
    Intensity and Intentionality Are the Keys to Building Wealth

    en-usNovember 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Financial infidelity impacts all areas of lifeRecognize manipulative behavior, explore solutions, and take responsibility for your actions to improve overall well-being

      All aspects of our lives - money, relationships, work, and mental health - are interconnected. Financial infidelity, such as secretly giving money to family members, can negatively impact marriages and personal finances. It's crucial to recognize that we hold the power in these situations and should not enable manipulative behavior. If you're in a difficult situation, like being a one-income household or caring for a family member, explore all possible solutions, like finding a work-from-home job, before making excuses. Remember, taking responsibility for your actions and owning your decisions is key to improving your overall well-being.

    • Communicating openly and making necessary changes in a financially stressed relationshipAcknowledge financial issues, be truthful, work together, seek financial education, and use tools like budgeting apps to maintain a healthy financial and personal relationship.

      When faced with financial difficulties and a need for transparency in a relationship, it's essential to communicate openly and make necessary changes. In the discussed situation, a woman, Barbara, was dealing with a back injury, limited income, and supporting her father financially, leading to financial stress. She and her husband agreed to make changes, including Barbara getting a job and creating a budget. It's crucial to acknowledge the issue, be truthful, and work together as a team. Additionally, seeking financial education and tools, like budgeting apps, can provide extra accountability and help manage resources effectively. Remember, transparency and open communication are vital in maintaining a healthy financial and personal relationship.

    • Consider selling investments to pay off high-interest car loanSell investments or work multiple jobs to pay off high-interest car debt, but avoid reckless financial advice.

      The best way to get out of a car loan with a high interest rate and underwater situation is to consider selling investments, if necessary, to make a large payment towards the debt. However, it's important to avoid taking advice from people who are not financially stable. Additionally, working multiple jobs and being disciplined with monthly payments can help pay off the debt more quickly. The speaker's situation could improve with time and better financial management, especially as they gain more experience and higher salaries in their HVAC career.

    • Focusing on debt elimination and savings for financial freedomEliminating debt, particularly a car loan, and increasing savings can lead to financial freedom. Multiple jobs, starting a business, and taking care of financial protections like life insurance can help. Don't be discouraged, improvements can be made quickly. Offer services to help others in the community.

      By focusing on eliminating debt, specifically a car loan, and increasing savings, an individual can progress towards financial freedom. This can be achieved through multiple jobs, and even starting a business, while also taking care of important financial protections like life insurance. The speakers emphasized the importance of not being discouraged by current financial situations and the potential for significant improvements in a short amount of time. They also encouraged listeners to help others in their community by offering services and skills in exchange for payment. By following these steps, one can move closer to achieving financial stability and eventually becoming a millionaire.

    • The Importance of Financial Independence in RelationshipsBeing financially independent is crucial in relationships to ensure your own financial wellbeing and avoid being burdened by someone else's debts.

      Financial health and relationship health go hand in hand. During the holiday season, there are great deals to be found, but it's important to remember the value of your own financial wellbeing. In the discussion, Marie from Arizona shared her struggle with an unfair financial situation in her marriage. The situation was described as a "wreck" and it was advised that Marie seek professional help to begin the process of separating herself from the marriage. This situation highlights the importance of being financially independent and not being in a position where a significant portion of your income goes towards supporting someone else's debts. It's crucial to prioritize your financial health and wellbeing, especially in relationships. Additionally, it was mentioned that Neighborly can help with home repairs and maintenance, saving time and effort in finding reliable home service professionals.

    • Seeking advice for relationship and financial mattersConsider separating from abusive relationships and seeking professional help. Maximize earnings by opening high-yield savings accounts and saving for future goals.

      In the first part of the discussion, the speakers advised Marie to separate from her partner and consider seeking professional help due to his abusive behavior. They suggested a 30-day separation with a clear plan for future meetings. In the second part, the speakers advised a father on how to help his 16-year-old son manage his earnings from his lawn mowing business. They recommended opening a high-yield savings account to maximize the interest earned and save for future goals. The common thread in both discussions was the importance of taking action to improve one's situation and make the most of opportunities. In the first case, it was about leaving an abusive relationship and seeking help. In the second case, it was about saving and investing money wisely.

