
    70: Overcoming Unspeakable Darkness. Protecting Children. How to Support a Military Spouse. Living a GOOD Life. With Iris Gardner

    enApril 11, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting Children from Harmful BehaviorsBe vigilant and create a safe environment for children, acknowledging that harmful behaviors aren't limited to war or combat, and remember perpetrators often use manipulation and secrecy.

      Evil and harmful behaviors can occur in everyday life, even from those we trust, and it's essential to be aware and protect children from such experiences. Iris, a strong and courageous woman, shared her personal story of being sexually abused as a child by someone she knew. This incident happened off the battlefield and was not a result of war or combat. It's crucial to acknowledge that the worst of human behavior is not always associated with war and that children can be vulnerable to it. As parents or caregivers, we must be vigilant and create a safe environment for children to grow and learn. It's also important to remember that perpetrators often use manipulation and secrecy to hide their actions. By being aware and open to conversations about such topics, we can help prevent and address such incidents.

    • Iris's story of resilience and survivalDespite facing adversity and living without modern conveniences as a child, Iris overcame challenges and built a beautiful life. We can learn from her creativity, resourcefulness, and determination.

      Resilience and survival are not limited by age or circumstances. Iris's story of growing up off the grid in rural Northern California without power, heat, or modern conveniences, and facing evil as a child, highlights the incredible strength and adaptability of the human spirit. Her experiences have taught her valuable lessons and instilled in her a unique perspective that can benefit us all. Despite the challenges she faced, she was able to overcome adversity and build a beautiful life with her family. We can all learn from her story of creativity, resourcefulness, and determination in the face of adversity. Her childhood, filled with simple pleasures and the wonders of nature, reminds us of the importance of appreciating the basics and being self-sufficient.

    • A Self-Sufficient Childhood in NatureGrowing up in a self-sufficient community surrounded by nature instilled a deep appreciation for the outdoors and a love for reading in the speaker.

      The speaker had a unique and idyllic childhood growing up in a self-sufficient community surrounded by nature. They lived on a large piece of land where their family grew a garden, raised animals, and preserved food without modern conveniences like electricity or a freezer. They attended a small school with a few other children who shared similar upbringings. When they weren't outside exploring the woods and swimming in the river, they spent their time reading to escape the cold and rainy winter days. The speaker developed a love for reading and western novels, which fueled their imagination and dream of being a cowboy. Despite the challenges and darkness that came with their upbringing, the speaker cherishes the memories and would not trade it for anything.

    • Children may not understand or speak up about abuse, especially if the abuser is trustedParents and caregivers should create a safe environment where children feel comfortable speaking up about anything, even if it's about a trusted person

      Children who experience abuse may not understand what is happening or feel able to speak up, especially if the abuser is a trusted family member or friend. The speaker shared her experience of being abused as a child by a family friend, despite the fact that he had full access to her home and her parents trusted him completely. She felt confused, scared, and unsure of what to do, and her lack of understanding and fear prevented her from telling anyone about the abuse. This is a common theme in cases of child abuse - the abuser carefully selects a child who is unlikely to speak up, and the adults around them may not suspect anything due to their trust in the abuser. It's important for parents and caregivers to be aware of this dynamic and to create a safe and open environment where children feel comfortable speaking up about anything that makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

    • Children may hide abuse experiencesParents should ask directly and persistently about potential abuse, using different phrasing, to encourage disclosure. Create a safe and trusting environment for children to share their experiences and validate their feelings.

      Children who are victims of abuse may not disclose their experiences, even to trusted adults. The speaker in this conversation recounted her own experiences of being abused as a child, and she described how the situation was a consistent part of her life that she felt powerless to escape. She mentioned that she only told another child about the abuse when they both were young and neither of them reported it to their parents. The speaker also emphasized that parents should be aware that children may not volunteer information about abuse and that they may need to ask directly and persistently, using different phrasing, to encourage disclosure. The conversation also highlighted the importance of creating a safe and trusting environment for children to share their experiences and validating their feelings.

