
    Interview with FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, Part. 2 (Ep 1858)

    enSeptember 23, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • FBI Intensely Investigates Capitol Incident, Businesses Offered Tax RebatesThe FBI intensely investigates the Capitol incident, while businesses may receive tax rebates of up to $26,000 per employee through getrefunds.com, and ZipRecruiter simplifies hiring, while citizens can oppose the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill on Handsoffmyrewards.com for data security.

      The FBI, under unusual circumstances, shifted resources and personnel to investigate the January 6th Capitol incident with an unprecedented intensity, moving supervisors from national security work to a specific building and opening up new squads. This move was controversial among some FBI veterans who felt it was an overreaction, and raised questions about who could be targeted in this investigation. Meanwhile, on a different note, businesses are facing challenges such as pandemic and inflation, but could be eligible for payroll tax rebates of up to $26,000 per employee. To qualify and receive this refund, businesses can turn to getrefunds.com for assistance from their team of tax attorneys. Additionally, ZipRecruiter offers a smart and effective solution for hiring, while Handsoffmyrewards.com urges citizens to oppose the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill to protect their data security.

    • Handling the Aftermath of Major InvestigationsThe FBI experiences a surge in operational requests and leads during investigations, requiring them to bring in agents from across the country for temporary duty assignments to process them efficiently and thoroughly.

      During investigations like the one following the Capitol riots, the FBI experiences a massive influx of operational requests and leads. These leads come from various sources, including other agents and the National Call Center. While some may be legitimate, many are not, making the process of sorting through them a significant challenge. The FBI brings in agents from all over the country on temporary duty assignments to help process these leads and handle the associated tasks. These assignments can be volatile and often unappealing to agents, but they provide valuable experience and knowledge. The sheer volume of leads requires the FBI to be efficient and thorough, as any one of them could potentially lead to a break in the case.

    • Tips and Leads in FBI's January 6th Capitol Riots InvestigationThe FBI received numerous tips and leads during the January 6th Capitol riots investigation, some leading to dead ends, while others uncovered valuable information.

      During the investigation into the January 6th Capitol riots, the FBI received countless tips and leads, some of which were unfounded and even bizarre. These tips ranged from anonymous letters to online submissions, and many of them led to dead ends. Some individuals, believing the FBI to be a law enforcement agency, willingly came forward to discuss tips they had, even if they were unsure of their accuracy. These interactions often led to the discovery of actual leads or information that could be pursued further. However, the resources required to investigate each tip, especially those that proved to be unfounded, raised concerns about the use of FBI resources in a manner that seemed Orwellian. The FBI's role as an intelligence agency, rather than a traditional law enforcement agency, was a source of confusion for some individuals, leading them to cooperate with investigators even when their tips were not actionable.

    • FBI agents' lack of extensive federal statute trainingNew agents are influenced by experienced agents, potentially leading to selective enforcement, and criminal complaints are shorter while national security filings are longer due to extensive background info requirements.

      FBI agents are primarily trained in constitutional law rather than specific federal statutes, leaving them less prepared to identify and investigate certain federal crimes. This means that new agents are highly susceptible to being influenced by more experienced agents, potentially leading to selective enforcement. Furthermore, the lack of extensive federal statute training results in criminal complaints being much shorter and more focused on meeting the elements of probable cause, while national security filings are significantly longer due to the need to provide extensive background information.

    • FBI's Prioritization of Public Communication in High-Profile CasesThe FBI may prioritize public communication during high-profile investigations, but it's crucial that the information they present is accurate and truthful to avoid severe consequences.

      During investigations, law enforcement agencies like the FBI may prioritize public communication and building an informational story, especially when high-profile cases are involved. The affidavits they present to judges, if they appear credible, are often accepted without extensive scrutiny. However, it's crucial that the information in these affidavits is accurate and truthful, as lying under oath can lead to severe consequences. During the BLM riots, there was a noticeable difference in the FBI's response compared to the events of January 6. While there were instances of violence and destruction during the BLM protests, the FBI did not engage in mass arrests or aggressive crowd control measures. Conversely, the FBI's response to the Capitol riots was much more forceful, resulting in numerous arrests and detentions. It's important to note that the speaker's experiences and observations may not be representative of the FBI's actions in every situation. However, their insights provide valuable context into the potential motivations and priorities of law enforcement agencies during high-profile investigations.

    • Observing the Portland Protests: Chaotic Clashes and Complex ChallengesThe Portland protests highlighted the disparity in size and strength between protesters and law enforcement, lack of communication and coordination, and the volatile nature of protests, posing challenges for law enforcement management.