    • Prioritizing debt repayment during financial uncertaintyTo achieve financial stability during uncertain times, focus on paying off debts in order from smallest to largest, consider selling assets for larger debts, and prioritize larger debts like HELOCs.

      During times of financial uncertainty, prioritizing debt repayment is crucial. In this situation, Roy and his wife were faced with significant medical debt and other debts, including a HELOC and credit cards. To help them navigate their financial situation, Dr. John Delony suggested following the baby steps method, which involves paying off debts in order from smallest to largest. After paying off smaller debts, they should focus on larger debts, such as the HELOC. Additionally, they should consider selling an asset, like one of their rental properties, to pay off larger debts and reduce financial stress. While it's important to consider all financial options, prioritizing debt repayment can provide peace of mind and financial stability, especially during challenging times.

    • Minimizing variables and debts during financial hardshipSelling assets and paying off debts can provide financial security and peace of mind for loved ones during uncertain times

      During times of financial uncertainty or hardship, it's crucial to minimize variables and debts as much as possible. A listener, who is going through a medical divorce, shared his experience of selling assets and paying off debts to protect his wife from potential financial burdens in the future. He emphasized the importance of being proactive and taking action to secure a stable financial future for loved ones. In this case, he decided to sell one of his properties and pay off debts to ensure his wife would have no debt and could avoid being a landlord after his passing. This tough but necessary decision allowed him to give his wife as smooth a sailing as possible through a challenging situation.

    • Understanding the intentions behind a family giftConsider the reasons behind a family gift, as strings attached may limit freedom, while genuine intentions can lead to financial stability and independence.

      When receiving a significant financial gift from a family member, it's essential to understand the intentions behind it and consider the potential implications on your relationship with that person. If the gift comes with strings attached, it may limit your freedom and potentially lead to unwanted interference. On the other hand, if the gift is given with the intention of helping you achieve financial stability or independence, it could be an opportunity to improve your financial situation and reduce stress. Ultimately, it's crucial to weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision based on your personal values and priorities.

    • Considering the Value of Time and Well-BeingConsider offers beyond financial gains, prioritize personal freedom, evaluate motivations, and avoid unnecessary debt.

      The speaker in the discussion expresses the importance of considering the value of one's time and well-being beyond just financial gains. He shares an anecdote about a potential offer of $350,000 from an employer, which he would decline despite the financial benefits, as he values his personal freedom and time with family over working endlessly. The speaker also touches upon the concept of ego and the importance of evaluating one's motivations for taking or declining an offer. The discussion also touches upon the theme of living within means and avoiding unnecessary debt. The viral video mentioned in the conversation highlights the cycle of working to afford basic necessities and the importance of questioning the purpose of this cycle. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of considering the non-financial aspects of work and life.

    • Recognizing the importance of meaningful workLeaders should foster work environments that promote purpose and personal growth, transforming how people view work and find joy in their daily lives

      We as adults have not done a good job of explaining the importance of enjoying meaningful work and contributing to something bigger than ourselves to the younger generation. Instead, many people view work as a mere means to earn a paycheck and endure the daily grind. This perspective is particularly prevalent in soulless, corporate environments where employees feel like they're just cogs in a machine. However, when we recognize the value of our contributions and the impact we have on others, work becomes a source of purpose and fulfillment. It's essential for leaders to recognize this and create work environments that foster meaningful work and personal growth. By doing so, we can transform the way people view work and help them find joy and satisfaction in their daily lives.

    • Finding Meaning and Purpose in Work and LifeConnecting to the bigger picture of how work contributes to helping others and finding personal fulfillment can lead to increased motivation and job satisfaction. Seek joy in work and make peace with a simpler lifestyle for greater fulfillment, as shown by everyday millionaires.