    • Talking to Kids About Inappropriate BehaviorParents should have open, non-judgmental conversations with children about inappropriate behavior, using simple language and resources. Reassure kids they won't be in trouble for reporting discomfort and teach them to recognize 'red flags'.

      Having open and ongoing conversations with children about inappropriate behavior and abuse is crucial for their safety and wellbeing. Parents should use simple language and create a safe and non-judgmental environment to discuss the topic. It's essential to bring up the subject casually and repeatedly to give children time to process and consider any potential disclosures. Additionally, it's vital to reassure children that they will not be in trouble for speaking up if anything happens. Parents can use books and other resources to facilitate these conversations and teach children to recognize "red flags" and report any discomfort to trusted adults. It's important to remember that potential abusers may not always appear threatening, and children should be encouraged to be aware of and report any concerning behavior from seemingly nice individuals.

    • Encouraging Children to Identify Uncomfortable SituationsParents should teach children to listen to their internal voices, identify uncomfortable situations, and assert their boundaries. Create an open environment for discussing physical boundaries and initiate ongoing, age-appropriate conversations.

      Identifying potential predators is not always straightforward and often relies on gut instincts. Parents should encourage their children to listen to their internal voices and teach them how to identify uncomfortable situations and assert their boundaries. It's essential to create an environment where children feel comfortable discussing uncomfortable topics with their parents. Parents should initiate conversations about physical boundaries and inoculate their children to uncomfortable conversations. While it's important not to scare children excessively, it's crucial to teach them about appropriate physical contact and how to respond if they encounter inappropriate behavior. The conversation should be ongoing and age-appropriate, with parents taking action if necessary to ensure their children's safety.

    • Fear of causing a scene or consequences keeps children from sharing uncomfortable experiences with parentsParents should create a safe and open environment where children feel comfortable sharing all experiences to build trust and support

      Children may be hesitant to share embarrassing or uncomfortable experiences with their parents due to fear of causing a scene or potential consequences. This fear can persist into adolescence and even follow children as they grow older. The speaker's experience of being hounded by an unwanted adult for years left her feeling trapped and unable to speak up. Even when she finally found relief by moving away, the adult followed her and continued to pursue her. The fear and discomfort caused by these experiences can be debilitating and may lead children to seek comfort in other things, such as animals or hobbies. Parents should strive to create a safe and open environment where children feel comfortable sharing their experiences, no matter how small or embarrassing they may seem. This can help build trust and ensure that children feel supported and empowered to speak up about more serious issues when they arise.

    • Growing up in the wilderness shaped the speaker's valuesThe speaker's upbringing in the wilderness instilled a strong sense of freedom, self-reliance, and responsibility, but confronting an abuser at home presented a significant challenge, illustrating the complexity of personal growth.

      The speaker's experiences of growing up in the wilderness, riding horses, and carrying guns for self-protection, instilled in him a strong sense of freedom, self-reliance, and responsibility. Despite these experiences, he faced a significant challenge in confronting an abuser at home. This dichotomy highlights the psychological complexity and challenges that even the strongest individuals can face, especially during their formative years. The speaker's parents played a crucial role in allowing him to explore his passions and develop these essential skills, which shaped him into the person he is today. He strives to provide similar opportunities for his own children, while also maintaining caution and safety. The speaker's encounters with wildlife, such as mountain lions, demonstrate the importance of quick thinking and adaptability in potentially dangerous situations. Overall, these experiences have made him a resilient and resourceful individual.

    • Childhood Trauma and Dangerous Paths in Teenage YearsChildhood trauma can lead individuals to dangerous paths in their teenage years, including unhealthy relationships and self-harm. Understanding and addressing childhood trauma is crucial to prevent individuals from being drawn into harmful situations.

      Traumatic experiences in childhood can lead individuals down dangerous paths in their teenage years as they seek escape or distraction from their pain. The speaker's experience of being in a relationship with an older man at 15, who was involved in criminal activities, ultimately ended tragically when he was murdered. This event sent the speaker into a deeper depression, leading her to self-harm and form unhealthy relationships. The speaker reflects that while she was vulnerable due to her mindset at the time, looking back, she is grateful for the experience as it may have saved her from an uncertain future. The experience also highlights the importance of understanding and addressing childhood trauma to prevent individuals from being drawn into harmful situations. Additionally, self-harm can be a complex behavior driven by both a desire to feel physical pain and a cry for help.

