
    If Biden Was Trying To Destroy The Country Would He Do Anything Different? (Ep 1614)

    enSeptember 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden Administration Accused of Creating Chaos for Government DependencySome believe the Biden administration intentionally causes chaos to increase government dependency, citing ongoing thefts and potential data risks from proposed bills.

      The Biden administration and the Democratic Party are accused by some of intentionally creating chaos in America to increase government dependency. This belief was sparked by a listener's question on a radio show, and the answer given was that if they were truly trying to destroy the country, they would not be doing anything differently. Evidence presented included a video of thieves stealing from a makeup store with the alarm going off, which the speaker argued represents the current state of America under the Biden administration. The chaos, according to the speaker, is desired by the left as it breeds dependency on the government. Additionally, there's a concern that a proposed credit card bill, the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill, could put consumer data at greater risk of being hacked and exposed to foreign networks. The speaker urged listeners to oppose the bill.

    • Chaos and dependency fuel government controlLiberal policies and chaos create an environment where people depend on govt for safety, hindering economic growth; ongoing mandates and worker shortages exemplify this intentional strategy

      Chaos and dependency go hand in hand, and those who promote chaos serve to strengthen the role of government. The speaker argues that liberal policies and chaos create an environment where people become dependent on the government for their safety and wellbeing. This competition between law and order and social programs can hinder economic growth. The ongoing vaccine mandates and resistance from law enforcement and healthcare workers are used as examples of this intentional creation of chaos. The speaker questions whether this is a deliberate strategy to increase government control. The loss of essential workers due to mandates further highlights the potential consequences of these actions.

    • Unintended consequences of vaccine mandatesVaccine mandates have led to a decrease in vaccination rates and an exodus of healthcare workers, worsening public health situation, while labeling unvaccinated individuals as cause of pandemic may alienate hesitant individuals and contribute to chaos and fear, paving way for further government overreach.

      The vaccine mandates implemented by the Biden administration, despite being presented as a public health measure, have had unintended consequences. These mandates have led to a decrease in vaccination rates and an exodus of healthcare workers and first responders, ultimately worsening the public health situation. Moreover, the administration's rhetoric labeling unvaccinated individuals as the cause of the pandemic has been criticized as mischaracterizing the situation and potentially alienating those who are hesitant to get vaccinated. Instead of focusing on incentivizing vaccinations and fostering a sense of normalcy, the administration's actions have contributed to chaos and fear, which can breed dependency and pave the way for further government overreach.

    • Using Fear and Chaos to Expand PowerThe left manipulates fear and chaos to promote dependency on the government and expand its power, using false narratives and racial division as tools.

      The left uses fear and chaos to promote dependency on the government. They destroy institutions that foster law and order, create racial division to promote chaos, and then use that chaos to justify their control. The recent border incident involving alleged use of whips on Haitian immigrants, which was later proven to be false, is an example of this strategy. The left continues to push this narrative despite evidence to the contrary, as it fits into their broader agenda of creating racial division and promoting chaos. This chaos, in turn, breeds dependency on the government to restore order, allowing the left to expand its power.

    • Henry Rifles vs TriLifeMD: Different Products, Similar ValuesHenry Rifles offer diverse options, American-made quality, and lifetime warranty. TriLifeMD provides access to weight loss meds, potential insurance coverage, and health improvement.

      Henry Rifles offer a wide range of options with various calibers, finishes, and affordable prices. They are made by a family-owned American business with a lifetime warranty. On the other hand, TriLifeMD provides access to GLP1 prescription medications to help people lose weight and may be covered by insurance. Meanwhile, those aiming to destroy institutions and create chaos in the country focus on law and order, racial division, and economic insecurity. In business, Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory management is a more efficient approach, reducing the need for large stockpiles and saving capital.

    • JIT economic systems' vulnerability during pandemicThe pandemic exposed the risks of Just-in-Time economic systems, leading to supply chain disruptions, inflation, and shortages.

      The use of Just-in-Time (JIT) economic systems, which rely on efficient and timely supply chains, became a significant vulnerability when the economy was locked down due to the coronavirus pandemic. This disruption caused a ripple effect throughout the supply chain, leading to shortages, mass inflation, and international bottlenecks. The question remains, did those in power know about the potential consequences of their actions or were they unaware? If they were aware, why did they proceed? If not, why weren't they consulted with those who had a basic understanding of supply chain management? The consequences of these actions are still being felt, with inflation, shortages, and supply chain issues persisting.

    • Emphasizing the importance of voting and democratic processDespite concerns about election integrity, it's crucial to vote and engage in the democratic process. Republican-led audits and reforms aim to make voting fair and prevent cheating.

      Despite disagreements and concerns about election integrity, it's important for individuals to exercise their right to vote and engage in the democratic process. The speaker acknowledges the skepticism and allegations of election rigging, but emphasizes the importance of investigating and addressing any malfeasance through Republican-led audits and reforms to make voting fair and difficult to cheat. Additionally, the speaker expresses frustration with the economic illiteracy and dishonesty coming from the White House, urging Americans to question and fact-check information presented to them. Overall, the message encourages active participation in the democratic process and critical thinking to separate fact from fiction.

