
    442: Breaking Records and Saving Lives. With British Special Forces Soldier, Dean Stott

    enJune 12, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Evacuation in Crisis SituationsQuick action and effective coordination are crucial for successful evacuations in crisis situations, even when dealing with multiple requests and complex paperwork.

      Dean Stott, a former British Special Forces soldier, has a history of helping evacuate people in crisis situations. From Afghanistan to Libya, and now Israel, Stott's expertise and quick action have saved countless lives. In the aftermath of the Hamas attack in Israel, Stott and his team were once again on the ground, helping people evacuate within 24 hours. This time, they were also dealing with requests from various organizations and individuals, making the process more complex. Despite the challenges, they managed to evacuate 19 girls to Germany, sparking a wave of requests for help. The situation became messy due to the need for proper paperwork and host nations, but Stott and his team navigated it, ensuring that those who fit the criteria were safely evacuated. Their work demonstrates the importance of quick action and effective coordination in times of crisis.

    • Crisis Interventions, Unintended ConsequencesWell-intentioned crisis interventions can have unintended consequences, particularly regarding human trafficking and safety of evacuees. Thorough understanding and long-term commitment are crucial to prevent harm.

      Well-intentioned efforts to help during times of crisis or conflict can have unintended consequences, particularly when it comes to human trafficking and the safety of those being evacuated. The situation in Afghanistan, where many were helped by nonprofits but may now face return due to lack of proper paperwork, serves as a reminder of this. The hasty exit from Afghanistan, leaving behind many who were assisted but not fully vetted, created a vulnerable population that could be exploited. It's crucial to ensure thorough understanding and long-term commitment when engaging in such humanitarian efforts to prevent potential harm.

    • Security evacuation plansCorporations should rigorously evaluate their security evacuation plans, regardless of the provider's reputation, and consider consulting smaller, more agile companies for expert advice and fresh perspectives

      Corporations should thoroughly scrutinize their crisis management evacuation plans provided by security companies, even if they have insurance. Many large security providers may not have adequate plans in place or may not be fully insured. It's essential to ask questions, test routes, and ensure a secondary option is available. Smaller, more agile companies like Litchy can offer valuable expertise and a fresh perspective, helping to identify vulnerabilities and provide solutions. In the end, it's crucial to remember that the perception of a large, well-established security company doesn't always equate to the best service or the most effective evacuation plan.

    • Emotional detachment in crisis managementStaying emotionally detached can facilitate clear judgment and effective decision-making during high-pressure situations, even in complex and emotionally charged environments.

      Maintaining emotional detachment can be crucial for effective decision-making in high-pressure situations. The speaker shares how they prioritize keeping emotions at bay to make clear judgments, while their partner Elana is more emotionally engaged. During a crisis in Israel, the speaker's lack of local connections and infrastructure made entry and evacuation challenging, but their focus on transparency and honesty helped them gain access. The event took place during a major holiday, making the situation even more complex, but the speaker's ability to stay calm and focused enabled them to help coordinate evacuations for families in need.

    • Crisis evacuation communicationEffective communication and quick decision-making are essential during crises to ensure safe evacuations. Challenges such as volatile situations, lack of tech-savviness among some populations, and misinformation from the media can hinder evacuation efforts. Establishing a clear mission statement and legal entity can streamline operations.

      During times of crisis, quick decision-making and effective communication are crucial for ensuring the safety and evacuation of people in need. Alana, a woman who facilitated evacuations during the Israel-Gaza conflict, faced challenges in securing flights and making decisions on the spot due to the volatile situation and the urgency of the situation. Elderly people, who were not tech-savvy, needed help buying tickets online. The media portrayed a different reality on the ground than what was actually happening, causing confusion and hesitation among some families. Alana, despite the challenges, managed to help many people get out safely and even established a non-profit organization, EvacuationSupport.org, to provide a centralized platform for donations and future evacuations. The incident at LAX highlighted the importance of having a clear mission statement and a legal entity for such operations.

