
    If You Hate Yourself, Listen to This... | Gary Vaynerchuk Throwback Keynote

    enApril 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Living our lives through technologyUnderstanding technology's impact and learning to use it effectively is crucial for success in today's world

      We're living in a remarkable moment where technology, specifically the capabilities of devices like smartphones, has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives. The attention of consumers has shifted to these devices, and platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google dominate our lives in a way that is becoming increasingly clear. Before we can achieve our ambitions, we need the attention of other human beings, and this attention is now primarily focused on these devices. As Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes, technology doesn't care about how we feel, it just happens. Whether we like it or not, life is being lived through these devices, and understanding this shift and learning how to harness the capabilities of technology is essential for success in today's world.

    • Recognize your personal motivations and goalsFocus on your own passions and aspirations, let go of outdated expectations, and pursue your dreams fearlessly

      Understanding your personal motivations and focusing on your own goals, rather than worrying about others' opinions, is essential for achieving happiness and success in life. The speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing the changing world and letting go of outdated expectations, especially those imposed by parents and the education system. He expressed admiration for the grit and hustle of Asian entrepreneurs and encouraged individuals to pursue their passions fearlessly. The speaker acknowledged the difficulty of navigating life without the fear of judgment, but emphasized that it is a necessary step towards personal growth and fulfillment.

    • The importance of self-awareness in entrepreneurshipUnderstanding your motivations and capabilities is crucial for happiness and success in entrepreneurship. Prioritize self-awareness to avoid unnecessary stress and increase your chances of building a successful business.

      Self-awareness is crucial for success in entrepreneurship. The speaker shared his personal experience growing up in a time when entrepreneurship wasn't glamorized, and how he became a businessman later in life. He emphasized that with the current trend of everyone wanting to be an entrepreneur or influencer, it's essential to know if one is truly capable of doing so. He also highlighted that understanding one's motivations and what truly makes us happy is vital to avoid regrets and unnecessary stress. The speaker acknowledged that building a successful business is a process that requires hard work and time, but many people are only focused on the end goal. He encouraged everyone to prioritize self-awareness to increase their chances of happiness and success.

    • Identifying opportunities in underpriced markets for long-term successFind your 'why' for wanting to be successful and make it a non-negotiable part of your life, rather than a means to acquire material possessions or social media validation.

      Success, driven by social media and the desire for material possessions, can lead to short-term, self-centered behavior. However, finding meaning and purpose in what we do, making it an integral part of our lives, can lead to long-term growth and fulfillment. The speaker emphasizes the importance of investing in Facebook ads in Malaysia due to its underpriced market, as a tactic for business growth. His career success comes from identifying and executing opportunities in underpriced markets, such as Google AdWords in the early 2000s. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to find your "why" for wanting to be successful and make it a non-negotiable part of your life, rather than a means to acquire material possessions or social media validation.

    • Leveraging underpriced advertising opportunitiesFocus on effective marketing strategies and seize the current opportunity to reach large audiences at relatively low costs before prices increase

      We are currently experiencing a unique moment in time where advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram is underpriced. The speaker emphasizes that attention is a valuable commodity, and those who can effectively capture it and convert it into sales will succeed. Many people have tried Facebook ads without success, but the issue may not be the platform itself, but rather the execution. The speaker encourages learning from failures and advises taking advantage of underpriced advertising opportunities in various platforms such as influencer marketing on Instagram, podcast advertising, content marketing on LinkedIn, and YouTube pre-roll ads. The speaker also encourages looking beyond Silicon Valley and learning from what's happening in other markets, particularly in mainland China. The speaker uses the example of MTV in 1984 to illustrate the importance of capturing the attention of a large audience and creating content tailored to that audience. Overall, the key takeaway is to focus on simple, effective marketing strategies and to seize the current opportunity to reach audiences at relatively low costs before prices increase.

    • Balancing Patience and Perspective for SuccessSuccess often takes time and requires a balance of patience and perspective. Don't give up too soon, but also don't hold on to failing ideas for too long. Consider long-term implications and evaluate reasons for pursuing goals.

      Patience and perspective are key to success, but it's a delicate balance. Many people struggle with being too impatient and giving up too soon, while others hold on to failing ideas for too long. It's important to assess whether you're completely off base or if you just need to be more patient. Additionally, it's essential to consider the long-term implications of your actions and not let external pressures dictate your path to success. Furthermore, understanding that success often takes time and that you have a significant amount of life left to live can help put things into perspective. Lastly, it's crucial to evaluate why you're pursuing your goals and ensure that it's not just to prove someone else wrong.

    • Living life on your terms through entrepreneurshipEmbrace entrepreneurship for personal freedom and happiness, despite initial challenges, and prioritize your passions over societal expectations.

      Entrepreneurship offers the rare opportunity to live life on your own terms, but it also comes with the responsibility of taking full accountability for everything. The Internet age provides a unique opportunity for individuals to build businesses around their passions and find happiness, rather than spending most of their lives working for someone else. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding why we do what we do and encourages people to prioritize their happiness over societal expectations. The long-term benefits of pursuing a passion project, despite potential initial setbacks, can lead to a fulfilling life.

    • Overcoming the Fear of Other People's JudgmentsFocus on creating content and building personal brand, overcome fear of judgments, stay committed to goals, identify and address fake environments, live authentic, fulfilling lives.

      Many people prioritize other people's opinions over their own happiness and self-fulfillment. This can prevent them from making necessary changes in their lives, such as starting a business or moving to a new neighborhood. Gary Vaynerchuk encourages individuals to focus on creating content and building their personal brand through digital platforms, as it is a simple and cost-effective way to reach a large audience. However, the real challenge lies in overcoming the fear of other people's judgments and staying committed to one's goals. Vaynerchuk emphasizes that this is a mind game and requires a strong focus on one's core values and beliefs. He also introduces the concept of "fake environments," which refers to situations where individuals are living beyond their means or not contributing commensurate to their privileges. Understanding and addressing these issues can help individuals break free from the cycle of seeking validation from others and start living authentic, fulfilling lives.

