
    Inside the Bubble of Public Broadcasting - Josh Szeps

    enMarch 17, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Beyond visible diversity in media representationConsider economic background, class, and ideology for true diversity. Australia's relaxed attitude contrasts with the US and UK, and Shopify is a trusted POS system for retail businesses.

      Diversity in media representation goes beyond just visible characteristics, and it's essential to consider economic background, class, and ideology. Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the importance of having a reliable point of sale system for retail businesses, with Shopify being a trusted solution. Regarding cultural comparisons, Australia was described as having a more relaxed attitude compared to the US and the UK, with a pervasive consensus that discourages controversial conversations. Josh Zeps shared his perspective on Australia's unique position to learn from other countries' mistakes and avoid potential pitfalls. Lastly, Josh's departure from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) was mentioned, but no specific details were shared about the reason behind it.

    • Media's struggle to explore uncomfortable topicsMedia professionals face resistance from corporations when attempting to cover sensitive issues, hindering open dialogue and diversity in reporting.

      The media landscape faces a significant challenge in restoring trust and encouraging open dialogue about sensitive issues. The speaker, a media professional, shares his personal experience of wanting to explore uncomfortable topics on his podcast and in newspaper articles, but facing resistance from risk-averse corporations. He uses the analogy of fish in water to illustrate how those inside the media bubble may not fully understand the need for diversity and objective reporting. The speaker believes that a public square that encourages provocative and vigorous conversation is necessary for navigating the complexities of the 21st century. However, this approach can conflict with the mandates of objectivity and diversity, leading to a struggle for balance. Ultimately, the speaker's piece about his ambivalence towards gay pride was rejected by management, highlighting the challenge of expressing nuanced opinions within the media industry.

    • Pressure to conform in media organizationsMedia organizations face pressure to conform to dominant opinions, potentially stifling diverse viewpoints. Balancing truth and diversity is crucial.

      There's a growing trend towards risk aversion and groupthink in media organizations, particularly when it comes to issues deemed sensitive or politically correct. This was highlighted in a personal account of a broadcaster who felt pressured to conform to the dominant opinion during a time when the organization was heavily promoting a cause. The speaker believes that this trend has been exacerbated by the shifting orthodoxy of what is considered taboo or socially acceptable, and questions whether state-funded broadcasters have a duty to entertain diverse viewpoints. The speaker emphasizes the importance of rigorous fact-checking and self-correction in news reporting, but acknowledges that mistakes can still be made. Overall, the conversation underscores the need for media organizations to balance the pursuit of truth with the representation of diverse perspectives.

    • Concerns over lack of ideological diversity in mediaMedia should strive for greater ideological diversity, ensuring a balance of perspectives beyond ethnic, religious, and gender backgrounds, and avoiding bias in reporting.

      There is a growing concern about the lack of ideological and political diversity in morning shows and media in general, with a focus on ethnic, religious, and gender diversity coming at the expense of other perspectives. This can lead to panels with guests from different backgrounds all holding similar views, which some argue undermines the value of true diversity. While there is a place for state-funded media, it's important to ensure that it remains free from political interference and maintains a commitment to ideological and political diversity. The issue of media trust is also raised, with concerns about the editorial direction and potential for biased reporting in some media outlets. Ultimately, the goal should be to expand the diversity of voices in media as much as possible, while also considering factors like economic background, class, and political affiliation.

    • Independent media, particularly podcasts, bring attention to overlooked issuesPodcasts provide a platform for independent voices to challenge mainstream narratives and bring attention to undercovered topics, but it's crucial to be aware of potential audience capture and maintain a critical perspective.

      While institutions like The New York Times have made strides in acknowledging and addressing internal biases in their reporting, the independent media, particularly podcasts, play a crucial role in bringing attention to overlooked issues. However, the podcast space also comes with its own pitfalls, such as audience capture. The New York Times has shown an ability to adapt and incorporate diverse perspectives, but there is a concern that individuals raising important issues are often dismissed or attacked, only for the institution to acknowledge the issue much later. This is not ideal, and the podcast space provides a valuable platform for independent voices to challenge mainstream narratives and bring attention to undercovered topics. However, it's essential to be aware of the potential for audience capture and the importance of maintaining a critical and independent perspective.

    • The dangers of echo chambers in media and social platformsSeek out uncomfortable conversations and engage in diverse perspectives to broaden your worldview and avoid the dangers of echo chambers in media and social platforms.

