
    Investigative Journalist: Chris Hansen | PBD Podcast | EP 134

    en-usMarch 15, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Investigating Online Predators: A Timeless PursuitThe fascination with investigating and exposing online predators remains strong, with the challenge being to keep up with the evolving digital landscape and maintaining the element of surprise.

      The importance and interest in investigating and exposing online predators has not waned but rather increased over the decades, as demonstrated by the longevity and popularity of Chris Hansen's work. While the methods and platforms have evolved, the profile of the predator remains the same. Today, the challenge lies in keeping up with the ever-expanding digital landscape and maintaining the element of surprise. The public's fascination with crime reporting and being granted access to real-life felonies continues to make these investigations compelling and relevant.

    • A career in investigative journalism, from local raids to national storiesStarting as a quiet student, the journalist's passion for local crime stories led him to a successful career in investigative journalism, uncovering incriminating evidence through enterprise reporting and hidden camera investigations, earning numerous Emmys along the way.

      The speaker, a renowned investigative journalist, has spent decades delving into the world of crime journalism, from local news to national stories, hidden camera investigations, and online stings. He started his career in Detroit, gaining access to local police raids and uncovering incriminating videos of a drug gang. This experience showed him the power of enterprise reporting and the impact of taking viewers inside the story. Throughout his career, he's earned numerous Emmys for his investigative work, including collaborations with online watchdog groups and hidden camera investigations. Despite starting as a quiet student in high school, he's always had an interest in the media, even being fascinated by local crime stories like the kidnapping of Jimmy Hoffa. This passion led him to a successful career in investigative journalism.

    • From humble beginnings to journalistic successDetermination, hard work, and a strong belief system can lead to success in journalism, even without a privileged background or adversity.

      Determination and hard work can lead to success in journalism, even without a privileged background or bullying experiences. The interviewee, despite growing up on the periphery of wealth and not facing significant adversity, hustled to pay for school and develop a career in broadcasting. He recounted his experiences of hauling drywall, working in a bakery, and even having a partner offer him cigarettes on the job. Despite having a distinct voice that was difficult to change, he persevered and learned to adapt to different broadcasting styles when he transitioned from local to network news. He also shared his belief in capitalism and his dislike for manipulation and victimization, which influenced his journalistic approach. Overall, the interviewee's story highlights the importance of resilience, hard work, and a strong belief system in achieving success in journalism.

    • Chris Hanson's unique background and curiosity shape his journalismJournalist Chris Hanson's compassionate nature and genuine curiosity drive him to tackle important issues like child safety and online predators, while recognizing the complexities and challenges involved.

      Chris Hanson's background and experiences have shaped him into a compassionate and curious journalist, driven by a desire to help those in need and understand different perspectives. Hanson's upbringing gave him a unique ability to connect with people, especially in urban environments, and his genuine curiosity has led him to tackle important issues, such as child safety and online predators. However, Hanson also recognizes the challenges and complexities of these issues, and the need for careful investigation and consideration. Another theme that emerged in the conversation was the impact of technology on modern life, particularly on children and families. Hanson expressed concern about the potential negative effects of social media and dating apps, and the importance of parents being aware and engaged in their children's digital lives. Overall, Hanson's commitment to uncovering the truth and protecting vulnerable individuals is a testament to his dedication and integrity as a journalist.

    • Staying Safe While Dating OnlineObtain contact details, research profiles, video chat, be aware of scams, delete suspicious profiles, arrange own transportation, and prioritize safety.

      Online safety is crucial when it comes to dating in the modern world. Here are some tips to help you stay safe: First, obtain their contact details beyond just their username and photo. Second, research their online presence to ensure there are no concerning red flags. Third, video chat before meeting in person. Fourth, be aware of common scam tactics and red flags. Fifth, delete suspicious profiles. Sixth, arrange your own transportation and let someone know where you're going. Remember, if you don't know someone in real life, you don't truly know them. Online dating can lead to successful relationships and marriages, but it's essential to prioritize safety. Scammers and predators are prevalent online, and stories like the Tinder Swindler and the case of the man who assaulted 40 women serve as reminders of the risks. Stay vigilant and protect yourself.

    • Combating online scams and harassmentReport suspicious activity, rely on support systems, and utilize security measures to protect against online scams and harassment on various platforms.