      Connecting employees to the bigger picture of how their work contributes to helping others and finding personal fulfillment can lead to increased motivation and job satisfaction. This concept was discussed in relation to the food industry, but it applies to all industries and roles. The speaker also emphasized the importance of finding joy in work and making peace with a simpler lifestyle, rather than striving for material wealth at the expense of personal happiness. The speaker referenced the example of everyday millionaires who have found contentment in their modest means while making a positive impact in their communities. Overall, the key takeaway is that finding meaning and purpose in our work and lives can lead to greater fulfillment and satisfaction.

    • Preparing for a Successful Side HustleTo ensure success in a side hustle, dedicate at least 20 hours a week, save around $5,000-$6,000 for startup costs, learn from successful individuals, and align logic and emotions before launching.

      Starting a successful side hustle requires careful planning, saving, and research. The speaker recommends dedicating at least 20 hours a week, having a startup cost of around $5,000 to $6,000, and saving six months of operations before launching. Additionally, it's crucial to surround yourself with successful individuals in your desired field and learn from their experiences to make an informed decision. The speaker emphasizes the importance of aligning both logic and emotions before starting a side hustle. This means gathering all necessary information with your brain and then letting your heart make the final decision based on what you've learned. Overall, the key takeaway is to be prepared, informed, and confident before embarking on a side hustle.

    • Considering a significant life decision?Take time to gather info, assess personal situation, and align with long-term goals and values, rather than making hasty decisions based on external circumstances.

      It's important to carefully consider and align both your head and heart before making a significant life decision, such as leaving a stable job to pursue entrepreneurship full-time. Many people have regretted making hasty decisions based on the belief that a new opportunity would bring them greater happiness or financial success. Instead, it's crucial to gather as much information as possible, assess your personal situation, and make an informed decision that aligns with your long-term goals and values. Additionally, it's essential to remember that external circumstances, such as income level or possessions, do not define your worth or potential for growth.

    • Preparing Financially for a BabyExpecting parents should save or earn extra income to cover out-of-pocket pregnancy and delivery costs. Prioritize paying off debts before making large purchases or renting a new place for financial peace of mind.

      It's important for expecting parents to carefully consider and plan for the out-of-pocket costs associated with a pregnancy and delivery beyond what insurance covers. This can include setting aside enough savings or taking on additional income through odd jobs or side hustles. By doing so, parents can ensure they're financially prepared and debt-free when the baby arrives. Additionally, it's recommended to prioritize paying off any existing debts before making large purchases or renting a new place. Overall, being proactive and intentional with financial planning can bring peace of mind and set families up for long-term success.

    • Exploring side hustles for financial stabilityEffective side hustles can lead to substantial earnings, financial stability, and improved living situations. Utilize raises to discuss debt repayment and apartment upgrades with partners.

      Creating a side hustle and being proactive about managing finances can help individuals overcome financial struggles and improve their living situation. During the discussion, John Deloney suggested placing a flyer in St. Louis for carpentry work to earn extra income. This idea, if executed effectively, could lead to substantial earnings and financial stability. Additionally, Deloney advised using a potential raise to convince a partner about paying off debts and securing a new apartment. The overall message is that hustle and financial planning are essential for personal growth and achieving financial goals.

    • Learning from past relationship mistakesConsider past experiences to avoid complications and plan for future success in relationships and career changes

      Learning from past mistakes is crucial. Jack, a 26-year-old homeowner, is going through a separation and is considering selling his house or buying out his ex-partner. He's learned the hard way that buying a house with an unmarried partner can lead to complications. Jack's realtors estimate the house could sell for $450,000, leaving some equity for him and his ex. Instead of dealing with the emotional baggage, Jack could sell the house and split the profits. He's also considering starting his own private security business as a career change. As a veteran, he's already started his own agency, but to become a commissioned officer and carry a firearm, he'll need additional licensing. Jack should reach out to experienced security business owners for advice and insights into the industry's challenges. In summary, Jack's key takeaways are to learn from past relationship mistakes and start a new career with proper planning and research.

