
    About this Episode

    I am so excited to share this super important interview with you!  Meet Jessica Cuomo, a mom, teacher, and author of A Dance in the DSM: My Tango with Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, and OCD.

    In this episode you will learn not only all about Jessica's writing and editing process (perfect listen for anyone who aspires to publish something someday!) you will also hear the story of triumph over a postpartum mental health crisis.

    More about Jessica...

    "Jessica Cuomo is the author of the memoir A Dance in the DSM: My Tango with Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, and OCD.

    She grew up free range as an 80's kid in small town Connecticut.  After graduating Fairfield University with a Bachelors in English and a concentration in Creative Writing she went on to teach high school English for 6 years, Library Science for 2 years, and currently teaches Communications at a local high school.  

    When Jessica had children, she experienced her first mental health crisis, which inspired her to share her story in the hopes of helping others who suffer frim mental illness.

    When she is not writing, reading, or teaching, she's herding her two beautifully wild girls, relaxing with her husband, or hiding in her garden."

    If you or anyone you know is suffering with mental health, just know you are NOT alone.  Please aske for help and TELL SOMEONE!

    Call the National Maternal Health Hotline for more help.  1-833-943-5746 (1-833-9-HELP4MOMS)

    For more from Jessica, you can follow her on Instagram @jessicacuomoauthor or check out her website and buy her book!



    Recent Episodes from If She Can, You Can

    Why is consistency so hard?

    Why is consistency so hard?

    End of January, and you know what that means... Your effort towards your New Years Resolutions have started to fizzle and you have fallen off track.  Ever wonder why this always seems to happen and you have SO MUCH troube staying consistent?

    This episode answers that question!  

    If you are interested in learning more about my Figure It Out: Your 30-Day Blueprint to Breakthrough self-guided program, please click here

    If you are interested in learning more about my FIgure It Out Intensive Coaching Program please email me at mb@mary-beth-Henry.com

    If you are interested in learning more about the First Thoughts Journal, click here.

    Interview with Medical Physician and Weight Loss Coach, Dr. Laura de Sans

    Interview with Medical Physician and Weight Loss Coach, Dr. Laura de Sans

    This episode is so chock full of information, I don't even know where to start!

    In this episode I interviewed my own weight loss coach that helped me lose 25 stubborn pounds and keep them off.  As much as the weight loss was amazing, what's more amazing are the other changes I made to my mindset.

    In this episode you will learn all about what it takes to create lasting weight loss.  You'll learn about terms like "insulin resistance," the true things that happen from the processed foods we eat, the real cause of weight gain, how to deal with urges and cravings, and all about what causes the dreaded "plateau" in weight loss that has derailed our progress countless times.

    Laura de Sans is a weight loss phycisian and mindset coach.  After 15 yrs of practicing medicine she saw a lot of patients struggling to lose weight permenently.  Classic diets treat being overweight as a symptom and that's why the solutions only work temporarily.  In order to get to the root cause of the weight you need to understand why a person overeats.

    Laura found that people tend to over eat for one or more of the following three reasons...

    1) over hunger (a hormonal imbalance)

    2)over desire (your brain gives more importance to food than it has)

    3)emotional eating (using food to neutralize problems)

    Luckily, all of these causes are fixable!  This opens up a whole new paradigm in the weight loss industry, work on a deeper level where weight loss is the byproduct.

    "A lighter body starts with a lighter mind."

    You can find Dr. Laura de Sans on instagram @lastingweightlosswithlaura or email hello@lauradesans.com

    Mom Burnout is a Real Thing! Here's What to Do...

    Mom Burnout is a Real Thing!  Here's What to Do...

    Mom burnout is a real thing, and if you are suffering from it just know that you are not alone!  In this episode you will learn about the first things to do when you're feeling burnt out, and how to move forward from there.  Being a mom is hard and the challenges are endless, but don't worry... help is on the way!

    If you are feeling like you're stuck in a rut, maybe my new program is for you!  Figure It Out: Your 30-Day Blueprint to Breakthrough!  To learn more visit www.mary-beth-henry.com

    Crossing the Finish Line: make a goal and see it through

    Crossing the Finish Line: make a goal and see it through

    Are you the type of person that often makes goals but fails to see thrm through to the end?  That's exactly how I was for SO LONG, but something clicked in my brain this year and I thought NO LONGER!  Don't get me wrong, I accomplished many things and had much to be proud of and feel great about, but there were a few things that were looming in the back of my mind for far too long.  

    So far in 2023 I have accomplished 2 "big for me" goals and in this episode I break down HOW.  You will learn all about the mindset it takes, the help you need, and how to finally see your goals through to the end.  

    Interested in help with your goals?  Join me in Figure It Out: Your 30-Day Blueprint to Breakthrough where I help you step by step over the course of 30 days to uncover what's been holding you back, how to overcome obstacles, and the steps you need to make strides in your life!  There is no reinvention of YOU, we're just peeling back the layers to let you shine. www.mary-beth-henry.com for more info


    Blueprint to Breakthrough

    Blueprint to Breakthrough

    I'm so thrilled to share that my signature program "Figure It Out" is coming back completely revamped and better than ever!  In this episode you will learn all about what this new program has to offer.