      Combating online scams and harassment requires vigilance, reporting, and community support. The speakers in this conversation shared their experiences with dating scams, but the issue extends beyond that to include Bitcoin scams, fake social media accounts, and harassment. To protect oneself, it's essential to report any suspicious activity to the appropriate platforms and monitor accounts for impersonation. While this can be time-consuming and frustrating, having a support system and relying on security measures can help mitigate the risk. Instagram and Facebook are common targets for scammers, but each platform has its strengths and weaknesses. Twitter, for instance, may have more trolls and harder-to-report issues. The movie "Disconnect" serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of online deception and the importance of open communication between parents and children.

    • Monitor children's online activities to prevent dangersParents should educate and closely monitor their children's online activities to prevent potential harm from predators and cyberbullying, including explicit images and stalking.

      Parents need to closely monitor their children's online activities due to the prevalence of predators and potential dangers on social media. A true story was shared about a 12-year-old boy who was tricked into sending explicit images to a bully, leading to embarrassment and even potential suicide. This situation escalated and the images were disseminated further, causing significant harm. Similar cases have involved child pornography and stalking, highlighting the severity of the issue. Education and open discussions about online safety are crucial for children, as predators can effectively groom them and normalize adult content. Parents should be vigilant and have ongoing conversations with their children about the risks and rules for using the internet.

    • Open communication and education protect children onlineRegularly discuss online behavior, monitor usage, and create a safe environment for kids to share suspicious situations.

      Open communication and education are crucial in protecting children from potential dangers online. Parents should have regular conversations with their kids about appropriate online behavior, monitor their internet usage, and create a safe and trusting environment where children feel comfortable coming to them if they encounter any suspicious or uncomfortable situations. This includes being aware of the risks associated with interactive games and social media platforms, where predators may pose as children to trick kids. It's essential to start these conversations early and adjust the approach based on the child's age and maturity level. The tragic case of Cain Velasquez serves as a reminder of the importance of safeguarding children from online predators and the potential consequences if such threats are ignored.

    • Talking to Kids About Sensitive TopicsParents should prioritize open conversations with their kids about sensitive topics like sex and online safety to help them navigate complexities of growing up, build a strong family dynamic, and set clear rules to protect them.

      Parents need to take an active role in educating their children about sensitive topics, including sex and online safety, despite potential discomfort or awkwardness. The speaker emphasized that children are often exposed to these topics at young ages, and it's essential for parents to create an open and safe environment for their kids to come to them with questions. The speaker also mentioned that the majority of cases of child predation involve individuals known to the child, so building a strong family dynamic and setting clear rules can help protect children. Additionally, the speaker noted that while teachers and schools can provide some education, the most effective and organic learning occurs within the family. The speaker also mentioned that female predators are less common but can still occur, and the dynamics of their situations can differ from those of male predators. Overall, the key takeaway is that parents should prioritize having open and ongoing conversations with their children to help them navigate the complexities of growing up.

    • Talking with young people about boundaries and consentOpenly discuss boundaries, consent, and relationships with young people. Distinguish fantasy from reality, respect laws, and promote healthy relationships.

      It's important to have open and respectful conversations with young people about boundaries, consent, and relationships. While it's natural for young boys to have crushes or fantasies about older figures, it's crucial to distinguish between fantasy and reality. The law exists to protect minors, and it's essential to respect those boundaries. Even in gray areas, such as age differences in high school relationships, common sense and open dialogue can help guide young people through complex issues. Ultimately, the goal is to encourage respect, consent, and healthy relationships.

    • Child predators can be hard to identifyChild predators often gain adults' trust before targeting children, making it essential to prioritize child safety and be vigilant.

      Child predators come in various forms and can be difficult to identify based on appearance or background. They often target adults first to gain their trust, making children less likely to disclose any abuse. Many predators have managed to evade justice for long periods due to the trust they establish within communities. Instances of child molestation, such as those involving Larry Nassar, Jim Strauss, and Jerry Sandusky, demonstrate the importance of vigilance and the potential consequences of neglecting warnings. The socially skilled child molesters often use their positions of trust to gain access to children, making it crucial for parents and institutions to prioritize child safety.

    • Bringing powerful abusers to justice through local reportingPowerful individuals with narcissistic personality disorders believe they're untouchable, but local reporting and believing victims can expose their crimes and bring them to justice.

      Powerful individuals with narcissistic personality disorders, like Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein, believe they can get away with anything due to their wealth and influence. Local reporting, as seen in the Miami Herald's coverage of Epstein, is crucial in bringing such stories to light and securing criminal charges. Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's accomplice, was recently convicted but may provide valuable information to investigators. Other powerful figures allegedly involved in these syndicates remain to be held accountable. The lengthy tenure of such abuses highlights the importance of staying vigilant and believing victims. The cases of Epstein and Weinstein also underscore the shocking lengths some individuals will go to maintain power and the devastating impact on victims.

