
    444: When Outnumbered and Outgunned, FIX BAYONETS, Attack, and KEEP ATTACKING. W/ Brian Wood.

    enJune 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Clear communication during unexpected dangerEffective communication and a calm response can help teams engage the enemy and counterattack in the face of unexpected danger, even when surrounded by chaos and confusion.

      Even in the face of unexpected and intense danger, clear communication and a calm response can make all the difference. In the excerpt from Brian Wood's book "Double Cross," the soldiers find themselves under attack in an unfamiliar location, with no clear information about their surroundings or the enemy. Despite the chaos and confusion, the team communicates effectively, allowing them to engage the enemy and eventually dismount and launch a counterattack. This experience, along with the subsequent false accusations of war crimes, demonstrates the importance of staying focused and trusting in each other during times of uncertainty.

    • Determination and resilienceDetermination and resilience are essential in overcoming adversity. Even when faced with setbacks, maintaining a strong mindset can lead to finding purpose and success in unexpected places.

      Determination and resilience are crucial in overcoming adversity. The speaker's experience of not making it as a footballer despite his dedication and hard work led him to join the army, where he faced new challenges but ultimately found a sense of belonging and purpose. His father's influence and the recruiter's persuasive words played a significant role in his decision. Although the military experience came with its own hardships, it helped shape his character and gave him a new perspective on life. Despite the initial setback, the speaker's unwavering determination and resilience led him to find success in a different path.

    • Military trainingMilitary training pushes trainees beyond comfort zones, teaches discipline, mental resilience, and physical fitness, prepares for military life and deployment, and offers unique opportunities for personal growth.

      Military training is a demanding and transformative experience. Trainees are pushed beyond their comfort zones, taught by veterans with real-world experience, and held to high standards. The importance of physical fitness, discipline, and mental resilience cannot be overstated. The training prepares individuals for the rigors of military life and, ultimately, for the challenges of deployment. Despite the hardships, the experience can also be rewarding, leading to unique opportunities and personal growth. The speaker's own story illustrates this, as he went from infantry training to serving in Kosovo, meeting his future wife, and experiencing the events of 9/11.

    • 9/11 Impact on SoldiersThe events of 9/11 instilled a strong sense of impending war and response among soldiers, leading to intense preparation and high expectations for deployment, with a clear understanding of the risks involved.

      The events of September 11, 2001, instilled a strong sense of impending war and response among the soldiers in the room, including the speaker. They prepared for deployment to Iraq, expecting it to be a significant tour of duty. The speaker's experience in Kosovo provided him with valuable knowledge and a desire to learn, making him a sponge for information. The anticipation leading up to the deployment was intense, with high expectations and a clear understanding of the risks involved. The speech from their new commander, Lieutenant Colonel Matt Mayer, was inspiring and made the reality of the situation clear. The intensity of the workup cycle and training reflected the importance of being fully prepared for the challenges ahead.

    • War experienceServing in a war zone requires high physical and mental preparedness and the ability to adapt to constantly changing and dangerous situations.

      Serving in the military during a time of war, such as in Iraq, is a chaotic and unpredictable experience. The author, who was a young soldier at the time, was thrown into the midst of intense combat situations, which required quick adaptation and a high level of readiness. The first real experience of being under fire was a confusing and disorienting experience, with limited visibility and a high level of noise and chaos. Soldiers had to be constantly prepared for attacks and were often on high alert, with little time for rest or relaxation. The author also mentions the importance of experience and training, as those who had been there longer were able to keep a cool head and provide guidance to the newer soldiers. Overall, the experience of serving in a war zone required a high level of physical and mental preparedness, and the ability to adapt to constantly changing and dangerous situations.

    • Military adaptability in war zonesSoldiers in war zones must switch between aggression and friendliness, face disorganized situations, and maintain focus on mission despite challenges

      Serving in the military in a war zone like Iraq was a complex and challenging experience. Soldiers faced the constant need to switch between being aggressive during firefights and being friendly and reassuring to the local community. This required a high level of professionalism and adaptability. The planning for military operations was thorough, but the situation on the ground was often disorganized and unpredictable. Manpower was strained due to casualties, and communication was a constant challenge. Despite these challenges, the British military maintained a strong focus on their mission and avoided political distractions. The speaker learned valuable lessons and went on to serve in multiple tours.

    • Acts of kindnessAn act of kindness from a local resident during a military mission significantly boosted the morale of British troops, providing a change from their monotonous rations and offering a reminder of humanity amidst danger.