    • Travel safety research, trainingResearching culture and doing travel security advice training, practical safety measures like bringing a door stop and having photocopies of passports, and staying informed can help ensure safety while traveling.

      Being prepared and informed is crucial when traveling to unpredictable or dangerous areas. The speaker, who had firsthand experience in a volatile region, emphasized the importance of researching the culture and doing travel security advice training. He also suggested taking practical safety measures like bringing a door stop and having photocopies of passports. For those who want more comprehensive assistance, the speaker's company offers intelligence assessments, real-time updates, and even protective surveillance teams. The speaker also mentioned the importance of staying informed and not letting media hype unnecessarily escalate fears. The company can work with insurance providers to help travelers have peace of mind. Overall, the key takeaway is that being informed and prepared can make a significant difference in ensuring safety while traveling.

    • Online presence safetyCultural awareness and understanding are vital for high net worth individuals and family offices to ensure safety and security online, including travel security and digital footprints. Companies like Dean's List offer expertise to mitigate risks, and vigilance and proactivity are essential due to the interconnectedness of information.

      Cultural awareness and understanding online presence are crucial for high net worth individuals and family offices to ensure their safety and security. Travel security is not just about physical threats but also includes cultural sensitivities and digital footprints. Companies like Dean's List provide advice and expertise to help mitigate these risks. The interconnectedness of information through AI and the internet makes it essential to be vigilant and proactive in protecting personal information. Additionally, effective communication and planning with family members are crucial to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

    • Technology ethics, Perseverance and adaptabilityTechnology can provide personal information through open source platforms, but ethical use is crucial. Perseverance and adaptability are essential for success, especially when relaunching a product in a new market. Finding a good fit with a ghostwriter and clear communication are important in the ghostwriting process.

      While technology can provide a wealth of information, it's important to use it effectively and ethically. The speaker shared an example of how he was able to gather personal information about someone through open source platforms like Strava. However, he emphasized that not all information should be accessed without permission. Another key takeaway from the conversation was the importance of perseverance and adaptability in achieving success. The speaker discussed how he was able to relaunch his book in the US market after it had already been released in the UK. He highlighted the importance of being proactive and seizing opportunities, as well as being willing to make adjustments to appeal to a new audience. Lastly, the speaker shared insights into the ghostwriting process, emphasizing the importance of finding a good fit with the ghostwriter and being clear in communication. He also discussed the different approaches to writing, with some audiences appreciating granular details while others prefer a more streamlined narrative.

    • Community loyalty vs personal gainMark Lynas prioritized his loyalty to his community and his integrity over a TV show offer that could have brought quick fame and fortune, demonstrating strong character and commitment to his principles.

      Even when faced with opportunities that could potentially bring quick fame and fortune, Mark Lynas chose to prioritize his loyalty to his community and his integrity. This was evident when he turned down a TV show offer that required clearance from the MOD, as he didn't want to upset his former colleagues or the Special Forces community. Despite the initial disappointment, the show ended up becoming a huge success, and Mark was later approached by SES Australia for their show. Mark's decision to prioritize his community and his values over personal gain showcases his strong character and commitment to his principles.

    • SAS: Who Dares Wins isolationIsolation during filming enables intense interrogations and revealing backstories, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of contestants' abilities and potential.

      The SAS: Who Dares Wins reality TV show is unique due to its strict isolation of contestants during filming, allowing for intense interrogations and revealing backstories. Contestants range from celebrities to athletes, and some voluntarily withdraw due to the challenging conditions. The show's creators use various methods to evaluate contestants, including peer ranking and swapping instructors, to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their abilities and potential. The fine line between authenticity and entertainment is maintained, resulting in a compelling and engaging viewing experience.