      Independent media and social platforms can create echo chambers that reinforce our beliefs and lead us into misinformation and polarization. The style of some media personalities, who prioritize a conversational approach over interrogative journalism, can inadvertently give a platform to individuals with extreme or unfounded views. Social media algorithms further exacerbate this issue by prioritizing content that reinforces our existing beliefs and demonizing those that challenge them. To counteract this, it's essential to seek out and engage in uncomfortable conversations, where different perspectives are presented and understood. This can help broaden our worldview and promote a more nuanced understanding of complex issues. The importance of embracing discomfort and actively seeking out diverse viewpoints cannot be overstated, especially in today's fractured media landscape.

    • Ignoring online criticism for personal growthSuccessful people acknowledge criticism but don't let it dictate their sense of validation or direction. Stay true to yourself and focus on your authenticity, not popularity.

      Focusing too much on the opinions of others can hinder personal growth and creativity, especially for those in the public eye. Negative comments or feedback should not dictate one's sense of validation or direction. Jimmy Carr, a successful comedian, emphasizes this by acknowledging that selling out shows despite the online criticism is a testament to ignoring the noise. The independent media landscape can be particularly challenging, as some individuals may unconsciously veer towards what is popular rather than authentic. However, this mindset can lead to a loss of focus and potential derailment. Ultimately, it's crucial to maintain a strong sense of self and not let the opinions of others define or limit one's thoughts and actions. This lesson applies not only to public figures but also to individuals in their personal lives. The increasing censoriousness and hysteria in society can lead to being labeled based on one's stance on certain issues, making it essential to stay true to one's beliefs and not let these labels dictate the rest of the conversation.

    • Be thoughtful and authentic in expressing opinions, especially on complex issuesFocus on being present, listening, and contemplating before expressing opinions on complex issues. Verify and interrogate information before sharing it.

      We need to be more thoughtful and authentic in expressing our opinions, especially on complex issues where nuance matters. Social media can contribute to the pressure to have a stance on every topic, but it's important to remember that we don't always have the time or expertise to fully understand every issue. Instead of trying to be a "little Roman emperor" and announcing our position on everything, we should focus on being present, listening, and contemplating. We should also be more discerning about the opinions we consume and share, and strive to interrogate and verify information before broadcasting it to the world. By doing so, we can foster more meaningful and productive conversations, and reduce the corrosive effects of constant content creation. In essence, we should aim to be more mindful of how we engage with the world and the information that surrounds us.

    • Be mindful of past statementsConsider the potential consequences of public statements and allow for growth and learning while being thoughtful and adaptable in our discourse

      We need to be mindful of the things we say and post in public, as our opinions and beliefs may change over time and could potentially be used against us. The speaker emphasizes the importance of careful consideration before sharing opinions publicly, as the world is constantly evolving and our past statements may conflict with our future beliefs. This awareness should not be seen as a form of self-censorship or adherence to consistency, but rather a call for thoughtfulness and adaptability in our public discourse. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone is human and prone to error, and that we should strive for consistency while also allowing for growth and learning.

    • Learning from Past Mistakes with NuanceAvoid extreme conclusions based on incomplete info, understand complex issues, show forgiveness, avoid 'outrage archaeology', and approach new situations with care and a willingness to learn.

      While it's important to learn from past mistakes, we should avoid drawing extreme conclusions based on incomplete or outdated information. The speaker emphasizes the need for understanding complex issues before taking a stand and for showing forgiveness towards ourselves and others for past errors. The discussion also touches upon the importance of avoiding "outrage archaeology" and recognizing the context and norms of different times. The speaker uses examples from historical conflicts, such as the wars in Iraq and Syria, and the COVID-19 pandemic to illustrate the importance of making distinctions and avoiding the wrong lessons. In essence, the takeaway is to approach new situations with care, nuance, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

    • Learning from past experiences without creating rigid filtersApproach situations rationally, learn from mistakes, and avoid creating inflexible identities based on past experiences.

      It's important to approach every situation rationally and learn from our mistakes, but not create rigid filters or identities based on past experiences. The discussion also touched upon the idea of tribalism and how social media can contribute to the reemergence of more defined, secure identities. A notable example was given about an incident involving Stephen Colbert and a controversy over a satirical joke, which highlighted the challenges of having nuanced conversations when people hold strong, unyielding identities. It's crucial to remember that everyone, regardless of their background, has the right to express their opinions and engage in intellectual discussions.

    • Misunderstanding based on identity is harmfulReducing complex issues to identity-based labels and responses can lead to harmful misunderstandings and perpetuate a divisive cultural climate. Instead, we should strive for open, respectful dialogue that acknowledges and learns from each other's experiences and perspectives.