      During a military mission in Iraq, a small act of kindness from a local Iraqi man significantly boosted the morale of the British troops, providing them with a change from their monotonous rations during a two-month stay on Leaf Island. However, the mission itself was fraught with danger as they faced heavy fire and sustained attacks, resulting in injuries and the loss of communication with their company. Despite these challenges, the troops persevered and managed to make it back to their forward operating base, where they were met with the grim reality of the damage their vehicle had sustained and the seriousness of their situation. Throughout it all, the bravery and quick thinking of the soldiers and their commander helped ensure their survival.

    • Combat calmnessStaying calm and focused during combat situations is crucial for survival and effective response. Improvising and quick thinking can make a difference.

      During a combat situation, staying calm and focused is crucial, even when faced with extreme danger and chaos. The speaker's experience of being in a vehicle hit by a rocket, dealing with injuries, and managing fear demonstrates the importance of clear direction and a calm demeanor in the face of adversity. Additionally, the use of improvisation and quick thinking, such as using wet cloths as filters during a diesel fire, can make a significant difference in survival. The operations described also highlight the importance of showing force and determination in military situations.

    • War's unpredictabilityWar's chaotic nature can result in unexpected events, including the involvement of children as combatants and the injury of respected leaders, requiring soldiers to remain positive and professional in the face of adversity.

      War is chaotic and unpredictable, as illustrated by the events of Operation Waterloo. Despite their show of strength, the British forces faced intense attacks, including one that resulted in the injury of their respected platoon sergeant, Louie, at the hands of a young child. This experience was particularly impactful for the narrator, who looked up to Louie as an inspiration and professional role model. The high rate of injuries and the use of children as combatants added to the sense of vulnerability and the feeling that the situation was becoming a numbers game. Despite the challenges, the British forces had to remain positive and professional, acknowledging the reality of the situation and the need to adapt to the changing tactics of their adversaries.

    • Leadership in combatEffective leadership breaks down overwhelming situations into manageable phases, allowing soldiers to follow and succeed in counter-attacks.

      During the escalating violence following Operation Waterloo, a patrol from Argyle and Southern Highlanders was ambushed near checkpoint Danny Boy. The soldiers, led by a sergeant, were in the back of their armored vehicle when they received the news and were ordered to dismount and launch a close quarter counter-attack on the enemy stronghold. Despite the fear and uncertainty, the soldiers followed their leader, who had broken down the situation into manageable phases, and successfully engaged the enemy. The experience was chaotic and intense, with the sound and brightness overwhelming the soldiers. The sergeant, who didn't wear ear defense, managed to compose himself and assess the situation before leading his men forward. The encounter resulted in the deaths of 28 enemy combatants and nine prisoners of war. The experience highlighted the importance of leadership, courage, and teamwork in the face of adversity.

    • Teamwork in combatEffective teamwork and quick decision-making were essential for success in a dangerous combat situation, requiring a three-pronged approach and the addition of experienced soldiers to overcome enemy fire and secure weapons and prisoners.

      Effective teamwork and quick decision-making were crucial in a dangerous and unpredictable combat situation. The speaker, a soldier, described a high-risk operation where they had to outmaneuver the enemy in a trench warfare situation. They had to make a split-second decision to go on the offensive, despite the risks and without sufficient cover. The team worked together, using a three-pronged approach to advance and suppress enemy fire. The arrival of two experienced soldiers added to their firepower and determination. The operation was successful, but the team faced unexpected challenges, including enemy surrender and the need to secure weapons and detain prisoners. The soldier emphasized the importance of following protocols and maintaining discipline in the chaos of battle. Despite their success, they knew they had to remain vigilant and prepared for the next phase of the battle. The experience was a testament to the courage and professionalism of the soldiers involved.

    • Combat aftermathCollecting bodies in combat is a challenging and traumatic experience, involving dealing with the weight and condition of the bodies, identification purposes, and the emotional toll of taking lives

      Combat situations are brutal and traumatic, involving the taking of lives and dealing with the aftermath. During an intense firefight, a soldier engaged multiple enemy combatants, resulting in their deaths. After the fight, they were tasked with collecting the bodies for identification purposes, which was a difficult and horrific experience. The soldier was physically and mentally drained, but they had to continue their mission. The task of collecting the bodies was important for identification purposes, even though it was an unusual request and a challenging experience. The soldier had to deal with the weight and condition of the bodies, some of which were young and disfigured. The experience of taking lives and dealing with the aftermath weighed heavily on the soldier's shoulders and was a difficult aspect of combat to process. The soldier also had to deal with the unexpected return of a wounded comrade and the challenges of loading the bodies into vehicles for transport. Overall, the experience of combat is intense, traumatic, and involves dealing with the aftermath in ways that can be difficult to process.

