
    About this Episode

    Today, we’re having the uncomfortable conversation about living our life in pursuit of comfort. It seems that our culture has bought into the idea that an easy life is a fulfilling life. When we dig a little deeper we have some questions and wonder how often we walk the empty path of least resistance rather than the path that leads to a more fulfilling life with Jesus. 


    Recent Episodes from Monday Morning Phone Call Podcast

    Deconstructing Why People Suffer

    Deconstructing Why People Suffer

    Deconstruction around suffering often happens because our theology and lived experience do not match up. Why would a loving and good God allow so many terrible things to happen in the world? Paul, Alyssa and Larry take on this challenging topic and talk about their own experiences.


    Deconstructing Patriarchy

    Deconstructing Patriarchy

    In this episode Paul, Alyssa, and Larry discuss and deconstruct the cultural system of patriarchy and look to see how this hierarchy of power has been reinforced by mainstream Christianity. As followers of Jesus what does the Bible say about gender? And are there expectations of our roles within society? Listen and join the conversation today!


    Deconstructing Why Jesus Died

    Deconstructing Why Jesus Died

    What is the meaning behind Jesus’ death and resurrection? Christians believe that Jesus’ sacrifice reconciled the relationship between humankind and our creator, God. However, it is not quite that simple. Over thousands of years, theologians and followers of Jesus have tried to articulate this nuance through metaphors, emphasizing some aspects of Jesus’ sacrifice over others. In this conversation, we aim to dissect the different theories of atonement and bring clarity to the larger picture of the gospel.


    Deconstructing Purity Culture

    Deconstructing Purity Culture

    If you grew up in the church in the ‘90s, you probably experienced purity culture—it was the church’s response to the increasing promiscuity in society. Unintentionally, purity culture caused significant harm and didn't fully capture God’s heart towards sex and individual value. In this episode, we share what we believe to be a more biblical view of sex and relationships. We hope you enjoy the conversation.


    Deconstructing the Bible

    Deconstructing the Bible

    Is the Bible trustworthy? Is the Bible true? Scripture has been misused and abused, so deconstruction of the Bible often centers around these two questions. In this episode, we discuss what the Bible is, and how it might apply to our life today.


    What is Deconstruction?

    What is Deconstruction?

    This season Paul Joslin, Larry Renoe, and Alyssa Frisbie are pulling apart Christian beliefs and talking about the process of deconstruction. They're covering the most questioned topics within Christianity (atonement, purity culture, patriarchy, suffering, etc.) and dissecting Scripture, in hopes that it will help all of us better understand what we believe.


    Idol of Comfort

    Idol of Comfort

    Today, we’re having the uncomfortable conversation about living our life in pursuit of comfort. It seems that our culture has bought into the idea that an easy life is a fulfilling life. When we dig a little deeper we have some questions and wonder how often we walk the empty path of least resistance rather than the path that leads to a more fulfilling life with Jesus. 


    Idol of Marriage and Family

    Idol of Marriage and Family

    In this episode we’re exploring the big “C” Church and our emphasis on marriage and families. It seems that we’ve defined the ultimate fulfillment of the Christian life as getting married and having a family rather than advancing God’s kingdom and glorifying Him. How do we recognize when we might be holding on too tightly to this cultural expectation and allow the freedom that Jesus has to offer to let go of this idol? Listen to the conversation today!