      Reducing complex issues to simplistic identity-based labels and responses is unproductive and harmful to meaningful dialogue. Suey's experience of being misunderstood and dismissed based on her identity highlights the danger of treating individuals as cardboard cutouts rather than human beings. The use of identitarian weapons, such as The Voice in Australia, may stem from past injustices, but perpetuating this divisive approach risks leading to a low-grade cultural civil war. Instead, we must strive to engage in open, respectful conversations that acknowledge and learn from each other's experiences and perspectives.

    • Proposed 'The Voice' for First Nations representation in constitution sparks controversyDespite initial proposal over a decade ago, constitutional embedding of 'The Voice' led to culture war clash due to concerns about permanence, cost, and representation. Opposition came mainly from rural and regional areas due to elitist attitude towards their concerns.

      The idea of creating a single cohesive body, known as "The Voice," to articulate the First Nations point of view on legislation affecting indigenous people was proposed over a decade ago. However, the government's decision to embed it in the constitution for representation in the founding document led to a culture war clash due to concerns about its permanence, potential cost, and representation. The referendum failed to pass due to opposition from rural and regional areas, not because of lack of knowledge or contact with indigenous people. The elitist and condescending attitude towards those with reservations about the proposal may have driven more people against it. The challenge lies in finding a way to build the largest buy-in for policies addressing inequality, ensuring that all voices are heard and considered in an open and respectful manner.

    • Balancing border control and public support for immigrationEffective border control and reassuring citizens of secure borders are key to managing high rates of immigration, but striking a balance between deterrence and humanity is crucial to maintain public support and ethical treatment of immigrants.

      Effective border control and public buy-in are crucial elements in managing high rates of immigration in a country, even in those considered "very white." Australia's experience shows that reassuring citizens that their borders are secure and implementing strict immigration policies can lead to public support for immigration, despite potential brutality involved. However, it's essential to strike a balance between deterrence and humanity, ensuring that the treatment of immigrants remains humane and ethical. The conversation also touched upon the challenges of infrastructure, public services, and public opinion when dealing with large-scale immigration.

    • Immigration and Societal Values: Balancing Cultural Preservation and Liberal DemocracyImmigration brings diversity, but assimilation and adoption of universal liberal principles are crucial to prevent social conflicts. Acknowledge the challenge of finding balance between cultural preservation and liberal democracy.

      The connection between immigration and societal values is complex and multifaceted. While immigration can bring about cultural richness and diversity, it's crucial to encourage assimilation and the adoption of universal liberal principles to prevent potential social conflicts. The failure to do so can result in a backlash, as seen in Europe with the rise of far-right movements. The terms "multicultural" and "multiethnic" have different meanings and implications, and the latter is preferred when discussing the integration of diverse cultural groups. It's important to acknowledge that there will always be a radical subset of people who hold conservative values, regardless of their cultural background, and finding the right balance between cultural preservation and liberal democracy is a challenge that requires ongoing dialogue and understanding.

    • Balancing multiculturalism and practical integration in AustraliaThe integration of immigrants into mainstream society is crucial, but Australia must find a balance between welcoming diversity and practical integration. The impending impact of artificial intelligence on our daily lives is another significant issue that requires our attention and preparation.

      While Australia promotes multiculturalism, there's a practical need for immigrants to integrate into the mainstream society. However, the balance between welcoming diversity and practical integration is a complex issue. On a different note, Josh raises a thought-provoking point about the impending impact of artificial intelligence on our daily lives. In the near future, we may all be interacting constantly with virtual assistants, lawyers, and accountants, which could have profound psychological effects on society. This shift may seem daunting, but it's essential to acknowledge and prepare for these changes. The conversation also touched upon Australia's response to the pandemic and other pressing issues, but the potential influence of AI on our social fabric was a compelling and timely topic worth exploring.

    • Exploring controversial topics through open communicationEngaging in thoughtful dialogue about controversial topics can lead to deeper understanding and potential growth

      Open communication and clear expression of opinions, even in controversial topics like the Israel-Hamas conflict, can lead to a deeper understanding between individuals. Josh, who has spoken out about his perspective on the issue, has not shared if he has received any significant feedback indicating a change in attitude or understanding from his audience. However, the importance of such conversations lies in the potential for growth and learning, which is why engaging in thoughtful dialogue is essential. If you're interested in more in-depth discussions on various topics, consider joining our exclusive membership program for ad-free and extended interviews. Click the membership link in the podcast description or find the exclusive episodes link on your podcast listening app to join us.

