
    Intermittent Fasting, Coffee Detox and Vegan Cookies - Episode 2

    enApril 13, 2020

    About this Episode

    Keri tackles three topics in nutrition that keep coming up over and over again: intermittent fasting, coffee detoxs and vegan cookies. These three fads have claimed benefits when in comes to wellness and weigh-loss, but let's look at the science.
    Does intermittent fasting have fact-based results, and what are they? Do you NEED coffee to function, or should you avoid it all together? Vegan cookies: are they "good for you", or should you stick to an old-fashioned chocolate chip?
    All these questions answered, and more in this episode of the Keri Report.


    The Keri Report disects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.

    Nutritionist, yoga teacher, and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans delivers her straightforward and sometimes controversial approach to what's current in the health and nutrition world. Her fun and engaging personality will leave you with a wealth of information on need-to-know hot topics for your overall well-being.

    Find more information and to join Keri's mailing list,
    visit her website:

    Instagram/Twitter: @kerigans


    Recent Episodes from The Keri Report

    The best and worst fad diets - Episode 82

    The best and worst fad diets - Episode 82

    Each year, the experts at US News evaluate all the latest diet trends - so, what did they find this year? We talk about the best - and the worst - of the fad diet list, and discuss which diets might be worth trying…and which ones DESERVE their place at the bottom of the list!


    My guest for this episode, Toby Amidor, is a 20-year veteran of the food and nutrition industry and is a spokesperson, media expert, and award-winning author of 10 cookbooks - yes, you read that right, 10! We talk about the top and bottom of the diet trends list, and what is being done well versus what is a red flag in the Mediterranean, Raw, DASH, Mind, and Slim Fast diets - and more. Stay tuned! 








    The Keri Report dissects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.


    Nutritionist, yoga teacher, and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans delivers her straightforward and sometimes controversial approach to what's current in the health and nutrition world. Her fun and engaging personality will leave you with a wealth of information on need-to-know hot topics for your overall well-being.


    To find more information and to join Keri's mailing list, visit her website: https://kerigansny.com/


    Instagram/Twitter: @kerigans

    Facebook Page: @KeriGansNY

    This episode was produced by Jess Schmidt. Visit her website at https://www.jessdoespodcasting.com

    Time for your New Year's Resolution Check-in - Episode 81

    Time for your New Year's Resolution Check-in - Episode 81

    How’s your New Year’s resolution going? Well, if you’re like two-thirds of the typical population, you’ve probably already given up: only 36% of resolutions on average make it past January…and only about 9% get carried out for an entire year. Why are we so bad at keeping our resolutions? How can you make sticking to a resolution for better health and nutrition easier and more compatible with long term success?


    Returning guest Bonnie Taub-Dix (BTD and “roomie” as she’s affectionately known by me!) is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, celebrated media personality, and the award-winning author of Read It Before You Eat It: How to Decode Food Labels and Make the Healthiest Choice Every Time and the founder of betterthandieting.com. We talk about how to make attainable, realistic weight and health resolutions - or, rather, real solutions - and how we’ve managed to succeed at our own “resolutions”. All this and more - stay tuned! 







    The Keri Report dissects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.


    Nutritionist, yoga teacher, and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans delivers her straightforward and sometimes controversial approach to what's current in the health and nutrition world. Her fun and engaging personality will leave you with a wealth of information on need-to-know hot topics for your overall well-being.


    To find more information and to join Keri's mailing list, visit her website: https://kerigansny.com/


    Instagram/Twitter: @kerigans

    Facebook Page: @KeriGansNY

    This episode was produced by Jess Schmidt. Visit her website at https://www.jessdoespodcasting.com

    Diet & nutrition trends that are in and out for 2024 - Episode 80

    Diet & nutrition trends that are in and out for 2024 - Episode 80

    It’s a brand new year, so it’s the perfect time to look back at the hottest diet and nutrition trends from 2023 and discuss which ones were great, which ones were not-so-good, and which ones we hope fade into the abyss of last year…plus, what will be the new “it” thing for 2024?


    One of my bestie RD friends, and returning guest, Samantha Cassetty, a nationally recognized food and nutrition expert, joins me to talk about intermittent fasting, keto, plant-based eating, the Mediterranean diet, Ozempic and Wegovy (I just can’t stay away from this topic!), hydration, and so much more. Stay tuned!







    The Keri Report dissects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.


    Nutritionist, yoga teacher, and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans delivers her straightforward and sometimes controversial approach to what's current in the health and nutrition world. Her fun and engaging personality will leave you with a wealth of information on need-to-know hot topics for your overall well-being.


    To find more information and to join Keri's mailing list, visit her website: https://kerigansny.com/


    Instagram/Twitter: @kerigans

    Facebook Page: @KeriGansNY

    This episode was produced by Jess Schmidt. Visit her website at https://www.jessdoespodcasting.com

    Is a “weight loss plateau” real? - Episode 79

    Is a “weight loss plateau” real? - Episode 79

    I love talking about all the schools of thought about weight loss - but I love it even more when I get to talk to someone who is no bullshit, shares the same ideas as me, and loves a good cocktail!