    • Motivation in SEAL trainingMotivation, whether from childhood dreams, personal challenges, or honoring loved ones, helps individuals endure the mentally and physically demanding SEAL training and fosters camaraderie within the Special Forces community.

      Motivation plays a significant role in completing SEAL training, and it comes in various forms. Some individuals have dreamed of becoming a SEAL since childhood, while others are driven by a desire to prove themselves or to honor a loved one. The motivations of the civilians on the show were also diverse, with some participating to escape their past or to challenge themselves. The training is mentally and physically demanding, and having the right motivation can help individuals push through the challenges and ultimately succeed. The rugby match between SES and SBS is a tradition that showcases the camaraderie and competition within the Special Forces community.

    • Background and Success in Special ForcesIndividuals from all backgrounds can succeed in special forces through determination and motivation, as demonstrated by Dean Stott's experiences meeting diverse individuals and his own journey from the military to television hosting.

      Regardless of one's background, there is a place for everyone in achieving great things, especially in the world of special forces. From wealthy families to those from humble beginnings, motivation and determination are the common threads that lead individuals to succeed. Dean Stott, a former British Special Forces soldier, shared his experiences of meeting individuals from various backgrounds in the SEAL teams. He also mentioned an officer, Kamukar, who donated his wages to charity despite coming from a wealthy background. In the television industry, Stott's experiences and connections led him to host a show called "Toughest Forces on Earth" on Netflix. The show takes viewers inside different special operations units from around the world, showcasing their unique environments and training methods. Stott's interest in the project stemmed from his curiosity about other military units and a desire to demonstrate his continued abilities after an injury in 2011. The show's concept is likened to "Top Gear with guns," as they immerse themselves in the training and complete a final mission at the end of each episode. Stott's journey from the military to television hosting demonstrates the importance of determination, curiosity, and adaptability in achieving one's goals. Regardless of background or past experiences, individuals can find success and make a meaningful impact in various fields.

    • Military technology evolutionThe Ultimate Survival Alaska show demonstrated rapid advancements in military technology and the unique challenges faced in extreme environments while filming, despite injuries and unfamiliar health and safety standards, the camaraderie and competition made the experience enjoyable for all involved.

      The "Ultimate Survival Alaska" show showcased the advanced technology evolution in a short period of time, particularly in military equipment, which surprised the retired military man. The show, filmed in various countries, presented unique challenges due to extreme temperatures and unfamiliar health and safety standards. Despite some injuries, the camaraderie and competition between the team members, including the retired UK soldier and two Americans, made the experience enjoyable. The retired soldier, who had a stoic approach, balanced well with the clowning around of one team member and the seriousness of the other. The show also highlighted the demanding nature of military service and the risks involved in training and operations.

    • EOD unit promotionThe SAS: Who Dares Wins show successfully promoted the US Navy EOD unit, which involves diffusing explosives, despite the demanding military training shown on the show and the team's mental health advocacy and fundraising efforts.

      The military training shown in the TV show "SAS: Who Dares Wins" is incredibly demanding and results in various injuries for the participants. Despite the challenges, the show has been successful in promoting the US Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit, which is a relatively unknown entity in the US Navy, particularly in the special operations sector. The EOD job involves diffusing explosives of all sizes and types, from grenades to nuclear weapons. The recruitment process for EOD is lengthy and spaced out, unlike the continuous pipeline for SEAL training. Additionally, during the filming of the show, the team explored mental health advocacy and fundraising through a bike ride for charity, which led to Alana, one of the team members, becoming a mental health ambassador and raising over a million dollars for various charities. She now works with nonprofits to help them reach their fundraising targets. The team also encountered an opportunity to work with a plant medicine nonprofit, Heroic Hearts, and although neither Ed nor Alana had prior experience with plant medicine, they agreed to join the organization to expand their impact in the mental health space.

    • Ibogaine and emotional insightsIbogaine, a psychedelic substance, offered Dean deeply personal and emotional insights, described as a movie premiere where he was the only one understanding the language.