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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam
    APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Watch the Munk Debate - Douglas Murray vs Mehdi Hassan: Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Live June 17th. Join today to live stream. Click here: https://bit.ly/munk_debate Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born human rights activist, writer and former politician. To escape an arranged marriage, she sought political asylum in the Netherlands at the age of 23. In her early 30s, she renounced the Islamic faith of her childhood and began identifying as an atheist, becoming an outspoken critic of Islam in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. In late 2023, Ayaan shocked many by announcing her conversion to Christianity. She has recently launched a new platform, Restoration, which aims to unite and equip those who want to restore the confidence and institutions of the West. Find out more on the Restoration Substack: https://www.restorationbulletin.com/ SPONSOR: Express VPN. Go to https://www.expressvpn.com/trigger/ and get an extra 3 months free on a one-year package! Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc  Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https:/ /www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enMay 26, 2024

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    The Amazing Work of Bridget Algee-Hewitt, PhD

    The Amazing Work of Bridget Algee-Hewitt, PhD

    Bridget Algee-Hewitt, PhD, does amazing things.

    She is a Senior Research Scientist at Stanford University’s Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity and a Quantitative Researcher in Facebook’s SBG Data Science Research and Development Division. Bridget is a biological anthropologist who studies how skeletal and genetic traits vary among contemporary peoples, across space and through time.  She develops new computational methods, using machine learning and artificial intelligence, and geographic mapping algorithms, and hands-on DNA and osteology laboratory approaches to improve estimation of the personal identity parameters essential in forensic identification of unknown human remains and for the paleo-demographic reconstruction of past population histories in bio-archaeology. 

    As a practicing forensic anthropologist and geneticist, she provides forensic casework consultation to the medico-legal community. She also delivers expert testimony for asylum petitions and advocates for policy change in support of undocumented migrant and refugee rights. Her social justice work focuses on immigration, displacement, poverty, and violence in Latin America, addressing in particular the crisis of migrant deaths along the U.S.-Mexico border. 

    Bridget received her PhD in Biological Anthropology from the University of Tennessee – Knoxville, an MA in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology at Bryn Mawr, and a BA in Classics and Art History from Mount Allison University. Bridget is an Advisory Board Member for the Certificate in Critical Consciousness and Anti-Oppressive Praxis in the Stanford School of Medicine and she is the Book & Resource Review Editor for the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.

    Listeners may recall past episodes in which we had guests who are experts in forensics, and in AI, and big data, and genetics, and anthropology, and even an artist who used randomly found public DNA to create sculptures of individuals, but Bridget’s work seems to be an integration of all of these areas and more. We begin with what drew her to biological anthropology and what biological anthropology constitutes.

    We then discuss her article in Medium with Casey Miller on US/Mexico border camps, COVID-19 and medical care and humanitarian relief efforts. Next we do a deep dive into her talk at the Stanford Institute for Human Artificial Intelligence conference on AI Ethics, Policy and Governance where she spoke on Race, Rights and Facial Recognition, and we discuss the social justice aspects that she spoke on—in particular how geopolitical situations can change our biology by causing trauma that may play-out in our epigenetics which can be passed on intergenerationally. It is truly fascinating, especially in the context of the Grand Ethical Challenge in this area of work.

    Related to this, Bridget was part of a panel on Forensic Genomics: New Frontiers and New Considerations, which focused on the difficult questions about whether and how DNA technologies are being used to identify “race” or “ethnicity” and the balance between ethical, legal and social implications and we learn her perspectives on this and what can be done as safeguards.

    We also circle back to her Advisory Board work on the nascent Certificate in Critical Consciousness and Anti-Oppressive Praxis in the Stanford School of Medicine and this program’s work, and her perspective on the “compound technology effect” and better ways to integrate and sort multidisciplinary effects on scientific work and its ramifications.

    She also has a new book coming out Remodeling Forensic Skeletal Age: Modern Applications and New Research Directions, which “presents a comprehensive understanding of the analytical frameworks and conceptual approaches salient both to the present chapters on forensic age estimation and to those seeking to grasp the current state of the field more broadly. It also includes a series of recommendations of best practice through the chapter-examples, which offer theory and guidance for data acquisition, technique and/or model development, and the assessment of impact of the adopted approaches, considering the assumptions that underlie of the forensic decision-making process.” Again, fascinating.

    Bridget wonderfully combines various disciplines and sciences via the connective thread of social justice and humanitarian intervention which is inspiring for us all and demonstrates how to live a life in full in the service of knowledge and helping others.

    “Living a Life in Full” is the conversation you always wanted to have with that person who gave an amazing TED talk, or the author of one your favorite books, or that inspirational Olympian you always wanted to know more about.