    • Combat documentation and debriefingProper documentation and debriefing in combat situations are crucial for avoiding significant consequences later on. Suppress fear and focus on task, as there may be no time for fear or hesitation.

      In high-stress situations, such as combat, proper documentation and debriefing are crucial, even if they may seem like unnecessary administrative tasks at the time. The failure to do so can lead to significant consequences later on. Another important point is the importance of suppressing fear and focusing on the task at hand when action is required, as there may be no time for fear or hesitation. The speaker's experience of having brief moments to experience fear before suppressing it and carrying out his duties highlights this concept. Additionally, the handling of investigations into combat situations should be thorough and rigorous to avoid causing unnecessary grief and hassle for those involved.

    • Team adaptabilityIn high-pressure situations, team members may need to step out of their roles and adapt to new tasks. Preparation and a focus on mission goals can help the team stay focused and resilient.

      During a mission in Iraq, the team encountered heavy enemy fire while attempting to extract a wounded soldier. The situation required quick thinking and adaptability from all team members, including Coops who stepped up to drive the vehicle despite not being a trained driver. The incident was a sobering reminder of the dangers faced and the importance of being prepared for any situation. Despite the constant threat of danger, the team remained focused on their mission and the safety of their comrades. The experience was a testament to the team's professionalism and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Military TransitionProper planning and support during military transition can prevent frustration and conflict, and ensure successful reintegration into civilian life

      The transition back to civilian life after serving in the military can be challenging and requires proper support and planning. The speaker in this conversation shared his experience of returning home from deployment feeling disconnected from his family and struggling to adjust, which led to frustration and conflict. He also mentioned the importance of understanding the unique dynamics of military life and how they can impact relationships, especially during the transition period. The tragic death of a friend served as a reminder of the sacrifices made by service members and the importance of supporting them during their reintegration into civilian life. Proper decompression and a well-planned transition can make a significant difference in the successful reintegration of military personnel back into their communities.

    • Military Funerals, Survivor's GuiltMilitary funerals leave a profound impact on soldiers, causing guilt, introspection, and survivor's guilt, which can last long after the war ends.

      War is a difficult and emotionally taxing experience that can leave a profound impact on soldiers. The author, a soldier himself, shares his experiences of attending military funerals for his comrades, Ray and Lee, and the guilt and introspection that followed. He describes the weight and responsibility of carrying a coffin, the overwhelming emotions during the funerals, and the feeling of survivor's guilt. The author also shares his experience of being questioned about a battle incident by the Special Investigations Branch, which added to his stress and confusion. Despite the challenges, he continues to serve and eventually receives the Military Cross award, but the shadow of war continues to follow him. The experience of war is not just about the medals and accolades, but also about the emotional toll it takes on soldiers and the difficult realities they face.

    • Personal connectionsCherish personal connections and remember those who uplift us, even during times of great achievement. Self-care and taking breaks are important for maintaining these connections.

      Even in the face of great accomplishments and public recognition, it's important to remember the people who support us and the small moments that make life meaningful. Woody, a decorated soldier, shared a story about an argument with his father on the way to a prestigious award ceremony. Despite the tension, Woody's father's words of love and pride left a lasting impact on him. This experience highlights the importance of cherishing personal connections and remembering the people who uplift us, even in the midst of great achievements. Woody's story also emphasizes the importance of self-care and taking breaks when needed, as he eventually left the army due to the strain on his personal life.

    • Mental and physical breaksTaking breaks, whether mental or physical, is essential for maintaining well-being, especially during challenging times. Finding an environment that challenges, supports growth, and fosters a sense of belonging can lead to personal growth and renewed energy.

      Mental and physical breaks are crucial for maintaining well-being, especially during challenging periods in life. The interviewee shares his personal experience of taking a sabbatical to reevaluate his marriage and then working for a successful businessman, which led him back to the army. He emphasizes the importance of finding an environment where one can test themselves, compete, lead, and belong. However, the most profound moment in his military career was when he encountered a tragic suicide incident, reminding him of the importance of mental health support and awareness.

    • Military mental healthAcknowledging emotions and seeking support through programs like TRIM and therapy sessions can lead to personal growth and better leadership in the military, promoting a more resilient and effective force.

      Addressing mental health and trauma in the military is crucial for soldiers' well-being and effective leadership. The speaker's experience of a fellow soldier's suicide during deployment led him to seek help through the Trauma Risk Management (TRIM) program and therapy sessions. He emphasized the importance of acknowledging emotions and seeking support, which can lead to personal growth and better leadership. The military culture's shift towards recognizing the value of mental health care is essential for creating a more resilient and effective force. The speaker's journey from feeling ashamed to becoming an instructor and embracing his emotions demonstrates the importance of open communication and seeking help.