      The speaker, Dean, shared his experience with experiencing intense anger and frustration in Western society, which he referred to as a "red mist." To better understand this experience and potentially help others, he considered trying ayahuasca but was ultimately unable to due to logistical and professional reasons. Instead, he learned about Ibogaine, a different psychedelic substance, from a podcast guest and decided to try it. During his experience, he encountered deeply personal and emotional insights, which he described as a movie premiere where he was the only one understanding the language. Although he did not specify how Ibogaine helped him with his anger, it seemed to provide him with valuable self-discovery and understanding.

    • Psychedelic experiences, personal growthPsychedelic experiences, like Ibogaine, can lead to profound personal growth and healing for individuals, particularly veterans dealing with mental health issues. Benefits include new perspectives, increased presence, emotional clarity, and long-term growth. Integration and support post-experience are crucial. Not for everyone and accessibility can be a challenge.

      Psychedelic experiences, such as those facilitated by Ibogaine, can lead to profound personal growth and healing for individuals, particularly veterans dealing with mental health issues. These experiences can provide new perspectives, increased presence, and emotional clarity, even if they are not a cure-all. The long-term benefits extend beyond the actual psychedelic event, as the integration and support system post-experience play crucial roles in continued growth and well-being. However, it's important to note that these experiences are not for everyone and can be a challenging and potentially scary environment. Additionally, the stigma surrounding plant medicines and the financial interests of pharmaceutical companies can hinder their accessibility. Despite these challenges, advocacy and efforts from mental health experts, veterans, and organizations are pushing for greater acceptance and availability of these transformative experiences.

    • Ocean rowing transformationWith the right mindset, proper training, and planning, anyone can transform themselves and overcome challenges, even something as daunting as ocean rowing.

      No matter what challenges life throws at us, with the right mindset, proper training, and planning, anything is possible. Marcus, who was once a completely different person than his wife Amber married, is a testament to this. He transformed himself after a difficult period and went on to achieve remarkable feats, inspiring many others. Looking ahead, the focus is on ocean rowing as the next challenge. This involves rowing across the Atlantic Ocean in a large boat, which can take about five to six weeks, depending on favorable tides and winds. The plan is to row from Vancouver to Mexico next year, with the Surf Riders Foundation as the beneficiary. The training consists of getting hold of a boat and navigating the waters, with the help of experienced rowers and organizations like the Ocean Rowing Society. The story of this journey will not only be about the rowing itself but also about sharing stories of ocean conservation and the challenges faced along the coastline. This adventure is not just about the couple, Alana and the speaker, but also about the team behind the scenes, who make everything possible. The concept of the podcast, "Behind the Scenes," was born from this idea of promoting the team and their efforts.

    • Behind the Scene podcast themesThe Behind the Scene podcast, hosted by Jim and Alana, explores relationships and personal growth through various themes and formats, including potential family involvement and military fitness app development.

      The "Behind the Scene" podcast, hosted by Jim and Alana, offers unique insights into relationships and personal growth, with potential seasons featuring various themes and formats. They aim to launch it summer next year, with the goal of involving their children and maintaining a connection with their family. Jim shares his past experience of considering living on a wooden boat but ultimately deciding against it due to the constant maintenance required and his wife's seasickness. Additionally, Jim plans to create a military fitness app, called "Tough," to help individuals prepare for various military roles or tactical games, with a focus on non-biased training and adaptability for busy lifestyles. To stay updated on the podcast, coaching, and speaking engagements, people can visit Jim's website, deans.com, and follow him on Instagram (@deans.sps), Twitter (@deans.sps), and YouTube/Podcast ("Behind the Scene, S-E-E").

    • Trauma and healingSetting intentions and letting go of expectations are crucial during trauma healing experiences, whether through plant medicine or challenging physical training. Ibogaine requires a strict environment and can involve purging, while Dirty PT builds resilience and adapts to uncertainty.

