
    440: Why WE Don't Learn From History.

    enMay 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Learning from HistoryDespite the value of historical records, humans and organizations often fail to learn from history due to inherent beliefs and resistance to change, leading to repeating past errors. To avoid this, question assumptions, consider diverse perspectives, and remain open to new ideas.

      History is a valuable record of past mistakes and lessons, yet humans and organizations often fail to learn from it. B.H. Liddell Hart, a British military strategist, wrote "Why Don't We Learn from History?" in 1944, emphasizing the importance of understanding historical context to avoid repeating past errors. He believed that humans have an inherent belief that they know best and can force others to agree, leading to destructive conflicts. Nations and institutions, too, can become stuck in their ways, resisting change and growth. Liddell Hart urged readers to question their assumptions, consider diverse perspectives, and remain open to new ideas to break free from the "ship of fools" and learn from history.

    • Learning from historyProfit from the mistakes and successes of our forerunners through historical analysis and learning from others, as indirect experience can be more valuable than direct experience due to its wider scope.

      Learning from history and the experiences of others is more valuable and wider than relying solely on our own experiences. As Giles Loren emphasized, history is a record of man's steps and slips, providing us with the opportunity to profit from the mistakes and successes of our forerunners. In war, reason and creative thought have had a greater influence than fortune on the outcome of significant conflicts. Additionally, indirect practical experience, gained from learning from others, can be more valuable than direct experience due to its wider scope. This concept can be applied to various fields, including military strategy, medicine, and even martial arts, where analysis and learning from others can lead to significant advancements. Ultimately, it's essential to strive for knowledge and understanding from multiple sources, rather than relying solely on our own experiences.

    • Learning and masteryEffective learning involves both active participation and detached observation for a holistic understanding and improvement of skills. Moral and physical factors are inseparable, and observing their impact can provide valuable insights.

      Effective learning and mastery in any skill, be it jiu-jitsu or leadership, requires both active participation and detached observation. The tactical experience gained from actively engaging in the skill is crucial, but it is equally important to step back and observe from an external perspective to gain a broader understanding and advance the technique. This holistic approach allows individuals to learn from their own experiences as well as those of their competitors or peers. Moreover, the moral and physical factors in any situation are inseparable, and observing the impact of accidental factors and unwritten circumstances can provide valuable insights that cannot be learned from textbooks or theories alone. This idea is echoed in Napoleon's famous dictum that the moral is to the physical as 3 to 1, emphasizing the predominance of moral factors in decision-making. Ultimately, the combination of tactical experience and strategic observation is essential for continuous growth and improvement in any field.

    • Military Strategy and ObedienceSubjective military strategies based on obedience can lead to risky decisions and misunderstandings. Openness to different perspectives and a spirit of doubt are necessary for informed decision making.

      The military's understanding of war and strategy has often been subjective and based on unquestioning obedience rather than objective analysis. This can lead to risky decisions and misunderstandings of the situation at hand. Soldiers are trained to have faith in their ability to succeed and their doctrine, which can make it difficult to question even potentially dangerous plans. The importance of optimism in the face of uncertainty is necessary, but the line between optimism and folly is thin. The fear of truth and unwillingness to admit uncomfortable realities have also hindered the discovery of accurate historical accounts. It's crucial for soldiers and leaders to approach situations with a spirit of doubt and be open to different perspectives to make informed and effective decisions.

    • Deception and ConsequencesDeceiving oneself and others, even with good intentions, can lead to disastrous consequences. Honesty and acknowledging the truth is crucial for making informed decisions and avoiding costly mistakes.

      Deceiving oneself and others, even with the best intentions, can have disastrous consequences. This was evident in the case of General Haig during World War 1, who continued to report false victories in the Battle of Passchendaele despite mounting evidence to the contrary. His tendency to deceive himself and encourage his subordinates to do the same led to the loss of 400,000 lives. In contrast, understanding and acknowledging the truth, no matter how difficult, is crucial for making informed decisions and avoiding costly mistakes. This idea extends beyond military strategy and applies to all areas of life. As the German general argued in 1935, concealing unfavorable facts and false confidence can lead to disastrous outcomes. It is essential to strive for clarity and honesty, both with ourselves and others, to promote progress and avoid unnecessary suffering.