    • Considering transportation options for career moves and debt repaymentMaintain a reliable means of transportation for work and focus on finding a higher paying job to help pay off debt. Create and stick to a budget to effectively manage and repay debt.

      When looking to make a career move or pay off debt, it's important to consider the reliability and convenience of your current means of transportation. In the case of Alicia, selling her car and relying on public transportation seemed like a risky idea due to the unreliability of Metro and the importance of being on time for work. Instead, it was suggested that she keep the car and focus on finding a new job with better pay to help her make progress on her debt. Additionally, the importance of creating and sticking to a budget was emphasized as a key tool in managing and paying off debt.

    • View education as a long-term investmentApproach education with a long-term perspective, prioritize debt repayment and personal growth, and consider the potential consequences of altering your educational path.

      It's important to view your educational and career journey as a long-term investment rather than a race to be completed as quickly as possible. The speaker encourages taking a more gradual approach, focusing on debt repayment and personal growth, rather than rushing to finish a degree at the expense of financial stability. They share a personal story of how chasing after degrees to make more money led to a deeper financial hole, and emphasize the importance of considering the potential consequences of pausing or altering one's educational path. Instead, they suggest playing a "10 year game" and making thoughtful, informed decisions about how to invest time and resources in order to achieve long-term success.

    • Achieving Financial Freedom in 18 MonthsWith dedication, discipline, and a plan, one can become debt-free and financially independent in 18 months, but it's important to avoid overexertion and maintain balance.

      With dedication and discipline, it's possible to pay off debts and achieve financial freedom within a specific timeframe. The speaker, who has counseled many students, suggests that a plan for 18 months can help someone become debt-free and fully independent. However, it's essential to avoid overexertion and maintain a balance to avoid digging a deeper hole. The speaker encourages listeners to trust the process and believe in their ability to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others by leading Financial Peace University classes in their churches. The quote from Rosalyn Carter, "Do what you can to show you care about other people and you will make our world a better place," emphasizes the importance of caring for others and making a positive impact on the world. The caller, Seuss, is encouraged to continue following the Baby Steps plan, starting with building an emergency fund and then focusing on debt repayment, despite having a significant debt amount and a combined income of 72,000.

    • Focusing on small wins and psychological health for financial freedomFollow a plan to eliminate high-interest debts, unnecessary expenses, and build an emergency fund for true financial freedom

      Focusing on small wins and psychological health is key to financial freedom. The speaker emphasizes that a thousand dollars in emergency savings is not enough and that getting rid of high-interest debts and unnecessary expenses is essential. He shares his personal experience of saving money by getting rid of a high car payment and encourages listeners to follow a plan like the "snowball method" to pay off debts and build wealth. He also emphasizes that true financial freedom comes when no one owns you, and you're not in debt to anyone. The speaker encourages listeners to eliminate unnecessary expenses, like a car or an SUV with a high payment, and to follow a plan to pay off debts and build an emergency fund. The intensity and intentionality of following the baby steps together can give you tremendous momentum towards financial freedom.

    • Overcoming financial struggles and mental health challengesStay committed to a plan and seek support to achieve financial freedom and emotional well-being.

      Intentionality and consistency are key to overcoming financial struggles and mental health challenges. The Ramsey Show, with its practical advice and resources, emphasizes the importance of following a plan and seeking help when needed. Dr. John Deloney's podcast offers guidance on dealing with anxiety, depression, and relationship issues, reminding listeners that they don't have to face life's challenges alone. By staying committed to a plan and seeking support, individuals can work towards financial freedom and emotional well-being. The Ramsey Show's gift of Financial Peace University lessons and budgeting app, along with Dr. John Deloney's podcast, provide valuable resources for those looking to improve their lives. Overall, the message is clear: with the right mindset and tools, it's possible to overcome obstacles and live a fulfilling life.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
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    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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