    • Military pressureServing in the military and facing allegations of war crimes can lead to immense pressure, damaging public perception and long-term impact on reputation.

      Serving in the military and being involved in combat can come with immense pressure, both on the battlefield and off. The speaker in this text shares his experience of being part of a military operation in Afghanistan and later facing allegations of war crimes. Despite knowing the truth of what happened, the public perception and media coverage left him feeling degraded and under immense pressure. The incident also brought back memories of the Abu Ghraib scandal and other allegations against British troops, which added to the intensity of the situation. The speaker felt let down by the lack of support from the government and the media storm that followed, making it difficult for him to deal with the situation and maintain his reputation. The experience highlights the complexities and challenges of serving in the military and the long-lasting impact of public perception.

    • Military investigationsMilitary investigations can lead to chaotic, isolating, and damaging experiences for individuals involved, impacting their reputation, relationships, and trust.

      The experience of being involved in a military investigation that led to public allegations of wrongdoing can be incredibly chaotic, isolating, and damaging to one's personal and professional reputation. The speaker in this discussion recounts the challenges of dealing with the media, the inquiry process, and the lack of support from some quarters during a time when he felt he was fighting to clear his name. The experience left him feeling exhausted and uncertain, and the long-term impact on his trust and ability to form relationships was significant. Despite the training and adherence to rules, the perception of wrongdoing in the public eye was difficult to shake, even when the truth came to light. The experience underscores the importance of effective communication, support, and transparency during such investigations to mitigate the negative impact on individuals and their communities.

    • Military vs. CourtroomThe military context and courtroom context have vastly different realities, making it challenging for soldiers to effectively defend themselves in a courtroom setting when those questioning lack military experience.

      The experience of being a soldier in a warzone is vastly different from the context of a courtroom inquiry. The speaker found it challenging to convey the realities of war, including the use of force and the need for quick decision-making, to those in the inquiry room who lacked military experience. The questioning, which focused on minor details and seemed to imply brutality and barbarism, was frustrating for the speaker. The specific accusations of mistreatment of detainees were also suspicious due to their crystal clear detail compared to the speaker's memory of events. Overall, the speaker felt that the lack of understanding of military situations in the inquiry room made it difficult to defend himself and his men effectively.

    • Inadequate documentationInadequate documentation during investigations can lead to baseless accusations, causing distress and disrespect to those involved, and prolonging the investigation process.

      The lack of proper and truthful documentation during an inquiry into an incident involving the British Army led to unnecessary and baseless accusations, causing distress and disrespect to the soldiers involved. The shredding of crucial evidence by public interest lawyers for financial gain further complicated the situation, resulting in a lengthy and draining investigation. The soldier, despite handling himself with dignity, was left feeling disillusioned with the system and ultimately left the army due to a pension issue and the overall experience.

    • Iraqi inquiry into British soldiersThe Iraqi inquiry into allegations against British soldiers resulted in a final report that found all serious allegations to be baseless, but the costly and lengthy process tarnished soldiers' reputations for years. Legal firms involved faced investigations and charges for professional misconduct.

      The Iraqi inquiry into allegations against British soldiers involved in the Battle of Danny Boy resulted in a final report that found all serious allegations to be baseless and entirely the result of deliberate lies, reckless speculation, and ingrained hostility. The process was costly, with 169 days of hearings, evidence from over 800 witnesses, and a final report spanning 1200 pages. The reputation of the soldiers was tarnished for years, but the findings ultimately vindicated them. The legal firms involved, particularly Phil Shiner's public interest lawyers, faced investigations and charges for professional misconduct. The soldiers' reputation was defended by the Secretary of State for Defense, Michael Fallon, who criticized the witnesses and their legal teams for the prolonged and costly nature of the inquiry. The highest court in the UK is currently trying Phil Shiner on 24 counts of professional misconduct.

    • Lawyer's deceitful actionsA lawyer's deceitful actions can cause significant distress and tarnish reputations, but the resilience and determination of those affected can lead to healing and purposeful endeavors.

      Phil Shiner, a lawyer involved in false claims of torture and murder against British soldiers, refused to apologize despite being struck off and declared bankruptcy. His actions caused significant distress to the soldiers and their families, tarnishing their reputations. The contrast between Shiner's deceitful actions and the bravery of the soldiers was stark. Despite the government's failure to support the soldiers during the public inquiry, they were able to move on with their lives and find purpose through charity work. An incredible experience involved cycling across America to raise funds for a double amputee soldier's pioneering surgery. Shiner's actions left a lasting impact, but the soldiers' resilience and determination shone through.