    • Uncovering the Truth: A Property Dispute Sparks an Investigation into Peter Nygard's Heinous CrimesA property dispute led to the exposure of Peter Nygard's sexual assault and trafficking of young women through investigative journalism, highlighting the importance of tenacity and collaboration in uncovering the truth.

      Investigative journalism played a crucial role in exposing the heinous crimes of fashion mogul Peter Nygard. The investigation began due to a property dispute between Nygard and a billionaire hedge fund investor, leading to the discovery of his sexual assault and trafficking of young women. The case involved a complex web of deceit and manipulation, requiring extensive cooperation and coordination among various individuals and organizations. The use of videotapes obtained from a former employee proved to be a game-changer in the investigation. While the methods may vary, the template for investigative journalism remains the same, starting with a reporter's intense interest in uncovering the truth.

    • Uncovering the Truth: The Role of Investigative JournalismInvestigative journalism exposes wrongdoing, holds powerful individuals accountable, and sheds light on important issues, but it requires significant verification, fact-checking, and courage.

      Investigative journalism often begins with tips from trusted sources and requires a significant amount of verification and fact-checking. Some journalists, like those discussed in the interview, have built their careers on exposing wrongdoing and holding powerful individuals accountable. However, it's important to distinguish between journalism motivated by justice and political agendas. The style and methods of investigative journalism can vary widely, from the in-depth reporting of Oliver Stone to the undercover tactics of James O'Keefe. Regardless of the approach, it takes courage and a curious mind to delve into potentially dangerous situations and uncover the truth. It's essential to remember that while these stories may be based on one person's perspective, they can still shed light on important issues and spark meaningful conversations.

    • Dealing with dangerous situations and ethical dilemmas in law enforcement and investigative journalismMaintaining safety, dealing with ethical dilemmas, and uncovering information are crucial aspects of law enforcement and investigative journalism. The speaker emphasizes the importance of controlling environments, having protections in place, and maintaining balance and perspective.

      Working in law enforcement or investigative journalism involves dealing with potentially dangerous situations and dealing with the ethical dilemmas that come with it. The speaker, who has spent decades in law enforcement, shares his experiences of confronting suspects and the importance of maintaining a safe environment. He acknowledges the anxiety and focus required in such situations but emphasizes the need to control the environment as much as possible. He also discusses the importance of having protections in place to prevent harm to all involved. The speaker also touches upon the pessimism that can come with the job but emphasizes the importance of maintaining balance and perspective. The speaker then shifts the conversation to investigative journalism, expressing his curiosity about investigating the origins of COVID-19 and the potential business model of investigative journalism. He admires the work of James O'Keefe and the way he has been able to uncover information from within organizations. In summary, the speaker's experiences in law enforcement and potential applications in investigative journalism highlight the importance of maintaining safety, dealing with ethical dilemmas, and the potential impact of uncovering information.

    • Raising awareness about criminal activities to prevent themEducating public on criminal activities to protect potential victims, acknowledging harm to victims, and emphasizing severe penalties to deter offenders.

      Raising awareness and initiating dialogue about criminal activities, such as child predation and child pornography, is crucial in preventing these crimes from occurring. Contrary to concerns that such reporting might inadvertently teach predators how to evade law enforcement or commit crimes more effectively, the primary goal is to educate the public and protect potential victims. The discussion also emphasized the importance of acknowledging the harmful effects of child pornography on victims and the need for severe penalties to deter offenders. Additionally, the complexities of investigating and identifying child predators and child pornography were highlighted, emphasizing the importance of continued efforts to combat these crimes.

    • Lenient sentence for trans offender sparks debate on group protectionsThe debate over lenient sentences for offenders based on their identity should not overshadow the importance of justice for victims and addressing the root causes of lenient sentences.

      The focus on the trans issue in a criminal case might overshadow the real matter at hand, which is the lenient sentence given to an offender. A case involving a person receiving a light sentence at a juvenile facility due to their trans status sparked a conversation about the slippery slope of laws protecting certain groups. However, it's essential to consider the age difference between the offender and the victim at the time of the crime, as well as the context of the case. For instance, some states allow consensual sex between minors with minimal age differences. The complexities of consent laws and the potential consequences of allowing minors to make irreversible decisions, such as gender reassignment surgery, add to the discussion. Ultimately, the concern should be on ensuring justice for victims and addressing the root causes of lenient sentences rather than focusing solely on specific identities.

    • Exploring Gender Identity and Parental Consent for Medical InterventionsMaintain open dialogue and consider consequences when dealing with gender identity and parental consent for medical interventions. Parents play a vital role in supporting children, especially in mental health and suicide prevention. Investigate history and context to ensure informed decisions.