    • Blind loyalties and self-serving ambitionBlind loyalties and self-serving ambition can hinder progress, efficiency, and truth in various domains, including the military and government. It's crucial to prioritize moral courage, truth, and decency over personal advancement to avoid detrimental consequences.

      Blind loyalties and self-serving ambition can hinder progress, efficiency, and truth in various domains, including the military and government. The author laments the disillusionment he experienced when observing higher-ranking officers prioritize their personal advancement over moral courage and the truth. He also highlights the detrimental effects of mutual inefficiencies and collusion, which can hide the truth and obstruct progress. The author emphasizes the importance of recognizing and acknowledging mistakes, rather than hiding them, and the need for unwavering loyalty to truth and decency over blind loyalties. The consequences of these issues can be far-reaching, impacting not only military history but also various aspects of society.

    • Effective communication, ownershipIn high-pressure situations, clear communication and taking ownership of actions and mistakes are crucial to prevent misunderstandings and find solutions.

      Effective communication and taking ownership are crucial in high-pressure situations, whether in combat or in business. Miscommunications can lead to misunderstandings and even dangerous situations. When debriefing, it's essential to be truthful and direct with each other to prevent similar mistakes from happening again. The principle of extreme ownership applies in all situations, and taking ownership of one's actions and mistakes is the key to finding solutions and moving forward. Being direct and avoiding personal attacks is essential to maintain focus on the mission at hand. The tone and words used are also important, as they can reveal the intent behind the communication. Taking ownership means truly accepting responsibility and acting accordingly, which will naturally lead to genuine communication.

    • Communication and collaborationEffective communication and collaboration between different levels of authority are crucial for avoiding misunderstandings and potential conflicts on the battlefield. Leaders should mark positions clearly, inform friendly forces about special units, and encourage open dialogue to find solutions and improve performance.

      Effective communication and collaboration between different levels of authority are crucial for avoiding misunderstandings and potential conflicts on the battlefield. The speaker emphasizes the importance of marking positions clearly and informing friendly forces about the presence of special units like SEALs. He also warns against the dangers of infallibility and the negative consequences of suppressing criticism from below. The historical example of Joffre's response to concerns about the Verdun defenses illustrates the destructive effects of denying and punishing feedback. Instead, leaders should encourage open dialogue and collaboration to find solutions and improve overall performance. The speaker also draws a parallel between this dynamic and the concept of McDojo life, where individuals are pressured to conform and suppress their doubts. Overall, the importance of transparency, collaboration, and openness to feedback are key themes in the speaker's message.

    • Impact of BeliefsBeliefs, whether in physical confrontations or in politics, can significantly impact outcomes. However, detachment from reality can lead to disastrous consequences.

      Belief and perception can have a significant impact on outcomes, even in physical confrontations. The idea of a "death touch" or the belief in one's invincibility can influence both the believer and the opponent. However, the danger lies when the belief becomes detached from reality, leading to disastrous consequences. In the context of history and politics, the text emphasizes the importance of freedom and critical thinking, warning against the dangers of despotism and the suppression of truth. The text also highlights the pattern of power consolidation through manipulation, division, and the use of grandiose displays to distract from internal issues. Ultimately, the text underscores the importance of remaining grounded in reality and resisting the allure of unchecked power and authority.

    • Authoritarianism vs. EnthusiasmAuthoritarianism stifles progress and innovation through fear and suppression of free thought, while enthusiasm and individual initiative lead to greater efficiency and success in fluid and specialized situations.

      Authoritarianism, despite its ability to produce quick results, ultimately stifles progress and innovation due to its fear and suppression of free thought. History shows that compulsion, whether in the form of Napoleon's invasions or Hitler's attacks on Russia, fails to achieve long-term success. Instead, enthusiasm and individual initiative, driven by a sense of personal responsibility and ownership, lead to greater efficiency and success in fluid and specialized situations. Therefore, any sincere writer, historian, or truth-seeker must oppose authoritarianism, as it subordinates truth to state expediency and ultimately leads to stagnation. Additionally, excessive security-mindedness and bureaucracy in democratic societies can hinder progress by making it difficult for parliament or congress to acquire the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions. The most effective approach is to inspire enthusiasm and individual initiative through decentralized command and ownership, leading to a dynamic and spontaneous impulse to do the right thing.