    • Finding strength in the darkest timesEven in the most challenging situations, it's possible to find the strength to heal and transform, with time and perspective.

      Even in the darkest of times, it's possible to find the strength to transform and rebuild one's life. The speaker shares her experience of being in an abusive relationship as a teenager, feeling misunderstood and seeking attention, but ultimately damaging herself and those around her with her self-destructive behavior. She describes the gradual shift in perspective that came with growing older, reading inspiring words, and the death of her abuser, which lifted a significant weight off her shoulders. It wasn't a sudden change, but a slow transition towards healing and self-discovery. The importance of gaining perspective and recognizing the harm caused to oneself and others is a powerful reminder to keep moving forward, even when it seems impossible.

    • Healing from difficult experiences requires taking control of thoughts and feelingsFriends and family should support healing without enabling bad behavior, everyone's process is unique, accountability is crucial, and self-reflection and self-teaching aid in the healing journey.

      People going through difficult experiences, whether it's abuse or combat trauma, need to take control of their thoughts and feelings in order to heal. It's important for friends and family to support them without enabling bad behavior. Everyone's healing process is unique and may take different forms and lengths of time. Just because someone has been through a traumatic experience doesn't give them the right to drag others down with them. Accountability for one's actions is crucial, regardless of what one has been through. The speaker shared her personal experience of overcoming abuse and emphasized the importance of self-reflection and self-teaching in the healing process. She also acknowledged that not everyone may recover at the same pace or in the same way, and that it's essential to be open and patient with the healing journey. The speaker drew parallels between the healing process of abuse survivors and military personnel dealing with trauma, highlighting the importance of accountability and the varied ways people cope with difficult experiences.

    • Childhood abuse and resilience through natureSpeak out about child abuse, find resilience in nature, and discover unexpected support in new environments.

      Despite enduring physical and emotional abuse in her childhood, the speaker found resilience through her experiences and the observation of nature. She felt an obligation to speak out about child abuse, which is prevalent and often swept under the rug. Meeting her husband, a military man, presented new challenges as she came from a non-military background and had to adapt to the military lifestyle during a time of war. Despite these challenges, she found strength and companionship in her husband and their shared interests. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of resilience, speaking out about difficult experiences, and finding support in unexpected places.

    • Emotional independence during military deploymentsDuring military deployments, emotional independence is crucial for spouses to maintain their own emotional stability, allowing them to support their partner effectively and carry on with their lives.

      Emotional independence is crucial for spouses during military deployments. While it's essential to maintain communication, it's equally important for each spouse to have their own emotional stability. Being emotionally independent doesn't mean losing connection but rather being able to lean on oneself during long separations. It's important to recognize that different deployments come with varying levels of free time and challenges. Emotional independence allows spouses to carry on with their lives while their partner is away, providing the best support possible. It's essential for couples to discuss emotional independence and ensure they're not becoming overly dependent on each other. This way, they can maintain a strong bond while also being self-sufficient.

    • Impact of Military Deployments on Veterans' WellbeingMilitary deployments can cause trauma, leading to symptoms like aggression, startle responses, and sleep disruptions. Self-medication can also be a problem. Encourage veterans to seek help and provide support during their readjustment to civilian life.

      Military deployments can have a profound impact on veterans' mental and emotional wellbeing. The stress levels and amount of combat experienced can vary greatly, and when veterans return home, they may exhibit signs of trauma such as increased temper, startle responses, and disrupted sleep patterns. These symptoms can be alarming and may require professional help. For instance, a veteran might react aggressively to normal situations, startle easily at loud noises, or struggle to sleep without medication. It's crucial for family members and loved ones to recognize these signs and encourage their veteran to seek help if needed. Additionally, veterans who have experienced intense deployments may turn to self-medication, such as alcohol or sleeping pills, as a way to cope. These substances can lead to a dangerous dependence and further complicate the recovery process. It's essential to be aware of these potential challenges and provide support and understanding to help veterans readjust to civilian life.