    This show is for the intellectually curious. You want to not just know more about the interesting and the innovative, but also what makes them tick, and maybe even what makes them laugh. It’s graduate-level conversations with those making a difference in the world and the lives of others.

    This show brings you new ideas and approaches so you can live a life in full.

    The show is equal parts information and inspiration, but without the aphorisms and Pablum. We cover a wide range of topics in an engaging way—from Burning Man to The Renaissance Weekend, from the United Nations to top universities, Nobel Laureates to astronauts—we have an amazing Rolodex.

    Interviewees are a who’s who of high performance athletes, bestselling authors, high-caliber leaders, world changing humanitarians, innovative researchers, amazing start-up founders, clever life-hackers, paradigm busting thought-leaders and global innovators.

    A Clockwork Metaverse - (Hour 2)

    A Clockwork Metaverse - (Hour 2)
    Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media cartels and social media feedback loops.

    Hour 2
    In the second hour of the podcast the BOILER ROOM is looking at the Neil Young vs Joe Rogan story is unfolding in the wake of the outrage at Joe Rogan interviewing Dr. Robert Malone. Who does the mass media and fortune 100 cartels look to as voices of analysis for this...? Well, a Unicef spokesperson and a one-hit-wonder viral video 'anti-golf' tiktok personality who's now tried to rebrand herself as a "anti-conspiracy researcher." Emperor Fauci is on the jab path again, pushing for jabbing children under the age of five years old with experimental biotech gene therapy mRNA drugs, just following the W.H.O. coming out and saying there was little evidence that this type of experimenting on children is helpful at all. Whats up with mass media platforming someone lightly roasting Schwab and the Davos crowd? Some discerning readers might think they backhandedly want to paint swaths of people as "antidemocratic populists."

    Featured guests: Ruckus (The Daily Ruckus), Oddman Out The Oddcast), Infidel Pharaoh (Magic Carpet Ride), Mindspace Art (Soul Purpose)

    Hour 2 Reference Links:

    An Open Letter to Spotify: A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a misinformation policy

    ‘A Menace to Public Health’: Doctors Demand Spotify Puts an End to Covid Lies on ‘Joe Rogan Experience’

    Ministry of Truth on Abbie Richards

    Unicef wants your money

    The High Cost of Disparaging Natural Immunity to Covid


    003: The Reckoning: SCOTUS Breakpoint

    003: The Reckoning: SCOTUS Breakpoint

    Conservatives' 30-year mission to restructure the courts in their own image is culminating with a series of cases that is reshaping the country. Case by case, the Supreme Court is rewriting the rules that have long structured the way we live, how we are governed, how we worship, even who we are.

    Immigration. Health Care. Political representation. Reproductive and religious rights. . . It's hard to find any aspect of daily life beyond the reach of the court's long tentacles.

    The July 21 Conversations On The Green will explore the courts' new direction and what it means for the way we live and for the country with three of the most celebrated court watchers. 


    Jeffrey Toobin, Staff writer at The New Yorker and senior analyst for CNN

    Linda Greenhouse, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist, author and SCOTUS authority

    Joan Biskupic, Journalist, author and Supreme Court legal analyst at CNN

    Produced by Susan McCone

    Moderated by Jane Whitney, former NBC News correspondent & talk show host. Audience members are encouraged to participate in the interactive town-hall style format.

    All proceeds benefit:

    Greenwoods Counseling Referrals, Inc. - Helping members of the Litchfield County Community and beyond find access to compassionate and high-quality mental health and related care.

    New Milford Hospital - helping to secure the latest technology, attract the best medical staff and provide the compassionate, patient-centered care for which they are nationally recognized.

    Susan B. Anthony Project - promoting safety, healing, and growth for all survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and advocates for the autonomy of women and the end of interpersonal violence.

    '3' Marketing Secrets to Maximize Capitalism!!!...

    '3' Marketing Secrets to Maximize Capitalism!!!...

    In this episode of John Di Lemme's Podcast, you'll hear John Di Lemme share *3* Marketing Motivational Secrets to Explode Your Revenue, Increase Your Customer Retention, and Maximize Capitalism in Your Market...

    ✅ Enjoy the *3* Marketing Motivational Secrets to Explode Your Revenue, Increase Your Customer Retention, and Maximize Capitalism in Your Market...

    to get a Hold of my *Free Business Report* on How to Achieve Your Giant Goals... make sure You go to... http://www.TheConservativeCoach.com

    As Always Feel Free to call/text (561) 847 - 3467 or email me directly anytime at John@TheConservativeCoach.com

    We are here for you...

    Let's Keep America Great and Make Capitalism Great Again!

    John Di Lemme