
    Insurrectionist?! Jamaal Bowman Pulls Fire Alarm To Shut Down Congress!

    enOctober 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The destructive belief of loving yourself before othersIt's not necessary to love yourself before loving others, and prioritizing self-love over others can hinder growth and development.

      The notion that you must love yourself before you can love others is a destructive belief. While it's important to respect yourself and strive for self-improvement, it's not necessary to love yourself in order to love others. This idea can be harmful and confusing, especially in today's society where self-love is often prioritized over everything else. It's important to remember that people are capable of loving others while disliking themselves or certain aspects of themselves. This belief also reinforces the idea that you are always right and priority number one, which can hinder growth and development. Instead, we should focus on being open to learning, growing, and loving others, while also striving for self-improvement and respect.

    • Focusing on loving and serving others leads to self-love and respectBy prioritizing others' needs, we can deepen connections, earn respect, and ultimately find self-love and respect for ourselves

      True self-love and respect don't come from focusing on oneself first, but rather from loving and serving others before oneself. This counterintuitive idea, which was discussed in the conversation, suggests that the path to self-respect and ultimately self-love involves putting others' needs before our own. This approach can lead to deeper connections, respect, and ultimately, love for oneself. The irony is that by focusing on loving and serving others, we may find that we become the best versions of ourselves, worthy of our own respect and love.

    • Comparing Jamal Bowman's actions to trivial offenses and technical difficulties during a live showJamal Bowman's false fire alarm could lead to severe consequences, while technical difficulties and discussions about choke holds were handled lightly during a live show.

      Jamal Bowman's actions of pulling the fire alarm in the halls, despite smelling smoke, were compared to a trivial act during a public process, and the consequences for him should be severe, as some people receive prison time for similar actions. Additionally, during a recent live show, there were technical difficulties with headphones and volume knobs, and Craig Jones' choking out of Alex Jones led to a bizarre rant about clockwork elves. The hosts also discussed their support for properly learned choke holds as a peaceful way to be incapacitated in a fight. The conversation was light-hearted but touched upon various topics, including the government shutdown, the Nobel Prize, and personal experiences.

    • Expressing Your Authentic Self in RelationshipsAuthentic self-expression, communication, and compromise are crucial for healthy relationships. Women should feel free to be themselves, but also recognize the need for boundaries and compromise.

      Authentic self-expression and personal growth are essential in relationships, but boundaries and compromise are also necessary. The speaker advocates for women, particularly those in relationships, to go clubbing with their friends to be their authentic selves and not be judged. However, she also acknowledges that relationships involve sacrifices and changes. The speaker believes that both men and women have changing expectations in relationships, with men desiring a supportive and nurturing partner, while women may want more freedom and independence. It's crucial to find a balance and communicate openly with your partner about your needs and desires. Additionally, the speaker warns against taking advantage of others or engaging in unhealthy relationships. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that authenticity, communication, and compromise are essential for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Balance between independence and commitment in relationshipsMaintain open communication and find common ground for a rewarding relationship despite unpredictability and challenges

      Modern relationships require a balance between independence and commitment. Women want a partner who can provide, protect, and be strong, while also allowing them the freedom to pursue their own interests. However, this balance can be challenging to maintain, especially when it comes to matters of fidelity and personal autonomy. The conversation also touched on the societal expectations and double standards surrounding self-expression and identity for both men and women. The passing of Dianne Feinstein serves as a reminder of the importance of respectful communication and the need for compromise in all aspects of life. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that relationships, like cities, can be unpredictable and challenging, but with open communication and a willingness to find common ground, they can also be incredibly rewarding.

    • Considering age and qualifications in leadership rolesAge and qualifications are important factors when selecting leaders, particularly in government. Older individuals may not be as effective, while those with relevant experience and skills can make significant contributions.

      Age and qualifications should be considered when making decisions about leadership roles, particularly in government. The speaker expressed that individuals over a certain age, such as 90, may not be able to effectively contribute or make decisions that affect the rest of us. He also mentioned the example of Joe Biden, who would not be employed in many other places but is making a significant impact in the government. Furthermore, the speaker discussed the appointment of Laphonza Butler as a replacement for Dianne Feinstein in the Senate, commenting on her qualifications as a black woman and president of EMILY's List, a pro-abortion organization. While some may argue that race and other demographic factors should not be a consideration for leadership roles, the speaker emphasized the importance of having individuals who are able to effectively contribute and make decisions.

    • Lack of Diversity in Political Representation and Criticism Towards Certain Public FiguresThe absence of a black lesbian politician in California highlights the need for greater diversity in political representation. Criticism towards certain public figures should be constructive and respectful, avoiding derogatory language towards women and the LGBTQ+ community. The media's role in sensationalizing events should be considered.

