
    If I Had To Make $1 Billion... Here’s The Business I Would Start

    enDecember 08, 2023
    What are two ways to achieve $1,000,000?
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    How can learning from peers benefit entrepreneurs?

    • Making $1,000,000: Cash Flow or Selling a Business?To make $1,000,000, evaluate whether it's better to focus on yearly cash flow or selling a successful business. Optimize by finding existing successful businesses and adding your unique twist. Consider using Quiet Light Brokerage for buying or selling businesses.

      If you want to make $1,000,000 in a certain amount of time, it's important to consider whether it will come through annual cash flow or selling a business. If your business earns a certain amount each year, it may not add up to $1,000,000 over a few years, but you could potentially sell the business for a larger sum. The key here is to find businesses or ideas that are already successful and copy what works. The "me also" strategy involves finding something that already works and putting your own unique twist on it. One avenue for buying and selling businesses is Quiet Light Brokerage, a website where you can explore anonymous descriptions of companies for sale and assess their financials.

    • Reverse Engineering: Creating Innovative Businesses Inspired by SuccessBy studying successful companies and adding unique elements, individuals can create their own profitable ventures without resorting to copying, leading to legal consequences.

      There are easier ways to make millions of dollars by reverse engineering successful businesses. By studying and being inspired by already successful companies, individuals can create their own innovative and slightly different versions. This approach was proven effective when a friend used this strategy to recreate and sell a business for many millions more than its original listing price. However, it's important to note that simply ripping off a business may result in legal consequences, so it's better to be inspired and add unique elements to the business model. By exploring brokerage sites and carefully evaluating potential businesses, one can find opportunities to create and profit from their own successful ventures.

    • Building a Profitable Membership Community Through Niche TargetingBy focusing on a specific problem in a particular industry and offering high-value content and community, a niche membership business can achieve significant profitability with a small customer base.

      Building a niche membership community could be a profitable business opportunity. By targeting a specific problem within a particular industry, such as automations for HVAC owners or outbound sales for chiropractors or architects, you can create a high-value membership offering. Charging a premium fee, such as $500 a month, grants members access to regularly updated content and a community where they can share tactics and ideas. The key advantage of this business model is that it requires a relatively small number of customers to reach significant profitability. Unlike consumer products, you can directly communicate with your members and provide a service they actively request, increasing the chances of success. The example of Exit 5, a community for B2B marketers, demonstrates the potential for exclusivity and lucrative pricing structures.

    • Starting Small and Smart: Strategies for Building a Successful BusinessStart with a small, engaged audience and focus on selling to a niche market. Consider reverse engineering successful businesses or creating a membership community to increase chances of success.

      Starting from scratch doesn't require a huge audience or massive marketing strategy. You can cold email people and build a small but engaged audience of around 5,000 people. With just 100 to 200 people buying what you're selling, you can hit your revenue target. Another option is to reverse engineer successful businesses and either mimic them or put your own twist on them. This scrappy approach allows you to learn what works and find a business to buy using an SBA loan. It's easier to grow an existing business than starting from zero. Additionally, creating a membership community that solves a specific problem can also be a viable option. Remember to avoid soft and fluffy ideas and focus on clear outcomes and ROI. So, ultimately, the takeaway is to explore different paths, but starting with a proven blueprint or acquiring an existing business can offer a higher chance of success.

    • Unlocking tax-free gains with QSBS advisoryStarting a QSBS advisory firm can help businesses maximize tax savings by offering expertise on QSBS eligibility, providing value with minimal effort.

      Starting a QSBS advisory firm can provide significant value to tech companies and individuals. QSBS, or qualified small business stock, offers a tax treatment that allows for tax-free gains up to $10,000,000 for businesses that meet certain criteria. By offering expertise on QSBS eligibility, an advisory firm can assist companies in maximizing their potential tax savings. This niche market allows for the creation of value for customers with a relatively small amount of work. Building a team of QSBS experts, such as lawyers and accountants, can provide assessments and write letters to attest to the eligibility of QSBS. This can be a worthwhile investment for businesses looking to protect their potential gains and save on legal and advisory fees.

    • Advisory Services for QSBS Eligibility: A Lucrative Business OpportunityOffering assistance with QSBS eligibility requirements and potential pitfalls can be a profitable business opportunity, providing peace of mind to tech companies and executives while utilizing a blend of legal, accounting, and advisory expertise.

      Offering advisory services for QSBS (Qualified Small Business Stock) eligibility can be a lucrative and in-demand business opportunity. By offering assistance with the complex requirements and potential pitfalls of QSBS, you can provide peace of mind to tech companies and their executives who want to take advantage of the $10 million exclusion per person. Scaring them with the potential risks they face if they get it wrong can be an effective sales strategy. With just 30 customers per year, charging approximately $10,000 each, you can reach the profit goal of $300,000 annually. This opportunity does not require being a law firm, but rather a blend of legal, accounting, and advisory expertise.