      Trauma and personal growth can be facilitated through various means, such as plant medicine experiences and challenging physical training. The discussion highlighted the importance of setting intentions and letting go of expectations during these experiences. Ibogaine, a plant medicine used for healing, requires a strict diet and a safe environment for the journey, which can involve purging multiple times. Dirty PT, a type of training that tests performance under unfamiliar and difficult circumstances, was also discussed as a valuable tool for building resilience and adapting to uncertainty. The conversation emphasized the importance of being present and open to new experiences. Looking forward to Alana's perspective on her own experiences with trauma and healing.

    • Mental conditioning for adversityIndividuals who are not accustomed to adversity may feel overwhelmed and demotivated, leading them to quit. Mental conditioning and adaptability to changing circumstances are crucial for handling significant challenges or setbacks.

      Certain individuals, particularly those who are accustomed to being at the top of their game, can be easily discouraged when faced with significant challenges or setbacks. This was discussed in the context of wrestling, where a wrestler's top-end strength can diminish rapidly, leaving them feeling weak and useless. This phenomenon was also observed in other sports and activities, such as Jujitsu, where technique and strategy can outweigh brute strength. The speaker, Gardner, shared his own experiences of being a "loser" and being used to adversity, which helped him handle such situations better. The idea is that those who are not accustomed to these discrepancies or setbacks may feel overwhelmed and demotivated, leading them to quit. The speaker emphasized the importance of mental conditioning and being adaptable to changing circumstances. Additionally, he shared his personal experience of embracing physical activities with his children, even when tired, and the importance of supporting their productive endeavors.

    • Bodyweight exercises and intense activitiesEnjoying bodyweight exercises and intense activities, along with finding joy in food, can contribute to overall fitness and well-being. However, maintaining a balanced and clean diet is essential for optimal health.

      There are various approaches to achieving fitness and well-being, and what works best can differ from person to person. Dean Stott, a former British Special Forces soldier, shared his experience of thriving without weights, focusing on bodyweight exercises and intense physical activities. He emphasized the importance of enjoying the process and finding joy in food, even if it meant indulging in pizzas during his training days. However, it's important to note that while pizza may be acceptable during intense training, a balanced and clean diet is recommended for overall health and wellness.

    • Jocko's Products and ServicesJocko offers a wide range of American-made quality products and services including nutritional supplements, apparel, books, training programs, and charitable initiatives. Check out Jockofield.com, OriginUSA.com, and Jockostore.com for more information.

      Jocko Willink and his team offer a wide range of high-quality products and services, from nutritional supplements and apparel to books, training programs, and charitable initiatives. Jocko emphasizes the importance of American-made quality, whether it's in their jeans, beef, or Jiu-Jitsu gear. He encourages people to check out Jockofield.com for their nutritional needs, OriginUSA.com for apparel and gear, and Jockostore.com for representation and the subscription-based shirt locker. Additionally, they have a leadership consultancy, an online training academy, and various charitable organizations to support. Overall, Jocko and his team aim to provide top-notch products and services that cater to various aspects of life, with a focus on American-made quality and giving back to the community.

    • Personal growth choicesWe have the power to make choices daily for improvement or decay; bring our whole selves to challenges, express gratitude to those who serve and protect us, and make positive changes in our lives and the world.

      We all have the power to make choices every day that can lead us towards improvement or decay. We heard this message from Dean Stott, a former British Special Forces soldier, who emphasized the importance of bringing our whole selves to every challenge we face. He also reminded us to express gratitude towards those who serve and protect us, including military personnel, first responders, and law enforcement. It's essential to remember that we all have the ability to make positive changes in our lives and the world around us. So, let's make the right choices and get after it each day. Thank you, Dean Stott, for your inspiring words and for your service. And a heartfelt thank you to all the brave men and women who serve and protect us, both at home and abroad.

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