    Caroline Susie, award-winning registered licensed dietitian, joins me to talk about what exactly a weight loss plateau is, what causes it, whether set-point theory is a real thing, and some methods of tackling the frustration. All this and more in this episode!







    The Keri Report dissects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.


    Nutritionist, yoga teacher, and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans delivers her straightforward and sometimes controversial approach to what's current in the health and nutrition world. Her fun and engaging personality will leave you with a wealth of information on need-to-know hot topics for your overall well-being.


    To find more information and to join Keri's mailing list, visit her website: https://kerigansny.com/


    Instagram/Twitter: @kerigans

    Facebook Page: @KeriGansNY

    This episode was produced by Jess Schmidt. Visit her website at https://www.jessdoespodcasting.com

    Headlines: 5 “health” habits, the scoop on scooped bagels, and banning brominated vegetable oil - Episode 78

    Headlines: 5 “health” habits, the scoop on scooped bagels, and banning brominated vegetable oil - Episode 78

    In this episode, I tackle 3 news headlines I’ve been interviewed for by the media lately: whether 5 top health trends are actually more harmful than healthy; what the heck is a scooped bagel, and is it actually healthier than a non-scooped bagel; and what is brominated vegetable oil (BVO), and why might it be banned in the USA soon? Tune in for my take on these topics while I dispel myth from fact!



    5 “Good” Health Habits That Are Actually Harming Your Body – BestLife

    What Is a Scooped Bagel—And Is It Really Healthier? – Health Magazine

    Brominated vegetable oil may soon be banned. But what is it, and how worried should you be? – Yahoo! Life




    The Keri Report dissects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.


    Nutritionist, yoga teacher, and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans delivers her straightforward and sometimes controversial approach to what's current in the health and nutrition world. Her fun and engaging personality will leave you with a wealth of information on need-to-know hot topics for your overall well-being.


    To find more information and to join Keri's mailing list, visit her website: https://kerigansny.com/


    Instagram/Twitter: @kerigans

    Facebook Page: @KeriGansNY

    This episode was produced by Jess Schmidt. Visit her website at https://www.jessdoespodcasting.com

    The Keri Report
    enNovember 21, 2023

    What IS the difference between plant-based, plant-forward and vegan? - Episode 77

    What IS the difference between plant-based, plant-forward and vegan? - Episode 77

    I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been asked over the years to explain the difference between plant-based, planet-forward and vegan diets - and to explain how you can follow any of these diets and still get enough protein. So, here it is: the DEFINITIVE conversation to answer these questions!

    I’m joined by Jackie Newgent, plant-forward Registered Dietician/Nutritionist and author of The Plant-Based Diabetes Cookbook. She also happens to be my fellow co-founder at Peterra Kitchen. We discuss the difference between plant-based, plant-forward, vegetarian, and vegan diets, how to ensure you’re getting enough protein from any of the above (spoiler - it’s easier than you think, but like most diets it also depends on YOUR body and meal planning!), as well as the other benefits of plant-forward diets.



    The Plant-Based Diabetes Cookbook




    The Keri Report dissects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.


    Nutritionist, yoga teacher, and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans delivers her straightforward and sometimes controversial approach to what's current in the health and nutrition world. Her fun and engaging personality will leave you with a wealth of information on need-to-know hot topics for your overall well-being.

    To find more information and to join Keri's mailing list, visit her website: https://kerigansny.com/

    Instagram/Twitter: @kerigans

    Facebook Page: @KeriGansNY


    This episode was produced by Jess Schmidt. Visit her website at https://www.jessdoespodcasting.com

    Changing Your Relationship with Sugar - Episode 37 [Rebroadcast]

    Changing Your Relationship with Sugar - Episode 37 [Rebroadcast]

    With Halloween right around the corner, I figured it might be time for a little refresher on our relationships with sugar (especially if you’re as psyched about it as my grandkids are!) On average, Americans eat 70% more sugar than their recommended daily requirements. So when it comes to reducing sugar in our diets, where do we even start?


    In this episode, I’m joined by Registered Dietitian and co-author of Sugar Shock, Samantha Cassetty. We discuss the impacts of overeating sugar, the types of sugar to avoid, sugar and habit-forming behaviors, managing cravings, and training your tastebuds.






    The Keri Report dissects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.


    Nutritionist, yoga teacher, and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans delivers her straightforward and sometimes controversial approach to what's current in the health and nutrition world. Her fun and engaging personality will leave you with a wealth of information on need-to-know hot topics for your overall well-being.