    • Overcoming adversityDetermination, resilience, and a positive mindset are crucial for overcoming adversity. Keep going, attack each day with purpose, and there's always potential for growth and making a difference.

      Overcoming adversity and hardship requires determination, resilience, and a positive mindset. The speaker, a veteran who underwent a life-changing surgery and embarked on various challenges for charity, emphasized the importance of keeping going, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Whether it's running marathons for fallen soldiers or starting a business with limited resources, the key is to attack each day with purpose and perseverance. The speaker's journey serves as an inspiration that no matter what one has been through, there is always the potential for growth and making a difference in the world.

    • Seizing OpportunitiesTaking risks and seizing opportunities can lead to unexpected successes, even if one feels undeserving or unsure. Resilience and hard work are essential for achieving goals and overcoming challenges that come with success.

      Seizing opportunities can lead to unexpected successes. The speaker shared their experience of writing a book and having it turned into a film, despite initially feeling unworthy and unsure. They emphasized the importance of taking opportunities, even if one feels undeserving or unsure, and the potential rewards that can come from doing so. The speaker also highlighted the importance of resilience and hard work in achieving their goals, as well as the challenges that come with success and the potential for resentment. Despite these challenges, the speaker remained true to themselves and continued to put themselves out there, leading to further opportunities such as speaking engagements. Overall, the speaker's story is a reminder that taking risks and seizing opportunities can lead to remarkable outcomes.

    • Executive's Challenges and InvolvementsThe executive faces challenges in participating in the Tour de France, supporting military charities, helping his military-serving sons succeed, public speaking, and potentially attending Phil Shiner's trial.

      The executive discussed his upcoming challenges, including participating in the Tour de France and supporting military charities, highlighting his focus on endurance and his supportive role as a father to his military-serving sons. Another key point was his determination to help his eldest son, Bailey, succeed in the parachute regiment despite the significant age difference and challenges he faced. The executive also mentioned his involvement in public speaking and encouraged people to connect with him through his website and social media platforms. Lastly, he shared his intention to attend the trial of Phil Shiner, who is facing multiple charges and is expected to go to court soon. The executive expressed his curiosity about the trial and potential plans to travel to the UK to witness it.

    • Extreme pressure and unconventional actionsUnder extreme pressure, individuals may prioritize winning or financial gain over doing what is morally right, leading to unconventional actions and potential exploitation of situations or vulnerable groups.

      Extreme pressure can lead individuals to act in unconventional ways, even if it means exploiting situations or targeting vulnerable groups. The case of Brian Wood MC, a lawyer who made a fortune by accusing British soldiers of war crimes, illustrates this concept. He used his position to target loopholes and create false accusations, turning into a "war crimes chaser" when there were no actual war crimes to be found. Despite the moral ambiguity of his actions, he was driven by a combination of personal beliefs and financial gain. Under extreme pressure, individuals may prioritize winning or getting paid over doing what is morally right. It's essential to be aware of this potential slippage and strive to maintain integrity, especially when faced with complex situations.

    • Morality and FitnessPersonal beliefs and morals can justify unethical actions, while staying fit and healthy is important for overall well-being, as discussed in relation to military figures and their experiences.

      Personal morals and beliefs play a significant role in justifying actions, even if they may be considered unethical by others. This was discussed in relation to the actions of a military figure and the idea that some people believe the ends justify the means. Another key point was the importance of staying fit and healthy, with various resources and products mentioned to support this goal. The speaker also highlighted his respect for military personnel and shared his experiences working with them. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of morality, fitness, and the importance of staying true to one's values.

    • Leadership skillsLeadership is a skill that can be learned and applied in all areas of life, not just for senior positions or military. Embrace it, learn the necessary skills, and face challenges head-on.

      Leadership is not limited to those in senior positions or in the military. It's a skill that can be learned and applied in all areas of life, from personal relationships to business. Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL commander, emphasized this during a discussion, sharing his experiences and encouraging everyone to learn and practice leadership skills. He and his team at Echelon Front offer leadership consultancy services and an online training academy, Extreme Ownership, to help individuals and organizations overcome their leadership challenges. Additionally, they highlighted several charities supporting military families and veterans, including America's Mighty Warriors, Heroes and Horses, and Beyond the Brotherhood. The overarching message was to embrace leadership, learn the necessary skills, and face challenges head-on, even when the odds seem unfavorable.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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