    • Supporting veterans' mental health and creating a fulfilling environmentCreating a supportive environment, including mental health support and engaging activities, is essential for veterans readjusting to civilian life. Herbal supplements, therapy, and physical labor can aid in recovery and promote better sleep.

      Addressing mental health and creating a supportive environment are crucial for veterans readjusting to civilian life after deployment. The speaker's husband, a former SEAL, struggled with adjusting to normal life due to the heightened state he was used to while overseas. With the help of a psychologist and herbal supplements, he was able to improve his sleep cycle and realize he wasn't acting normally. The support of his family, especially his wife, played a significant role in his recovery. She encouraged him to pursue farming, which gave him focus and a sense of accomplishment. Starting a farm was a condition for her moving with him, and they eventually built a successful business together. The farm provided therapeutic physical labor for the husband, helping him let go of the intensity of deployment life and promoting better sleep without the need for medication. Overall, the importance of mental health support and creating a fulfilling environment cannot be overstated for veterans transitioning back to civilian life.

    • Open communication and vigilance are crucial for children's safetyEncourage open conversations about uncomfortable topics, address them regularly, create a safe environment, and stay vigilant to protect children from potential dangers.

      Open communication and vigilance are key to keeping children safe. The speaker shared her experiences of raising children on a farm and the importance of allowing them to experience nature and grow wild. She also emphasized the importance of addressing uncomfortable topics like abuse and discussing them regularly with children. The speaker encouraged adults to initiate conversations about bodies, sex, and predators, and to be aware that children can be victimized in unexpected ways and places. She emphasized that it's not up to children to bring up uncomfortable topics and encouraged adults to create a safe and open environment where children feel comfortable discussing such matters. The speaker also emphasized the importance of trusting instincts and staying vigilant to protect children from potential dangers.

    • Having open conversations about child molestation and sexual abuseDiscussing child molestation and sexual abuse with children and normalizing the topic is crucial for their protection and wellbeing. Military wives' sacrifices and contributions should also be acknowledged and respected.

      It's important for adults to have open and honest conversations about child molestation and sexual abuse, as statistics suggest that many children will experience it at some point in their lives. Despite the discomfort and taboo surrounding the topic, it's crucial to normalize discussions about it and be proactive in protecting children. Additionally, military wives deserve recognition and respect for their contributions and sacrifices while their husbands are deployed. The speaker shared a personal story about her own experiences and the importance of acknowledging the strength and accomplishments of the women in our lives.

    • A Selfless Partner in Military MarriageA dedicated partner prioritizes family needs over their own, even during personal struggles and hardships.

      The speaker's wife was an incredibly selfless and dedicated partner throughout their marriage and the raising of their children, despite the challenges of frequent separations due to the speaker's military career. She quit her job and moved across country with him multiple times, took care of their children alone while he was deployed, and never complained or asked for anything in return. Even during her own pregnancies and illnesses, she continued to prioritize her family's needs above her own. The speaker expresses deep admiration and gratitude for her unwavering support and sacrifices.

    • Mothers' Strength and SacrificesMothers, especially military wives, demonstrate immense strength and selflessness, and their love and support are essential for families and communities. Prioritize self-care to effectively support loved ones.

      The love and support of a mother, especially during challenging times, is an invaluable gift. Mothers, like military wives, demonstrate remarkable strength, determination, and selflessness in holding families together and protecting their loved ones. It's essential to express gratitude and appreciation to them, recognizing their sacrifices and the impact they have on our lives. Furthermore, supporting ourselves, both emotionally and financially, is crucial to effectively support and care for our families and communities. By prioritizing our well-being, we become stronger and more capable of handling challenges and accomplishing our missions.

    • Improve focus and support joint health with supplements like alpha brain and krill oilSupplements like alpha brain and krill oil can enhance cognitive function and joint health. Get good quality supplements and consider Jocko's website for a discount.