      During the Portland protests in the summer of 2020, the speaker observed chaotic clashes between protesters and law enforcement. He noted the disparity in size and strength between the two groups, with the police appearing well-prepared and the protesters often disorganized. The speaker also expressed concern over the lack of communication and coordination between law enforcement agencies and the apparent release of a federal target following a state arrest. Additionally, he described his own role in observing the protests from a distance, despite the potential danger. Overall, the speaker's account highlights the complex and often volatile nature of the protests and the challenges faced by law enforcement in managing them.

    • FBI agent's encounter with suspicious individualsOff-duty law enforcement must remain vigilant and engage in conversation rather than escalate potentially dangerous situations, but political reasons may limit their actions.

      Even off-duty law enforcement officers can find themselves in dangerous situations, as illustrated by an FBI agent's encounter with a group of suspicious individuals. The agent, while trying to remain discreet, found himself surrounded and was questioned by the group. Despite the potential threat, the agent chose to engage in conversation rather than escalate the situation. The incident resulted in the identification of several individuals, but the decision not to apprehend them was made for political reasons. This incident highlights the increasing need for heightened security measures and vigilance, even in everyday situations. Additionally, the recent revelation of efforts to classify cases as domestic violent extremist cases to promote the narrative of a significant domestic terror problem is a concerning development that warrants further attention and discussion.

    • Practicing Responsible Gun Ownership with iTarget Pro and Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle with Field of GreensImprove gun skills with iTarget Pro, save time and money on ammo, and boost health with Field of Greens supplement.

      Responsible gun ownership involves proper training, and iTarget Pro is a valuable tool for practicing at home safely and effectively. The iTarget Pro system, which includes a downloadable app and a laser bolt, allows users to dry fire practice with their actual firearm, improving muscle memory, reaction speed, and other skills. The system is compatible with various calibers, and users can save money on practice ammo and time spent traveling to the range. Brick House Nutrition's Field of Greens is another recommendation for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This supplement, made from fresh, wholesome fruits and vegetables, is packed with antioxidants, prebiotics, and probiotics. It's a convenient and delicious way to ensure that you're getting essential nutrients every day. Lastly, Henry Repeating Arms offers high-quality firearms in a wide range of calibers and finishes, with excellent craftsmanship and customer service. These companies provide valuable solutions for gun owners and health-conscious individuals, respectively. Regarding the recent news, there have been allegations that the FBI is opening cases around the country that may have originated exclusively in DC related to January 6th events, potentially inflating the numbers on domestic violent extremism. This could be used to fit a narrative, but the specifics of how this would work are unclear at this time. It's important to remember that accurate and unbiased reporting is crucial for understanding complex issues.

    • FBI agents express concerns over potential quota systems for racially motivated casesSome FBI agents feel pressured to find racially motivated violent extremism cases to meet performance metrics and receive bonuses, potentially leading to false accusations and unease within the FBI.

      There are concerns within the FBI about potential quota systems for opening cases related to racially motivated violent extremism, leading some agents to feel pressured to find such threats even if they don't exist. This pressure comes from performance metrics that require a certain number of cases to be opened and certain diversity events attended to receive bonuses. These concerns have been shared among FBI personnel and have reached Congress, with Representative Jim Jordan reportedly receiving information about this issue. The speaker also mentioned the possibility of FBI whistleblowers sharing information and collaborating to expose any wrongdoing. Overall, there's a sense of unease and frustration among some FBI agents about the current state of affairs and the potential consequences of these pressures.

    • Negotiating Incentives and Prioritizing Threats in the Secret ServiceSecret Service agents negotiate incentives based on local vs national threats and may create cases to stay busy, but opening cases on first amendment-protected activities can be contentious.

      The Secret Service's work goes beyond the normal government pay scale, with many agents working overtime to earn more. Agents can negotiate their incentive structures based on the threats in their specific areas. These negotiations involve determining local threats versus national ones, and agents may be assigned to different squads to find national security investigations to justify their positions. Sometimes, agents may feel underutilized and create cases to keep busy. However, opening cases on individuals engaging in first amendment-protected activities can be a contentious issue. Overall, the Secret Service's work involves a complex negotiation process to determine threats and prioritize investigations.

    • Protecting Individual Rights vs. FBI InvestigationsThe First Amendment's protection of individual rights and FBI investigations have conflicting goals, leading to confusion and mistrust.

      The Bill of Rights, specifically the First Amendment, is intended to protect individuals from overbearing government intrusion. However, there are loopholes in the system that allow for investigations into protected activities under the guise of criminal investigations. FBI agents, who are criminal investigators by definition, are expected to investigate crimes, yet there seems to be a trend towards intelligence gathering instead. This creates an incongruous situation where the goals and standards of criminal investigation and intelligence gathering are not aligned, leading to confusion and mistrust. In essence, the hammer of law enforcement comes with an unwieldy screwdriver of intelligence gathering attached, making effective investigation difficult. Civil discourse and freedom of speech, even if inflammatory or offensive, are fundamental American rights that should not be infringed upon without proper justification.