      As society continues to navigate the complex issue of gender identity and the role of parents in decisions related to medical interventions, it's crucial to maintain open dialogue and consider the potential consequences. The speaker raises concerns about the implications of laws allowing minors to make significant decisions without parental consent, using the example of gender reassignment surgery. He also shares his belief that parents play a vital role in supporting their children, particularly in the context of mental health and suicide prevention. The speaker emphasizes the importance of investigating the history and context of these issues, rather than solely focusing on acceptance and consent. Ultimately, finding a middle ground and encouraging thoughtful, informed discussions can help ensure the best outcomes for individuals and families.

    • Military as an Escape and Consequences of ConflictsThe desire for education and escaping difficult situations can lead individuals to join the military, but the consequences of military conflicts can have far-reaching and costly implications. Understanding the origins and reasons behind events is crucial, and ethical journalism is important despite the challenges of potential exploitation and legal issues.

      The desire for education and escaping difficult family situations can lead individuals to join the military, and the consequences of military conflicts can have far-reaching and costly implications. The speaker shares a personal story of a friend who took his life due to his father's abuse and the military being an escape. They also express curiosity about the motivations behind military interventions and historical investigative journalism. The discussion touches on the importance of understanding the origins and reasons behind events, as well as the challenges of ethical journalism and the potential exploitation of individuals. The speaker also mentions the impact of legal issues on investigative journalism and the balance between exploitation and public interest. Despite the potential risks and challenges, the speaker remains curious and dedicated to seeking out the truth and understanding the why behind events.

    • From Transcripts to Criminal Cases: The Importance of Online EvidenceOnline evidence plays a crucial role in securing criminal cases against predators, as admissions made online often provide damning evidence. Chris Hansen, known for his undercover work on 'To Catch a Predator', has never been called to testify due to the strength of this evidence.

      While the television aspect of catching predators may be the most sensational part of the story, it's the transcripts and admissions made online that often lead to criminal cases. Chris Hansen emphasized that these cases are clear-cut and he's never been called to testify due to the damning evidence. However, the media landscape has become increasingly polarized and distrusted, with the blurring lines between news reporting and opinion journalism. Hansen believes that an educated consumer is the best defense against misinformation, and that there should be clear distinctions made between factual reporting and opinionated commentary. Hansen also shared a personal connection to journalistic greats like Mike Wallace and Walter Cronkite, who inspired him to pursue a career in journalism and reporting.

    • Staying Informed vs Misinformed: A Balancing ActDenzel Washington's quote highlights the dilemma of staying informed vs misinformed through news sources, and it's crucial to be aware of potential misinformation while giving viewers credit for their intelligence. Support a cause to relocate 30,000 orphans from Ukraine to Poland.

      The importance of staying informed through news sources was discussed, but the concern was raised about the potential for misinformation and the need to give viewers credit for their intelligence. Denzel Washington's quote, "If you watch the news, you're misinformed. If you don't watch the news, you're uninformed. You gotta pick 1 of the 2," was mentioned. Chris Hansen also promoted his YouTube channel, podcast, and upcoming projects on Discovery Plus. A cause to support, the relocation of 30,000 orphans from Ukraine to Poland, was mentioned, and a link to donate was provided. The podcast will continue with Mike Baker tomorrow, and the discussion ended with sign-offs.

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    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    PBD Podcast
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    Billy Carson is an American entrepreneur, best known as the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge Inc, where he investigates ancient civilizations, extraterrestrial life, and conspiracy theories, making him a prominent figure in the exploration of the unknown.


    • Buy Billy Carson's Latest Book: "Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets" - https://bit.ly/3Vv3xrV

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    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    No Tax On Tips, Deep Fakes & LGBTQ Friendly Traffic Signs | PBD Podcast | Ep. 425

    No Tax On Tips, Deep Fakes & LGBTQ Friendly Traffic Signs | PBD Podcast | Ep. 425

    Patrick Bet-David, Vincent Oshana, Tom Ellsworth, and Adam Sosnick cover Donald Trump's 'No Tax On Tips' campaign promise, the city of Los Angeles removing traffic signs that 'target' the gay community, Marc Cuban and Bill Ackman fighting on social media, and Sandy Hook families suing Alex Jones' for his social media accounts!