    • Team Attitude and ProductivityA positive attitude leads to more efficient and effective team outcomes, while negative attitudes hinder progress. Keeping promises and maintaining trust are essential in building strong relationships, and collaboration and reason are more effective than using power to force progress.

      The attitude and mindset of individuals in a team or organization significantly impact its overall productivity and progress. Negative attitudes, such as complaining and resisting, can lead to collective slacking and disproportionately negative results. On the other hand, a positive attitude, characterized by collaboration, open-mindedness, and a willingness to contribute, can lead to more efficient and effective outcomes. Moreover, the use of power to force progress can be less efficient and may even lead to negative reactions. Instead, influencing and leading through collaboration and reason is more effective in achieving long-lasting progress. Another important takeaway is the significance of keeping promises and maintaining trust in personal, political, and commercial relationships. Civilization is built on the practice of keeping promises, and any shakiness in trust can lead to the breakdown of the entire structure. Lastly, moderation and balance are crucial in preventing troubles and conflicts. Excesses, such as sweeping judgments, malicious gossip, and inaccurate statements, can give rise to moral and mental recklessness, ultimately leading to war and other forms of destruction.

    • Judgments and ConflictSweeping judgments based on ego and emotions can lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and even war. Understanding deeper personal currents and practicing empathy, moderation, and diplomacy can prevent negative consequences.

      Sweeping judgments, whether large or small, can lead to significant problems. These judgments, driven by ego and emotions, can cause misunderstandings, conflict, and even war. The speaker draws parallels between the consequences of such judgments in everyday life and on a larger scale, such as in politics and international relations. The origins of war, according to the speaker, lie not in economics, politics, or religion, but in human nature, specifically possessiveness, competitiveness, vanity, and pugnacity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the deeper personal currents that influence the outcome of conflicts and encourages finding common ground and providing opportunities for reconciliation. In essence, the speaker advocates for empathy, moderation, and diplomacy to prevent the negative consequences of judgment and conflict.

    • Democratic warsDemocratic systems' emotional nature and abundance of choices can lead to lack of restraint and inability to compromise, escalating conflicts and making it difficult to limit wars and achieve lasting peace

      Democracies, with their emotional nature and abundance of choices, can make it difficult to limit wars and achieve lasting peace. The passion and intensity that come with democratic systems can lead to a lack of restraint and an inability to compromise, exacerbated by modern technologies like social media and 24-hour news cycles. It is essential to understand the emotional drivers of human behavior and to strive for patience, perspective, and compromise in our interactions with others. Additionally, recognizing the inherent dilemma of the intellectual and the importance of expressing truth while also considering practical wisdom and receptivity can help foster progress and peace. Ultimately, the ability to navigate the complexities of human emotions and reason is crucial for individuals and societies seeking to build a more peaceful and harmonious world.

    • Indirect approaches to resistanceIndirect approaches to resistance involve finding common ground and presenting new ideas as a natural progression to minimize opposition, demonstrated in the transition from cavalry to tanks. Leaders and innovators know when to conform and when to challenge the status quo, and reason and manners have historically played a crucial role in limiting war and advancing civilization.

      Effective resistance to established positions can be achieved through indirect approaches, which involve finding common ground and presenting new ideas as a natural progression rather than a direct threat. This approach was demonstrated in the transition from cavalry to tanks, where opposition was diminished by framing tanks as the new horse. Additionally, leaders and innovators are not always obedient followers, but rather those who know when to conform and when to challenge the status quo. Force should not be the sole solution, as it often leads to instability and can create a surface-level compliance that ultimately cracks. Instead, reason and manners have historically played a crucial role in limiting war and advancing civilization.

    • Multiple perspectives, historical contextConsidering various perspectives and historical context is crucial when dealing with complex issues, as relying solely on those directly involved can lead to misunderstandings and instability. Acceptance of diverse ideas and coexistence are key to progress.