    • Combining Incompatible Missions: The FBI's DilemmaThe FBI's efforts to combine intelligence and law enforcement roles post-9/11 led to ineffectiveness and internal conflict due to a toxic bureaucratic culture and inability to utilize obtained information.

      Trying to combine antithetical missions, such as intelligence and law enforcement, within an organization can lead to ineffectiveness and internal conflict. The speaker uses the example of the FBI's attempts to adapt to a domestic intelligence role post-9/11, which he compares to a dog chasing a hubcap, unable to understand or utilize the information once obtained. Additionally, the speaker highlights the toxic bureaucratic culture within the FBI, where agents are encouraged to step on each other to advance, creating a cog-in-the-machine mentality that stifles individual assets and creativity. Ultimately, the speaker argues that separating these missions and fostering a healthier organizational culture would lead to more successful outcomes.

    • Pressure on Supervisors to Take Disciplinary ActionsSubjective judgments and miscommunications in the workplace can lead to unfair treatment, especially for new supervisors in the law enforcement community, due to pressure to comply with headquarters' edicts and informal communication from higher-level executives.

      Within the law enforcement community, there exists a culture where supervisors may feel pressured to take disciplinary actions against their subordinates, even during their first year in the role. This behavior, although perceived by some as a sign of strength, can have serious consequences. An example was given of a cop who was fired on his last day of probation due to a comment made by an acting supervisor about his attire during an initial appearance. This incident, along with others mentioned, highlights the potential for subjective judgments and miscommunications that can lead to unfair treatment. It's important to note that this issue isn't limited to the law enforcement field, but can be prevalent in other areas of the Senior Executive Service ranks. The financial incentives for complying with headquarters' edicts may contribute to this problem, and the communication of priorities may involve informal channels, such as winks and nods, from higher-level executives.

    • Pressure on FBI to meet metrics leads to concerns over discretion and potential politicizationThe FBI faces pressure to prioritize certain investigations, potentially leading to loss of discretion and politicized decisions, as seen in the Mar-a-Lago raid on former President Trump's property.

      There is significant pressure on law enforcement agencies, specifically the FBI, to meet certain metrics and prioritize certain types of investigations, often at the expense of others. This centralization of power has led to concerns about the loss of discretion and potential politicization of decisions. The Mar-a-Lago raid on former President Trump's property is an unprecedented example of this, with some questioning whether the agents involved were acting out of loyalty or considering the potential political implications. The speaker expresses frustration with the situation and believes that there should be more pushback from senior executives within the FBI against these pressures.

    • Retired FBI agent stresses moral responsibility of law enforcementLaw enforcement officials must uphold the rule of law, even if it means refusing unjust orders, to preserve America's democratic values and protect civil liberties.

      Law enforcement officials have a moral responsibility to refuse orders that are illegal, immoral, or unethical. This was emphasized during a conversation on the Dan Bongino Show, where a retired FBI agent shared his experience of visiting the Holocaust Museum and learning about the role of law enforcement in enabling atrocities. He emphasized that following orders is not an excuse and that America's survival depends on upholding the rule of law and refusing to be used as political pawns. The retired agent also expressed concern over the politicization of law enforcement and the potential erosion of civil liberties. He concluded by emphasizing that even the President of the United States does not have the power to take one's life or freedom, and that it's essential to stand up against unjust orders to preserve America's democratic values.

    • Google Podcasts app is shutting down, find new alternativesGoogle Podcasts app is closing, switch to Spotify, Amazon Music, or TuneIn for continued podcast enjoyment. Follow shows on new platform for notifications.

      The Google Podcasts app will no longer be available this spring. This means that users who have been listening to their favorite shows on this platform will need to find a new home for their podcast consumption. Fortunately, there are several alternatives to consider, such as Spotify, Amazon Music, or TuneIn. It's important to note that following your favorite shows on the new platform will ensure that you continue to receive notifications for new episodes. Overall, while the Google Podcasts app may be disappearing, there are plenty of other options for podcast enthusiasts to continue enjoying their favorite content.

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    ABOUT: Tawsif Anam is a nationally published writer, award-winning public policy professional, and speaker. He has experience serving in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors in United States and overseas. Anam earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and a Master of Public Affairs degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tawsif Anam’s opinions have been published by national, state, and local publications in the United States, such as USA Today, Washington Examiner, The Washington Times, The Western Journal, The Boston Globe, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin State Journal, The Capital Times, and The Dodgeville Chronicle. His writings have also appeared in major publications in Bangladesh including, but not limited to, The Daily Star and The Financial Express.

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