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Kevin Spacey EXPOSED, Elon Musk vs Apple, Hunter Biden A Convicted Felon | PBD Podcast | Ep. 424

    Kevin Spacey EXPOSED, Elon Musk vs Apple, Hunter Biden A Convicted Felon | PBD Podcast | Ep. 424

    Patrick Bet-David, Vincent Oshana, Tom Ellsworth and Adam Sosnick cover Kevin Spacey's revealing interview with Piers Morgan, Elon Musk taking on Apple's new AI, Hunter Biden being a convicted felon, and Joe Biden's weird interview that's causing the internet to speculate he's wearing a mask!


    • VT Father's Day Collection: Purchase a Valuetainment wallet and get a FREE Future Looks Bright hat: https://bit.ly/3RpZQCI

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 13, 2024

    Tom Fitton: Biden’s Crimes, Trump Verdict, & Disgraced Former Protectees Act | PBD Podcast | Ep. 422

    Tom Fitton: Biden’s Crimes, Trump Verdict, & Disgraced Former Protectees Act | PBD Podcast | Ep. 422

    Tom Fitton is the President of Judicial Watch, a public interest group dedicated to investigating and prosecuting government corruption. Fitton's commitment to transparency and accountability in government has made him a respected figure in the conservative movement. Fitton and Judicial Watch have been involved in high-profile cases including a FOIA request for Clinton tapes, advising Trump on retaining presidential records, seeking the release of the Tennessee Covenant school killer manifesto, and a lawsuit over an FBI memo on the protection of legacy tokens. —— Purchase tickets to The Vault Conference 2024 featuring Patrick Bet-David & Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: https://bit.ly/3X1JBzm Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2 Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4 Connect with Ricardo Aguilar on Minnect: https://bit.ly/4c7rxrY Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R Purchase Patrick's new book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD Register to win a Valuetainment Boss Set (valued at over $350): https://bit.ly/41PrSLW Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0 Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time! Get PBD's Intro Song "Sweet Victory" by R-Mean: https://bit.ly/3T6HPdY SUBSCRIBE TO: @VALUETAINMENT @vtsoscast @ValuetainmentComedy @bizdocpodcast @theunusualsuspectspodcast Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m Join the channel to get exclusive access to perks: https://bit.ly/3Q9rSQL Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms https://bit.ly/3sFAW4N Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 07, 2024

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    New York Times Journalists Jennifer Valentino-DeVries and Michael H. Keller on "A Marketplace of Girl Influencers Managed by Moms and Stalked by Men"
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    Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 260: the Sloppy Seconds Round Table

    Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 260: the Sloppy Seconds Round Table

    We're not making this the standard format. However, we didn't have enough segments to do a regular show, so we chose to do another Round Table episode instead.

    In This Episode

    Weer'd, Erin, Oddball, and David discuss:

    • An anti-gun politician who pleaded no contest to keying somebody's car, despite stating that he thought they might be a "Gun Nut".
    • A mass shooting in New Zealand. Weren't we told that their 2019 gun prohibition laws would stop this from happening?
    • A new study showing that children who are taught firearm safety are, in fact, safer around guns!
    • A federal judge upholding San Jose's gun owner tax and mandatory insurance law.
    • Ontario Knife Company shutting down their New York factory after a buy-out.
    • A 5th Circuit victory in the challenge against the ATF regulating 80% kits as firearms.
    • T-Rex Arms releasing scans for the 3D printing community.

    Did you know that we have a Patreon? Join now for the low, low cost of $4/month (that’s $1/podcast) and you’ll get to listen to our podcast on Friday instead of Mondays, as well as patron-only content like mag dump episodes, our hilarious blooper reels and film tracks.

    Show Notes


    70: Overcoming Unspeakable Darkness. Protecting Children. How to Support a Military Spouse. Living a GOOD Life. With Iris Gardner

    70: Overcoming Unspeakable Darkness. Protecting Children. How to Support a Military Spouse. Living a GOOD Life. With Iris Gardner

    0:00:00 - Opening

    0:04:32 - Intro to Iris Gardner.

    0:23:40 - Sexual Assault--First incident as a child.

    0:39:59 - Tips to prevent abuse.  Why it's hard to come forward.

    0:51:16 - Iris growing up with her abuser.

    1:01:24 - Resulting relationships, the wrong path, and more Darkness.

    1:13:11 - Bouncing back.  The beginning.

    1:26:50 - Being a Military Wife - Emotional Independence, and tips to be have a successful relationship.

    1:47:12 - How to Live a Happy Life after Abuse.

    1:57:00 - Jocko's letter to his daughter.  Appreciate your mother.  

    2:13:30 - Support, Cool Onnit, Amazon, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), (Jocko's Kids' Book) Way of the Warrior Kid, and The Muster002 

    2:40:28 - Closing Gratitude.





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