiences laugh. Some of them even performed at well-known venues and competitions, like the Hackney Empire New Act of the Year finals and the Laughing Horse competition. The memories of these performances left a lasting impression on Iain and Tom, and they still laugh about the jokes they heard decades later.

    • The Challenges of Selling Out Shows in Large VenuesDespite having great content, selling out shows in larger venues can be difficult for performers. Persistence and staying true to your art are key.

      Performing in larger venues, such as the Grand Opera House in York, can be an exciting experience, but selling out shows can be a challenge. The speaker shares his personal experience of not being able to sell out shows in smaller venues, despite having great content. He also mentions how the sold-out board in Edinburgh was a popular way to sell tickets, but he could never get his name on it. The speaker expresses his frustration and disappointment, but also acknowledges that not every show is meant for a large audience. The conversation also touches on the nostalgia of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the camaraderie among performers. Overall, the discussion highlights the ups and downs of being a performer and the importance of staying persistent in the face of challenges.

    • Dealing with unresponsive audiences in stand-up comedyStructuring shows with shorter sets and breaks can help maintain audience engagement. Performing for radio or TV offers exposure and new experiences.

      Performing stand-up comedy can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially when dealing with unresponsive audiences. Speaking from personal experience, the pain of performing to an empty room can be devastating. One memory involves arriving late to a poetry event and interrupting a solo performance, leaving the poet feeling embarrassed and the latecomers feeling guilty. Another memory involves crying from frustration during a performance where only the performer was amused, causing others to wonder why and feel jealous. To combat this, some comedians suggest structuring their shows with shorter sets and breaks, allowing audiences to return refreshed and engaged for the second half. Additionally, performing for radio or television can provide a different experience and valuable exposure. Ultimately, the key is to keep performing and refining one's material to connect with audiences and find success.

    • Respecting guests' decisions to leave earlyCreating a comfortable environment, respecting guests' time, and fostering genuine connections are crucial elements in successful podcast interviews.

      The importance of respecting guests' decisions to leave a podcast interview early. The guest, Henry Packer, made it clear that he needed to end the interview, and the hosts, Ed and Ian, graciously accepted his request. This situation highlights the significance of creating a comfortable and respectful environment for all participants involved in a podcast interview. Furthermore, the conversation reveals the casual and friendly banter that often occurs between podcast hosts and their guests. Despite the unexpected ending, the hosts expressed appreciation for Henry's presence and wished him well. This demonstrates the camaraderie and genuine connection that can develop between podcast hosts and their guests, even during a brief interaction. Moreover, the conversation also showcases the conversational nature of podcasts, where spontaneous and unscripted interactions can lead to entertaining and engaging content for listeners. Overall, this conversation emphasizes the importance of respect, flexibility, and genuine connection in podcasting.

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    121: Throw Out the Rules with Erin's Dad