    • Transitioning from Product Creator to Capital Allocator: A Crucial Shift for EntrepreneursShifting towards a capital allocator mindset allows entrepreneurs to effectively allocate resources, alleviate financial stress, and make informed decisions to maximize profit and growth. Learning from peers and seeking support through platforms like Hampton can facilitate this transition.

      As an entrepreneur, it is crucial to transition from being solely focused on product creation to becoming a capital allocator. This shift in mindset allows for more effective resource allocation and can alleviate stress around payroll and providing for employees. By detaching yourself from the numbers and analyzing inputs and outputs, you can make informed decisions on where to allocate funds to maximize profit and growth. Learning from peers and having conversations with experienced entrepreneurs can be instrumental in making this transition and gaining a clearer understanding of your role as a capital allocator. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals through platforms like Hampton can provide valuable insights and support during this process of growth and expansion.

    • The potential of humanoids and the opportunity for success in the emerging industry.By networking with key players and understanding the untapped areas and challenges, there is an opportunity to establish a successful company and become a major player in the growing humanoid industry.

      The emerging industry of humanoids, or robots that automate various processes, is predicted to have a significant impact in the next 10-15 years. Elon Musk believes that humanoids will surpass the success of Tesla, self-driving cars, and solar energy. Investing in this industry has the potential for high returns, but also carries a considerable risk of failure. However, the speaker sees potential in organizing and networking with key players in this space, such as engineers and industry experts, to establish a successful company. By understanding the untapped areas and challenges within the humanoid industry, there is an opportunity to capitalize on this growing market and potentially become a major player in the industry.

    • The future of automation: efficient, tailored robots revolutionizing industries.Investing in industry-specific robots eliminates labor costs, increases productivity, avoids minimum wage jobs, and offers potential for revolutionary advancements in transportation and food production.

      The future of automation lies in robots that can perform specific tasks efficiently and consistently. By investing in developing robots tailored to meet the needs of industries such as warehousing or food service, businesses can eliminate labor costs and increase productivity. This not only benefits employers but also addresses the desire of workers to avoid minimum wage jobs. Additionally, investors can focus on companies that have little product-market fit risk and instead, primarily face technical challenges. These robots have the potential to revolutionize industries like transportation by providing safe self-driving cars or transforming the food industry by producing flawless pizzas. Collaborations between tech institutes and businesses can pave the way for innovative solutions that improve efficiency and enhance customer satisfaction.

    • Purpose-built robots for practical tasks offer lower costs, higher quality, productivity, and safety compared to humanoid robots.Building purpose-built robots that address specific needs within the laws of physics can lead to higher chances of success and provide a clear direction for development.

      Purpose-built robots that solve specific needs can be highly successful, just like the dishwasher. Instead of focusing on humanoid robots, we should consider robots that address practical tasks, such as a robot that sits on a roof and does roofing jobs. These purpose-built robots can offer lower costs, higher quality, higher productivity, and improved safety. Additionally, working within the laws of physics in the field of robotics can be simpler and more straightforward compared to creating a brand or consumer product. While generating demand or creating a beloved brand may be more challenging, developing hardware-based solutions within the laws of physics provides a clear direction and a higher chance of success.

    • Fostering Collaboration and Innovation for Exponential GrowthBy engaging with hardware labs and collaborating with talented individuals, entrepreneurs can unlock endless possibilities for innovation and success. Prioritizing business aspects and commercializing inventions is crucial for sustained growth in this ecosystem.

      Creating opportunities for collaboration and innovation can lead to exponential growth and success. Founders like Furkan are providing resources and support to talented individuals, allowing them to create groundbreaking technologies and products. By offering free access to advanced tools and equipment, these hardware labs become hubs for creativity and experimentation. It is important to seek out these innovation centers and engage with the brilliant minds working there. Additionally, organizing and commercializing their inventions can be a key to success, as many of these inventors may not prioritize business aspects. Embracing collaboration and connecting with these hardware labs can increase the chances of serendipitous discoveries and advancements.

    • The Benefits of Buying a College and How to Make it a SuccessPurchasing a college can be a profitable investment by targeting the elite with a luxury branding strategy, focusing on specific academic areas, and using creative tactics to attract talented students.

      Buying colleges can be a lucrative investment, as universities have high values and generate significant revenue. While top-tier universities like Stanford or Harvard may be out of reach due to their enormous endowments, there are many other colleges available for purchase at relatively low prices. By acquiring a university, one gains not only the campus and buildings but also the accreditation, which saves time and effort. The key to success lies in branding the school as a luxury product, targeting the elite and focusing on areas like mathematics, science, and gaming. Sponsoring competitions and providing free pizza can be an effective strategy for attracting talented students.

    • Talent identification, esports league, and direct marketing: Shaan Puri's vision for nurturing young talent and building a strong brand in education.Shaan Puri aims to create opportunities for talented students through an esports league, while also utilizing direct marketing strategies to establish a powerful brand in the education sector.