      The discussion touched upon the lack of diversity in political representation, specifically mentioning the absence of a black lesbian politician in California. The conversation also included criticism towards certain public figures and their actions, as well as the use of derogatory language towards women and the LGBTQ+ community. Furthermore, there was a mention of a civil fraud trial involving Donald Trump and the presence of cameras in the courtroom. The speaker expressed their belief that the news media often sensationalizes events and turns them into spectacles.

    • Transparency and honesty in public figures' actionsMaintaining transparency and honesty prevents misunderstandings, builds credibility, and avoids consequences like fire alarms or skepticism towards information.

      Transparency and honesty are crucial in public figures' actions and communications. During a discussion, it was highlighted that keeping things in the open can prevent misunderstandings and help maintain credibility. The example of former President Trump's handling of allegations was brought up, emphasizing the importance of addressing every issue instead of staying silent. Furthermore, the incident involving Congressman Jamaal Bowman pulling a fire alarm during a vote on a funding bill served as an illustration of the consequences of not being transparent. The discussion also touched upon the skepticism towards information and the importance of fact-checking.

    • Congressman Bowman's Alarm Incident: Clear Communication Needed in EmergenciesCongressman Bowman's accidental or intentional triggering of a fire alarm during a vote caused confusion and highlighted the importance of clear signage in emergency situations.

      Congressman Jamal Bowman's actions during a recent vote, which involved pulling a fire alarm, have been a subject of controversy. He claimed it was an accident, believing it would open a door due to locked doors and confusing signs. However, many found his explanation unconvincing. Fellow representative AOC defended him, but even she acknowledged the confusion caused by the sign. The sign in question, which was reviewed, did not have clear instructions for opening the door. Despite this context, it remains unclear whether Bowman's actions were intentional or not. Regardless, the incident has sparked debate and highlighted the importance of clear communication in emergency situations.

    • Congressman Jamaal Bowman's controversial actions criticizedCongressman Jamaal Bowman faced criticism for pulling a fire alarm to halt a congressional vote, with some comparing his actions to those of a Seagal character. Critics also cited his past behavior and academic record, as well as his proposed bills using unearned tax money and hip hop recognition month.

      During a discussion about navigating through a building with unexpectedly closed doors, the focus shifted to the actions of Congressman Jamaal Bowman. Bowman was criticized for pulling the fire alarm to halt a congressional vote, with some comparing his actions to those of a character from a Seagal film. The speaker expressed strong disapproval towards Bowman, citing his past verbal assaults and academic performance at the Cornerstone Academy for Social Action, which he had founded. The speaker also criticized Bowman for introducing bills proposing the use of unearned tax money and the designation of August 2023 as official hip hop recognition month. Despite the criticism, it was unclear whether Bowman had faced any consequences for his actions. The conversation also touched on the closed doors in the building, which were attributed to a poltergeist, and the speaker's own confidence in navigating the situation.

    • Politician prioritizes grandstanding over addressing pressing issuesPolitician's focus on grandstanding distracts from addressing important issues like educational proficiency and government spending, potentially fueling anger and violent sentiments.

      The individual under discussion prioritizes grandstanding over addressing pressing issues, such as educational proficiency and government spending. He advocates for initiatives like the Green New Deal in schools without clear implementation plans, and criticizes others for political gain. His actions, such as attempting to pull a fire alarm during a government shutdown, demonstrate a disregard for rules and safety. Despite his lack of accomplishments and questionable actions, he continues to seek attention through cable news appearances. This behavior contributes to a culture of political theater and could potentially fuel anger and violent sentiments among the population.

    • Power Struggle Between McCarthy and Gaetz ContinuesDeep-rooted distrust between McCarthy and Gaetz fuels ongoing political battle over debt ceiling and government funding, with potential consequences for both parties and the role of outside groups in shaping the political landscape.

      The ongoing power struggle between Kevin McCarthy and his critics within the Republican Party, including Matt Gaetz, is likely to continue, with potential consequences for both parties. McCarthy is facing calls for his removal as Speaker of the House, while Gaetz is facing possible expulsion. The distrust between these figures runs deep, with each side accusing the other of lying and undermining the political process. The debate over the debt ceiling and government funding adds fuel to the fire, with both sides digging in their heels. It's a feature of the system, not a bug, that these political battles are taking place. Ultimately, the outcome will depend on who can muster the most support and effectively execute their strategy. The influence of outside groups and nonprofits in shaping the political landscape is also a factor, with some critics arguing that these organizations prioritize their own agendas over serving the public.

    • Skepticism towards politicians and the scientific communityThe speaker questions the motives of politicians and scientists, expressing skepticism towards their actions and intentions.