    121: Throw Out the Rules with Erin's Dad
    We spend so much time checking the boxes, doing what we think we're supposed to do, and following the rules. But is that what people actually want from us? This week, Erin sits down with her authenticity "Ground Zero" - her father - where he shares stories and inspiration of it's almost always those times when you stray from the norm that drive real, sustainable success (and make it a lot easier to love your job too!). This week we are given a glimpse into Erin's origin story. We hear where her passion for authenticity comes from, who inspired her in her life, and quite clearly where her storytelling ability comes from. Introducing: Erin's Dad. They start off discussing her parents' recent 50th anniversary, and Erin asks what her dad's tips are for making it to 50 years. He talks about always showing respect, knowing how to communicate...and knowing when to back off. Moving on, Erin talks about authenticity and how much of her inspiration came from her Dad, both in his career and personal life. Her Dad talks about his time as a teacher and how he thinks authenticity can be a key element to true success. they then share some work-related stories, and you can imagine a lifelong teacher has quite a few. Erin asks her Dad about the 'alter-ego' he would sometimes use while teaching. To try and help explain the metric system, he created an alter-ego character - Mr. Billy Boombah. With a popped-collar, upside-down glasses, and a rather questionable accent, he managed to reinvigorate the class. Erin asks how easily her Dad made the switch from teaching into real estate, which skills carried over and what was more difficult. Her Dad discusses one of the most important aspects to his work in real estate (and which definitely carried over from teaching), building a connection.  If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration! Here are some options... Follow Nicole on LinkedIn:   Follow Erin on LinkedIn:   Check out the b BRILLIANT career coaching program @   b Cause Podcast Facebook group @   We even share more crazy stuff here (you probably thought that was impossible). Get your own copy of Erin's book by searching "You Do You Ish" in amazon or going to   Take our simple, fun and insightful "What Kind of Dog Are You At Work?" by going to   We have so much fun stuff going on...we wouldn't want you to miss out - join the authenticity movement and our community by adding your email just about anywhere @   Check out our blog for more of our no-BS career advice @   We have fun and inspiring t-shirts @ DISCLAIMER: This episode is not explicit, though contains mild swearing that may be unsustainable for younger audiences.  Tweetable Comments: "Respect. We have a lot of respect for each other. We know how to communicate...and when to back off." "I don't know how you can be successful if you don't enjoy what you're doing." "The true hack is to reverse it and ask, 'What would I want in that situation?'" "You have to find a way to build a connection with people." "Part of the reason you had this new energy was that you had this new challenge, something to figure out." "If you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day, you're the asshole." (Quote from Raylan Givens in Justified) "Beer is like blue eyeshadow, you can never have enough."

    34: Whose Meeting is it Anyway? The Power of Improv at Work: Erin Talks with Kate G Duffy

    34: Whose Meeting is it Anyway? The Power of Improv at Work: Erin Talks with Kate G Duffy
    A meeting of two storytellers. This week Erin Hatzikostas sits down with Kate G. Duffy for an interview that stretches from Pole to Pole. And by that, we mean boardroom to Saturday Night Live. They talk improvising, how it works and when it works best. What it's like giving presentations, or keynote speeches, and how you can connect with the room. How does improvisation add to authenticity? How is it rooted in great listening? Are we addicted to the wrong things at work? And what would you do with far too many nesting bowls?  Listen in for advice on Dialogue vs Debate. Improvisation vs Planning. Comedy vs...well, comedy wins this round. Especially with stories from messing with Steve Carell and a run-in with a pretend Billy Idol.  Follow and learn more about Kate: Business Improv: businessimprov.com Instagram: dufffah Twitter: dufffah Email: Blog: theparentingofparents.com/blog If you like jammin' with us on the podcast, b sure to join us for more fun and inspiration! Here are some options... Check out the b BRILLIANT career coaching program @   b Cause Podcast Facebook group @ We share even more crazy stuff here (you probably thought that was impossible).  Take our simple, fun and insightful "What Kind of Dog Are You At Work?" by going to  We have so much fun stuff going on...we wouldn't want you to miss out - join the authenticity movement and our community by adding your email just about anywhere @  Check out our blog for more of our no-BS career advice @ We have fun and inspiring t-shirts @ DISCLAIMER: This episode is not explicit, though contains mild swearing that may be unsuitable for younger audiences.  Tweetable Comments: "I was so focussed on what I needed to do that I almost didn't notice who was in the room." "We help leaders to be more present, be more adaptable, and to say "no" with grace." "One of the best presentations I ever saw was just a series of questions." "Data is important, it's just not memorable." "So often we are not listening to people, we're waiting for them to be done so we can say our own thing. So it's very important to listen." "Dialogue is a good discussion, debate is coming in and trying to win the conversation." "You've gotta know your shit." "Our number one goal in every meeting should just simply be connection." "When I started improvising I became a better friend and family member, because I was listening to people, without an agenda." "We are just a bunch of matter walking around with vibrational frequencies, and by raising that frequency it brings out the better ideas in others." "For me, it's about taking the first big energetic step into whatever I'm doing, even if I don't feel it." "People ask me how I manage my nerves, and I put it down to simply making a good connection." "It's really hard to be a great listener these days, there are so many things to distract us." "We are distracted by our own internal monologue all of the time." "I've been in situations, where questions get weaponized."  "Floating boats...float  - Idioms are not your thing."

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