      Shaan Puri believes in identifying and nurturing talent from a young age. He drew inspiration from his own experience with a talent identification program in 5th grade and wants to replicate that success with his own ventures. Puri plans to create a prestigious high school esports league and attract talented kids through entrance exams and special events. He also intends to leverage the power of influential speakers and direct marketing to build a strong brand for his university. Puri acknowledges the success of direct response marketing in industries like financial newsletters and erectile dysfunction, and plans to apply similar strategies to the world of education.

    • Leveraging Controversy and Exclusivity to Build a University BrandUniversities can strategically create controversy and exclusivity to enhance their brand by using NFTs as admissions licenses, generating funding and establishing a strong brand presence.

      Universities can use controversy and exclusivity to build their brand. By drumming up controversy around the difficulty of getting into a prestigious university, they create a sense of exclusivity and desirability. This strategy is exemplified by the idea of selling NFTs (non-fungible tokens) as admissions licenses. Just like how personal seat licenses are sold for stadiums, universities could mint NFTs packaged around their admissions, giving buyers the right to purchase a seat at the university. These NFTs can be used for personal use, gifting, or even rented out for rental income. By properly telling the story and pricing them accordingly, universities could potentially raise significant funding without relying solely on rich investors or billionaires, allowing them to establish and grow their brand effectively.

    • Investing in prestigious assets for consistent returns and potential growth.Purchasing Partial Seat Licenses or universities can provide yearly income through rev share or student tuition fees, with the potential for appreciation over time. Targeting international students can further boost revenue.

      Investing in prestigious assets, such as Partial Seat Licenses (PSLs) or universities, can provide a consistent yearly return on investment. By purchasing a PSL or fully accredited university, individuals can generate income through rev share or student tuition fees. Moreover, these assets have the potential to appreciate over time, increasing their overall value. Additionally, targeting international students can further boost revenue and appeal. The opportunity to build something fresh and innovative in the education sector is enticing to wealthy individuals interested in transforming education. Therefore, presenting a compelling pitch highlighting the uniqueness and potential of these assets could attract significant investment.

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    My First Million
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    My First Million
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    Bootstrapping a +$1B Business + Selling To The Ultra Rich | Jesse Pujji
    Episode 622: Sam Parr ( https://x.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://x.com/ShaanVP ) talk to Jesse Pujji ( https://x.com/jspujji  ) about bootstrapping Ampush and the four levers of digital marketing.  — Show Notes:  (0:00) Unique insight + unfair advantage (3:05) How Jesse bootstrapped Ampush using GLG (14:00) Digital marketing in masterclass in 3 minutes (20:30) How to sell to the ultra rich (27:38) Red Ventures' Playbook (32:40) The Four Big Levers (41:00) Calling Zuck's cell (46:30) Noah Kagan's $100M mistake at facebook (58:45) What's the thing you can't not do? (1:01:00) Nelly performs at Jesse's birthday party — Links: • Gateway X - https://www.gateway.xyz/ • Aux Insights - https://www.auxinsights.com/ • Accordion - https://www.accordion.com/ • GrowthAssistant - https://growthassistant.com/ • GLG Insights - https://glginsights.com/ • Triple Whale - https://www.triplewhale.com/ • Ampush Lead Gen Overview - https://tinyurl.com/mw3f7cbk • Bootstrapped Giants Newsletter - https://tinyurl.com/3pyrnz27 — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enAugust 26, 2024

    Jack Smith On Biohacking, 2 Easy Business Ideas, PLUS Why Procrastination Is Good

    Jack Smith On Biohacking, 2 Easy Business Ideas, PLUS Why Procrastination Is Good
    Episode 621: Sam Parr ( https://x.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://x.com/ShaanVP ) talk to Jack Smith ( https://x.com/_jacksmith ) about his under-the-radar biohacking experiments plus 2 $1M dollar business ideas. — Show Notes: (0:00) Is reverse-aging a scam (3:23) The 1% of biohacking (12:28) Business idea: Mobile Dexa Scan (25:30) Business idea: Medical tourism brokers (32:06) Anti-beast mode (39:10) Why smart people have bad ideas (45:40) Hunt for the starving crowd (49:27) AppLovin origin story (54:20) Finding demand that feels like a landmine (56:03) Jack's book recommendation — Links: • Get our business idea database here https://clickhubspot.com/mfm • BodySpec - https://www.bodyspec.com/ • Prenuvo - https://www.prenuvo.com/ • Q Bio - https://www.q.bio/ • Aiwo - https://aiwo.com/ • “Why Smart People Have Bad Ideas” - https://paulgraham.com/bronze.html • Vungle - https://vungle.com/privacy/ • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - https://tinyurl.com/mwyf6spw • Jack on MFM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVwLEocqK0E — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enAugust 23, 2024

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    Want me to answer your questions about flipping, side hustles, marketing, entrepreneurship, personal development, motivation, mindset, lifestyle — or anything else?

    Have your question featured on a future show!

    Send your questions in to AJ[at]TheFlippingNinja.com

    What To Do Next


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