    • Government doesn't create value or prosperityThe government doesn't create value or prosperity, it only redistributes resources and takes a significant portion of the value created in the private sector

      The idea of a reconciliation package costing zero dollars is economically illiterate. The government doesn't create value or prosperity like the private sector does. It takes money from taxpayers and doesn't add value in return. The government's spending, including proposed tax increases, has real-world consequences, and claiming otherwise is misleading. The private sector, on the other hand, creates value by combining resources and intellectual capital to produce goods and services that consumers value more than the sum of their parts. The government's role is to provide essential services that can't be better provided in the private sector, but it doesn't create wealth or prosperity. Instead, it redistributes resources and takes a significant portion of the value created in the private sector.

    • Corporate taxes ultimately affect consumers, shareholders, or employeesBusinesses cannot produce money out of thin air, they can only invest, pay dividends, or pay taxes, which ultimately affects consumers, shareholders, or employees in some form

      Businesses do not produce money out of thin air, and when corporate taxes increase, the burden ultimately falls on consumers, shareholders, or employees. Jen Psaki's claim that businesses will pay the taxes is misleading, as businesses can only invest their money, pay it out as dividends, or pay taxes, which in turn affects the wages, pensions, or stock holdings of individuals. The ongoing debate revolves around how much of the corporate tax burden falls on labor versus capital, but ultimately, consumers and employees bear the cost in some form.

    • Media Blackout on Hunter Biden's EmailsThe media's handling of Hunter Biden's emails, including hiding the story behind paywalls and dismissing it as Russian disinformation, raises concerns about their ethics and commitment to truth, potentially impacting democracy.

      There is growing concern over the role of the media in the United States following the discovery of Hunter Biden's emails and the subsequent media blackout on the story. Joe Biden himself downplayed the existence of a laptop containing potentially damaging emails during an interview with CBS Digital. However, the media's handling of the situation, including hiding the story behind paywalls and dismissing it as Russian disinformation, has raised questions about their ethics and commitment to truth. The stakes are high, as the emails suggest that the Biden family attempted to sell access to the former vice president to China. Despite this, the media remains largely silent on the issue. This raises serious concerns about the state of journalism in the United States and the potential impact on democracy.

    • FBI investigation reveals Joe Biden's potential involvement in Chinese business dealsThe FBI investigation into Hunter Biden's emails suggests Joe Biden may have sold access to Chinese business deals, suppressed before the election, emphasizing the importance of seeking reliable sources and being vigilant against media manipulation.

      The ongoing federal investigation into Hunter Biden's emails, which were leaked in October 2020, contains authentic material that suggests Joe Biden's involvement in selling access to Chinese business deals. The media and social media platforms suppressed this story before the election, which the speaker argues was a significant interference in the democratic process. It's crucial for the public to be aware of this issue and to seek out reliable sources for information, as the media and social media cannot be fully trusted. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being vigilant against media manipulation in future elections.

    • Politicians underestimating public's intelligence and hiding true policy contentsStay informed and don't accept vague promises, as significant spending policies could lead to financial instability.

      Politicians, specifically those in the Democratic party, have been accused of underestimating the intelligence of the public and hiding the true contents of their policies, such as Obamacare and the $3.5 trillion bill, using vague promises and infomercial-like language. Milton Friedman's quote about government spending emphasizes that everyone is ultimately spending their own money, and the belief that one can live off the wealth of others is a myth. The concern is that these policies, which involve significant spending, could lead to financial instability. The speakers urge the audience to stay informed and not accept vague promises at face value.

    • Biden Spending Bill: Everyone Pays for Everyone Else's BenefitsThe Biden spending bill creates a fiscal illusion by redistributing wealth through taxes, making everyone pay for everyone else's benefits, regardless of income level.

      The $3.5 trillion Biden spending bill, while marketed as benefiting the middle class, ultimately results in everyone paying taxes to fund benefits for everyone else. This situation, as described by Frederic Bastiat, creates a fiscal illusion where people believe they're living off others' money. The bill includes examples like the expanded child tax credit, which transfers money from childless taxpayers, mostly young people, to middle-class families. In some cases, the government takes a significant cut, leaving the original payer with less than the full benefit. This redistribution of wealth may not seem fair, as those who make more are giving a larger portion of their income to those who make less. However, the net effect is that everyone ends up paying taxes for everyone else's benefits.

    • Government policies disproportionately benefit the upper and middle classesGovernment programs, funded by the wealthy and middle classes through donations, disproportionately benefit them, while the poor and lower middle classes finance these initiatives through their taxes.

      The government's financial redistribution policies, as discussed, disproportionately benefit the upper and middle classes at the expense of the poor. This is because, as argued, those in power are more likely to be funded by donations from the wealthy and middle classes, leading to programs that cater to their needs. Consequently, the poor and lower middle classes end up financing these initiatives through their taxes. This dynamic, according to the speaker, is a fact that Democrats have exploited, leading to a continuous cycle of wealth transfer from the disadvantaged to the privileged.

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