      Supplements, particularly krill oil, can support various aspects of health and wellness, from cognitive function to joint health. The speaker, who has noticed improved focus and sharpness after starting to take alpha brain and krill oil, recommends these supplements for those working out or working on the farm. Krill oil, in particular, is highlighted for its benefits for joint health. The speaker emphasizes the importance of getting good quality supplements and encourages listeners to check out Jocko's website for a 10% discount. Supporting the podcast and the website through clicking on the banner before shopping is also suggested as a small but meaningful way to help everyone around the world.

    • Exploring diverse online communitiesEngage with podcasts and YouTube channels for access to a wide range of perspectives and opinions. Extract and share specific lessons to apply content to your life. Appearances can be deceiving, so don't judge based on appearances alone.

      Engaging with online communities, whether through podcasts or YouTube channels, can lead to interesting and diverse interactions. These platforms allow access to a wide range of perspectives and opinions, often from individuals who may not be regular listeners or viewers. Additionally, the ability to extract and share specific lessons or excerpts makes it easier for people to consume and apply the content to their own lives. The speakers in this conversation also touched on the idea that appearances can be deceiving, and that people's appearances don't necessarily align with their voices or backgrounds. Overall, the key takeaway is the value of exploring different online communities and utilizing the content in a way that best fits individual learning styles and schedules.

    • Boosting self-support with merchandise and psychological toolsWearing merchandise and listening to psychological tools like Jocko Willink's 'Psychological Warfare' album can provide physical and auditory reminders and motivation to overcome challenges and stay focused on goals.

      Supporting oneself can come in various forms, including wearing representational merchandise and utilizing psychological tools like Jocko Willink's "Psychological Warfare" album to overcome challenges such as procrastination. The merchandise, which includes high-quality wearable items, can serve as a reminder and source of motivation. Meanwhile, "Psychological Warfare" functions as an auditory tool to help individuals push through moments of weakness and stay on track with their goals. This combination of physical and psychological support can significantly enhance one's ability to "get after it" and overcome common obstacles.

    • Insights and tools for personal growth and leadership from new releasesNew books and resources offer valuable lessons on personal growth, leadership, standing up for others, and making a difference through word-of-mouth recommendations

      The upcoming release of "The Warrior Kid" and "Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual" offer valuable insights and tools for personal growth and leadership development. The discussion also highlighted the importance of standing up for others and addressing bullying, as well as the impact of word-of-mouth recommendations in spreading knowledge and making a difference. The "Extreme Ownership" book continues to be popular due to its effectiveness, and the field manual will provide a portable version of the podcast's content with additional resources. Overall, these books and resources can help individuals become better leaders and make a positive impact on their teams and communities.

    • Learning from Twitter community and gold mining experienceJoining Twitter led Iris to connect with diverse individuals and gain valuable insights, while her father's gold mining experience taught her the importance of refining valuable resources into their purest form.

      Social media platforms like Twitter provide an excellent opportunity to connect with a large community of like-minded individuals and learn from their experiences and knowledge. During the podcast discussion, Iris Gardner shared her experience of joining Twitter upon Tim Ferriss' suggestion and how it led her to connect with various people and gain valuable insights. The name "tweet" is derived from the chirping sound of birds, symbolizing the exchange of quick messages. Iris also talked about her father's gold mining experience and how gold is extracted in the form of tiny flecks, which are then refined into bars. The conversation concluded with Iris expressing her gratitude for being on the show and sharing the importance of staying vigilant against evil and embracing the sweetness of life despite its challenges.

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    Show notes:
    1:00 How Gita's first road bump gave her the motivator to commit to meditation

    3.45 Discipline through need and struggle

    4:00 Parenting by leading as an example rather than teaching and preaching

    8:30 Commitment has to come from your own free will

    11:00 The gifts of daily practice - "Meditation is my drug"

    15.45 How do you keep meditation as a central point as a busy working mum with family of two kids and husband?

    17:44 Implement yogic practices with the children

    Learn more about her here: www.gitamatlock.com

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