    • The importance of experiencing hardships and self-sufficiencyExcessive financial support from parents can hinder personal growth. Fake environments, like the startup world, can lead to collapse. Find ways to stay motivated and driven by making yourself hungrier, both metaphorically and literally.

      Living in a "fake environment" where everything is provided for you can hinder personal growth and development. The speaker emphasizes the importance of experiencing hardships and learning to be self-sufficient. Parents' excessive financial support can prevent children from developing accountability and resilience. Fake environments, such as the startup world, where unrealistic expectations and inflated valuations exist, can also lead to eventual collapse. The speaker encourages individuals to find ways to make themselves hungrier, both metaphorically and literally, in order to stay motivated and driven. Ultimately, the goal is to become a content and happy person who doesn't complain or blame others for their circumstances.

    • Take ownership of your lifeBelieve in yourself, silence self-pity, and trust your judgment to take control of your life and make progress towards your goals

      Instead of blaming external factors or other people for our failures or difficulties, we should take responsibility for our own lives and trust our own judgment. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes that the market is the market, and it doesn't care about our excuses or self-pity. He encourages us to stop listening to the negative voices in our heads that tell us we're not good enough and to believe that we are in control. These voices may have been put there by our upbringing, environment, or past experiences, but they are not our true selves. By taking ownership of our lives and trusting ourselves, we can start to love ourselves and make progress towards our goals. This may be scary and uncomfortable, but it's essential for growth and success. As Gary puts it, "You have one life. And the most scary thing for me in the world is the look of regret on somebody who's over 80 years old." So let's start taking control today and silencing the voices that hold us back.

    • The past holds no power over our present or futureFocus on the present and strive towards goals, as the past holds no influence on future success or happiness.

      The past holds no power over our present or future. According to the speaker, meeting someone with regret in their eyes due to the limited time left in their lives serves as a reminder of the importance of focusing on the present. He emphasized that everything that happened before means nothing and that companies and individuals often fail to move forward because they cling to the past. The speaker encouraged the audience to understand who they truly are and to execute against that, as the past holds no influence on their future success or happiness. He concluded by emphasizing that life is fast-paced and that we should not waste time dwelling on the past, but rather focus on the present and strive towards our goals. The speaker's words serve as a reminder to embrace the present and to live life to the fullest, as the past holds no power over our future.

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    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought!

    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

    Tweet Me! @garyvee

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    #129 Lessons from the Edge with Aldo Kane

    #129 Lessons from the Edge with Aldo Kane

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    Well it turns out quite an incredible amount!

    Aldo Kane is an Adventurer, Explorer, a Fellow at the Royal Geographic Society, Producer, Author & TV Presenter with a penchant for the world’s most dangerous, extreme and remote locations. Aldo was recently the on-screen Expedition Leader for National Geographic’s latest flag-ship feature length Natural History series One Strange Rock, hosted by Hollywood star, Will Smith. This saw Aldo lead a prominent American Scientist deep inside one of Africa’s most dangerous volcanoes whilst it was erupting and the description of this in his book “Lessons on the Edge” is absolutely riveting! 

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    We talk about so many themes today:

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    • Compartmentalising
    • Flow states
    • Consistency over Skill as the secret to success
    • Stoicism
    • Grounding

    A bit of background if you haven’t seen him on one of his many TV shows. Aldo joined the Royal Marine Commandos at the age of just 16 and went on to become one of the youngest Elite Commando Reconnaissance Snipers in the UK armed forces.  No mean feat with the hardest, and longest infantry training in the world.   Aldo saw active military service from Northern Ireland to the Middle East and became a survival expert in many environments.

    As you will hear today, he’s probably one of the humblest and nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of interviewing. Calm, collected, jovial, chatty and altogether ‘grounded’, as I would describe it. I could have chatted to him easily for hours, but instead I recommend you either read or listen to his book “Lessons from the Edge” that you can find in all good bookstores. A fantastic book for Christmas, it is perfect escapism. 

    Just a bit of warning, the language is a bit salty on this episode. So just take care if any kids are listening in. And remember check out thedoctorskitchen.com newsletter where I share weekly mindset tips, many of which Aldo puts into practice when he’s in extreme environments, such as breathwork and reframing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    193. The Big Conversions You Need In Your Business

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    “ Focusing on perfection, as an entrepreneur, will kill your business.. ”

    - Dr.Aaron LeBauer

    0:00 - Intro

    02:15 - Dr.Aaron almost dropped everything to become a professional… cyclist?

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    12:58 - Aaron tells us where he got his start, and his background in Marketing

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    • Identifying a NEED and becoming the SOLUTION
    • Coming with a giving hand
    • Selling a Course
    • Webinars
    • Bonuses


    26:30 - Aaron pieces together a high converting Webinars

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    • Automated Emails
    • Testing your conversions


    40:29 - Aaron and Bedros gives us insight on how his ability to solve problems, has outshined conventional knowledge on paper

    47:20 - Bedros asks Aaron to give us access to one of his best highest converting funnels for us to take notes on 

    48:20 - Aaron gives closing remarks answering the question : What stops people from making forward progress on their business?


    *Bonus Offer from Aaron* - https://www.cashptblueprint.com/start-a-cash-based-practice


    Connect with Aaron LeBauer here :

    Follow him on Instagram 


    Check out his Website 


    Watch his Youtube Videos 


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    My website: www.garyvaynerchuk.com
    Check out my NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

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