    FIgure It Out is an empowering 30-Day Bluewprint to Breakthrough exclusively designed for moms and women navigating the challenges of feeling stuck in life's monotony aka "default mode."  If you're grappling with stress, a sense of boredom, and barriers like time, money, energy, and support, you're in the right place.  In this transformative journey, we're not just breaking free from the rut but we're also building a roadmap to lasting fulfillment and growth.  

    Starts November 1st!

    visit www.mary-beth-henry.com for more details

    Follow me @_marybethhenry_ 

    The Great Unfollow

    The Great Unfollow

    If you are feeling triggered, exhausted, and maybe even addicted to social media... you aren't alone!  The algorithm is in place to such us in and turn us into robots that purchase, lust, and obsess- it's time to take back our time and mind space!  Join me in, The Great Unfollow!

    Now more than ever we need to band together to create a movement of happiness, well-being, and flourishing.  Social media was originally presented as a way to connect people, but it has quickly taken a turn.  If it doesn't inspire, entertain, connect, or educate then it doesn't deserve a place on your feed!  In this episode you will learn how to create a curated feed that you enjoy, how to get the algorithm to serve YOU instead of THEM (advertisers and META).  

    Dealing With Moods and 'Tudes, Theirs and Yours (Back to School Episode)

    Dealing With Moods and 'Tudes, Theirs and Yours (Back to School Episode)

    I am so happy to be back after my summer hiatus!  Nothing makes me happier than sharing and podcasting!  

    In this back to school edition of If She Can, You Can you will learn about what you can do with all the BIG emotions that come with the back to school changes.  You will hear all about 

    -how to allow permission to be human

    -how negatiivity bias works and how to work with it

    -how to work around "the hot state"

    -how to start conversations and work from a place of positive emotions to promote better communication and stronger relationships

    -the power of intention setting with your kids

    -good habits to create better days for you and your kids

    This episode is a very honest look at my own experiences and flaws, and how I'm using the science of positive psychology to create a happier home and how you can too!

    for more information visit www.mary-beth-henry.com


    What You Don't Know About Coaching

    What You Don't Know About Coaching

    Well, I finally accomplished a huge goal of mine and I had the help of an amazing coach.  That's right, the coach used a coach!  I learned a tremendous amount about myself and have some amazing insight to offer from this position.  

    In this episode you will hear a life update about my business and foster care as well as a few things you may not know about what a coach can do for you.  

    If you woud like to learn more, follow me on Instagram @_marybethhenry_

    visit my website, www.mary-beth-henry.com or email me at mb@mary-beth-henry.com

    How to Get Out of a Rut Fast!

    How to Get Out of a Rut Fast!

    If I had a dollar for everytime someone shared with me that they were in a rut...

    This is such a common issue and let me tell you it is completely normal!  Life has it's ups and downs, that's what makes it interesting!  The problem is when we feel stuck in the downs and don't have a great plan to get out.  It's not easy to just "snap out of it" without a plan because we're operating from a place of negative emotions.  

    In this episode you will learn 5 simple steps to get yourself out of a rut (or a slump).  I am 100% certain this process helps and that if you take the steps that you will see improvement... I don't always give my 100% guarantee so trust that this is the real deal.  

    For more information about my coaching and programs, check out my website 


    or email me at mb@mary-beth-henry.com

    You can also follow along on Instagram @_marybethhenry_


    Interview with author, Jessica Cuomo

    Interview with author, Jessica Cuomo

    I am so excited to share this super important interview with you!  Meet Jessica Cuomo, a mom, teacher, and author of A Dance in the DSM: My Tango with Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, and OCD.

    In this episode you will learn not only all about Jessica's writing and editing process (perfect listen for anyone who aspires to publish something someday!) you will also hear the story of triumph over a postpartum mental health crisis.

    More about Jessica...

    "Jessica Cuomo is the author of the memoir A Dance in the DSM: My Tango with Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, and OCD.

    She grew up free range as an 80's kid in small town Connecticut.  After graduating Fairfield University with a Bachelors in English and a concentration in Creative Writing she went on to teach high school English for 6 years, Library Science for 2 years, and currently teaches Communications at a local high school.  

    When Jessica had children, she experienced her first mental health crisis, which inspired her to share her story in the hopes of helping others who suffer frim mental illness.

    When she is not writing, reading, or teaching, she's herding her two beautifully wild girls, relaxing with her husband, or hiding in her garden."

    If you or anyone you know is suffering with mental health, just know you are NOT alone.  Please aske for help and TELL SOMEONE!

    Call the National Maternal Health Hotline for more help.  1-833-943-5746 (1-833-9-HELP4MOMS)

    For more from Jessica, you can follow her on Instagram @jessicacuomoauthor or check out her website and buy her book!