      When dealing with complex issues such as war or social discord, it's important to consider multiple perspectives and not rely solely on the opinions of those directly involved, like generals or those in positions of power. The development of irregular warfare and the resulting instability it brings to societies makes rebuilding and establishing a stable state a challenging task. Furthermore, the belief that unity and unification lead to real freedom and progress is not supported by history. Instead, acceptance of diverse ideas and learning to coexist with those we disagree with is crucial. Social media can exacerbate this issue by inciting emotional reactions and encouraging hostile behavior. It's essential to remember that the words and actions we use towards each other in person are vastly different from those used online, and it's crucial to approach online discourse with a calm and rational mindset.

    • Social Media and MoralityMost people on social media are focused on improving their lives and exhibit good behavior despite the presence of negativity and divisiveness online.

      While there are people who behave negatively and get enticed to express anger on social media, the majority of people are not constantly getting worked up and causing divisiveness online. The presence of a higher power or moral values is what drives people to act selflessly and exhibit good behavior, even in a world where selfishness and evil may seem to flourish. Social media can bring out the worst in some individuals, but most people are focused on improving their lives and are not getting embroiled in online arguments. The importance of manners and self-control, which arise from an inward realization of their value, is crucial for the salvation of civilization.

    • Good manners and behaviorGood manners and behavior are crucial for personal and societal progress. By controlling our actions and treating others with respect, we can acquire positive qualities and create a better world.

      Good manners and behavior are essential for individual and societal progress. By controlling what we say and do, even when we're frustrated or angry, we can acquire positive qualities and create a better world. Aristotle's observation that we become what we consistently act as is especially relevant here. Manners serve as a form of mutual restraint, preventing impulsive actions that could lead to harm. Additionally, treating others with consideration and respect, while striving for personal growth and the best in society, is a worthy ambition. The pursuit of truth requires detachment from desires, interests, and ego, and a commitment to honesty and consistency. In the face of life's challenges, we must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

    • Mindfulness, Personal GrowthBeing considerate and seeking truth are crucial for personal growth. Exercise naturally and avoid over-processing for energy. Recharge through mindful actions and sustainable systems.

      Being considerate of others and seeking the truth are crucial for personal growth and better human relationships. Exercise is a simple yet effective way to improve all aspects of life, but it's essential to avoid over-processing and focus on maintaining the natural benefits. Instead of relying on artificial means for energy and strength, try to generate it naturally and conserve resources. The conversation also touched upon the idea of finding ways to recharge our energy, such as setting up systems that allow us to put energy back into the battery, like a gym generating electricity from treadmills. In essence, the discussion emphasized the importance of being mindful of our actions and their impact on ourselves and others, and striving for a more natural and sustainable approach to life.

    • Caloric intake vs Basal Metabolic RateA single high-calorie food item can contain a significant amount of calories, but most calories burned come from basal metabolic rate, making muscle building and proper fueling essential for optimal health and performance

      While it may be tempting to indulge in high-calorie foods, the long-term impact on health can be significant. For instance, a single gluten-free chocolate muffin from Trader Joe's contains 480 calories. If you were given a free pass on caloric intake for a movie night, you could potentially consume 2,000 calories from these muffins. However, most of the calories we burn come from our basal metabolic rate – the energy our bodies use just to function at rest. This is why building muscle through exercise is essential, as it increases the number of calories burned at rest. Additionally, proper fueling through a balanced diet, including protein, energy drinks, and hydration, is crucial for optimal performance and overall health. Jocko Fuel offers a range of options to help support these goals.

    • Supporting American-made productsBuying American-made products from Originusa.com and Jockostore.com contributes to the environment, workers, and freedom, while supporting countries with questionable labor practices and disregard for the environment is avoided.

      Supporting American-made products is a way to care for the environment, workers, and uphold freedom, as opposed to potentially supporting countries with questionable labor practices and disregard for the environment. The speaker encourages buying from Originusa.com for American-made jujitsu gear and Jockostore.com for disciplined freedom merchandise. Additionally, there are opportunities for law enforcement training in jujitsu and events for civilians. Jocko's store also offers a subscription service for new shirt designs monthly, and there are recommendations for American companies like Primalbeef.com and Coloradacraftbeef.com for high-quality steak. Furthermore, subscribing to the podcast, Jockounderground.com, and visiting the YouTube channel are suggested ways to stay engaged with the community.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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