    To find more information and to join Keri's mailing list, visit her website: https://kerigansny.com/


    Instagram/Twitter: @kerigans

    Facebook Page: @KeriGansNY

    This episode was produced by Jess Schmidt. Visit her website at https://www.jessdoespodcasting.com

    Catching up on, Mostly Ridiculous, Nutrition Headlines - Episode 76

    Catching up on, Mostly Ridiculous, Nutrition Headlines - Episode 76

    I’ve been asked to speak about several headline-grabbing nutrition topics in the last couple weeks by various media outlets - and most of them have ranged from somewhat  ridiculous, to VERY ridiculous. I dive into four of the top ones:

    1. Whether morning workouts are really superior for weight loss. 

    2. Is psyllium husk the  “the poor man’s ozempic”? (Listen to earlier episodes on ozempic fro, December AND June of last season!)

    3. One of the latest TikTok trends includes #lemoncoffee for weight loss. (And you know how much I love TikTok!)

    4. And, sadly, the deadly case of a teenager who sadly passed away after participating in the “One Chip Challenge”.

    Take a listen as I try my best to make sense of it all.


    Morning Workouts May Be Better for Weight Loss, Study Finds – Prevention Magazine

    Is Psyllium Husk A Cheap Ozempic Alternative? Dietitians Explain The Fiber Supplement’s Benefits (And Limits) – Women’s Health Magazine

    Coffee and Lemon for Weight Loss? The Truth Behind the TikTok Trend – Prevention Magazine

    Experts issue warning after high school student dies trying ‘One Chip Challenge’ viral dare – The Independent



    The Keri Report dissects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.


    Nutritionist, yoga teacher, and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans delivers her straightforward and sometimes controversial approach to what's current in the health and nutrition world. Her fun and engaging personality will leave you with a wealth of information on need-to-know hot topics for your overall well-being.


    To find more information and to join Keri's mailing list, visit her website: https://kerigansny.com/


    Instagram/Twitter: @kerigans

    Facebook Page: @KeriGansNY

    This episode was produced by Jess Schmidt. Visit her website at https://www.jessdoespodcasting.com

    The Real Story: Registered Dietitians & Food Brand Partnerships - Episode 75

    The Real Story: Registered Dietitians & Food Brand Partnerships - Episode 75

    The Washington Post recently published an inflammatory article titled: “The food industry pays ‘influencer’ dietitians to shape your eating habits: Registered dietitians are being paid to post videos that promote diet soda, sugar and supplements on Instagram and TikTok”. The thing that this article ignores is that so much of RDs’ work is based on conclusive scientific research and we are out there sharing the facts, not fear.


    I’m joined by Amy Gorin, a registered dietitian and Founder & CEO of Master the Media, where she teaches health professionals how to be featured in the media and partner with brands they love in an ethical way. We discuss these partnerships, the work that goes into being a responsible registered dietitian and influencer, what proper disclosure looks like, and why we can most definitely be trusted as a profession. Stay tuned!




    IG: @masterthemedia
    FB: www.facebook.com/groups/mediamasteryamyerin

    Free masterclass on working with brands (there will be a live Q&A!): https://masterthemedia.co/masterclass/

    Free brand partnership pricing guide: https://masterthemedia.co/resources/





    The Keri Report dissects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.


    Nutritionist, yoga teacher, and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans delivers her straightforward and sometimes controversial approach to what's current in the health and nutrition world. Her fun and engaging personality will leave you with a wealth of information on need-to-know hot topics for your overall well-being.


    To find more information and to join Keri's mailing list, visit her website: https://kerigansny.com/


    Instagram/Twitter: @kerigans

    Facebook Page: @KeriGansNY

    This episode was produced by Jess Schmidt. Visit her website at https://www.jessdoespodcasting.com

    Season 4 Premiere: Diving Deep Into the Alcohol Discussion - Episode 74

    Season 4 Premiere: Diving Deep Into the Alcohol Discussion - Episode 74

    Welcome to the premier of Season 4 of the Keri Report! To kick off this season, I dive deep into a topic that concerns a lot of us - especially me! - by looking at the latest news on alcohol that has caused quite a ruckus in the nutrition community.


    In this episode, I’m joined by Dr Eric Rimm, a Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition and Director of the Program in cardiovascular epidemiology in the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, and Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School. He’s internationally recognized for his extensive work in the study of the health effects of light to moderate alcohol consumption. We go over the latest studies, what exactly moderate drinking is by the numbers, and whether the research on drinking actually has changed at all. Stay tuned!




    The Keri Report dissects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.


    Nutritionist, yoga teacher, and author of The Small Change Diet Keri Gans delivers her straightforward and sometimes controversial approach to what's current in the health and nutrition world. Her fun and engaging personality will leave you with a wealth of information on need-to-know hot topics for your overall well-being.


    To find more information and to join Keri's mailing list, visit her website: https://kerigansny.com/


    Instagram/Twitter: @kerigans

    Facebook Page: @KeriGansNY

    This episode was produced by Jess Schmidt. Visit her website at https://www.jessdoespodcasting.com