      There's a perceived disconnect between being a decent person and being a politician. The speaker expresses skepticism towards politicians and mentions Matt Gaetz, but acknowledges that not all politicians are corrupt. The discussion then shifts to the Nobel Prize for the mRNA vaccine, with the speaker expressing skepticism about the significance of the prize and questioning the motives of those handing it out. The speaker also mentions Robert Malone, who they claim invented the mRNA vaccine but didn't receive the award. The speaker ends by expressing skepticism about the efficacy of the vaccine and questioning the financial motivations of the pharmaceutical companies involved. Overall, the speaker expresses a cynical view of politics and the scientific community.

    • Concerns over Nobel Prizes and their validityBe cautious of potential propaganda and inaccuracies in awards and institutions, apply scientific method, and critically evaluate information from multiple sources.

      There are concerns about the validity of certain awards and institutions, such as the Nobel Prize, and the potential for them to be used for propaganda purposes. This was discussed in relation to the election results and the COVID-19 vaccine. It was noted that there have been controversial figures who have received the Nobel Prize in the past, and that the validity of some of their achievements and the awards themselves have been questioned. The discussion also touched on the importance of applying the scientific method and being open to new information and evidence, even if it goes against previously held beliefs. Additionally, there have been instances where leaders, such as former President Trump, have made statements that were later found to be inaccurate or misleading, which can contribute to confusion and mistrust. It's essential to approach information from various sources and critically evaluate it to make informed decisions.

    • Government funding and private profits during the pandemicDuring the pandemic, taxpayers funded vaccine development, while manufacturers profited, showcasing the trend of socializing investments and privatizing profits.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government and taxpayers funded the development of life-saving vaccines through significant investments. Meanwhile, vaccine manufacturers like Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna made unprecedented profits from the sales of vaccines. You, as a taxpayer, paid for both the development and the profits. It's crucial to acknowledge this connection and consider the implications for future funding and compensation structures. This is an example of socializing investments and privatizing profits, a trend that has become increasingly common in various industries. It's essential to advocate for policies that ensure fair compensation for all parties involved.

    • The system favors corporations and the government over individualsThe system uses taxpayer money for losses and mandates, but individuals don't receive profits or returns. It's crucial for individuals to advocate for their own interests and challenge the status quo.

      The system is rigged against individuals and in favor of corporations and the government, particularly in the areas of investment, losses, and profits. This was highlighted during discussions about bailouts and vaccines. Taxpayers' money is used to fund losses and mandates, but they do not receive the profits or even the return on their investment. The Nobel Prize committee, big pharmaceutical industries, and the government are essentially one and the same, with no one truly representing the best interests of the people. It is essential for individuals to be aware and take responsibility for their own well-being and interests. The historical mistake of funding and mandating experimental vaccines without proper representation for the people must be addressed. It's time for a change in the system, where taxpayers receive their fair share of profits and returns on their investments.

    • Government-Corporate Interactions: A Hypocritical RelationshipPoliticians accept corporate money, mandate policies that benefit them, and corporations operate with little accountability, leading to a hypocritical relationship between government and corporations. Transparency and accountability are necessary for change.

      Politicians from both parties have taken large amounts of money from corporations, including pharmaceutical companies and real estate firms, and used it to mandate policies that benefit these corporations at the expense of individuals. These corporations, deemed "too big to fail," have been able to operate with little accountability and have used their power to influence government policies. The issue of gun ownership was brought up as an example of hypocrisy, as the government demands taxes and compliance from citizens but refuses to hold corporations accountable. The discussion also touched upon the historical context of Obamacare and the proposed solutions for increasing competition and tort reform. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for transparency and accountability in government and corporate interactions.

    • Exploring Longer Shows on RumbleRumble distinguishes itself with longer shows and exciting content, attracting viewers with additional content after a video ends.

      Rumble, a video streaming platform, offers a seamless viewing experience with longer shows. For instance, clicking the button below a video leads to an additional 45 minutes to an hour of content. Shows like Alex Jones', Brian Callan's, and Nick DiPaolo's air Monday through Friday at 5 PM Eastern Time. Notable announcements include the upcoming addition of the Hodge Twins to the network. However, during this discussion, there was a moment of confusion as the team mixed up their characters - Arnold Schwarzenegger and a hedge fund manager. Ultimately, Rumble's focus on longer shows and exciting content sets it apart from competitors like YouTube.

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-26-2024

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-25

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/source-june-24

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    Support freedom of speech with Rumble's 1775 Coffee. Go to 1775coffee.com/Crowder right now and pick up your first bag. Use code CROWDER to save 10%.

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-18

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-17-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
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    Submit your costumes on X with #AppropriateIran for a chance to be featured on the show!

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    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-13-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

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